Raspberry Cream Cheese Coffee Cake

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Raspberry Cream Cheese Coffee Cake

Cook time: 45 mins

Total time: 45 mins
For the filling:

 8 oz. cream cheese-softened

 ¼ cup sugar
 1 egg white
 1 cup raspberries-washed and well drained

For the cake:

 1 ½ cups all-purpose flour

 ½ teaspoon baking powder
 ½ teaspoon baking soda
 ¼ teaspoon salt
 5.5 Tablespoons unsalted butter- softened
 ½ cup sugar
 1 egg
 1 egg yolk
 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
 ¾ cup sour cream

For the streusel topping:

 ⅓ cup sugar
 ½ cup flour
 3 tablespoons butter-chilled and cubed


1. Preheat oven to 350F. Grease 8 or 9 inch springform pan and line the bottom with parchment
paper. Set aside.
2. To make the filling: Mix together the cream cheese and sugar on medium-low speed until creamy.
Add eeg white end mix on low just to combine. Set aside.
3. To make the cake batter: In a bow stir together flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt, set
4. With an electric mixer cream together the butter and sugar on medium-low speed. Add egg and
egg yolk and vanilla. Slowly mix in the flour mixture alternating with the sour cream. Transfer the
batter into the prepared pan and smooth with a spatula. Spread the cream cheese filling on top.
Place raspberries onto cream cheese filling.
5. To make the topping: Combine sugar, flour and chilled cubed butter in a bowl. Stir with a fork or
pastry blender until the mixture is crumbly.( Make sure the streusel is in pea-sized crumbs)
6. Sprinkle the streusel on top of raspberries.
7. Bake for 40-45 minutes until a cake tester inserted in the center comes out clean. Cool on a rack,
run a thin knife around the cake and loose ring of springform pan.
8. Store in the fridge.
Poulet ''doritos'' de Lexibule par karine b.

Préparation: 15 minutes

Cuisson: 40 minutes


1 1/2 tasse (375ml) de croustilles

de tortilla écrasées''DORITOS''

2 c. à soupe (30ml) de mélange à

assaisonnement pour tacos

5 poitrines de poulet sans peau et


1 oeuf

1/2 tasse de lait


1)Préchauffer le four à 350°F. (180°C). Vaporiser une tôle à biscuits munie de rebords
d'aérosol de cuisson. (Ou papier parchemin).Battre l'oeuf et le lait et réserver.

2)Mettre les croustilles et l'assaisonnement pour tacos dans un grand bol peu
profond.Tremper le poulet dans le mélange d'oeuf puis recouvrir le poulet du mélange de
chapelure en le retournant pour que tous les côtés soient bien enrobés. Secouer l'excédent de
chapelure; disposer le poulet sur la tôle à biscuits.

3)Cuire environ 40 minutes ou jusqu'à ce que le poulet soit bien cuit.

Sauce rosée à l'italienne

CUISSON 15 minutes environ

QUANTITÉ 3 tasses


30 ml (2 c. à soupe) d'huile d'olive

1 oignon haché

15 ml (1 c. à soupe) d'ail haché

5 ml (1 c. à thé) de thym haché

15 ml (1 c. à soupe) de basilic haché

1 boîte de sauce tomate de 398 ml

4 tomates italiennes coupées en dés

125 ml (1/2 tasse) de vin blanc

125 ml (1/2 tasse) de crème à cuisson 15 %

125 ml (1/2 tasse) de fromage parmesan râpé

Sel et poivre au goût


Dans une casserole, chauffer l'huile et faire revenir l'oignon avec l'ail et les herbes.

Verser la sauce tomate, les dés de tomates et le vin blanc.

Amener à ébullition et laisser réduire à feu moyen de 10 à 12 minutes sans couvrir.

Passer la sauce au mélangeur électrique et la remettre à chauffer.

Incorporer la crème, le parmesan et l'assaisonnement.

Laisser mijoter doucement de 3 à 5 minutes sans faire bouillir.

Cake Pops- 4 ways

Birthday Pops

Funfetti cake

Vanilla frosting-Freeze balls

White melted chocolate


Red Velvet Pops

Red Velvet cake

Cream cheese frosting

White melted chocolate

Cake crumbles-save from cake

Oreo Cake Pops

Chocolate cake

Chocolate frosting


Dip in melted frosting

Sprinkle with oreo cookie crumbs

Cookie Dough Cake Pops

Yellow cake

Cream cheese frosting

Add chocolate chips

Dip in melted chocolate chips

Thunder Bay Persians

Cinnamon Doughnut Buns

For the Buns:

 1/4 C warm water (105 to 115-degrees F)
 1 TBS instant yeast
 1-1/2 C lukewarm whole milk
 1/2 C plus 1 TBS sugar
 1/2 tsp. salt
 2 tsp. cinnamon
 1 TBS vanilla
 2 eggs, lightly beaten
 5-1/3 TBS unsalted butter, melted & cooled
 5 C all-purpose flour
 2 QTS (8 C) vegetable oil (for frying)
 Non-stick cooking spray
Filling for Thunder Bay Persians:
 1/2 C dark brown sugar
 1-1/2 TBS cinnamon
 Parchment paper
Strawberry Frosting for Thunder Bay Persians:
 4 C powdered sugar
 1/2 C butter, softened to room temperature
 1/2 C strawberries (fresh or thawed frozen), chopped small or mashed
Buns: Place warm water in a large bowl. Sprinkle yeast over warm water;
add one tablespoon sugar. Stir to mix; cover with plastic wrap and allow to
rest for about five minutes, or until mixture appears foamy. Fit an electric
mixer with a dough hook. Once yeast is activated, add the milk, salt,
cinnamon, vanilla, eggs, butter, two cups of flour and remaining sugar. Mix
on low speed until ingredients are thoroughly combined, about two to three
minutes. Turn mixer to medium speed; beat in remaining flour half a cup at
a time, scraping sides of bowl until fully incorporated. Knead on medium
speed for about five minutes, or until dough is smooth and elastic. Note:
Dough will be sticky, so it will not completely pull away from the bowl during
kneading. Transfer dough to a greased bowl; cover with plastic wrap and
allow to rest in a warm place until dough doubles in size, about one hour.
Filling: In a small bowl, mix together the brown sugar and cinnamon. Set
aside. Prepare two large baking sheets with parchment paper; set aside.

Strawberry Frosting: In a large bowl, beat butter with an electric mixer.

Mix in powdered sugar gradually, and then add chopped or mashed
strawberries. Mix well until completely blended. If frosting does not appear
thick and fluffy, add more powdered sugar as necessary. Set aside.

Flour a large, flat workspace. Lightly sprinkle dough with flour; remove from
bowl. Roll dough into a 13x18-inch rectangle. Cover surface of the dough
with brown sugar mixture; roll-up dough on long side until achieving a
rectangle of about 18-inches in length. Dust a sharp knife with flour; cut
twenty-four rolls from rectangle. Place rolls a few inches apart on the
prepared pans or baking sheets. Cover with plastic wrap coated with non-
stick cooking spray; allow to rest in a warm place until rolls have doubled in
size, about one hour.

Fill a deep-fryer or Dutch oven with two inches of oil; heat oil over medium
heat until it reaches 350-degrees F. Using a metal spatula or strainer,
carefully drop cinnamon rolls in the oil. Cook two or three rolls at the same
time, but do not overcrowd. Use wooden chopsticks or metal tongs to turn
cinnamon rolls; fry until a deep golden brown on both sides, about one or
two minutes per side. Remove cinnamon rolls from the oil using metal
strainer or tongs; allow to drain on cookie sheets lined with paper towels.
Once rolls have cooled slightly, frost and serve.

Note: Persians are a cross-between a large cinnamon bun and a doughnut,

topped with strawberry icing. The buns are unique to Thunder Bay, Ontario
but are also well-known in the US state of Wisconsin. According to historical
lore, Persians were named after US General John "Blackjack" Pershing.
Sweet & Sour Meatballs
 1 LB ground beef
 1 LB minced pork
 1 C breadcrumbs
 1/2 C milk
 2 eggs, beaten
 Dash of salt
In a bowl, combine all ingredients; mix well. Roll into small balls, about the size of a fifty-cent piece.
Place uncooked meatballs in a glass casserole dish.

 1-1/2 C brown sugar
 3/4 C vinegar
 3/4 C water
 3/4 C ketchup
 1 tsp. dry mustard
 1 or 2 TBS cornstarch
In a bowl, mix all of the ingredients together (except for cornstarch); pour over meatballs. Cook,
covered, in a 350-degree F oven for about fifty minutes. When the meat is cooked through, remove
the meatballs from the casserole dish and thicken sauce with cornstarch. Place meatballs back into the
casserole dish and serve with thickened sauce.

French Onion Soup

Soupe a L'Oignon Gratinee
 1/2 cube butter
 2 cans (10.5 oz. each) beef broth
 1 tsp. soy sauce
 1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
 1-1/2 cans water (use broth cans)
 1 medium-sized white onion, peeled & cut into 1" slices
 2/3 of 1-pound pkg. of Mozzarella cheese
 Parmesan cheese
 4 slices French bread or 4 biscuit halves
Melt butter in a wok or cooking pot. Add sliced onions; cook and stir in butter for about ten minutes, or
until tender. Pour beef broth and water over onions; stir. Add soy and Worcestershire sauces; stir.
Bring mixture to a boil. Lower heat to simmer; cook another ten minutes, stirring frequently.

Butter French bread or biscuit halves and broil in oven until they are toasted. Pour soup contents into
four bowls (split four ways). Place a piece of French bread or biscuit in each bowl. Split the mozzarella
cheese into four equal piles and place into each bowl. Sprinkle Parmesan cheese into each bowl. Push
the cheese and bread into the soup mixture and let stand for a moment to melt the cheese. Serve at

Note: Leftover portions can be covered and refrigerated for another day. To reheat, keep covered and
warm in the microwave.
Pouding aux Bleuets
Blueberry Pudding
 2 C fresh blueberries
 4 TBS brown sugar
 1 C granulated sugar
 1-1/4 C flour
 2 tsp. baking powder
 Pinch of salt
 1/3 C butter, melted
 2 eggs
 1 tsp. vanilla
 Milk
Preheat oven to 350-degrees F. Arrange blueberries in the bottom of a 9-inch square baking dish;
sprinkle with the brown sugar. In a bowl, combine the granulated sugar, flour, baking powder and salt.
Combine melted butter, eggs and vanilla in a measuring cup to equal just over one cup. Beat lightly
and then pour into dry ingredients. Stir to combine, and then pour batter over blueberries. Place
baking dish in oven; bake for about forty minutes or until topping is cooked through and golden brown
in color. Allow to cool slightly before serving

Pets de Soeurs
 Leftover pastry/pie shell dough
 Butter
 Brown sugar
If you have any leftover strips of dough from making a pie shell, combine them together and form
another ball of dough. Roll out dough on a floured surface. Spread butter over the dough, and then
sprinkle on brown sugar. Roll the dough as you would an egg roll; slice the roll into 1/4" or 1/2"
pieces. Place on a greased cookie sheet (with space between); bake at 350-degrees F for ten minutes
on one side. Flip pieces over and bake for another ten minutes. Baking times may vary, so keep an eye
on the little rolls. They are done when all sides are a golden brown.

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