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CMA eMag


Issue 5 September 2010

The city of Chandigarh derives its name

from a temple Chandi Mandir

Corruption: Will The Buck Stop In India? Aghora; The Path of The Aghori
Conflicting Mooring of Generations Bio-mimicry: Designs of Nature
Reminiscences of Industrial Relations at DSP Leadership and Skills of Creative Thinking
A Trip to Haridwar - the repository of eternal peace Why a Small Business Struggles After a Great Start?
What Ails Tourism In Punjab? Events, July-August (2010)
CMA eMag

Office Bearers
Learn Excel
2010-11 President
Dr. Gulshan Sharma
Foundation of ITFT, Chandigarh

Vice President

Contents Dr. Niraj Pasricha

Regional Institute of Co-operative Mgt.

Foreword 1 Secretary General

J.N. Vohra
Corruption: Will The Buck Stop In India? DR. P K VASUDEVA 2-3 Textile Consultant

Conflicting Mooring of Generations Col (Retd) KK Sharma 4-5 Joint Secretary

A.K. Gandhi
Reminiscences of Industrial Relations at DSP Dinesh K Kapila 6-7 Consultant
Jaiparkash Associate, Ltd.
The repository of eternal peace J.N.Vohra 8-9
What Ails Tourism In Punjab? Prof. N.K. Sharma 10-11
CA Vivek Goyal
Aghora; The Path of The Aghori Balwant Gurunay 12-13
Past President
Bio-mimicry: Designs of Nature Dr Prabhdip Brar 14 Col. Karamjeet Singh (Retd.)
Leadership and Skills of Creative Thinking Col. B.M.Sabhlok (Retd.) 15-16 Continental Group of Institutes, Mohali

Why a Small Business Struggles? R RAJAN 17-18 Editor
Events-July-August (2010-11) 19-21 Mob. : 9814556072

C/o Bhartiya Vidya Bhawan
Plot No. 5, Sector 27-B, Madhya Marg
Chandigarh-160019, INDIA
Tel .: 0172-2656031, Fax : 0172-2639548
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CMA eMag

hrough untiring hard work done by my predecessors, Chandigarh Management
Association has grown matured. Now the association is well poised to bring in
some sort of innovations into its programmes to suit to membership at large as
well as to transform the expertise of experienced membership to benefit students of
business schools of the tricity.

In my humble way, with the collective wisdom of the executive members, I

endeavoured to engage the acumen and organisational ability of women as a class by
initiating a committee entirely of the women members, under the tutelage of the
association, named 'Women Wing”. From the very beginning of its formation, the
Dr. Gulshan Sharma committee has organised two very successful programmes, namely 'Honouring the War
Widows' and 'Teachers Day'-the reports of the same is contained in this journal.

This year we are emphasizing on 'Skills Development Programmes' for the benefit of
professional students. The program was launched by Visiting Professor Dr. Alistair Baker
from Motherwell College, Scotland. We have been able to conduct some of the skills
development programs and we shall carry these programs forward. I take the privilege
to request all the professional institutions of the tricity to organise these programmes
under the banner of CMA in their institutions.

I am sure you will find this issue of eMag interesting. As we go ahead, the magazine is
receiving many original write-ups on wide spectrum of topics illustrating the writing
skills of the authors. I request the membership to contribute extensively their views and
thoughts to this bi-monthly eMag which is now becoming a well branded magazine on
the net.

Wishing you a very happy season of festivals ahead. God bless you!

CMA eMag
Corruption :
Will The Buck Stop In India?
T he Planning Commission has
recently reported that corruption
“has permeated the entire social
fabric” in India leading to “large-scale
misutilisation of resources”. The
solutions it offers are absolutely
workable if there is a political will to act
firmly and severely punish the culprits:
A quick identification of those guilty;
swift decision; deterrent punishment;
taking away the scope for discretion in
decision-making; and bringing in more
DR. P K VASUDEVA transparency. The Commission has
Former Senior Professor (Trade) undoubtedly justified its existence for vehicle, issue of passport, ration cards,
ICFAI Business School, t h e m e r e re ason of being so NOC for starting an institution, licence
Chandigarh meaningful and insightful. Thanks to for starting a business/industry,
Montek Singh Ahluwalia Vice Chairman publishing of news in the media,
Planning Commission. admissions in professional colleges,
In 50s-60s scams and scum's were few employment for class IV job to the
and far between, and it was feasible to purchase of property/mansion are all
bring them to book. Finance Ministers, infested with corrupt practices and the
R. K. Shanmukham Chetty and T. T. unscrupulous elements keep amassing
Krishnamachari, left the Cabinet for colossal wealth in the Swiss Banks.
lapses which today may seem piffle. Supreme Court and High Court Judges,
During Janata rule, Morarji Desai and Vice-Chancellors, Central and State
Charan Singh came in for a lot of Ministers and Chief Ministers, MPs,
bashing for the former's son and the MLAs, bureaucracy, police, media
latter's wife and other relatives barons auctioning 'paid news', and now
dabbling in affairs of state for a office-bearers of the Organising
consideration which those days Committee of the Commonwealth
considered to be unethical and Games (CWG) the cancer has
punishable acts, however, by today's metastasised into every nook and
standards, their transgressions, if any, corner of the country. There is a regular
are a mere speck in the political flow of news, almost by the hour, of
spectrum. Even the Bofors payoff was some big shot or the other being either
peanuts compared to the dizzying caught in the act or covering up his and
heights scaled by persons in positions his cohorts' corrupt misdeeds.
of authority in recent years. The monumental sums being bandied
The Kaleidoscope of Corruption about in CWG are beyond belief. It is not
No public figure, no institution, no even the tip of the iceberg. In fact we
authority, no seat of power, no will never know the real amount of
politician, no bureaucrat any longer Indian taxpayers' money that has gone
commands the people's confidence for into private pockets. This is highly
unimpeachable rectitude. Every one of shameful.Will the buck ever stop?
them is assumed to be in on the take, to Corruption and Casts are supreme
have a price tag. The day is not far off, if The international community has
not already there, when a passer-by will started looking down upon the Indians
demand a few bucks for telling you the for their corrupt practices. Time is not
time or guiding you to some location far when the Indians will not be issued
not known to you. visas to travel to some of the
Right from the registration of your democracies lest their citizens get
CMA eMag
infected with corrupt practices. This situation is not the status of “Heritage” by UNESCO. It contains a
far and between unless the corruption is ruthlessly large number of hymns on the causes of corruption
crushed. and how to eliminate the same in any mosaic society.
The hundreds of crores of rupees have become In the other three Holy Vedas also a few
contemptible. When the fodder scam of Bihar mantras/hymns relate to Corruption. Will India stand
touched Rs. 900 crore, it looked like a huge amount. by its heritage?
The plunderers of public coffers and the swindlers Sadly, many Europeans believe India is irredeemable
may sue and incorrigible. Corruption has eroded the nation's
you for foundation as the termites do so much damage that
defamatio it is becoming mere wishful thinking to expect that it
n if you can be reduced to manageable levels. India
asso ciate continues to be perceived as among the most
them with corrupt nations, occupying a prominent position in
such paltry the contemporary intercontinental rogues' gallery.
a m o u n t s, The country continues to wear the badge of
when the dishonour and infamy.
M a d h u The impression is of a disorganised, muddled, messy,
Kodas and free-for-all country with a complete lack of
their ilk patriotism. Moral values of all kinds seem to have
h a v e rapidly and irrevocably declined. The second, of
notched course, is external control, which the Government
u p R s . can exercise to take care of law and order and make
4,000-6,000 crores as the minimum 'respectable' corruption a very dangerous exercise.
amount for qualifying as a star swindler, to be The fact that a lot of our citizens intentionally
conferred with a Satyavadi Ratna. disobey the laws of the land which if enforced, as
Our judicial system cannot guarantee justice, fairness they should be in a typical society, will give us a better
and equality. The police cannot protect simple, poor and more organised country is a reflection of the
citizens for honest practices. The lawmakers are insanity and breakdown of law and order. In its
lawbreakers. Casteism and nepotism thrive among totality not just motorists, highway and railway
the corrupt to protect each other, as with the idiom dacoits, armed robbers and militants, Naxalites /
“thick as thieves”. Corruption and Casts are supreme Maoists
and not the people below poverty line because of a n d
vote bank politics. extremists
Most kleptomaniac cream of the crop, bureaucrats but also
and politicians lack empathy and are psychopaths, corrupt
therefore they rarely feel compunction, regret, or fear officials in
the consequences of their misdeeds. This only makes Governme
them more culpable and perilous. They are a scourge nt, industry
to the nation. a n d
In the last five years alone, in the US, two Governors, specially
and six Members of the Senate and the House of t h e
Representatives have been sentenced to serve arrogance
between 6-12 years in jail for crimes which pale into in those
insignificance compared to what India's bestowed
counterparts are capable of. In the same period, w i t h
China executed five top officials, including a Mayor sudden affluence need to be taken to task.
and the head of a government agency after The time is surely ripe to encapsulate the
summary trial. transgression and misconduct of those who violate
Rig Veda diktat and Corruption the nations pride honesty, integrity and truthfulness
We are all fighting a common enemy in corruption. of public office. They continue to embarrass,
Our survival and that of our future generations dishonour, and humiliate the nation before the
depends on it. Europeans watched shocking international community. The buck must stop at all
incidents unfold in India recently, contrary to Rig levels especially from the top.
Veda diktats. Recently Rig Veda has been accorded

CMA eMag
Conflicting Mooring
of Generations
R ash driving, accidents, campus
violence, missing classes – one
wonders what has happened to
the present generation? One also
wonders, if it is the systemic aberration
mighty British Empire to rethink about
their dominance of the Indian psyche.
Pride in the new nation, integration of
the country in thoughts and beliefs
were the hall mark of this generation.
that we are missing out on the present This generation gave to us a well
generation’s aspirations by sticking to crafted leadership for our freedom and
the traditional methods of social has passed the baton to the next
behaviour, governance, education and generation.
grooming? To understand this The GI Generation or the greatest
apparent contrarian view, one needs to generation was born during the two
look at the evolution of the last 3 to 4 world wars. This generation faced the
Col KK Sharma (Retd) generations. Great Depression of interwar period
Indigrow Institute of Professional Studies Many write ups including Wikipedia and then plunged headlong into World
provide us some interesting facts War II. This period was also a witness to
about various generations, but are the ‘Silent generation’, of those people
mainly applicable to the US mainland. who could not participate in the War
These classifications elucidate due to their age. Being an early witness
individual behaviour pattern, both to the horrors of war and great
personal and social. There have been depression, they articulated it through
many attempts to list down these their historical writings, ever
attributes, again mainly in the West, expanding professions and modern art.
though as the world continue to Many decisions of post World War II
integrate; many definitions and terms were influenced to a greater extent by
are increasingly being adopted all over. this generation.
Some of the generations and their Indian scene was dominated by
associated social behaviours as given “Bharat Chhodo or Swatantrta
below provide us a clue to this ever Sainani” generation, born between
present generational conflict. 1910 and 1930, led by the Swadeshi
Swadeshi Generation Generation. The quit India movement
Early 20 century started with the so- shook the very roots of British Empire,
called World War I generation – at times who started preparing for the eventual
also called the lost generation. In India, closure of East India Company and
this was the Swadeshi Generation, British Vice regal legacy. People of this
motivated by the non-violent and generation have a strong loyalty to new
inspiring leadership of young India and are sometimes called the
Mahatma Gandhi. Many young Indians traditionalists. The generation was
joined the protests and pressurised the also a witness to the bloody partition
and communal frenzy, which affected
their social behaviour and secular
thoughts. Many developed and still
hold on to their Gandhian values and
face modern market economy and the
hip-hugging jean clad youngsters with
cynicism. Their interpretation of
freedom obviously runs contrary to the
definition provided by the modern
Baby Boomer Generation
The Baby Boomer Generation, born
during the World War II till late 1950s,

CMA eMag
w a s their following . The generation is defined by an
famous in increased use and familiarity with communications,
West and media, and digital technologies. Gen Y is also
infamous referred to as the MTV Generation, heavily
in India influenced by the advent of MTV, F-TV and V-
for the channel. Indian youth is still hung up on the Roadies
s a m e or splitville and similar reality shows. The rise of
accomplis different form of communication technologies, use
hment - of the internet, , , IM, YouTube and social networking
increase sites like Face book, MySpace, Orkut and Twitter
in birth have made this generation more of peer-oriented
rates. In than family people. This generation wants to excel
India, we and stand out in social and professional space.
h a d Surprisingly, Gen Y is also called a Boomerang or
parents or grand parents with 5 to 8 children, Peter Pan Generation due to their penchant for
though due to different reasons – no family delayed separation from the parents, while
planning, high infant mortality rate, average life disagreein
span of 32 years in 1947 (now it is 65 and rising) and g with
an agrarian society needing as many hands as them all
possible to till their lands. By their huge numbers, the time.
the boomers are a demographic bulge in the West. H a r r y
The generation has patriotism worn on its sleeve, Potter
are sensitive to gender equality as they have a n d
witnessed famous hippy culture, feminist Goosebu
movements and economic progress after the mps or
devastation of world war. Chacha
This generation has grown up on the staple diet of Chaudhar
freedom struggle stories, Ramayan & Mahabharat, y i s a
sacrifices of their parents, three decades of poverty, constant
government control, Hindu rate of growth and third reference
world socialist mindset. For them, west still remains point. The
a monopolistic capital economy out to subjugate generation is a sports freak and thus at some places,
traditions of the East. This inherent suspicion referred to as Trophy Kids. The economic bust of late
clashes with the modern generation, hungry to ape 2000 affected this generation the most, as they were
the West in everything except their values, ethics either entering or waiting to enter the start up jobs.
and hard work. Advent of 300 channel DTH, neo-liberal thoughts
The generation after the baby boomers is and increasingly polarised and charged campus life
Generation X and encompasses 20 years period have ranged these youths against the traditionalist
from 1960 to 1981. In the Western world, this as also Gen X.
generation had a privileged access to television The generation born in 90s and first decade of 21st
while in India and rest of the developing world; they century is generally called Generation Z. In west
generally missed out on this “Idiot Box’. A they are also known alternatively as the digital
progressive and well articulated generation has natives, internet generation, net generation or the
contributed its might to the IT surge and taking new silent generation. Most city dwellers of this
India to the present economic heights by their hard generation are well connected on net or
work. They have struggled under licence-permit communication devices. Digital natives like their
regime and tasted the success under post 90s siblings of Gen Y work at night and are late risers,
liberalization as first generation entrepreneurs. much to the consternation of the traditionalists and
Gen X has been an avid reader of printed books, baby boomers.
fiction, literature or newspapers. Many of its The generation is in a hurry to attain adulthood,
members are in industry leadership position today. fame and money, and has mostly skipped the laid
They straddle ably between the traditionalists and back childhood, thanks to the compressed period of
modern youth, are adapt to change and have a learning with the new age devices. Generations Y
good understanding of the technology. and Z provide India, much talked about
Generation Next demographic dividend and therefore India needs to
Gen Y from 1982-1991 is the Millennial provide better development facilities than it has
Generation or Generation Next, described for done so far.

CMA eMag
Reminiscences of Industrial Relations
at Durgapur Steel Plant
I was privileged to be selected in
Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL) as
a Management Trainee
(Administration) in the early 1980s and
was assigned to the Durgapur Steel
repair installations, plant garage,
refractory units, captive railway rolling
stock etc were all inside the factory
complex. To give an idea about the
complexity, the railway lines inside the
Plant (DSP) in West Bengal.The one year factory were 120 kms and when I
theoretical training imparted was moved from the Power plant to the
rigorous and covered the entire Steam Plant, it was a 12 kms drive
spectrum of management subjects within the maze of the factory.
including safety of the shop floor and Gossips as Information Tool
steel making. There were three major recognized
Later I worked in the Plant Personnel unions, CIRU, AITUC and INTUC, then
Dinesh K Kapila Department before moving over to seven more unions always making an
Assistant General Manager NABARD. When I read about the recent effort to muscle in with power in
in NABARD* labour strife at Chennai and Gurgaon, I pockets. Shop floor productivity
am reminded of my days at DSP. meetings could thus well be imagined
Modern day Human Resource (HR) has fo r t h e a r g u m e nt s m o r e t h a n
moved far away from Industrial consensus at times. My first assignment
Relations (IR) and seems focused upon as a trainee was to the Services Wing,
the services sector mainly now, which is tasked to sit in the Quality Control
mainly non unionised. Such incidents Department. After some time a union
serve to remind us that there is another leader came to call on me, welcomed
world out there. me to the plant and assured all
Durgapur Steel Plant cooperation.
After all these years what I remember Being young, I also talked a lot and for
most are the industrial relations the next few days we gossiped over
aspects of my work and training, more many issues. Lo and behold, we had a
so, as this then was the most sensitive small issue of absenteeism, where I had
unit of SAIL in terms of industrial to write for harsh action against a
relations. A workforce of over 40000 worker and the same guy was shouting
(including contract labour) spread over away, addressing his colleagues and
telling them all that we discussed in a
negative way.
Later on my boss had to call me and
counsel me that we had to gossip to
obtain information and build contacts
but had to guard about what we said!!
Ah gossip, you could be walking from
one unit to another, a workman would
quietly come alongside and whisper
that a particular group was planning
trouble or a work stoppage and then
slip away. You had to debate if to trust it
or ferret out more information, pass it
up or confront the group directly.
Strikes and Bands
a sprawling complex of 100 kms
The summer months were hellish, built
enclosed perimeter, running such a
on hard rock strata, the temperature
plant was a major task. Coke oven
inside the complex was always 2 to3
batteries, blast furnaces, steel melting
degrees higher than the residential
shops, rolling mills, power plants, steam
area. Some disputes were simply
plants, oxygen plants, a foundry, major
tailored to obtain rest from the heat it
CMA eMag
seemed. The festival season from August to those inside, ostensibly to work would often raise
November was the best as generally peace slogans and demand their pound of flesh before
prevailed. When drowned in running around fire starting work. At 0500 hours or so at times, it could
fighting at times, the only consolation was the be quite a scene to be alert. Once a colleague and I
calendar which indicated that a festival was overslept and we got a tongue lashing which I still
approaching! recall.
Bandhs were another time of stress, if the CITU had Police rescue was another experience, once the
decided to call a bandh, the INTUC had to oppose. At Permanent Way Workers decided to ask for
that time a bandh could even be against imperial overtime for some additional work which was
powers, Delhi's refused. Then they gheraoed us and for 14 hours or
anti worker so it was a most stressful time, slogans, demands to
policies, etc in sign the register, no toilet breaks, no water, fans
addition to switched off etc, it was just one guy from the
actual local department and me inside while the seniors
issues. Once a negotiated outside to no avail. Finally at night, the
bandh was Sub Inspector of the local thana was called upon for
called, on the rescue. He came in and asked formally if we were
day we had to under gherao, while the workmen shouted no and
stay the night obscenities, I had to specifically state yes. Then he
within the asked it I wanted to be rescued, again I had to say
f a c t o r y , yes, and then he warned the agitating workers and
sneaking in by led me out. It was pushing and shoving and shirt
latest seven yanking and some pinching while one guy even
p m a n d pulled lightly my French beard I then sported. I just
repor ting at walked on and out of the departmental complex,
the assigned where my boss gave me a glass of water and I ran to
station. Now the bathroom for relief!
the CITU would I wonder if agitations are a correct route to restore a
be stopping balance! At Durgapur Steel Plant, a government
workmen from company, with clear rules and regulations was
entering while essentially hostage then to ideology as per my
the INTUC viewpoint. These are aspects we must consider
aligned workmen would come in the buses or before we become too cost oriented. SAIL is of
otherwise and insist on entering. Minor clashes and course a star performer now and so is the DSP,
loud sloganeering was common while the senior though some IR issues will always be there.
INTUC leaders would often stay up to 48 hours *(These are absolutely personal views and do not
within the complex rather than risk stepping out. reflect the views of the employer in any way).
Early morning of the bandh was another scene as

CMA eMag
A Trip to Haridwar
The repository of eternal peace

T his was a traditional trip to

immerse the skeletal remains
and ash residue (cremains) of my
elder brother-in-law (Jijaji) in
sacred Ganga, after the local
(length about 1500 miles) descends to
the plains for the first time, after flowing
for 253 kilometres from its source-
Gangotri Glacier, was referred to as
Gangadwára in ancient times.
cremation and other rites were done As we know, the importance of
with. I opted to go to Haridwar, along Haridwar lies in Hindus mythology that
with the sons of the deceased and while Samudra manthan (The churning
other relatives. of the ocean of milk) drops of Amrit, the
The Cremation Rituals elixir of immortality, accidentally
Hindus Cremate the human body by spilled over from the pitcher while
consigning it to the scared fire. The being carried by the celestial bird
J.N.Vohra cremains are sacrosanct object of Garuda. The very thought that we were
B.Tech, M.Tech, F.I.E., C.Eng (I), religious rites, immersing the same at at such a place was a celestial
M.I.M.A. Haridwar (most Sikhs go to Kiratpur for experience.
this purpose) help the soul of the dead After immersing the sacred ashes at
to attain eternal peace and is a 'Sati Ghat"in Kankhal about 3-4km
prevailing Hindu religious tradition and south of the Haridwar, we came to Har-
belief. ki-Pauri (many immerse the ashes here
I take it that in India, custom of also), the main bathing Ghat.
cremation is as old as 'Hindu Way of Life' It is a long standing tradition amongst
and over a period of time perpectuated Hindus to record their names and
into a fundamental and abiding reasons for visiting Haridwar with their
tradition. family priest (panda) that maintains the
But after reading (Encyclopedia of record of Gotra (lineage assigned to a
Death and Dying), I came to know that Hindu at birth or vansh) of family visitors,
cremation rituals were also performed the purpose of their visit and the name
in ancient times in Europe. With the of the dead, if that was the reason for
increasing predominance of visiting Haridwar. On reaching at Har-
Christianity in Europe after the fifth Ki-Pauri we enquired for the dedicated
century C.E., cremation was gradually priest of the family Gotra of the
abandoned in favor of earth burial as a deceased from a way side stranger.
symbol of the 'burial and resurrection' Amongst millions who had gathered at
of Christ. Har-Ki-Pauri, he directed us to a Ghat of
Rituals at Haridwar our family priest with certainty.
Haridwar, the place where the Ganges The designated pedigree priest asked

CMA eMag
us a few questions Why the ashes are immersed at Kankhal? The Priest,
starting with the after assimilating his years old wisdom told me that
purpose of our visit, the a Gurudwara-situated near Sati Ghat, was built to
Gotra of the dead, the commemorate the visits of third Sikh Guru, Guru
village of the ancestors Amar Das, and people, particularly Punjabies chose
etc. Even though not this place to immerse ashes. But what I sensed was
fully satisfied with that with the Sagacity of visiting Gurus, Kankhal, a
jumbled up and small town 4Km south of Har-ki-Pauri, was chosen
uncertain answers, perhaps as an ideal place for immersing the
particularly regarding cremains, as the Ganges leaves the Haridwar
Gotra and the ancestral periphery at this place. That cremains would come
village, now located at other side of the partitioned in the way of various down stream bathing Ghats
India, yet the priest, sitting in his 7' x 7' dimly lit room, where millions take a dip, if Immersed at Har-Ki-
whiffing times gone by, went into his job with Pauri.
dexterity looking through the pages of 'long paged According to a report,
registers' (Vahis), preserved in strong iron closet for the river Ganges has
more than 2 centuries -considered to be the been identified as one of
repository of family trees, particularly of North the most polluted rivers
Indians. Lo and behold, with computer like speed in the world, since apart
and accuracy, he started reeling out the family from sewage disposal,
names who visited Hardiwar and the purpose of half-burnt human
their visit, starting with the name of the deceased. bodies are also
Tree of family descendants of five generations immersed in Ganges. All
started unfolding that gleamed up the faces of all of said and done, faith is
us with awe. stronger than any
Research for knowldge scientific reasoning.
After all the rites of our visit were over, I sat down to The next question on family records (genealogy
ask certain questions from the priest, as a research book) puffed up the preist and he said that for more
for knowldge, which went on flurring my mind as we than four hundred years they have recorded in hand
went through various rituals at Haridwar. written registers that passed down to them over
Why people take bath generations by their Pandit ancestors. The
at Har-ki-Pauri? importance of these records is that you can trace
Upfront was the reply your lineage and prepare a family tree past many
f r o m t h e centuries. The records are also accepted as legal
knowledgeable priest document in cases of inheritance fights, disclosed
that the 'drops of the Preist.
Amrit' were spilled at Lately, I learnt that starting around 1977, Hindu
that place. The genealogy records were microfilmed, and later kept
scientific explaination, at the Genealogical Society of Utah (GSU), USA since
which I understood, 1981
that at Har-ki-Pauri the Haridwar is incredible! Walking through the banks
water of the Ganges is of Ganges at Har-Ki-Puari, realisation overpowered
in its purest form after me that our great grandparents, coming from
having been whirled remote places, now in West Pakistan, must have
and sieved through walked through the same steps, as a tourist or
stones and pebbles carrying the remains of the dead of near and dear
d u r i n g i t s ones. But the perennial flow of Ganges reminds us
downstream journey from the hilly terrain, was not that life goes on.
endearing to the priest.

CMA eMag
What Ails Tourism
in Punjab?
P unjab rightly called the smiling
soul of India-is replete with
places of historical, pilgrimage,
heritage and cultural
importance spanning millennia.
while interacting with Chandigarh
Management Association Members
opined that lack of safety and security
for the visitors, especially for the Non-
resident Punjabis, when they come
To catalogue its charms, one has to home, was one of the reasons for them
traverse from forts to factories, ancient to keep away from their motherland.
history to the age of informatics and There is also dearth of promotional and
from heritage sites to places of cultural publicity material. Whereas states like
significances. Himachal Pradesh. Uttaranchal, J&K,
Despite these attractions, Punjab has Rajasthan, Kerala and even Chandigarh
not been able to make much headway has brought out excellent literature,
Prof. N.K. Sharma in the field of tourism. It attracted a including CDs and have been
ITFT College Chandigarh meager figure 4 .57 lakhs domestic and p a r t i c i p a t i n g i n t h e s e m i n a r s,
about 3,000 visitor's form abroad in conclaves, marts, trade fairs etc
2009, while Haryana attracted more whereas Punjab has remained absent
than 64 lakhs domestic and 1.37 in such promotional activities. Its
international visitors same year. Even tourist information offices are also not
Himachal Pradesh was visited by more well equipped to provide information
than 110 lakhs domestic and 4.01 lakhs to the visitors.
international tourists in the same time Punjab's rich cultural heritage could be
period. harnessed for promoting tourism in the
Reasons for the dismal growth in a better way. Development of
The reasons for the dismal growth of tourism could be one way of preserving
tourism in the state could be attributed this heritage and in a way enriching it as
to a number of factors such as lack of
industry status, lack of effective
implementation of the policies,
inadequate tourism infrastructure, and
poor marketing of available potential
and opportunities. Perhaps, another
reason has been that tourism was never
viewed as an economic activity capable
of generation a large number of
income and employment
opportunities both for skilled and
unsk illed manpower, including well. Although millions of pilgrims and
eradication of poverty and earning devotees visit Punjab including a large
foreign exchange. number of non-resident Indian, but to
As there is scarcity of resources and the make pilgrimage an integral part of
government is unable to provide their tour spectrum, some steps such as
adequate funds for tourism project. It organizing specially designed
has to create a proper environment for packages need to be worked out.
private sector to come in a big way to Since the state is dotted with a large
invest in the tourism sector. A number of shrines, majority of which
systematic awareness campaign has are associated with the Sikh gurus. it is
also to be carried out on encouraging important that to begin with only 2-3
the local community to invest in circuits be selected for overall
tourism projects and tourism related development of the pilgrimage sites.
An exclusive circuit covering places
Eminent tourism legend, S K Chopra,

CMA eMag
associated with Guru Gobind Singh need also to All what the state
be developed. Fairs and festivals constitute an could offer from its
integral part of the rich cultural mosaic of the State. ancient history to the
How some states in the country have been able to present times
encash from these into mega events to attract both including its customs
domestic and international visitors is fairly well and traditions, fairs
known. and festivals, distinct
Well-known fairs and festivals could be taken up for lifestyles, history and
promoting tourism. Besides bringing out a directory archaeology, art and
of important festivals, travel agents, tour operators, other attrac tions
travel writhers, photographers, if organized, would could be presented
also go a long way in promoting Punjab as tourist in a capsule form as a
destination. heritage village. Such
Rural Tourism villages have already
Rural (Farm) tourism is increasingly becoming become great
popular in the USA. Canada and in other countries attractions for the
as its promotions brings considerable economic domestic and international visitors including the
and social benefits to the host population. Punjab local residents in Rajasthan and in some other
on account of its unique rural lifestyles and with big states.
farm houses has all the ingredients to develop rural Though there may be more such places for setting
tourism, which would go up heritage village but a suitable place could be
a long way in generating near Shambu (Patiala). 100 yards off Rajpura-
direct and indirect Ambala road setting up such a villages would add a
e m p l o y m e n t new dimension to tourism in Punjab but would
opportunities, besides generate a large number of direct and indirect
helping in checking the employment opportunites with entrepreneurship
rural migration in search as well.
of jobs to cities. How Kerala has transformed its economy using
Himachal is popularizing Ayurveda as one of its USP (Unique Selling
its Home Stay scheme; Proposition) is well known. Majority of the more
especially in the Tribal than five lakhs International visitors are attracted to
district of Kinnaur, where Kerala to avail the ayurveda based health therapies.
more than 200 homes are offering an insight into Other states like Rajasthan also vigorously
the socioeconomic life of the people. promoting ayurveda based tourism. Punjab has not
Rural sports is another area where every mela can paid any worth while attention so far to these
be converted to an event for tourism promotion important ingredients for revenue generation. Its
and the most famous of them is being at Kila Raipur, areas such as Shahpur Kanor Dhar and Ropar have
a quiet village, 20 km from Ludhiana where the local all the paternal developing health and herbal
population as also a large number of people from tourism projects.
outside come to watch the village youth and others Punjab is also known for its handicrafts, hand
displaying their sporting skills. The event is also woven and embroidered woolen shawls, phulkans,
known as the Rural Olympics as a number of lacquer, furniture, textiles, carpets, shoes and many
participants from foreign countries including other such items.
Canada, USA and the UK participate in this event A mechanism should be developed to rap the vast
held in February. December to March is the season resource of ex-servicemen in the state. They can
for the inbound tourist traffic and the rural sports of form continues and such organization for being up
Kila Raipur could be promoted as one of the ventures including travel and tourism project and
attractions for them besides the domestic tourists. other service industry oriented projects.
Modernity and tradition co-exist in Punjab.

CMA eMag
The Path of The Aghori
H istorically the Aghoris are a
monist splinter group of
Kapalika order dating back to
1000 AD. Many Hindu sects and schools
of thought despise them because of
meaning changed and its associated
or connotative meaning took over,
thereby permanently deleting the true
meaning or essence of the word.
Similarly Aghora, or 'Aghori' lost its
their cannibalism. The rural folk hold denotative meaning, 'that of a yogi
them in high esteem because they following an unregimented lifestyle'
believe that Aghoris have secret powers and its connotative meaning, 'a dirty
to heal and relieve illness and pain. For unprincipled cannibal sadhu
an Aghori the Tamasic and the Sattvic asoociated with whitchcraft and black
gunnas are one, and inseparable. Dead tantra' became more common. Aghora
bodies are often eaten and also used as is a simplified yogic path, in following
Balwant Gurunay seats for meditation. which the aim of a seeker is to
Corporate Motivator, The sanctum sanctorum of all Aghoris is transcend the ritualistic and
Akhada Kina Ram in Varanasi, and in superstitious methods of pursuit of
Business Strategy Consultant
the Ravindrapuri area of the same city divine. An Aghori starts his prayers by
they have their research and analysis rubbing the ashes of a pyre and goes
wing, also called the shodhshala. Most further in his resolve to conquer the
simply put, Ghora, means darkness as natural fear of death by consuming the
well as intense. An Aghori is one who dead human flesh at least once, as a
treads the way of light or takes the easy continual reminder of the fact that
way. So we must understand that it is everyone has to die one day.
one of the most misunderstood terms. In yoga the eight Snares of life are Lust,
Why did it happen and how? Anger, Greed, Delusion, Envy, Shame,
The Explicit meaning of Aghora Disgust and Fear which attach all
To understand this we need to human beings to the illusory world or
understand another word used in India the MAYA. An Aghori transcends all this
to refer to night soil. In fact what it by seeing the illusionary and
meant was a “parda” or a curtained momentary nature of life. The young
place. In the 18th and the 19th centuries and beautiful grow old, the living die, all
the word was used by the sophisticated flowers, all joys of life and all kinds of life
Indians when they referred to a facility, a wither away, so why consider one purer
washroom or a powder room. Over a than another.
period of time the word lost its real So an aghori's yoga is to transcend all
that is considered ugly, bad or a taboo.
'Shamashan Tara' or the goddess of the
cremation ground is the deity of this
Yogi along with 'Shiva', the god of
death. He has to reach such an
awakened stage of enlightenment that
when he sits in the cremation ground
meditating on death and transitory
nature of life, he visualises himself
being consumed by the fire of the pyre.
Fake Aghori
But over a period of time as I said before,
the meaning of Aghora has changed. As
in India Sadhus are not registered, they
don't figure in any official record
meaning but got perceptually anywhere and can easily lose
associated with night soil. It is evident themselves in the oblivion. Being a
that the word's denotative and real sadhu or posing as one has become a
CMA eMag
very regular feature, with criminals, thugs clean and complete human Skelton
and thieves. Posing as an Aghora is all the fetches around US $ 4000 and Aghoris are
more popular, as the general public fears one of the most reliable clan to get such
them thinking that they are masters of stuff.
black magic and other tantric stuff, which The best thing to do is to avoid them
they can use against them if they oppose because in any case a true aghori is
them or displease them. Many a times solitary by nature, and any one marketing
cannibals become or pose as Aghoras and himself as an aghori is either fake- a
many a times Aghoris become wastrel or a hanky-panky character who
compulsive cannibals, as it is free meat wants to hide his real self.
available and is one of the tastiest as well,
as they say.Then there is the illegal Skelton
trade on the banks of the Ganges, where a

CMA eMag
Designs of Nature
B io-mimicry, as an innovating
process, generally comes from
one of two directions.
Sometimes, the innovator sees a
process in nature and connects it to an
waxy "nano-rough" surface structure of
the leaf creates a vast number of
hydrophobic (water repelling) contact
points with water droplets on the leaf.
Overall, the surface area of the leaf is
existing technology or problem. Other enormous, but the billions of tiny
times, the innovator studies an existing contact points don't allow the contact
design problem and turns to nature for angle between the surface and water
help.This is where bio mimicry serves as droplets to reach the critical angle
a bridge between biology and where their surface tension would
engineering that seeks sustainable break. As a result, the water remains in
solutions by emulating nature's time- "beads" and simply rolls off the leaf,
tested patterns and strategies, e.g., a (collecting any dust or dirt debris which
Dr Prabhdip Brar solar cell inspired by a leaf.The goal is to similarly doesn't penetrate the leaf
Assistant Professor, Fashion & create products, processes, and surface along the way).
Lifestyle Department policies---new ways of living---that are "Self-cleaning" in this context
Panjab University, Chandigarh well-adapted to life on earth over the describes how dirt particles don't stick
long haul. to these nano-surfaces either. In fabrics,
Bio mimicry from bios, meaning life,
and mimesis, meaning to imitate is an
ancient concept recently returning to
scientific thought that examines
nature, its models, systems, processes,
and elements and emulates or takes
inspiration from them to solve human
problems sustain ably. Scientific and
engineering literature often uses the
term Bio mimetic for the process of
understanding and applying biological
principles to human designs. This
includes biomaterials, biomechanics, these surfaces aren't entirely self-
biological systems composed of cleaning, but a small amount of water
individuals of one species (e.g., schools, will attract the dirt particles as it rolls
herds and swarms), or multi species around the surface of the fabric,
ensembles. meaning the need for laundr y
Nano surfaces detergents and frequent cleaning is
In some case for example, a nano- greatly reduced and water
scaled surface structure produces consumption for cleaning can be just a
remark able effec ts, where the fraction of what is currently used.
morphology and mechanics (the shape The effect is like water rolling off a
and structure) of the surface itself is just duck's back (another nano-surface),
as, or more important than the but the mechanism behind it is similar
chemistry of the particles involved. to the concept of a fakir lying on a bed
For example, Butterfly wings have a of nails. There are many commercials
nano structured surface which allows and easily accessible routes to creating
light to reflect at different angles and these "ultra-hydrophobic" (water
therefore gives different optical effects. repellent) surface effects on fabrics.
From one angle, the wing looks blue, The properties of leaves discussed
from another brown etc. Very useful above indicates a direction of working
properties for camouflaging and the on the nano textiles for bathroom
inspiration for some optical nano- accessories like laundry, curtains and
effects being developed for defense dividers, where water repellence and
markets. other attributes can help and provides
On the lotus leaf (widely quoted as an a new dimension for their use.
example in nano-science circles) the
CMA eMag
Leadership and Skills of
Creative Thinking
L eadership's role entails
predominately to wage war on
old ways of doing things and
reinventing the organization
from top to bottom, i.e. to
towards which he or she is heading.
Skills of creative thinking
Many executives like to learn the skills
of creative thinking so that they can be
more innovative on the job and teach
eliminate outdated ways of looking at their staff how to use the skills to enrich
the world. Leaders involve everyone their jobs.
and welcome great ideas from • Make the job, they have to do,
everywhere. New ideas are the easier
lifeblood of an organization. They are • Find things to do, which are more
the fuel that make organization engine exciting and motivating.
run, so they urge all employees to voice The interesting aspect of this is the
Col. B.M.Sabhlok (Retd.) their ideas, feeling that no one person 'motivating' use of creativity. The
Corporate Trainer (including boss) has a monopoly on suggestion is that creative skills may re-
good ideas. They create a vision and new interest in a job because there
then get people so passionate about would now be some hope of improving
what they were doing. And that they it or doing things differently. Whether or
couldn't wait to execute the plan. not this hope gets realized it would still
Leader can effectively contribute have value as a hope. In my experience,
towards the above enunciated role this important aspect of creative
t h r o u g h c r e a t i v i t y. N e x t f e w thinking is usually overlooked.
paragraphs will elucidate how and Managers look for solutions to
what you can expect creating to do for problems and are less concerned with
you but before that what is needed is a the motivating effects of this sort of
strong sense of purpose. thinking. This is surprising because one
Dialogue with the successful of the main benefits of Quality Circles is
entrepreneurs and other successful that it gets the workers interested in
people showed that they all posses what they are doing quite apart from
strong sense of purpose. The successful the actual changes that may come
people knew at each moment what about through the work of the Circles.
they were trying to do. To a large extent To help them look beyond what they
they were single-minded. It is very “have always done” not necessarily to
clearly defined aim like the improve productivity etc. as we are
mountaineer who sees the peak continually are required to do, but to

CMA eMag
identify other options that would work just as well. any type of thinking activity that has a desired end
Broaden these options: point. This covers all purposeful thinking. Yet the
Other ways to do things“Better” word 'problem' then ends up being used in the
• Develop a better way to do things, which have narrow sense of a deviation from the norm, an ache
been done the same way for years. or pain, a difficulty to be removed. One of the big
• New ways of implementing to increase difficulties with management thinking is that it is so
productivity. problem-oriented. This type of thinking makes it
• Different ideas to motivate people. very difficult to think
This opens their mind to other ways of doing things i n te r m s o f
that have “always been done that way”. Give them a 'Opportunities'.
method of convincing others to accept change for Indeed, area which
the better instead of dragging their feet. are not seen as
Here they see the emphasis on a 'better' way of problems tend to
doing things that have been done that way for get no thinking at all.
years.' There is the underlying notion that, if things The result may be a
have been done that way for years, there must be a steady drift away
better way of doing things now. This may seem from what is
obvious but it is by no means universal. There is too potentially possible.
often the contrary view that it must be the best way So it is important to
that has evolved over the years hence any attempt emphasize that the
to tamper with this could be dangerous. purpose of creative
Usually manger says, “I would like creative thinking thinking is not just
to enable me to evaluate problems and determine 'problem-solving'. We
the best possible solutions: to put things together in need firmly to
the most optimum ways.” Expand your global establish some other
perspective to enable a complete viewing of the types of thinking in
problem set. This will allow for a more precise people's minds, for example 'opportunity thinking' or
(accurate) solution set to be developed: 'design thinking'.
• Free their mind from all past experience. Creative thinking is an aid to leadership skills. It does
• See problems as they are and not as they not seem that the emphasis is on the leader being
compare to prior similar problems more creative than anyone else but that the leader
• From there adapt solutions that address real develops creative ways of dealing with people. There
problems and not the symptoms. is also the use of creativity to motivate people. It
Mostly it is the traditional emphasis on problem may be enough that the leader shows an interest in
solving. There is a difficulty with the word 'problem'. creativity and encourages it. There may not be a
Far too often the word 'problem' is used to denote need for the leader to be especially good at it.

CMA eMag
Why a Small Business Struggles
After a Great Start?
S tarting a small busy is no easy
task. Yet, many spirited and
passionate individuals take the
courage- and confidence-filled
the larger goal in mind, impatience and
intolerance and getting emotionally
drained by the whole process of
setting up and starting a business.
first step to set up and start their 2. Management Skills and
own small business with a bang. Their Strategies. Successful businesspeople
enthusiasm, energy and desire to are those who are not just technically
succeed are strong and so the initial qualified but also have the desired
phase is filled with plenty of activity management skills. Management is a
and positivity. fine art,
However, running a business is no something
mean task either and this is evident in that not all
R. RAJAN the number of small businesses that fail entrepren
Strategist & facilitator, to sustain themselves after a strong eurs have.
Hackberry Advisory (India) and successful start. W h e n
There are a number of factors faced with
determine the future of small business the task of
despite an initial success. Let's learn h i r i n g
more about them and the tools that a manpower
business needs to succeed in the long , payroll
run. and HR
1. P e r s o n a l i t y Tr a i t s a n d issues,
Factors. The first and foremost factor allocating financial resources and the
that can cause a business to struggle other nitty-gritty of business
after a great start is the personality of management, they may either get
t h e e n t r e p r e n e u r. W h i l e t h e overwhelmed or may make rash and ill-
entrepreneur is all fired up and filled planned decisions that would
with motivation to begin with, over a eventually backfire.
peri This critical stage may come once a
o d small business has reached a certain
o f level in annual sales or manpower and
time needs to move to the next level or it
, he m ay c o m e e a r l i e r d u e t o t h e
o r personality of the entrepreneur. In
she either case, it will require the
may entrepreneur to change from being
begi just a manager to a people manager
n to and strategist. When this does not
com happen, a business tends to struggle
pete and maybe, even fail due to poor
with management.
bigg 3. Business Plan and Strategy.
e r Next, a small business without a plan
names rather than learn from them, and strategy is like a ship without a
make decisions that are based on pride captain. Starting a business with
and ego rather than planning and passion and fire is fine but what is
strategy and develop a rigidity of needed to sustain it and make it
thought that results in lack of growth succeed is a well-thought out and
and progress. organized Business Plan and Strategy.
Other factors may be a waning of A Business Plan helps an entrepreneur
enthusiasm, focusing on the negative to define and describe the
or smaller picture rather than keeping
CMA eMag
such that it supports the people in the business and
encourages them to deliver their best. Elements of
an organizational structure include a reward
system, a discipline format, clearly defined
positions, roles and responsibilities as well as
trainings, job enrichment and incentive programs
to enable everyone to perform at peak levels.
Key components of the organizational structure
include an Organizational Chart describing
important functions and organizational hierarchy,
well-defined job descriptions, task and duty lists, a
planned and objective evaluation system,
information guidelines and a reward or incentive
organizational concepts, goals and philosophy as system.
well as establish timelines and strategies to achieve A small business should also have a well-designed
both small and big business goals. In other words, and if possible, automated organizational support
this important document may well be regarded as system.This support system will consist of tools that
the business blueprint or map that provides take care of accounting, cash management,
direction, guidance and motivation to achieve and budgeting and a variety of other reports that can
succeed. impact the cash reserves and productivity of the
The Business Plan is generally mapped out for a business.
minimum of three years and describes the 5. Learning from the Experts. Finally, one of
business's commitment to customers, the strengths the most important reasons a small business may
that it possesses to deliver results, the weaknesses fail to succeed is lack of advice and guidance.
that need to be overcome and any other position Seasoned professionals, who have tested the
that the business may have and which may play a waters, learnt from
key role in it's future. In addition, this document also experience and
details geographical and target markets, pricing as developed finely tuned
well as any potential alliances that may yield business sk ills are
benefits. t r e a s u re t r ove s o f
4. Organizational Structure and Support. information. They can
The structure of an organization is its backbone and provide insight and
advice and help an
entrepreneur to
preempt and avoid
Simply finding a
seasoned advisor or
professional to facilitate and guide an entrepreneur
through the process of setting up the other four
factors can make a huge difference to the future of a
small business. However, it is important to choose a
guide or expert who is established and proven
since the wrong advice can be fatal to a business.
Taking care of these factors can take a business
from its nascent stages of uncertainty to
this is truer for a small business than any other established success with relative smoothness and
enterprise. The organizational structure should be ease.

Events (July-Aug 2010) CMA eMag
CMA launches its Skills Development
Programme for the year 2010-11
Press Conference on “Emerging Trends in Vocational Education and skills”
Dr. Alistair Baker from Motherwell College, Scotland addressed

CMA launched its skills development programme for than only delivering theoretical lectures. The most
the year 2010-11 with press conference on popular vocational training skills in Scotland are
“Emerging Trends in Vocational Training” at ITFT catering, leisure services, tourism, business
Chandigarh on Sunday, 25th July. management, and information technology, film craft,
Visiting Professor m e d i a a n d
Dr. Alistair Baker a n i m a t i o n
from Motherwell designs.Dr. Alistair
College, Scotland said that there is
addressed the thirst for learning
press conference. skills amongst the
While speaking on youth of Scotland
the occasion, he and Scottish
gave an overview institutions provide
of the status of the cheapest education
vocational training in UK. He said that
and skills development programmes in Scotland and the vocational skills are being imparted under British-
said that new trends are emerging for taking funded programme.
vocational training programmes at higher Dr. Bake appreciated the efforts of CMA to take up
educational level. skills development programme under the guidance
He said that for imparting practical skills to students, of Dr. Gulshan Sharma president, CMA and
new methods and technologies are being used rather Chairman, ITFT Education Group.

Some News Item of the CMA Launch of Skills Development Programme

CMA eMag


Honoured War Widows of Chandimandir
Women wing of the Chandigarh Ms. Indu Sharma, convener of the
Management Association today CMA Women Wing said that our
honoured war widows at a special nation is secured in the hands of
solemn ceremony to our armed forces and CMA in its
commemorate the day on which own humble way salutes the
Flt. Lt. Maheesh Trikha, made Martyrs like Ft. Lt. Maheesh
supreme sacrifice while defending Trikha. She evoked the patriotic
the country. feelings by reciting few lines of
Martyr Flight Lieutenant Maheesh famous song of Lata
Trikha laid down his life for the Managesker “ Ae Mere Waton ke
country in 'Operation Meghdoot' Logo, yara ankh me barh lo
while being on an operational pani…”. She said that it was the Smt. Jaswant Jeet Kaur
sortie in a Cheetah Helicopter of first function of Women Wing of
114 Helicopter Unit of the Indian CMA and it was an appropriate
Air Force at Siachen Glacier, the start of the wing.
highest battlefield in the world. Present on the occasion were
Maheesh, while returning to the many serving and retired army and
base camp after accomplishment Air-force officers, besides the
of his operational task at Saichin proud parents of the Martyr Ft.Lt.
Glacier valiantly gave his life for Maheesh Trikha, Mrs. Swadesh
the country in Air Force uniform on Trikha and Col. J.R.Trikha.
16 August 2002 under operation Mrs. Swadesh Trikha, mother of
“Meghdoot & Parakaram” and the Martyr informed that in Smt. Karamjit Kaur
became Martyr. While performing memory of her son, a Foundation
his job, Maheesh truly upheld the was set up with an objective to
motto of the Air Force - "cradle of brighten up all aspects of human
excellence where gallantry is a life from safe childbirth to a
tradition" dignified old age. Besides other
Speaking on the occasion, Lt. Col. objectives, the foundation assists
U m a Va s u d e v a ( R e t d . ) , in rehabilitation of the war widows
Chiarperson (Army Welfare) CMA and the families of the Martyrs,
said that the country is proud of our those who sacrificed their lives for
Jawans who fight with resolute and the Motherland.
valour to save the honour of the On the occasion Smt. Jaswant Smt. Gurinder Kaur
Motherland and inspired the youth Jeet Kaur, Smt. Karamjit Kaur, Smt
present on the occasion to join Gurinder Kaur and Smt. Tej Kaur
armed forces, which she said is widows of Army personnel were
noble career. She said that the honoured
parents of the Martyr Maheesh are Earlier CMA 'Women Wing' was
lucky that they had given birth to launched on 24 July during the
such valour like Maheesh, though CMA executive Committee
they have lost their dear son but meeting and Mrs. Indu Sharma
are now parents of many sons of was nominated as convener of
the nation who seek inspiration the wing.
from them to serve their
CMA eMag
CMA Women Wing Honour Teachers
doing yeoman services
On the eve of Teacher's day and as a part of its social responsibility, the Chandigarh
Management Association (CMA) - Women wing honoured 4 teachers of the tricity
today who are doing selfless service to teach slum children and transforming their
lives. These teachers belonged to Theatre Age Group, Sector 24 and Mullanpur
Village.The function was held at ITFT Education Group, Sector-17.
The Teachers honoured were Astinder Kaur of Govt. Model School, Sector 20, Geeta
Chawla of Theatre Age and Zulfiqar Khan, who set up the Theatre Age Group. Other
than these, CMA also honoured Mr. T.L.Verma, a senior citizen who is devoting his
time in educating children of Mullanpur Village.
Mrs Madhulika Kak, Chairperson (Education)-CMA said that the teachers honoured
are doing a yeoman service to society by making the future of underprivileged
children useful rather than allowing them to become juveniles.
Lt. Col. Uma Vasudeva (Retd.), Chairperson (Women Wing) of CMA said that it is the
responsibility of the privileged persons of the society to pay back to the society in
one form or the other and said that the task undertaken by the CMA to honour
those teachers who are successfully transforming the lives of many rag-pickers,
shoe polishers, and labourers in providing them basic education so that they can
become self reliant is a very noble.
Mrs. Indu Sharma, Convener of the CMA Women Wing while presenting a vote of
thanks said that seniors of CMA need congratulations for guiding the women wing
to honour deserving citizen of the tricity. At the end Childern of Theater Age Group
performed a dance sequence on the song ' Mera Joota Ha Japani…”

Edited by : JN Vohra, Secretary General, CMA
Plot No. 5, C/o Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan, Sector 27, Chandigarh
Mobile : 9814556072
E-mail :

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