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Ordinary Differential Equations 17-Dec-2014

Calculated values of DEQ variables

Variable Initial value Minimal value Maximal value Final value
1 t 0 0 3. 3.
2 Xb 0 0 0.5296709 0.5296709
3 X 0 0 0.6507849 0.6507849
4 Ca0 2. 2. 2. 2.
5 k 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
6 E 0 0 1. 0

Differential equations
1 d(Xb)/d(t) = X * E

Explicit equations
1 X = (1 - 1 / sqrt(2.4 * t + 1))
2 Ca0 = 2
3 k = 0.3
4 E = If (t < 1) Then 0 Else ( If (t < 2) Then (1) Else (0))

Total number of equations 5
Number of differential equations 1
Number of explicit equations 4
Elapsed time 0.000 sec
Solution method RKF_45
Step size guess. h 0.000001
Truncation error tolerance. eps 0.000001

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