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Name: Monica Richardson

Grade Level: 9-12
Content Area: Algebra
Standard(s) Addressed:
MGSE9-12.A.REI.7 Solve a simple system consisting of a linear equation and a quadratic equation in
two variables algebraically and graphically. For example, find the points of intersection between the
line y = –3x and the circle x2 + y2 = 3.
Bloom’s Level of Critical Thinking:
_X_ Remembering _X__ Understanding _X__ Applying ___ Analyzing ___ Evaluating ___ Creating
Description of how to implement in the class: I will use IWB a lot with reviewing for tests. I will
create multiple review games offered though SMART Notebook such as a game show with multiple
choice questions, a themed matching game, or a racing multiple choice quiz. These will get kids
involved because it sets a fun mood for the class. Rather than being lectured at, they get to play
games. Combining having fun with learning is a great offer from IWB.
SAMR Level: IWB fall under the Transformation half of SAMR but more specifically Redefinition
level. This is because teachers can create games otherwise inconceivable. The themed matching game
has specific outcomes when the student is correct or incorrect. This could not be done with a simple
piece of paper and two columns of words.
Describe your personal learning goal for this activity. I am trying new software that I haven’t used
before and I hope to become fluent with this software so that I can use them in the classroom in a way that
makes my students excited to come to class. I truly believe if a student is excited to come to class, he/she
will have an easier time learning.
Importance of technology: Using IWB in a classroom is important because as technology advances,
students are getting more proficient. We need to keep up with them so they don’t get bored in class. If we
didn’t have this technology in the classroom, students would get bored easily and distracted with whatever
they can do on their phones. I think not using technology in a classroom can be a waste of time. There are
easier and better ways to learn with technology than without.
Reflection: IWB have taught me all the ways I can present new information to students and how I can
make it fun for them to go over information they should know. I think IWB make lessons more productive
and interesting for both students and teachers.

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