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SAND85-2314 d
Unlimited Release UC- 13
Printed July 1986

Cranes, Hoists, and Rigging

A Safety Training Manual

. . I

Lee Stinnett

Prepared by
Sandia National Laboratories
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87185 and Livermore, California 94550
for the United States Department of Energy
under Contract DE-AC04-76DP00789
Issued by Sandia National Laboratories, operated for the United States
Department of Energy by Sandia Corporation.
NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an
agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Govern-
ment nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, nor any of their
contractors, subcontractors, or their employees, makes any warranty, ex-
press or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the
accuracy, completeness. or usefulness of any information, apparatus, prod-
uct, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe
privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product,
process. or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise,
does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation,
or favoring by the United States Government, any agency thereof or any of
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SAND85 - 2314 Distribution
Unlimited Release Category UC - 13
Printed July 1986

Cranes, Hoists, and Rigging

A Safety Training Manual

Lee Stinnett
Safety Engineering Division I1
Sandia National Laboratories
Albuquerque, NM 87185
Sandia National Laboratories acknowledges the comprehensive contribu-
tions of the agencies, organizations, and individuals listed below. Without their
research, expertise, publications, editing, generosity, and patience, this document
would not be possible. The primary purpose of this manual is for use as a training
aid, but we also plan to use it as a reference guide, not only for its cranes, hoists,
and rigging information but also to determine which ANSI standards, publica-
tions, training manuals, and other referenced material may be pertinent to
Sandia Lab’s activities.

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers

United Engineering Center
345 East 47th Street
New York, New York 10017
J. P. Christensen, Technical Editor

Construction Safety Association of Ontario

74 Victoria Street
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5C2A5
Donald Dickey, Assistant General Manager

Bob DeBenedictis, Inc.

4660 South Hampton Drive
Orlando, Florida 32806
Bob DeBenedictis, President

Crane Inspection & Certification Bureau

A Division of United States Testing Company, Inc.
5874 S. Semoran Blvd.
Orlando, Florida 32812
W. T. Johnson, Director
Phil Jones, Seminar Leader

Crane Technical Training & Inspection, Inc.

104 West Citrus Street
Altamonte Springs, Florida 32714
Bo Collier, Vice President Technical Services

United States Department of Labor

Occupational Health & Safety Administration Training Institute
1555 Times Drive
Des Plaines, Illinois 60018
Len Luce, Senior Instructor

Wire Rope Corporation of America, Inc.

609 N. Second Street
St. Joseph, Missouri 64502
J. Dennis Fetter, Project Engineer

Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................. 9

1. Cranes ..................................................................................................................................................................... 11
1.1 Mobile Cranes .............................................................................................................................................. 11
1.1.1 Inspection ......................................................................................................................................... 14
1.1.2 Operations ........................................................................................................................................ 15
1.1.3 Maintenance ..................................................................................................................................... 17
1.2 Overhead Bridge Cranes ............................................................................................................................. 17
1.2.1 Inspection ......................................................................................................................................... 17
1.2.2 Operations ........................................................................................................................................ 18
1.2.3 Maintenance ..................................................................................................................................... 18
1.3 Trolley ........................................................................................................................................................... 19
1.4 Monorail ........................................................................................................................................................ 19
1.5 Gantry Cranes .............................................................................................................................................. 19
1.6 Jib Cranes ..................................................................................................................................................... 19
1.7 Wall Cranes .................................................................................................................................................. 19
1.8 Tower Cranes ............................................................................................................................................... 20
1.9 Polar Cranes ................................................................................................................................................. 20
1.10 Skyhook Cranes .......................................................................................................................................... 20

2 . Hoists ..................................................................................................................................................................... 21
2.1 Electric Hoists .............................................................................................................................................. 22
2.1.1 Inspection ......................................................................................................................................... 22
2.1.2 Operations ........................................................................................................................................ 22
2.1.3 Testing .............................................................................................................................................. 23
2.1.4 Maintenance ..................................................................................................................................... 23
2.2 Pneumatic Hoists ........................................................................................................................................ 23
2.2.1 Inspection ......................................................................................................................................... 23
2.2.2 Operations ........................................................................................................................................ 23
2.2.3 Testing .............................................................................................................................................. 23
2.2.4 Maintenance ..................................................................................................................................... 23
2.3 Chain Hoists ................................................................................................................................................. 23
2.3.1 Inspection ......................................................................................................................................... 24
2.3.2 Operations ........................................................................................................................................ 24
2.3.3 Testing .............................................................................................................................................. 24
2.3.4 Maintenance ..................................................................................................................................... 24
2.4 Base-Mounted Drum Hoists ...................................................................................................................... 24
2.4.1 Inspection ......................................................................................................................................... 24
2.4.2 Operations ........................................................................................................................................ 24
2.4.3 Testing .............................................................................................................................................. 26
2.4.4 Maintenance ..................................................................................................................................... 26

3 . Rigging ................................................................................................................................................................... 27
3.1 Wire Ropes ................................................................................................................................................... 27
3.1.1 End Fittings and Connections ....................................................................................................... 35
3.1.2 Inspection ......................................................................................................................................... 38
3.1.3 Installation ....................................................................................................................................... 49
3.1.4 Operations ........................................................................................................................................ 52

.. __ .. ...... -IL
_ I I ' - ... .- ..
Contents (continued)
3.2 Chains ............................................................................................................................................................ 55
3.2.1 Grades ............................................................................................................................................... 55
3.2.2 Strength ............................................................................................................................................ 55
3.2.3 Inspection ......................................................................................................................................... 56
3.2.4 Care and Use .................................................................................................................................... 56
3.3 Fiber Ropes .................................................................................................................................................. 57
3.4 The Hook and Under .................................................................................................................................. 57
3.4.1 The Hook .......................................................................................................................................... 57
3.4.2 Slings ................................................................................................................................................. 58
3.4.3 Lifting Devices ................................................................................................................................. 64
3.4.4 Hardware .......................................................................................................................................... 66
3.5 Duties of the Rigger .................................................................................................................................... 71
3.5.1 Calculating the Load Weight ......................................................................................................... 71
3.5.2 Determining Center of Gravity ...................................................................................................... 73
3.5.3 Selection of Hitch ............................................................................................................................ 74
3.5.4 Determining Sling Angle ................................................................................................................ 75
3.5.5 Determining the Safe Working Load ............................................................................................ 75
3.5.6 Signaling ........................................................................................................................................... 86

A Final Word About Safety ....................................................................................................................................... a7

References ..................................................................................................................................................................... aa
APPENDIX A-Medical Memorandum .................................................................................................................. 89
APPENDIX B-Field Inspection Check Sheet. Mobile Cranes .......................................................................... 93
APPENDIX C-Field Inspection Check Sheet. Overhead Bridge Cranes ......................................................... 95
APPENDIX D-Field Inspection Check Sheet. Electric or Pneumatic Hoists ................................................. 97
APPENDIX E-Field Inspection Check Sheet. Chain Hoists ............................................................................. 99
APPENDIX F-Field Inspection Check Sheet. Base-Mounted Drum Hoists ................................................... 101
APPENDIX G-Field Inspection Check Sheet. Wire Rope ................................................................................. 103
APPENDIX H-Load Test Record Sheet. Wire Rope. Mesh. Chain. and Web Slings ................................... 105
APPENDIX I-Field Inspection Check Sheet. Wire Rope Slings ...................................................................... 107
APPENDIX J-Field Inspection Check Sheet. Wire Mesh Slings ..................................................................... 109
APPENDIX K-Field Inspection Check Sheet. Chain Slings ............................................................................. 111
APPENDIX L-Field Inspection Check Sheet. Synthetic Web Slings .............................................................. 113
APPENDIX M-Authorization to Operate Heavy Equipment ........................................................................... 115

CHART A-Mobile Crane Hand Signals ................................................................................................................ 117

CHART B-Overhead Bridge Crane and Hoist Hand Signals ............................................................................ 121
CHART C-Base-Mounted Drum Hoist Hand Signals ........................................................................................ 123

1 Carrier-Mounted Lattice Boom Cranes ............................................................................................................. 12
2 Carrier-Mounted Telescopic Boom Cranes ....................................................................................................... 13
3 Elements of Wire Rope ........................................................................................................................................ 27
4 The Various Lays of Wire Rope ......................................................................................................................... 28
5 Effect of Preforming on a Wire Rope ............................................................................................................... 29
6 Abrasion and Fatigue Resistance ....................................................................................................................... 30
7 Strand Classification Configurations ................................................................................................................. 31
8 Wire Rope Construction ...................................................................................................................................... 31
9 Basic 19 Class Strand Construction .................................................................................................................. 32
10 Basic 37 Class Strand Construction .................................................................................................................. 33
11 Typical Multistrand Rotation-Resistant Constructions ................................................................................. 33
12 Fiber Core Ropes .................................................................................................................................................. 34
13 Wire Rope Cores ................................................................................................................................................... 35
14 Cable Clips ............................................................................................................................................................ 37
15 Proper Method of Joining Two Wire Ropes .................................................................................................... 37
16 Double Saddle Clips .............................................................................................................................................37
17 Double Base Clamp .............................................................................................................................................. 37
18 Proper Method of Opening up a Wire Rope .................................................................................................... 38
19 Broken Wires ........................................................................................................................................................ 39
20 Worn and Abraded Ropes ................................................................................................................................... 40
21 Reduction in Rope Diameter .............................................................................................................................. 41
22 Rope Stretch ......................................................................................................................................................... 41
23 Rope Corrosion ..................................................................................................................................................... 42
24 Damaged Splice .................................................................................................................................................... 42
25 Damaged End Fittings ......................................................................................................................................... 43
26 Crushed, Jammed, and Flattened Strands ..................:.................................................................................... 44
27 High Stranding ..................................................................................................................................................... 44
28 “Bird Cages” .......................................................................................................................................................... 45
29 Rope Kinks ............................................................................................................................................................ 45
30 Core Protrusion ..................................................................................................................................................... 45
31 Unbalanced Severely Worn Areas ...................................................................................................................... 46
32 Typical Rope Damage .......................................................................................................................................... 47
33 Application of Rope to Drum ............................................................................................................................. 49
34 Maximum Drum Capacity ................................................................................................................................... 50
35 True Mechanical Advantage Chart .................................................................................................................... 51
36 Proper Method of Seizing Ropes ....................................................................................................................... 53
37 Choker Angles ....................................................................................................................................................... 60
38 Spreader Beam ...................................................................................................................................................... 65
39 Equalizer Beam ..................................................................................................................................................... 66
40 Combination SpreaderIEqualizer Beam ............................................................................................................ 66
41 J Sketch ..............................................................................................................................................................
66 9,

- . . . . .-. ......... --..

. .._.l. . . . . .
1 Electrical Line Radial Limits ............................................................................................................................. 16
2 Faults and Possible Causes ................................................................................................................................. 48
3 Seizing Data .......................................................................................................................................................... 54
4 MSWL for “A”Type Alloy Steel Chain ............................................................................................................ 55
5 Effect of Heat on Chain and Safe Working Load ........................................................................................... 56
6 Choker Efficiency Percentages ........................................................................................................................... 60
7 Maximum Allowable Wear .................................................................................................................................. 62
8 MSWL/Hooks ....................................................................................................................................................... 67
9 MSWL/Rings/Links/Swivels ............................................................................................................................... 68
10 MSWL/Eye Bolts/Turnbuckles/Shackles ......................................................................................................... 69
11 Weights of Materials Based on Volume ............................................................................................................ 71
12 Weights of Materials Based on Surface Area ................................................................................................... 72
13 Hand-Tucked Spliced-Eye Efficiencies ............................................................................................................. 76
14 6 x 19 Wire Rope Slings/IWRC .......................................................................................................................... 77
15 6 x 3 7 Wire Rope Slings/IWRC .......................................................................................................................... 78
16 6 x 19 Wire Rope Slings/Fiber Core ................................................................................................................... 79
17 6 x 37 Wire Rope Slings/Fiber Core ................................................................................................................... 80
18 Wire Mesh Slings .................................................................................................................................................. 81
19 Alloy Steel Chain Slings ...................................................................................................................................... 82
20 Nylon Web Slings, 6000 lb/in . Width ................................................................................................................ 83
21 Nylon Web Slings, 8000 Ib/in . Width ................................................................................................................ 84
22 Dacron Web Slings, 5000 lb/in . Width .............................................................................................................. 85

Cranes, Hoists, and Rigging
A Safety Training Manual

Of Cranes, Hoists, and Rigging, the most impor- This manual will be used as a safety training aid and
tant i s . will be issued as a reference document for supervisors,
Through the ages, since man first moved materials operators, inspectors, and service personnel who use
of significant weight or size or used them for building cranes or hoists during their regular duties.
purposes, some type of handling equipment was used. The directives stipulate, in addition to training,
Man’s needs, ingenuity, and creativity produced such that certain physical requirements must also be met
implements as levers (sticks), rollers (poles),and pull- by the operators of heavy material-handling equip-
ers (vines). Eventually, oxen, asses, camels, elephants, ment. The physical requirements listed in the refer-
etc., were used to move material. But nothing of enced directives have been reviewed by the SNLA
significance was created until the pulley and rope Medical Department (Appendix A). Therefore, to
system provided man with a power advantage. Later, meet the imposed physical requirements prior to
after the Industrial Revolution, steam provided the training, the following procedures shall be followed:
power and the impetus for developing machines that Line managers shall nominate all of the indi-
were the forerunners of the sophisticated heavy viduals who operate cranes and hoists. The
material-handling equipment used today. nomination forms will be sent to the Medical
The handling equipment discussed in this manual Department where the medical classification
is the type that lifts, lowers, and locates (positions) will be determined for each nominee.
heavy material-cranes and hoists.
Those employees in Medical Classification I
The crane/hoist family of equipment may be as
will be scheduled for the training course as
small as a single pulley/rope system handling several
space allows. SNLA employees who are as-
pounds, or as large as a marine crane system that
signed Medical Classifications 11, 111, or IV,
recently (1985) hoisted a 5005-metric ton oil drilling
rig from a barge and placed it on the seabed of and contract personnel may require a physical
examination and the approval of the Medical
England’s North Atlantic offshore oil field. An equiva-
Department in order to attend the course and
lent “pick”would be a 6-ft-high solid pine board, 360 f t
to operate the material-handling equipment.
long and 160 f t wide (the dimensions of a football
field). The Cranes, Hoists, and Rigging Safety Training
The capacity of the cranes and hoists a t Sandia course emphasizes the safety requirements when
National Laboratories in Albuquerque (SNLA) fits using this kind of heavy equipment. It does not cover
somewhere within the first 2% of the marine pick or the physical “hands-on”or “how-to”methods required
lift described above. SNLA has several mobile cranes to operate the equipment.
and more than 500 other types of cranes and hoists Safety at SNL is the responsibility of line manage-
located in more than 100 buildings. As programs ment. Therefore, the training required to physi-
diversify and new projects are implemented, the quan- cally operate cranes and hoists is the responsibility of
tity of these useful machines will undoubtedly the first-line manager. The authorization to use
increase. material-handling equipment will be effective a t the
The Department of Energy (DOE) and SNL have time the line manager signs the operator’s card that is
safety policies and directives that require the opera- issued to each attendee at the Cranes, Hoists, and
tors of heavy equipment to be trained and authorized. Rigging Safety Training Course.
The Cranes, Hoists, and Rigging Safety Training Pro- Recertification of the physical qualifications and
gram, sponsored by the SNLA Safety Department, is attendance of each operator a t a Safety Review Semi-
an effort to fulfill those safety policy requirements. nar are required every three years.

This manual is not intended as a replacement for Subpart H-Materials Handling, Storage, Use, and
manufacturers’ manuals, Federal Codes and Regula- Disposal
tions, ANSI Standards, or DOE or SNL safety man- 1926.250 General Requirements for Storage
uals and directives, but soley as a training manual and 1910.30 Other Working Surfaces
as quick reference for the more comprehensive docu- 1910.176 Handling Materials-General
ments listed in the References and Other Works 1926.251 Rigging Equipment for Material Handling
Consulted. 1910.184 Slings
Individuals who use, inspect, or service cranes or
hoisting equipment should be familiar with the equip- Subpart N-Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Elevators, and
ment manufacturers’ manuals and the documents Conveyors
listed in the References. They must also be familiar 1926.550 Cranes and Derricks
with the definitions, general requirements, and 1926.551 Helicopters
inspection classifications and with the testing, main- 1926.552 Material Hoists, Personnel Hoists, and
tenance, and operational guidelines contained in the Elevators
following specific Subparts of O S H A S a f e t y and 1926.553 Base-Mounted Drum Hoists
Health Standards, 29 CFR Part 1910 and 29 CFR 1926.554 Overhead Hoists
Part 1926: 1926.556 Aerial Lifts
Copies of these Subparts are available for review in
the Safety Department.

1. Cranes

Of Cranes, Hoists, and Rigging, the most impor- A mobile crane is a wheeled, four-point, supported
tant i s . structure consisting of a transporting vehicle (carrier)
A crane, by definition, is “an often-horizontal having rubber tires, steel tracks (as on a military
projection swinging about a vertical axis, a machine tank), or steel wheels (as used on rail cars); a boom (a
for raising, shifting, and lowering heavy weights by lattice or telescoping boxed steel structural member
means of a projecting swinging arm, or with the hoist- that provides the lifting height); outriggers (a term
ing apparatus supported on an overhead track.” borrowed from the marine community that means “a
This definition covers the tower, jib, gantry, spar or projecting beam,” which, when the four outrig-
bridge, mobile and all of the other various configura- ger pads are in the extended position, support the
tions of the crane. The words crane and hoist are weight of the ucrane” and the weight of the load or
usually used interchangeably. However, the crane is “pick”);an auxiliary power plant; a power drum; head
the supporting structure that holds the hoist that lifts sheaves; a load block; a hook; and wire ropes. The
or lowers the load. Hoists will be discussed in Section drum, wire rope, boom head sheaves, and load block
2. Lifts and winches provide the same function and act as a hoist or winch.
will be included in that section also. Mobile lattice boom cranes may use a jib. The
boom is raised, lowered, and supported by pendants,
gantry, mast, bail, etc. The “gantry” and “jib” are not
1.1 Mobile Cranes to be confused with gantry- or jib-type cranes, and
Refer to ANSI B30.5 and B30.5a. “pendants”should not be confused with the pendants
Certain operational functions and safety precau- on overhead cranes or hoists.
tions apply to all cranes, especially to mobile and to
Hydraulic mobile cranes may have a boom exten-
overhead cranes and hoists. Refer to Overhead Bridge
sion and jib and occasionally even use a telescopic jib.
Cranes (Section 1.2) and apply any function to mobile
The boom is raised and lowered by the action of the
cranes that may be pertinent but that is not included
hydraulic boom hoist cylinders.
in this section.

This “truck type” carrier must not be confused
with the ordinary commercial truck chassis. It
is specially designed for crane service and the
heavy loads these cranes are required to

Whip Line
Headache Ball -t
oom Heador Tip Sheaves Carrier-mounted cranes are also commonly
referred to as “Truck Cranes”, “Conventional
Cranes”, “Friction Cranes”, “Mobile Cranes”,

or Overhaul Ball

Main Falls

Load Block or
Main Hook Block
Main Hoist Line or- Deflector (Idler) Sheaves

Auxiliary Hoist Line

The uppenvorks (superstructure)
.Main Hoist Line of the crane refers to the
crane structure that lies
above the swing circle. lt
does not include the carrier.

Lattice Boom lnserts

or Sections C- Boom Pendants (Stays)

Boom Hoist Reeving

Boom Stops or Backstops
Heel, Ease, Butt or Boom Foot Sect!

Mid-Point (lntermediate) Suspension

(Necessary when raising very
long booms off the ground. They
prevent the boom from sagging Jib Mast, Strut or Gantry
excessively.) Jib Backstay Pendants
Jib Forestay Pendants

Auxiliary, Jib or Whip tine

Figure 1. Carrier-Mounted Lattice Boom Cranes]

Main Boom Tip (Head)

#3 Power Telescoping
Section or Pinned Section

Main Hoist Line

#2Power Telescoping Section

Jib Mast or Gantry

Main Hook or Hook Block
Boom Extension Tip
or Head Sheave

Jib Backstay Pendant #1 Power Telescoping

Removable Boom Extension

Main Hoist Lines - +Jib Line (Whip Line)

Heel, Base, or
Foot Section
Main Hoist Line

Boom Hoist or Lift Cylinders

I ,\\\
~ I \
\ \
\ \
Center Pin, Center
' I \

\,* TelescopicJib
I \ \
~ \ \

Boom Extension Tip Sheave

Auxiliary or Whip Line

Auxiliary HBall
Headache oz&
Figure 2. Carrier-Mounted Telescopic Boom Cranes'

Many accidents occur with mobile cranes. An Frequent Inspections
average of one mobile or tower crane accident happens Frequent Inspection means that the crane is
in the United States and Canada. Following are inspected before each daily use. The items that should
of the causes of these accidents. be inspected are
The load was too heavy. 1. All control mechanisms for maladjustments
The crane was not level on the outriggers. that interfere with proper operation
The outriggers were improperly positioned. 2. All control mechanisms for excessive wear of
components and contamination by lubricants
The crane was driven into electric wires with the or other foreign matter
boom up.
3. All safety devices for malfunctions
The load block was pulled up into the boom tip
or jib tip sheaves. (This is called “two- 4. All hydraulic hoses, particularly those that
blocking.”) flex in the normal operation of crane or carrier
Incorrect signals were given or the signals were
not understood. 5. Crane hooks for deformations or cracks
(Hooks with cracks or having more than 15‘0
The fastenings were not the correct type or were in excess of normal throat opening, or more
the wrong size. than a 10’ twist from the plane of the unbent
The equipment failed from fatigue or damaged hook, shall be taken out of service. For addi-
parts. tional information, see Section 3.4.1, The
The boom was raised too high. Hook.)
6. The load cable
The boom snapped back over the carrier cab
because the hoist cable broke. Note: One of t h e most important preopera-
tional inspections t o be m a d e o n a n y crane is
The ground was not firm or the cribbing was
t h e rope inspection. R e f e r t o Section 3.1,
improperly stacked.
Wire Ropes, for inspection criteria.
The operator was not trained to operate the
crane. 7 . Wire rope reeving for compliance with the
crane manufacturer’s specifications
A supervisor did not approve the crane setup or
8. Hydraulic system for proper oil level
A supervisor made the decision to make the pick 9. Tires for recommended inflation pressure
against the judgment of the crane operator. 10. Fuel, oil, and cooling fluid levels
The urgency to complete the job overrode good 11. Carrier cab and crane cab windows missing,
judgment. broken, cracked, or dirty
According to investigators, most of the accidents 12. Fire extinguishers in place and serviced
are caused by operator error, although many are the recently.
result of poor planning, lack of site supervision, and See Appendix B for the Field Inspection Check
mismanagement. Most of these accidents could have Sheet, Mobile Cranes.
been circumvented if everyone associated with the job
had been alert, knowledgeable, and safety-cautious.
Following are some actions that, if done pro- Periodic Inspections
perly, would reduce hazards and possibly eliminate Periodic Inspections are normally completed by
accidents. Plant Engineering Operations Field Inspectors in
accordance with Plant Engineering procedures. This
1.1.1 Inspection applies to all craning and hoisting items discussed in
Inspections shall be made by the authorized oper- the following sections.
ator in accordance with the manufacturer’s recom- Mobile cranes must be load tested annually. They
mendations and the requirements listed below. must be inspected and load tested after cable replace-
The inspection of mobile cranes is divided into ment if the crane has been idle for six months or more,
two general classifications: Frequent Inspections and if the boom has been repaired, or if the crane has been
Periodic Inspections. in an accident. The test load shall not exceed 110“( of

the rated load. A Plant Engineering Operations Field 10. A sufficient number of taglines should be used
Inspector observes and certifies the load tests, which so that control of the load being moved is
are performed by Plant Maintenance personnel. maintained. A minimum of two taglines
should be used on loads that are horizontally
long and slender, large and bulky, loads that
1.1.2 Operations have a large wind-catching surface, or any
The operator shall ensure that the following items item that needs a restricted rotational
are satisfactory before every crane setup or use. momentum.
1. The site location must have a firmly packed 11. The crane operator shall take signals from
earth base, or heavy hardwood mats or crib- only one competent individual. Refer to Sec-
bing must be used under the outrigger pads. tion 3.5.6 and to Chart A-Mobile Crane
2. The outriggers shall be fully extended for all Hand Signals-following the appendixes.
picks. Other items that the operator must be aware of
3. The crane setup must be level within a 1% are as follows:
grade so that the centerline of the boom will 1. A jib is attached to the boom to increase
not be off vertical more than 3'. This is height, not radius.
critical! The load rating of the crane must be 2. Lift capacity decreases as the boom or jib tip
decreased by 50%' if the centerline of boom is
radius increases.
more than 3" off vertical.
The crane's center of rotation will be located 3. The load radius changes if the load pickup
more than 4 f t away from a vertical plane point is changed from the main boom tip to
through the center of gravity (CG) of the pick the jib tip.
if an 80-ft boom is 3' off vertical. 4. Rotation-resistant wire rope should not be
4. The counterweight swing area must be barri- used in a multipart hoisting system because
caded if the operation is being done in an area the wire rope may be crushed on the drum.
where personnel may be injured during the However, spin-resistant wire rope may be
rotation of the crane. used, which is ideal for hoisting systems
rigged with an odd number of parts where the
5. The boom swing area must be barricaded if load block has a tendency to twist.
the operation is being done in an area that is
populated by individuals other than the cran- 5. Wire rope should be reeved instead of laced on
ing crew members. a multipart system.
6. The weight of all auxiliary handling devices 6. If a jib is used, it must have a positive stop to
such as the load block (including the hook), prevent its rotating to less than 5' within the
cable, slings, and lift-devices shall be consid- straight line of the boom. Cable-type belly-
ered a part of the weight to be hoisted. Also, slings are not approved as a positive stop.
the weight of the jib must be included if the 7. Modifications shall not be made to any part of
pick is done by the boom tip. Refer to Section a mobile crane unless approved by the manu-
3.5.1 for determining the weight of loads. facturer and by Plant Engineering.
7. The weight of the load must be known or 8. The maximum ballast or counterweight
determined as accurately as possible. T o de- approved by the manufacturer of the crane
termine the weight of the load if it is shall not be exceeded.
unknown, see Section 3.5.1. 9. All worn or damaged parts of a mobile crane
8. The CG of the load must be known or deter- must be replaced with the manufacturer's
mined as accurately as possible. Refer to Sec- original equipment or must be approved by
tion 3.5.2 to determine the CG of the load if it the manufacturer,
is unknown. 10. Beware of the wind during craning operations.
9. The load radius (number of feet measured Use taglines. Never make a full-capacity lift if
horizontally from the crane's pivot point to it is windy. Stop operations if the wind speed
the sheave shaft in the load block or to the exceeds 30 mph. Stop the operation if the load
whip line) must be measured. This figure and presents a large wind-catching surface and the
the total weight of the pick are necessary to wind velocity is gusting or is in the range
use the crane's load charts. exceeding 15 mph.

11. Cranes in transit shall move only when the Slow down the operating cycle of the machine by
boom is lowered to its horizontal traveling reducing hoisting, booming, swinging, and travel
position and the hook is restrained from speeds.
swinging. Exercise caution when working near overhead
12. Do not raise the boom when the crane is in lines having long spans as they tend to swing
transit. laterally in the wind.
Observe the following safety precautions Exercise caution when traveling the crane
when working near electrical transmission because uneven ground can cause the boom to
lines: weave or bob into the lines.
Treat all wires and electrical equipment as “hot” The operator must not leave the crane if the
until you have reliable information to the boom, when lowered, can enter the radial limits
contrary. shown above.
Cranes shall not be operated near electrical In the event that a crane contacts energized
transmission lines unless the radius of the electrical lines, do not panic! Stay in the cab.
boomljib tip is farther away from the nearest Instruct all other personnel to stay away from
line by the radial limits stated in Table 1. the crane, ropes, and load and to seek assistance
The high line voltage at Kirtland Air Force Base from the electrical authorities. The ground
does not exceed 350 kV as of this date. Should it around the crane will be Try to separate
ever increase, or when in doubt as to the line the crane from the electrical wire by at least
voltage, do not operate a crane if the boomljib 20 ft. If the line and crane or ropes appear to be
tip radius is within 45 f t of the transmission line. welded to the electrical line, do not move the
crane. If it is absolutely urgent to get off the
T h e best s a f e t y advice is this: If t h e crane is crane, operators must jump away from the crane
required t o perform work w i t h i n t h e radial as far as possible, then shuffle away from the
limits shown above, request t h e utility com- crane a substantial distance without lifting their
p a n y t o de-energize t h e transmission line. feet off the ground.
If a crane must be positioned such that the boom Every incident involving contact with a live line
or jib tip could penetrate the radial limit, a must be reported to the proper electrical author-
signalman must be used whose only duty is to ity and safety inspector so that inspections and
watch and warn the crane operator if the hoist repairs can be made to prevent any damaged
ropes are approaching the radial limits. power line from falling a t a later date.
Do not rely on ground rods for safety. A person The crane must be thoroughly inspected for
touching the crane or load will still draw enough possible damage caused by the electrical con-
current to void even the best ground rods. tact. Wire rope must be replaced if it touched an
Do not rely on proximity warning devices, hook electrical line since the arc is usually of suffi-
insulators, insulating boom guards, swing-limit cient power to either weld, melt, or badly pit the
stops, or other similar devices. Each type has rope.
serious limitations or they fail.
Do not allow anyone standing on the ground to
touch the load, crane, or the crane hook until the
signalman indicates that it is safe to do so.
Avoid using taglines except when it is possible Table 1. Electrical Line Radial Limits
for the load to spin into the power line or within
the radial limit. Do not use a wet or d a m p rope Voltage Clearance
for a tagline. (kV) (ft)
Note: Although all ropes will conduct electric- Up to 50 10
i t y , d r y polypropylene provides better insulat- 50 to 200 15
ing properties t h a n most commercially avail- 200 to 350 20
able rope.

1.1.3 Maintenance 1.2 Overhead Bridge Cranes
A log book in which the miles traveled and the Refer to ANSI B30.2 or ANSI B30.17.
total crane operating time is recorded for each sepa- Certain operational functions and safety precau-
rate operation shall be maintained within the carrier tions apply to all cranes, especially to mobile and to
cab of the mobile crane. Also, the mileage and date overhead cranes and hoists. Refer to the Mobile Crane
serviced must be recorded in the log book, which must section above and apply any function to overhead
be available for audit by DOE and SNL Safety cranes that may be pertinent but is not included in
Engineers. this section.
The carrier vehicle and crane should be main- The overhead crane-also known as a “bridge”
tained in accordance with the crane manufacturer’s crane-is a wheeled, four-point, supported crane
service manual. The service requirements may depend structure containing one or more trolleys and hoists.
on the data recorded in the log book, which is to be The bridge spans the distance between the supporting
kept up to date in the crane or carrier cab. rails and travels forward and in reverse, and parallel to
Before adjustments and repairs are started on any the rails that normally are supported by building
mobile crane, the following precautions shall be taken members or columns. Overhead cranes are controlled
as applicable: by a cab-mounted operator, an operator using the
The crane shall be placed where it will cause the pendant, or by an operator using a radio-controlled
least interference with other equipment, person- system.
nel, or operations in the area.
The boom shall be lowered to the ground or
placed on cribbing, or otherwise be secured 1.2.1 Inspection
against dropping. Inspections shall be made by the authorized oper-
The load block shall be lowered to the ground or ator in accordance with the manufacturer’s recom-
otherwise secured against dropping. mendations and the requirements listed below.
The inspection of overhead cranes is divided into
All controls shall be in the Off position, and all
two general classifications: Frequent Inspections and
operating features shall be secured from inad-
Periodic Inspections.
vertent motion by brakes, pawls, or other means.
The power plant shall be stopped or discon-
nected at the power takeoff. Frequent Inspections
The starting means shall be rendered inopera- Frequent Inspection means that the crane is
tive. inspected before each daily use. The items that should
be inspected are
The hydraulic oil pressure from all hydraulic
systems shall be relieved before loosening or 1. All funct,ionally operating mechanisms for
removing hydraulic components. maladjustments that interfere with proper
Warning or Out of Order signs shall be placed on
crane controls during the down time. The signs shall 2. All limit switches, without a load on the hook,
be removed only by the individual who placed them on at the beginning of each work shift
the controls. 3. Leakage in lines, tanks, valves, pumps, and
After service or repairs have been completed, the other parts of air or hydraulic systems
crane shall not be returned to service until all guards 4. Deformed or cracked hooks
have been replaced, trapped air removed from the
hydraulic system, safety devices reactivated, tools and 5. Hoist ropes (refer to Section 3.1).
service equipment removed, and the Warning or Out See Appendix C for the Field Inspection Check
of Service signs removed. Sheet, Overhead Bridge Cranes.
Periodic Inspections Do not move any load over individuals.
Cranes shall be load tested biennially, when the The moving crane operation demands complete
wire rope cables are replaced, or if the hoisting system attention. The operators, tagline handlers, signalers,
is repaired or changed. Test loads shall not exceed etc., must give their full attention during the crane
125 %, of the rated load. operation.
Care shall be taken during the loading, hoisting, Operators of radio-controlled cranes shall activate
and maneuvering of the test load in order to provide a the crane’s radio signals only when the crane can be
safe environment for employees within the test area. completely observed or when another person is giving
signals. W a t c h t h e crane or signaler until t h e crane is
1.2.2 Operations completely stopped. Never let t h e bridge bumpers act
as t h e brake.
Overhead or bridge cranes shall be operated only
Refer to Signaling (Section 3.5.6) and to Chart
by personnel trained and authorized to operate the
B-Overhead Bridge Crane and Hoist Hand Signals-
equipment. This not only includes the operators but
following the appendixes. These signals are the same
also the maintenance and test personnel and inspec-
for all the cranes and hoists discussed in the following
tors if they operate cranes to perform their duties. sections.
Operators of overhead cranes shall have the same
Never leave a load suspended. If a delay occurs,
physical qualifications required for mobile crane oper-
move the load to the nearest free area and set it down
ators listed in Section 1, Cranes. on the floor or ground.
The operator should make sure that there is Be alert for any variations of the craneltrolleyl
plenty of clearance for movement of the load, that the hoist functions during the running operations, such as
intended transit path is clear of personnel, and that cables out of the drum guides, cables slipping, jerky
the destination site is ready to receive the load. cable movements, travel problems, unusual noises,
Note: R e f e r t o Section 3, Rigging, f o r informa- etc.
t i o n o n slings, fastenings, and t h e proper rigging If any malfunction or unusual occurrence is evi-
procedures. Ensure t h a t t h e rigging is correct and t h e dent, secure the load, leave the hook and rigging
load is rigged properly before a n y load is raised. attached but slack, tape a W a r n i n g , Out of Service, or
The hook must be positioned directly over the Do N o t Operate sign with the operator’s name on the
load’s center of gravity. See Section 3.5.2 to determine pendant, and call Plant Maintenance for service.
the location of the CG if it is unknown. When the cranelhoist is no longer required, raise
A crane or trolley shall never be used t o move a the hook to a position near the supporting structure,
load sideways or endways by pulling it t o a position “park” it in a location that will prevent it from inter-
under t h e hook. fering with other shop or lab activities, and secure the
After the rigging is attached to the hook, the pendant or other controls out of the way of personnel.
operator should apply slight tension t o the load with
the hoist controls. The lifting ring or slings must be
seated in the bottom of the hook. Raise the load 1.2.3 Maintenance
slightly and make sure the hoist brake holds. A preventive maintenance program should be
Whenever the load is lowered sufficiently to make based on the crane manufacturer’s recommendations.
the ropes slack, the operator should check before Records should be kept readily available for audit;
raising the load again to be sure that the load cable is computer records are adequate.
reeved properly on the power drum and that the Before adjustments and repairs are made on a
rigging is secure. crane, the following precautions shall be taken as
A sufficient number of taglines should be used SO applicable.
that control of the load being moved is maintained. A 1. The crane to be repaired shall be moved to a
minimum of two taglines should be used on loads that location where it will cause the least interfer-
are horizontally long and slender, large and bulky, or ence with other cranes and operations in the
on any item that needs a restrictive rotational area.
2. All controllers shall be placed in the Off
Lift the load slowly to prevent cables, chains, and
slings from being shock-loaded. Sudden starts, stops,
or reverses must be avoided. 3. The main switch (crane disconnect) shall be
Raise the load only high enough to clear obstruc- de-energized and locked, tagged, or flagged in
tions. the de-energized position.

4. Effective markings and barriers shall be used stationary or it may be mobile by having wheeled
where service work will create a hazardous area castors or by being on wheels and rails. The monorail
on the floor beneath the crane. of the gantry or portal crane can be extended outside
5. Only trained personnel shall work on energized the vertical support members. This configuration
equipment when adjustments and tests are allows the hoist to travel outside the rails, which
required. increases the work area of the crane. Another crane of
this type is called a semigantry crane, which appears
6. After adjustments and repairs have been made, to be a combination of a bridge crane and a gantry
the crane shall not be restored to service until crane. The bridge portion runs on a rail supported by
all guards have been reinstalled, safety devices the steel framework of the building; the gantry portion
reactivated, and service tools and equipment runs on rail supported by the ground or floor of the
removed. building.
The trolley and hoist on a gantry crane should be
1.3 Trolley inspected, serviced, and load tested in accordance
Refer to ANSI B30.2. with the appropriate and applicable requirements
A trolley is a wheeled accessory that supports a stated above in Overhead Bridge Cranes (Section 1.2).
hoist. When it is a part of a bridge crane, it travels on The same Field Inspection Check Sheets referred
the bridge laterally to the directional movement of the to in Section 1.3 apply t o gantry cranes.
bridge. When it is suspended from a monorail, it
travels along the I-beam. 1.6 Jib Cranes
The trolley on an overhead crane or other type of Refer to ANSI B30.11.
supporting structure will be inspected, serviced, and A jib crane is a structure consisting of a monorail,
load tested as a part of that unit. trolley, and hoist that rotates around, and is sup-
The bridge shall have stops a t the limits of travel ported by, a vertical stationary monolith. A guy wire
of the trolley. Also, the trolley shall be provided with or steel rod is attached t o the column above the swivel
bumpers and rail sweeps with the same conditions and to the free end of the monorail. This tension
applied as those stated for overhead cranes. member usually contains a turnbuckle used to level
The inspection sheets for the trolley and various the monorail.
hoists are The trolley and hoist on a jib crane should be
Field Inspection Check Sheet, Electric or Pneu- inspected, serviced, and load tested in accordance
matic Hoists (Appendix D) with the appropriate and applicable requirements
Field Inspection Check Sheet, Chain Hoists Section 1.2, Overhead Bridge Cranes.
(Appendix E). The same Field Inspection Check Sheets referred
to in Section 1.3 apply to jib cranes.

1.4 Monorail
Refer to ANSI B30.11. 1.7 Wall Cranes
A monorail is a horizontal structural member, Refer to ANSI B30.2.
usually an I-beam, that supports a trolley and hoist. A Depending on the source of definition, the "wall"
monorail crane can exist in its own entity or be part of crane has two different configurations. The stationary
an overhead, gantry, jib, or wall crane. type of wall crane consists of a hoist and trolley
The trolley and hoist on a monorail crane shall be mounted on a horizontal I-beam that rotates on a
inspected, serviced, and load tested in accordance bearing plate affixed to a building structure. The free
with the appropriate and applicable requirements end of the I-beam is supported by a steel rod or guy
stated above in Section 1.2, Overhead Bridge Cranes. wire attached to the same structure several feet above
The same Field Inspection Check Sheets referred the bearing plate.
to in Section 1.3 apply to monorail cranes. The mobile type of wall crane is a semi-jib crane
mounted on two rails, one above the other in a vertical
plane, which are attached to the building structure.
1.5 Gantry Cranes The wall crane can move along the wall much like the
Refer to ANSI B30.2 and ANSI B30.17. bridge crane.
A gantry crane is a structure consisting of two A wall crane may be used inside or outside de-
A-frames or vertical support members that connect pending upon the need and the structural facilities
the monorail, trolley, and hoist. A gantry crane may be available.

The trolley and hoist on a wall crane should be Pillar and portal cranes are similar to tower cranes
inspected, serviced, and load tested in accordance in that they have booms, pendants, gantrys, etc. The
with the appropriate and applicable requirements in pillar crane is a fixed crane consisting of a vertical
Section 1.2, Overhead Bridge Cranes. member held in position at the base to resist an
The same Field Inspection Check Sheets referred overturning moment, normally with a constant-radius
to in Section 1.3 apply to wall cranes. revolving boom supported a t the outer end by a ten-
sion member.
The portal crane consists of a rotating superstruc-
1.8 Tower Cranes ture with operating machinery and boom, all mounted
A tower or hammerhead crane consists of a struc- on a gantry. The crane and gantry assembly may be
tural monolith, a horizontal monorail or jib, and a fixed or mobile. An opening for traffic is normally
hoisting system. The jib is attached to the top of the provided between the gantry legs or columns.
monolith and carries the trolley, hoist, and counter- SNLA has no tower, portal, or pillar cranes, but
weight. Tower cranes are either of fixed (stationary should the need to know about these cranes ever arise,
tower) or slewing (tower rotates) configuration. refer to the following standards:
Slewing means “to turn, as a ship’s spar, about a ANSI B30.3-Hammerhead Tower Cranes
fixed point.” The slewing ring can be located a t the top ANSI B30.4-Portal, Tower, and Pillar Cranes
or a t the bottom of the vertical monolith or tower
section. Tower cranes can also be classified as mono,
inner and outer, and telescopic. The main types of jibs 1.9 Polar Cranes
used on tower cranes are saddle, luffing, fixed, and A polar crane is similar to a bridge crane except
rear-pivoted luffing. Saddle jibs are supported by that instead of traveling on linear tracks, it travels on
pendants in a horizontal or near-horizontal position a circular track. This type of crane is used in round
and the load hook is suspended from a trolley that structures, such as the gate houses a t Hoover Dam and
moves along the jib to alter the hook radius. Luffing nuclear reactor cells. Polar cranes, like all cranes in
jibs are pivoted a t the jib foot and are supported by reactor areas, are subject to the inspection and testing
luffing cables much like the boom on mobile cranes. requirements of the Reactor Development Technol-
The jib can be raised or lowered. Fixed-luffing jibs are O ~ VStandard, RDT F 8-6T, January 1980 or later
also mounted on pivots a t the jib foot but, unlike the issue. This document was issued by the Office of
luffing jibs, they are held by jib pendants a t a fixed Nuclear Energy Programs, U.S. Department of
angle. Tower cranes are either self-erecting (climbing Energy.
crane) or are erected by using mobile cranes. Tower
cranes may also be crawler-mounted, truck-mounted,
trailer-mounted, or rail-mounted. 1.10 Skyhook Cranes
With the exception of the luffing, slewing, and In the event any SNLA organization is ever in-
fixed jib configurations, all tower cranes have a coun- volved with material handling by helicopter, refer to
terweight, on the end of the monolith that is opposite
the end that carries the trolley. Instead of having a ANSI B30.12-Handling Loads Suspended from
counterweight, the luffing, slewing, and fixed jib con- Rotorcraft
figurations are counter-supported with a system of All cranes can be hazardous, but the most dangerous
wire rope and pulleys attached to the top rear of the are the mobile and tower cranes.
monolith and a t the top of the base slewing ring. These
three cranes have the slewing ring at the bottom of the
monolith, and the entire unit rotates.

2. Hoists

Of Cranes, Hoists, and Rigging, the most impor- Before raising the load, the operator shall be
tant is... assured of the following:
A hoist is defined as “an apparatus for hoisting.” The hoist rope or chain shall not be wrapped
Hoist (vb) means “to raise into position by or as if by around the load.
means of tackle.” Tackle is defined as “a ship’s rigging, The load shall be attached to the load hook by
or an assemblage of ropes and pulleys arranged to gain suitable rigging (see Section 3, Rigging, for the
mechanical advantage for hoisting and pulling.” proper way to rig loads).
Hoist operators must be trained and authorized The sling or other device shall be properly
before operating any type of hoisting equipment seated in the saddle of the hook. The hook latch
Hoist operators shall meet the physical qualifi- shall not be allowed to support any part of the
cation requirements referred to in the Introduc- load.
tion. The load shall not be applied to the tip of the
There are three basic types of hoists: electric, hook.
pneumatic, and hand-operated. Hydraulic hoists are The chains or wire rope shall not be kinked or
used to operate lifts, jacks, elevators, etc. twisted or the multiple-part chains of wire ropes
The safe operation of an overhead hoist involves shall not be twisted about each other.
more than pulling the hand chain of a chain-operated
The hoist hook shall be centered over the CG of
hoist or depressing the U p or Down buttons on a
the load.
pendant of a powered hoist. Emphasis is placed on the
fact that the use of overhead hoists is subject to The load shall not be heavier than the rated load
certain hazards that cannot be met by mechanical marked on the hoist or load block (except during
means, but only by the exercise of intelligence, care, authorized load tests).
common sense, training, and experience in anticipat- A load-limiting device shall not be used to mea-
ing the motions that will occur as a result of operating sure the maximum load to be raised.
the controls.
Specific attention shall be given to the rigging
Before operating a hoist, the operator
and balancing of the load to prevent slipping or
Shall become familiar with all operating con- dropping of the load (see Section 3, Rigging).
trols of the hoist, the warnings on the hoist, safe When moving the load, the operator
hoisting practices, and the operator’s portion of
the manual provided by the hoist manufacturer . Shall not engage in any activity that will divert
attention while operating the hoist (other asso-
Shall report promptly to the supervisor any ciated personnel or casuals shall not engage in
repairs or adjustments that are necessary or any any activity that will divert attention from the
defects that are known safe operation of the loaded hoist)
Shall not operate a hoist that bears an Out of Shall respond to signals from only one designat-
Order sign or a “red tag” ed and qualified person, except for STOP sig-
Shall not adjust or repair a hoist unless qualified nals (see Chart B for the standard hoist hand
to perform maintenance on it signals)
Shall not use the chain or wire rope as a ground Shall not raise or lower a load with the hoist
for welding until all personnel are clear of the load
Shall not touch the chain or wire rope with a Shall make sure that the transit path is clear of
welding electrode. all obstacles before moving the load

Shall not leave a suspended load unattended are used. The hoists used on gantry, jib, wall, mono-
Shall not transport loads over people rail, etc., are usually smaller systems than those used
on overhead cranes and consist of an integral motor
Shall not carry persons on the hook or on the and drum arrangement with a chain or wire rope cable
load and a load block.
Shall avoid swinging a load or load hook when
traveling the hoist 2.1.1 Inspection
Shall move powered hoists slowly into engage- Frequent Inspection means that the hoist is
ment with a load and shall avoid shock-loading inspected by the operator before every job. The items
Shall not use quick reversals of direction to stop that should be inspected are as follows:
the motion of trolleys or cranes 1. All functional operating mechanisms for mal-
Shall not raise a load more than a few inches adjustment and interference with proper oper-
before determining if it is well balanced, stable, ation
and the brake holds 2. All limit devices without a load on the hook
On wire rope hoists, shall not lower the load (see Section, Operational Tests)
below the point where less than two wraps of 3. Leakage in lines, valves, and other parts of air
rope remain on each anchorage of the hoist systems
4. Hooks in accordance with Section 3.4.1
Shall avoid contact between trolleys or between
5. Hoist rope in accordance with Section 3.1
trolley and rail stops on trolley-mounted hoists
6. Rope or load chain reeving for compliance with
Shall not use standard limit devices as a normal
the hoist manufacturer’s recommendations.
means of stopping the hoist; these devices are for
emergency use only. If any of these items are questionable, call the
Plant Engineering Operations Field Inspector. Call
When parking the load, the operator
Maintenance for items that need to be serviced
Shall lower the load slowly and carefully, ensur- See Appendix D for the Field Inspection Check
ing that it shall not bind the rigging or prevent Sheet, Electric or Pneumatic Hoists.
its removal from the load after it is positioned
Shall exercise care when removing a sling from 2.1.2 Operations
under a positioned load Before initial daily use, the operator must per-
Shall leave the load block hook above head level form the Frequent Inspections listed in Section
when the hoist is not in use. 2.1.1.
Inspections shall be made by the authorized oper- The weight of the load or “pick” must be known
ator before every hoisting job. by the operator and should not exceed the rated
Refer to ANSI B30.7 and B30.16 for details not load limit marked on the hoist. Refer to Section
covered in this manual. 3.5.1 to determine the weight of a load if it is
2.1 Electric Hoists For information on the proper methods to rig
the load for pickup by the hoist, refer to Section
An electric hoist is usually operated by push-
3, Rigging.
button controls on a pendant or by pull ropes that
control the up or down movement of the load. The Do not operate hoist with twisted, kinked, or
electric hoist is the basic mechanical power unit used damaged rope.
to raise or lower loads that are handled by overhead, Do not operate a damaged or malfunctioning
monorail, gantry, and jib cranes. The hoist system on hoist.
a mobile crane consists of the power drum, sheaves,
Do not lift people or lift loads over people.
blocks or pulleys, and the wire rope cable. The hoist on
overhead cranes is very similar to that on mobile Do not operate wire rope hoist if the rope is not
cranes in that drums, cable, sheaves, and load blocks properly seated in the grooves on the drum.

Do not remove or obscure warning labels. Where service work creates a hazardous area on
the floor beneath the hoist, effective markings
When the load is ready to move, operate the
and barricades shall be used.
hoist slowly and carefully to determine if the
rigging is satisfactory, if the weight is within the After adjustments and repairs have been made,
proper limits, if the hook is located over the the hoist shall not be returned to service until all
center of gravity (CG), and if the brake holds the guards have been replaced, safety devices reacti-
load. See Section 3.5.2. vated, tools and service equipment removed,
When the hoist is not being used, the hook and Warning or Out of Service signs removed.
should be raised and the hoist “parked” out of
the way of personnel. 2.2 Pneumatic Hoists
2.1.3 Testing 2.2.1 Inspection
Inspections are the same as those required for Operational Tests electric hoists in Section 2.1.1.
Hoists shall be tested operationally by raising and See Appendix D for the Field Inspection Check
lowering the load block or hook; the operation of the Sheet, Electric or Pneumatic Hoists.
brakes shall be tested, and the trip-setting of limit
devices shall be determined by test under no-load 2.2.2 Operations
conditions. Actuating mechanisms shall be located so
Operational requirements for pneumatic hoists
that they will trip the limiting devices in sufficient
are the same as those given in Section 2.1.2 for electric
time to stop motion without damage to any part of the
hoisting mechanism. Load Testing 2.2.3 Testing

If a hoist was not load tested by the manufacturer, All testing, including load testing, is the same as
it shall be tested with a load of a least 125 7;of the load required for electric hoists (Section 2.1.3).
rating before being placed in operation.
Hoists shall be load tested every other year in the 2.2.4 Maintenance
same manner described above for overhead cranes. Pneumatic hoisting equipment and any associat-
ed auxiliary equipment shall be serviced according to
2.1.4 Maintenance the manufacturer’s service manual and the following
Electrical hoisting equipment and any associated requirements:
auxiliary electrical equipment shall be serviced The Preventive Maintenance Program shall be
according to the manufacturer’s service manual and based on the hoist manufacturer’s recom-
the following requirements: mendations.
The Preventive Maintenance Program shall be Replacement parts shall be at least equal to the
based on the hoist manufacturer’s recommenda- original manufacturer’s specifications.
tions. The service technician shall review the Field
Replacement parts shall be a t least equal to the Inspection Check Sheets before servicing the
original manufacturer’s specifications. hoist.
The service technician shall review the Field The valve on the airline feeding the hoist shall
Inspection Check Sheets before servicing the be turned off, except as required to perform
hoist. required service.
Before adjustments and repairs are made, the
following precautions should be taken, as applicable: 2.3 Chain Hoists
The main or emergency switch on the line feed- A chain hoist is powered by the operator pulling
ing the hoist shall be locked in the Open posi- on a chain that raises or lowers the hook depending on
tion, except as necessary to perform the required the part of chain that is pulled. The load may be
electrical service. supported by chain or wire rope.

2.3.1 Inspection unit, drums, and a cable or chain and is mounted on a
See Section 2.3, Chain Hoists, for information on foundation or other supporting structure. I t is used
inspection and the care and use of chains. primarily to raise or lower loads, or to pull loads or
The inspection criteria for chain hoists are the apply tension to wire rope cables that are used for
same as those specified for electric hoists given in functions other than hoisting.
Section 2.1.1. Base-mounted drum (BMD) hoists are used a t the
See Appendix E for the Field Inspection Check cable sites and on test towers. A hand-powered winch
Sheet, Chain Hoists. is also used a t the New Cable Site. I t is possible that
sometime in the future some aquatic program may
require the use of a windlass near the West Test
2.3.2 Operations Tower.
Chain hoists shall be operated only by hand
power, with no more than one operator per hand
chain. 2.4.1 Inspection
The operational criteria for chain hoists are the Two general classifications of inspections are des-
same as those specified for electric hoists given in ignated: Frequent and Periodic. These inspections
Section 2.1.2. are similar to those mentioned in Section 1.1.1 for
Cranes and in Section 2.1.1 for Hoists. In addition, the
items listed below shall be inspected.
2.3.3 Testing
A!l testing, including load testing, is the same as Frequent Inspection
that required for electric hoists (Section 2.1.3). Frequent Inspection means that the hoist is
inspected before every job. Items that should be
2.3.4 Maintenance inspected frequently are
Hand-powered hoisting equipment and any asso- 1. All control mechanisms for maladjustments
ciated auxiliary equipment shall be serviced according or excessive wear that interfere with proper
to the manufacturer’s service manual and the follow- operation
ing requirements:
2. All limit switches or limiting devices for mal-
The Preventive Maintenance Program shall be functions a t the beginning of each work shift
based on the hoist manufacturer’s recommenda-
3 . Air or hydraulic systems for deterioration or
The service technician shall review the Field
Inspection Check Sheets before servicing the 4. Load -carrying wire ropes for excessive wear
and distortion (see Section 3.1.2 for inspection
criteria for wire ropes)
Replacement parts shall be a t least equal to the
5 . Electrical apparatus for malfunctions, signs of
original manufacturer’s specifications.
excessive deterioration, and dirt and moisture
2.4 Base-Mounted Drum Hoists 6. The diameter of the drum flange, which shall
Refer to ANSI B30.7. extend a minimum of 112 in. beyond the top
Drum-mounted hoists, winches, and windlasses layer of rope a t all times.
perform the same basic function. A winch, by defini-
See Appendix F for the Field Inspection Check
tion, is “a powerful machine with one or more drums
Sheet, Base-Mounted Drum Hoists.
on which to coil a rope, cable, or chain for hauling or
hoisting.” A winch is usually hand-powered, but can
also be powered electrically. A windlass is defined as 2.4.2 Operations
“a steam or electric winch with horizontal or vertical Operators of base-mounted drum hoists must
shaft and two drums used to raise a ship’s anchor.” A meet the training and physical qualifications listed in
base-mounted drum hoist consists of a base, power the Introduction.

24 Operational Tests 1. Set all brakes or locking levers
New and altered hoists shall be tested t o ensure 2. Move all clutch or other power controls to the
compliance with the following. Off or Neutral positions
Raising and lowering shall be done by each 3. Park the suspended load under brake control,
drum. if possible.
Clutches, brakes, and pawls shall be operated. Handling the Load
Limit switches and locking and safety devices
shall be operated. No hoist shall be loaded beyond the rated load or
line pull except during load tests.
Trip-setting limit switches and limiting devices If rotation-resistant wire rope is used with a
shall be determined by tests under no-load conditions. design factor less than 5, but in no case less than 3.5,
Tests shall be conducted first under slow speed and the following special provisions apply:
then with increasing speeds up to maximum speed.
Actuating mechanisms shall be located so that they 1. For each such lifting assignment
will trip the switches or limiting devices in time to stop A qualified person shall direct the lift.
motion without damage to any part of the hoisting A qualified person shall ascertain that the
equipment. wire rope is in satisfactory condition both
Operators shall not engage in any practice that before and after lifting (see Section 3.1.2
might divert attention while actually engaged in oper- under Rigging).
ating the BMD hoist.
Operators shall be familiar with the equipment . Operations shall be conducted in such a
manner and a t such speeds as to minimize
and its proper care. They shall test all controls a t the
start of a new shift, and if adjustments or repairs are dynamic or shock load effects.
necessary they shall report the same promptly to the Each lift under these provisions shall be re-
supervisor or request service from Maintenance. corded in the hoist inspection record and such
The operator shall respond to signals from only prior uses shall be considered before permit-
one qualified person during hoisting operations. See ting another lift with the same equipment.
Chart C (following the appendixes) for the proper Provisions in Section are not intended
hand signals. to permit duty cycle or repetitive lifts to be
Whenever there is doubt as to safety, the operator made with an operating design factor less
shall stop the operations, secure the load, and consult than 5.
with the supervisor.
Before leaving the hoist unattended, the operator Moving the Load
Care must be taken to ensure that the hoist
1. Secure the load cables are not kinked or twisted.
2. Disengage the clutches Care must be taken to prevent sudden accelera-
3. Place the handles of controls in the Off position tion or deceleration of the moving load.
4. Open the main switch or stop the engine Before moving the load, if there is a slack rope
5. Engage the manual locking devices in the condition, the operator shall determine that the
absence of automatic holding equipment. wire rope is properly seated on the drum.
If there is a Warning sign on the switch or engine Each time a load approaches the maximum
starting controls, the BMD hoist operator shall not rated load, the operator shall test the load
close the switch or start the operations until the sign brakes by raising the load slightly and applying
has been removed by the individual who "red-tagged" the brakes.
the hoist. No BMD hoist power drum shall be rotated in
If a power failure occurs during operations, the the lowering direction beyond the point where
hoist operator shall less than two wraps of rope remain on the drum.
When loads are lowered for long distances, the Maintenance Procedures
operator shall check the thermal capacity of the Before adjustments and repairs are started on a
brakes and motors as outlined by ratings or BMD hoist, the following precautions shall be taken:
charts provided by the manufacturer for both
repetitive and intermittent operation. Where If electrically powered, the main or emergency
maximum rated loads are being lowered for long switch must be locked in the O p e n position.
distances, power controlled lowering is usually If mechanically powered, the power plant must
necessary to reduce the demand on the brake. be stopped and disconnected a t the takeoff.
Additional cooling may be required on fluid The power plant starting mechanism shall be
transmissions or torque converters. rendered inoperative.
The drum pawls must be engaged, or other Holding the Suspended Load means provided to prevent load ropes from
The operator shall not leave the controls while the inadvertently rotating the mechanism.
load is suspended, unless the precautions stated below
are taken: Warning or Out of Order signs or “red tags” shall
be placed on the power controls. These signs
If the load must remain suspended for any shall be removed only by the individual who
considerable length of time, a pawl or other placed them on the equipment a t the beginning
equivalent means, rather than the brake alone, of the service period.
shall be used to hold the load.
The operator may leave the controls provided Adjustments and Repairs
that before leaving another qualified individ- Any hazardous condition disclosed by the Fre-
ual shall establish the requirements for “dog- quent Inspections shall be corrected before the
ging” the hoist. operation of the hoist is resumed.
BMD hoists, when holding anchor lines or ap- Adjustments shall be maintained to ensure cor-
plying static tension, are not considered to be rect functioning of components.
holding suspended loads. However, before the
Replacement parts shall be a t least equal to the
operator leaves the controls, the operator and a
original manufacturer’s specifications.
qualified individual shall establish the require-
ments for braking, “dogging” the hoist, furnish-
ing notices, setting up barricades, and shall Lubrication
take whatever other precautions necessary to Lubricants shall be applied in accordance with the
provide a safe area. manufacturer’s recommendations.
Lubricating systems should be checked to
2.4.3 Testing ensure proper delivery of lubricant.
If a base-mounted drum hoist was not line-pull All rotating machinery shall be stopped, where
tested by the manufacturer, it shall be tested with a feasible, while lubricants are being applied and
load of a t least I10 %5 of the load rating before being protection is provided unless the hoist is
placed in operation. equipped for automatic or remote lubrication.
BMD hoists shall be line-pull tested a t 110“0 After adjustments, repairs, and service have been
every other year. performed, the hoist shall not be returned to service
BMD hoists that have had load-sustaining parts until all drum pawls have been disengaged, guards
altered, replaced, or repaired shall be load tested installed, limiting devices reactivated, and the service
before being returned to operational status. tools, equipment, and warning signs removed from the
work site.
2.4.4 Maintenance
Base-mounted drum hoists shall be included in
the Preventive Maintenance Program. Maintenance
shall be based on the manufacturer’s recom-

3. Rigging

Of Cranes, Hoists, and Rigging, the most impor- parts move in relation to one another as the rope
tant i s . . twists, coils, and turns. Another important element of
Rigging, by definition, is “lines and chains used wire rope is the lay length. A rope’s “lay length” or
aboard a ship, especially in working sail and support- “rope lay” is the linear distance necessary for one
ing masts and spars.” Another important part of cran- strand to revolve around the core.
ing, it appears, was borrowed from the marine
Rigging hardware, defined for use by this manual,
includes all crane parts from, and including, the drum
to the load. Drums and sheaves were covered in the
Crane section. The hook and other hardware used in
crane rigging, as well as special design items, will be
discussed later (Section 3.4, The Hook and Under).
In construction and industry, rigging is the para-
phernalia that is hung on the hook and holds the load.
This consists of slings (wire rope, wire mesh, chain, or
synthetic web), fastenings (clevises, shackles, plate
grips, magnetic grips, tongs, rings, links, hooks, swiv-
els, thimbles, clamps, etc.), strong backs, and spreader
and equalizer beams. The weight of the rigging and
the load block, hook, and cable hanging from the Figure 3. Elements of Wire Rope’
boom tip sheave must be added to the weight of the
load, especially when the operation concerns a critical Other important features of wire ropes are “Lang
or a close-to-rated load-limit “pick.” If a jib is attached Lay” and “Regular Lay,” and “right lay,” “left lay,” or
to the boom but is not being used, its weight must also “alternate lay.” In Lang Lay ropes, the wires in the
be included in the pick. strands and strands in the ropes are laid in the same
For additional or more comprehensive informa- direction. In Regular Lay ropes, the strand wires are
tion refer to the Rigging Manual, the appropriate laid in one direction and the strands in the rope are
ANSI Standard, or other documents listed in the laid in the opposite direction.
References section, including the Hoisting and Rig- A right-lay Regular Lay wire rope is one in which
ging Equipment section in the SNL Safety Manual. the individual wires in the strand rotate to the left
about the center of the strand while the strands rotate
to the right about the core, similar to a conventional
3.1 Wire Ropes screw thread. This wire rope configuration, unless
One of the definitions of machine is “an assem- otherwise stated, is understood to be the “standard”
blage of parts that transmit forces, motion, and energy wire rope.
onto another in a predetermined manner.” A wire rope A left-lay Regular Lay wire rope is just the oppo-
is an assemblage of parts. It transmits force (tension); site. Its strands rotate to the left about the core while
it transmits motion (as in a hoisting condition); and it the wires in the strands rotate to the right about the
transmits energy (the energy of the power plant). It strand’s center.
does so in a predetermined manner (as it is reeved). It A right-lay Lang Lay wire rope consists of strands
also stores resilient energy. A wire rope cable in high that rotate to the right about the core while the wires
tension contains a tremendous amount of energy. A in the strand also rotate to the right about the strand’s
wire rope is indeed a machine. center.
Wire rope consists of three basic parts: the wire, A left-lay Lang Lay wire rope contains strands
several of which make up a strand, and several that rotate to the left about the core while the wires in
strands, in turn, are wrapped around a core. The the strand also rotate to the left about the strand’s
strand also contains a core called the “center.” These center.
Lang Lay wire rope should not be used on over- formed in a helical pattern in such a way that they fit
head cranes, single-part hoist lines, or with swivel-end into their position in the finished rope. Preforming
terminals. individual wires removes the tendency of the wires
An alternate-lay wire rope contains three right-lay and strands to unravel. Preformed wire ropes
and three left-lay strands of either Regular Lay or Have ends that do not untwist
Lang Lay construction. The right- and left-lay strands
alternate about the core. Can be cut without applying seizings (ends
Another wire rope configuration is the Herring- wrapped) before the cutting operation
bone or Twin-Strand construction. This rope consists Are free from liveliness and twisting tendencies,
of a combination of right-hand and left-hand-laid which make installation and handling easier
strands-usually two pairs of the right-hand strands Are less likely to kink or foul
(Lang Lay) and two single left-laid strands (Regular
Lay). The two single left-laid strands are separated by Have increased resistance to bending fatigue
the pairs of right-hand strands. This configuration Have strands that carry an equal share of the
provides some of the stability of a Regular Lay rope load
while retaining most of the bending characteristics of Cause less wear on sheaves and drums
Lang Lay wire rope.
Have wires, when broken, that lie flat with the
Most of the wire ropes manufactured and now broken ends only slightly separated from the
available are preformed, which means that during the strand. For this reason, preformed rope requires
manufacturing process the wires and strands are very careful inspection.


Strand Lay
(a) Lang Lay Rope-Wires and Strands Laid in Same

* Direction Right Lay LANO LAY


(b) Alternate Lay Rope



(c) Herringbone or Twin Strand
(d) Rope Lay

Figure 4. The Various Lays of Wire Rope2

Figure 5. Effect of Preforming on a Wire Rope'

Six requirements must be considered when select- Resistance to bending fatigue. The wire rope
ing a wire rope for use on a crane or hoist: must have the ability to bend over small sheaves
1. The rope should possess sufficient strength to or wind onto relatively small drums without the
take the maximum load that may be applied, wires breaking at too fast a rate because of
with a design factor (factor of safety) of a t least bending fatigue;
5 to 1, and 10 to 1when used to carry personnel. Strands containing a large number of small
wires offer greater resistance to bending fatigue
2. The rope should withstand repeated bending
than those containing a few large wires.
without failure of the wires from fatigue.
Lang Lay construction provides greater fatigue
3. It should resist abrasion. resistance than Regular Lay construction.
4. It should withstand distortion and crushing. Preforming increases the wire rope's resistance
5. It should resist rotation. to bending fatigue.
6. I t should resist corrosion. Resistance to abrasion. The wire rope is sub-
jected to wear from abrasion as it passes through
To elaborate further, wire rope service require-
operating sheaves or comes in contact with sta-
ments and design characteristics are
tionary objects. Large outer wires are better able
Strength. The wire rope must develop sufficient to withstand abrasive wear than small wires.
strength to support the load plus the necessary Lang Lay construction provides greater resis-
design factor. The strength of a wire rope de- tance to wear than Regular Lay construction.
pends on its size, construction, type of core, and Refer to Figure 6 for comparison of abrasion and
grade of the rope. fatigue resistance factors.
Resistance t o crushing. Some wire ropes distort Other factors to be considered when selecting wire
or flatten when they are forced to operate under rope are
heavy tension in grooves that do not provide
ample support or on drums where multiple-lay Grades
winding occurs. T o meet the demand for varying degrees of
An independent wire rope core (IWRC) provides strength, toughness, abrasion resistance, and corro-
greater support for strands under heavy bearing sion resistance, wire rope is manufactured in the fol-
pressures and Regular Lay is more resistant to lowing grades:
crushing than Lang Lay wire ropes. The coarser
Grade 120/130 Special Improved Plow Type I1
wire rope constructions provide greater resis-
(XX1P)-Used for special installations where
tance to flattening on drums.
maximum rope strength is required.
Resistance t o rotation. The wire rope may ro-
Grade 115/125 Special Improved Plow Type I
tate as the load is applied. This can be undesir-
(X1P)-Used for special applications where
able for load control and might lead to rapid
breaking strengths somewhat higher than those
deterioration of the wire rope.
obtained with Grade 110/120 are desired and
Special rotation-resistant constructions are where other conditions such as sheave and drum
available for specific applications. Regular Lay diameters are favorable for its use.
provides greater stability than Lang Lay, and
wire ropes with an IWRC twist less than those Grade 110/120 Improved Plow (IPS)-Has a
with fiber cores. good combination of tensile strength, wearing
qualities, and excellent fatigue-resistant proper-
Resistance to corrosion. Wire rope may corrode ties. These steels have high strength, are tough,
if in contact with corrosive elements, or it may ductile, and highly wear-resistant, and are
rust when exposed to atmospheric conditions drawn to 110/120 long tons/in2 or to 246,000 to
over a long period of time. 268,000 psi.
Galvanized or stainless steel wire offers excel-
Grade 100/110 Plow-Has lower tensile strength
lent protection against corrosion. Special lubri-
and resistance to wear than Grade llO/l20 but
cants can also inhibit the development of rust.
retains high fatigue-resistant properties. Can be
used where strength is secondary to wear

Figure 6. Abrasion and Fatigue Resistance3

Strand Classifications Seale-The larger diameter wires are used on
Round Strand Ropes the outside of the strand to resist abrasion; the
smaller wires are inside to provide flexibility.
0 Flattened (Triangular) Strand Ropes
Locked Coil Ropes
. Warrington-The alternate wires are large and
small to combine great flexibility with resistance
Concentric Strand Ropes to abrasion.
Filler Wire-The very small wires fill in the
There are four common configurations of Round voids between the outer and inner rows of wires
Strand Wire Rope: so as to provide good abrasion, crushing, and
Ordinary-The wires are all the same size. fatigue resistance.

Round Strand Ropes

Concentric Strand Ropes

Figure 7 . Strand Classification Configurations2

Ordinary Conatruct ale Constructi

8x19 Ordinary. Fibre Core 8x19 Ordinary. Fibre Core 6x19 %ale IWRC 8x19 S a l e . Fibre Core

Warrington Cooatnntion Filler Construction

6x19 Warrington. flbm Core 8x19 Warrington. Fibre Core 6x21 Filler, Fibre Core 8x25 Filler. WRC
As the number of wires per strand increases, com- Basic 37 Class Strands
binations of Filler Wire, Seale, and Warrington pat- 31 Class Warrington Seale-The 19-Wire War-
terns are used to provide certain characteristics. The rington strand is enclosed by an outer layer of
combination of rope classifications and strand con- 1 2 large-diameter wires resting in the voids
structions produces varying degrees of resistance to between the 12 wires of the inner layer. This
bending fatigue and abrasion. The effect of varying construction provides similar abrasion resis-
constructions can best be shown by using, as exam- tance to 25-Wire Filler, but increases flexibility
ples, the most commonly used rigging wire ropes: from additional internal wires.
41 Class Seale Filler Wire-The 41-Wire Filler
Basic 19 Class Strands
strand comprises a 17-wire inner Seale strand
19 Class Seale-Seale patterns always have the with an outer layer of 16 wires and a layer of
same number of outer and inner wires. The 8 filler wires to prevent crowding of the outer
outer wires are fairly large and provide good wires. This construction is recommended for
abrasion resistance. larger diameter ropes where more flexibility is
19 Class Warrington-Outer wires are in two required.
sizes and are alternately supported by the 49 Class Seale Filler Wire-The 49-Wire Filler
crowns and voids of the inner layer. This type of Seale strand comprises a conventional 33-Wire
construction is ideal for small-diameter ropes or Filler strand with an outer layer of 16 large-
for intermediate layers when building large- diameter wires resting between the 16 wires of
diameter strands of many wires. the inner layer. This construction is ideal for
25 Class Filler Wire-Filler wires are used to large-diameter ropes where the requirement is
prevent the outer wires from crowding into the maximum flexibility.
voids between the inner wires. The Filler con- The 18X 7 Rotation-Resistant Construction
struction has good abrasion and fatigue- Round Strand Wire Rope consists of an outer layer of
resistance characteristics. 12 strands laid Right Lay over an inner layer of 6
strands laid Left Lay around a fiber core. All of the
strands contain 7 wires.

I 19 Wire S a l e Strand 19 Wire Warrington Strand

I 8x19
WflC Rope Details of
19 Wire S a l e Strand
6x19 Warrin ton.
Fibre Core i o p e
Details of
19 Wire Warrington Strand
25 Wim Filler Stnnd

I 6x25 Filler. IWRC

Details of
25 Wire Filler Strand

Figure 9. Basic 19 Class Strand Construction'

31 Win, Warrington Sealo Strand 41 Wire Filler Strand

6x31 Warr. Soale. Details of 6x41 Filler, F.C Details of

IWRC Rope 31 Wire Warrin ton Rope 41 Wire Filler
S a l e Stran% Strand

49 Wire Filler Seale Strand

6x49 Filler S a l e . Details of

IWRC Rope 49 Wire Filler Seale

Figure 10. Basic 37 Class Strand Construction'

17x7 18x7 34x7 12x6 over 3x24

Figure 1 1. Typical Multistrand Rotation-Resistant Constructions'

Rotation-resistant ropes require special handling There are two basic types of cores:
before, during, and after installation: Fiber Cores-Adequate for many types of ser-
Do not twist or turn the rope, as core slippage vice by providing maximum flexibility and elas-
may result. ticity to the wire rope. Fiber cores are made of
When seizing an end, ensure that the entire natural fibers such as sisal or manila or from
cross section of the rope is firmly secured. man-made fibers such as polypropylene or
Before cutting a rotation-resistant rope, secured
seizings of annealed wire should be placed on Wire Cores-Increases the resistance of wire
both sides of the point where the cut is to be ropes to abuse as they do not yield to the com-
made. pressive action of the outer strands as do fiber
cores. There are three types of wire cores: inde-
Seizings for these ropes should be a short dis- pendent wire rope core (IWRC), steel strand
tance apart, and the length should be at least core, and armored core.
equal to 1-1/2 to 2 times the diameter of the
There should be three seizings on each side of
the cut for ropes up to 1 in. diameter, and four
seizings on each side when the diameter of the
rope is over 1 in.
If thimbles are required, use a larger size than
specified for the same size of wire rope, to pre-
vent core slippage.
Optimum rotation-resistant characteristics may
be obtained by using a design factor of 8 or 10
to 1.
Rotation-resistant ropes should not be used for
boom or pendant (standing) cables.
The third element of wire rope construction is the
core. The core forms the heart of the rope and is the
component around which the main rope strands are
laid. The core supports the strands and is intended to Figure 12. Fiber Core Ropes'
keep them from jamming against each other under
normal loads and flexings.

To find the maximum safe working load, divide
the catalog breaking strength of the rope by the design
factor. The wire ropes supplied as rigging on mobile
cranes must possess design factors as follows:
Live or running ropes that wind on drums or
pass over sheaves
3.5 to 1 under operating conditions
3.0 to 1 when erecting the boom
Pendants or standing ropes
3.0 to 1 under operating conditions
2.5 to 1 when erecting the boom.
Independent Wire Rope Core
The hoisting or rigging ropes on cranes other than
those that are mobile must possess a design factor of
5 to 1.
When cranes are used to lift people, the design
factor is 10 to 1.
The design factor accounts for the following
Reduced capacity of the rope below its catalog
strength due to wear, fatigue, corrosion, and
End fittings and splices that are not as strong as
the rope itself
Extra loads imposed by acceleration and inertia
(starting, stopping, swinging, and jerking of the
Increased line pull (load on the rope) due to
friction of the rope passing over sheaves
Inaccuracies in the weight of the load
Inaccuracies in the weight of the rigging

Reduced strength of the rope due to bending
over sheaves.
These variables, although not complete, are suffi-
cient to indicate why a design factor is required and
Armoured Core
why it must neuer be lowered.
T o determine the maximum safe working load
(MSWL) in tons, the diameter, grade, core type, and
classification of the rope selected must be known.
Consult the crane or hoist manufacturers' manuals,
Figure 13. Wire Core Ropes'
Engineering Standards, or the Rigging Manual listed
in the References.

Design Factors for Wire Rope

T o guard against failure of a wire rope in service,
the actual load on the rope should be only a fraction of 3.1.1 End Fittings and Connections
the breaking or failure load. In its simplest form, the End attachments and how they are assembled to
Design Factor is defined as wire rope greatly affect safety. Since many end attach-
ments develop less than the full strength of the rope,
Catalog Strength of the Rope safety practices require that the craftsman making the
Design Factor =
Maximum Safe Working Load * attachment
Select the correct fittings and connections The best and most secure splice is the Flemish
Properly install the fittings and connections Eye Plus Pressed Metal Sleeve. It develops
Evaluate the connections for safe load capacity. almost 100% of the catalog strength of wire
Forged fittings, which may be stamped “load-rated,” rope. Again, it is almost impossible to determine
are the only type recommended. what type of splice exists when it is covered by
The various types of fittings and connections used serving wire or pressed metal sleeves. The Flem-
depend on the factors of the installation: ish Eye is made by separating the wire rope
strands into two groups, forming the core into a
Zinc (Spelter) Socket. This socket is efficient basic eye, and then weaving the two groups of
for permanent terminal attachments and is rec- strands around the core from separate sides and
ommended for use on all standing ropes and then together until the strands have covered the
where severe service conditions exist. Only core and have been interweaved.
trained and properly qualified personnel are
The Tucked Eye can develop only 70% of the
permitted to make these connections.
rope strength and tends to come free as the rope
Swaged Socket. This socket also makes efficient unwinds. Consequently, it should not be used
and permanent attachments. These attach- for hoisting loads.
ments are made by compressing a steel sleeve The Fold Back Eye splices are made by bending
over the rope with a hydraulic press. Properly the rope to the eye dimension and securing the
made swaged sockets provide an efficiency of dead end of the rope to the live length by means
100% of the wire rope. of a steel or aluminum sleeve.
When inspecting the spelter of swaged connec- I t is strongly recommended t h a t these two
tions, examine the rope closely for corrosion a t splices never be used f o r overhead hoisting
the socket. Corroded wire is very susceptible to since improper swaging or split sleeves will
fatigue. One broken wire is sufficient cause to result in complete failure without warning.
reattach the connection or replace the rope.
Collet Connection. The Collet connection is
Cappel Socket. When properly installed and similar to the Fold Back Eye connection except
frequently inspected, this socket gives 100% that instead of the sleeve being swaged onto the
efficiency. It is made with interlocked wedges, rope, it takes the form of a split collet, sleeve and
which afford a holding power equal to the nut arrangement. Safety recommends that this
strength of the wire rope. type of connection not be used.
W e d g e Socket. This socket is probably the sim- Cable Clip Connection. The most common clips
plest device used for anchoring an end connec- used are (1)the Crosby or the U-bolt and saddle
tion to wire rope. The efficiency, however, is type and (2) the double saddle or fist grip type.
only 70% of the rope strength. The fist grip clip is also called the safety clip.
Do not attach the dead end of the cable to the U-bolt clips must have the U-bolt section on the
live length of the rope with a clip. dead or short end of the rope and the saddle on
Wedge socket anchorages should not be used on the live or long end of the rope. See Figure 14 for
rotation-resistant ropes because of the small the correct installation of U-bolt or cable clips.
radius of the wedge socket and the possibility of Cable clips shall never be reused.
severe core slippage.
Never use clips to directly connect two straight
Spliced E y e Connection. The SNLA Safety lengths of rope. Use clips to form eyes on the end
Department recommends that extreme caution of each rope and connect the two thimbles to-
be taken when selecting this type of connection gether. See Figure 15 for proper method of join-
because it is almost impossible to determine ing two wire ropes.
what kind of splice is used when it is covered by
serving wire or pressed metal sleeves. The Double saddle clips (Figure 16) or fist grip clips
spliced eye connection has several configura- are preferable to the U-bolt clips.
tions in three basic groups. These groups of The cable clip nut torque must be rechecked
Spliced Eye connections are Flemish Eye, monthly after the rope has been in operation
Tucked Eye, and Fold Back Eye. and until it has earned its “construction

Still greater efficiency can be obtained by using
long, double base clamps (Figure 17), which
should be at least six rope diameters in length.
These clamps obtain a greater clamping force on
the rope without damaging it, and rope life and
safety increase accordingly.

Figure 14. Cable Clips'

Figure 16. Double Saddle Clips'

m*o 1


Figure 15. Proper Method of Joining Two Wire Ropes'

Figure 17. Double Base Clamp'

3.1.2 Inspection the date of installation, size, construction, length, type
The single most important operational check to be of wear or abuse found during inspections, and length
made on hoisting and rigging equipment is the rope of service.
and rigging inspection. All wire rope in continuous See Appendix G for the Field Inspection Check
service should be observed during normal operation Sheet, Wire Rope.
and visually inspected on a weekly basis. The strands The following conditions are sufficient reasons to
of the wire rope should be separated to provide a view question seriously the rope’s safety features. If there is
of the rope’s interior. A marlin spike or similarly any doubt as to the rope’s integrity, call the Plant
shaped tool should be used to separate the strands. Engineering Operations Inspector or request Mainte-
Refer to Figure 18 for the proper method of opening a nance to replace it with a new one.
wire rope for internal inspection. Broken Wires

The rope must be replaced
If in running ropes, there are more than five
randomly distributed broken wires in one lay
length, or more than two broken wires in one
strand in one lay length
If in pendants or standing ropes, there are more
than two broken wires in one lay length
If in any rope, there are one or more broken
To open a rope, insert marlin wires near an attached fitting
spike beneath two strands and
rotate to lift strands and provide
(Breaks near attached fastenings, such as sock-
view of interior. ets, are usually the result of fatigue stresses. The
end fastenings should be replaced to eliminate
the fatigued area. Six to eight feet should be cut
Figure 18. Proper Method of Opening up a Wire Rope’ off the rope before the new attachment is made.)
If in running ropes, there is any evidence of wire
Factors such as abrasion, wear, fatigue, corrosion, breaks in the valleys between strands
improper reeving, and kinking are often of greater (Breaks occurring on crowns of outside wires
significance in determining the usable life of wire rope indicate normal deterioration. Breaks in valleys
than are strength factors based on new rope between strands indicate an abnormal condi-
conditions. tion, possibly fatigue or breakage of other wires
A record of each rope, its inspections, its defects, not readily visible. More than one of these valley
and deficiencies should be kept to determine the rate breaks in one lay length should be cause for
of degradation and when to replace the rope. Include replacement.)

Raplace m p ifmom am Watch for
- 6 or mom bmken wima in om Lay broken
3 or mom bmken wima in one strand in one Lay
3 or mom broken wima in one Lav in Slandino R o m in Ihn

Estimate ropes condition at section
rhowing maximum deterioration.

mea4 mpcn exhlbil wire breaks cm d b, fatigue

This wchet must
aner mewed bending owr sheaves of the
pmpor slze and under moderate loads. be replaced.

(a) Rope Replacement Criteria Based on the Number (b) Broken Wires Near
of Broken Wires Fittings

Under ideal and nomoi condilions.

w i m should break first on the
cmrns of strands.

Flexing a m p can onen e x m e bmken wins

haden in vallefl betvean strnnds.
Tmk.1 Vml*y Bmmk -am wrious

(c) Broken Wires Inside a Rope

Figure 19. Broken Wires'

39 Worn and Abraded Wires the outside, reducing the circle to a segment that
In a new rope each individual wire (with the gradually becomes smaller as the "flat" increases.
exception of certain wires in the Flattened Strand and These worn areas are characterized by their bright
Locked Coil ropes) is a complete circle in cross section. appearance.
Wear due to friction on sheaves, rollers, drums, etc., The rope must be replaced if this wear exceeds
eventually causes the outer wires to become flat on one-third of the diameter of the wire.


Severe wear tn
Langr Lay caused
by abrasion at
crO55QYer pomts
on multi-layer awm


Normal suriace wear

01 v , outer w r e dba
on Regular Lay rope


When the surlace

wires are worn
by 'I1 or mere
01 their diameter
the rope must Rope Strand indicating the reeull 01 severe surlace wear
be replaced and Inter-strand nuking caused by exCeSSiYe rope loadtng

Figure 20. Worn and Abraded Ropes'

40 Reduction in Rope Diameters Rope Stretch
Any marked reduction in rope diameter is a criti- Severe stretch or elongation of rope is also a
cal deterioration factor. It is often due to excessive deterioration factor. All steel ropes will stretch during
abrasion of the outside wires, loss of core support, their initial periods of use. This is known as “construc-
internal or external corrosion, inner wire failures, or a tion stretch.” An elongation of 6 in. per 100-ft of rope
loosening of the rope lay. All ropes decrease in diame- can be expected in a six-strand rope and approxi-
ter after use, which is normal. The rope must be mately 9 to 10 in. in an eight-strand rope.
replaced if the diameter is reduced by more than
Note: Look f o r lengthening o f t h e lay length or a
3/64 in. for rope diameters of up to and includ- reduction in t h e rope diameter.
ing 314 in.
Excessive stretch beyond these dimensions should
1/16 in. for rope diameters of 718 to 1-118 in. be cause for replacement. Sudden stretching after the
3/32 in. for rope diameters of 1-114 to 1-112 in. rope has initially stabilized is also cause for replace-
ment of the wire rope.



Undamaged Damaged
Rope Section Rope Section
Note that the Lay
angle decreases Strands bind and
when Ihe core fails. take on an
oval shape i f
the core has

Figure 21. Reduction in Rope Diameter’

I Normal Undamaged Rope

I I OneRopeLay

SIretched rope shows increased lay length.

Figure 22. Rope Stretch2 Corrosion Insufficient Lubrication
Corrosion can be more dangerous than wear as A wire rope is supposedly lubricated internally by
more wires are affected by corrosion. Visual field the saturated fiber core but this is not necessarily true.
inspections do not give even an approximate idea of The lubricant usually dries out, leaks out, or is
the quality of a corroded rope. This is because corro- squeezed out of the rope. Where the grooves between
sion frequently develops inside the rope before any the strands are filled with hard-packed grease or dirt,
evidence is visible on the rope surface. If corrosion is new lubricant cannot penetrate to prevent internal
detected by the characteristic discoloration of the friction. Refer to Section, Lubrication. Also see
wires or if pitting is observed, then consideration must Figure 18 for the proper way to examine the inside of a
be given to replacing the rope. Noticeable rusting and wire rope.
the development of broken wires in the vicinity of
attachments are also cause for replacement. If corro- Damaged or Inadequate Splices
sion occurs at the base of the socket, it must be All splices must be closely examined for worn and
removed, about 6 to 8 f t of wire cut off, and the socket broken wires, pinched or jammed strands, loose
should then be reattached to the wire rope. strands, cracked fittings, tucks drawing out, corrosion,
etc. If any of these conditions are evident, then that
section of the rope must be scrapped and a new splice
made. If the serving wire is merely loose it may be re-
placed without replacing the wire rope section.

Severe corrosion
caused by immersion
of rope in chemically
treated water

Internal corrosion
prominent while external Substantial wear and
severe internal corrosion
surface shows linle
evidence of deterioralion. High tension. abrasion
and corrosive
Complete lack of strand
environment are
gap suggests internal
combined in this

Figure 23. Rope Corrosion*

Failure may occur at the first splice tuck

Figure 24. Damaged Splice2

42 Damaged End Fittings Crushed, Jammed, and Flattened
If any of the conditions shown in Figure 25 exist, Strands
replace the fitting. Examine all thimbles closely for Replace the rope as these conditions are danger-
wear in the crown, for evidence of the throat biting O U ~because of the Severe wire deformation. These
into the rope, and for distortion or closure of the deficiencies occur when there are multiple layers on
thimble. drums. Ropes with a large number of wires (e.g.,
6 x 3 7 ) should never be used when multilayers are
required. A rope with larger wires (e.g., 6 x 1 9 or
6 X 25) could be used but sheave and drum sizes must
be increased accordingly to reduce fatigue due to
bending. Also, independent steel wire core (IWRC)
ropes should be used to reduce crushing.

rhll I*p 01 Iillmg wt11 usually 11. at the scdtel bowl

Fa~Iuremay occur a1 the base 01 ma swaged lilting 8n
I h l l ar*a

Figure 25. Damaged End Fittings'


Snag@ wires resulting from drum crushmg

- -Y

A rope (ha1 has been jammed aner lumping off a sheave

Ropsu~ecledtodrumcrushlnqNote Ihedlstonlon of the

individualwires and displacemen1lrom theor normal posd#onThis IS
usdally caused by the rope ¶Clubbongon Itself

Localized Drum Crushing

Crushing 01 Row

Figure 26. Crushed, Jammed, and Flattened Strands2 High Stranding and Unlaying

Replace the rope or renew the end connection to
reset the rope lay. In cases such as this, excessive wear
and crushing take place and the other strands become
overloaded. 1 “Bird Cages”

Replace the rope or the affected section of the High Stranding
rope. A “bird cage” is caused by sudden release of

Mulli strand rope "bird cages" due to torsional
unbalance Typical of build up seen at anchorage
end of rnulli-iall crane application

Thew rows show Ihe wwre damage lhal results when kinked m p s are uwd
Local wear. dsstonon. misplaced wires and early failure are inevilabk

Figure 29. Rope Kinks'

A "bird cage" which has keen forced through a tighl sheave. Core Protrusion

Replace the rope. Core protrusion is a result of
torsional unbalance created by shock loading.

Core protrusion
as a resuit 01
t O n l O M l unbalance
created by shock

A "bird cage" caused by sudden release of tension

and resultant rebound of rope from overloaded Protrusion of
condition. These strands and wires will not return to WRC resulting
their original positions. from shock loadmg

~~ ~~ ~

Figure 28. "Bird Cages"* Figure 30. Core Protrusion' Kinks Unbalanced Severely Worn Areas

Replace the rope or the affected section of the This type of defect is caused by fatigued wires in
rope. Kinks are usually caused by faulty handling or only one section of the rope, localized wear over an
reeving. The strands become doglegged and, when equalizing sheave, or by vibration of rope between
running on sheaves, are subject to excessive wear a t drum and jib head sheave. Remove the affected
the kink. Loading of the strands is no longer equal. section.


____ ...... .... ..... ~ ................... . - ... ,.I-__.I ..... _1_-.-- . Energy Damage
Remove the affected area or replace the rope if
heat damage, torch burns, or electric arc strikes are
evident. Gaps or excessive clearance between strands
and bulges may also occur. These deficiencies are the

I- Fatigued wires in one section of the rope only. Remainder

shows relatively good condition.
result of core slippage or “turns” being put into or
taken out of the rope. These usually occur in rotation-
resistant rope constructions. These deficiencies also
require that the wire rope be replaced.
Refer to Figure 32 for details of typical rope
damage and to Table 2 for typical faults and possible
causes of wire rope damage.
If the rope being inspected contains multilayers of
Localized wear over an equalizing sheave. The
danger of this type wear is that it isnot visible during strands, open it up and examine the inner strands.
operation of the rope. This emphasizes the need of Particular attention should be paid to those areas
regular inspectionof this portion of an operating close to the terminal fittings. Examine not only the
length of rope that is in constant use, but also the rope
that remains spooled and inoperative on the drum.
Examine all ropes, including the standing ropes,
for possible deterioration caused by corrosion, abra-
sive dust, etc., and for damage during crane erection
and dismantling procedures.

Localized wear due to abrasion on supporting

structure. Vibration of rope between drum and jib
head sheave.

Figure 31. Unbalanced Severely Worn Areas’

Narrow path 01 wear Break up 01 IWRC
M u l l i n g in Ialtguc resulting lrom high
traclums. caused by stress application
working In agrosrly
Note nickingofwires
oversize groove or in outer strands

Wwe tractbresattne
strand or core
nterlace asd~sl8ncl
lrom crown
Two parallel paths 01 broken wrlres lraclures caused b y
indicative 01 bending through an undenlze tanlure 01 cow
groove inthesheave SUPPOR

AnexamPleollat~guelallureolawwe ropewhlch has W~re~opethatshowrseverewear~lat~guel~om

beon sUbpCledd(0heavy loads over small sheaves The OPeratlngover small sheaves with heavy load and severe
usual crown breaks are acwmpanml by breaks In the abrwsion
vc.lleys 01 the strands. these breaks b l n g caused by
strand nicking resunmg lmm the heavy loads

I f-

Awireropewhich hasjumpedasheave The

rope itscll is deformed into a "curl" as if bent
A rope latlmg lrom labgue afier bendlng over small sheaves
around a round shalt. Closeexamination 01
lhe wires show two types 01 breaks - normal
tensile "cup and cone" breaks and shear
breaks which give the appearance 01 having
been cut on an angle with a cold chiset

Mechanical damaw due l o row

movement over sharp edge
Pmieclion M i l e under load Rope break due to excessive stram


Figure 32. Typical Rope Damage'

Table 2. Faults And Possible Causes2


Accelerated Wear Severe abrasion from being dragged over Broken Wires or
the ground or obstructions.
Rope wires too small for application or wrong
construction or grade.
Poorly aligned sheaves. Broken Wires Near
Large fleet angle. Fittings Rope vibration.
Worn sheaves with improper groove size or
Sheaves, rollers and fairleads having rough Burns Sheave groove too small.
wear surfaces. Sheaves too heav);.
Stiff or seized sheave bearings. Sheave bearings seized.
High bearing and contact pressures. Ropedragged over obstacle.
~~~~ ~- ~

Rope is not flexible enough. Rope Core Charred Excessive heat.

Sheaves, rollers, drums too small in diameter.
Overload and shock load. Corrugation and Rollers too soft.
Excessiverope vibration. ExcessiveWear Sheave and drum material too soft.
Rope speed too high.
Kinks that have formed and been straightened
out. Core failure.
Crushing and flattening of the rope. Sheave grooves too big.
Reverse bends.
Sheave wobble. Pinching and
Crushing Sheave grooves too small.

Rope Broken Off Overload, shock load.

Square Kink.
Broken or cracked sheave flange. Rope Unlays Swivel fittings on Lang Lay ropes.
Rope dragging against stationary object.
Strand Break Overload, shock load.
Local wear. Crushing and
Slack in 1 or more strands. Nicking Rope struck or hit during handling.

Corrosion Inadequate lubricant. High Stranding Fittings improperly attached.

Improper type of lubricant. Broken strand.
Improper storage. Kinks, dog legs.
Exposureto acids or alkalis. Improper seizing.
Kinks, Dog Legs,
Distortions I Improper installation.
Improper handling.
Reduction in
Broken core.
Severe wear.
ExcessiveWear Kinksor bends in ropedue to improper handlin
in Spots in service or during installation.
Vibration of rope on drums or sheaves. Bird Cage Sudden release of load.

Crushing and Overload, shock load. Strand Nicking Core failure due to continued operation under
Flattening Uneven spooling. high load.
Cross winding. -
Too much rope on drum. Core Protrusion Shock loading.
Loose bearing on drum. Disturbed rope lay.
i Faulty clutches. Rope unlays.
Rope dragged over obstacle. Load spins.
Stretch ' Overload.
i Untwist of Lang Lay ropes.

3.1.3 Installation picked up. A rope that is too long can exceed the
The following should be observed when wire rope drum's spooling capacity, causing it to ride over one of
is to be installed on the drums of cranes, hoists, or on the drum flanges.
base-mounted drum hoists: W i t h t h e hook a t its lowest position there should
be a t least two full t u r n s of rope on t h e d r u m , and t h e
Obtain the correct type of wire rope according to
spooling capacity m u s t not be exceeded w h e n t h e
the manufacturer's recommendations.
hook is a t its highest point. (See Section 2.4.1,
Determine if the wire rope to be installed is Item 6.)
Right Lay or Left Lay.
Keep the rope as clean as possible.
Determine if the rope is to be wound over the
drum or under the drum (depends on the rota-
tion of the drum when power is applied).
Visualize the drum from the rear, or from the
opposite side of the drum from which the load
cable leaves. If a Right Lay cable is to be in-
stalled, make a fist with the right hand (drum) ' Overwind
Right to Left

and extend the forefinger (rope). For overwound Use Left Lay Rope Left Lay - Overwound
installation keep the back of the fist up. For Start Rope at
underwound installation turn the palm up. In-
stall the rope, either over or under the drum, as
indicated by the position of the fist and finger.
Start the rope installation a t the drum flange
that is nearest the finger. For Left Lay cables,
use the left hand and follow the same
Unwind the rope from the reel in such a way that Right to Left
Use Right Lay Rope
kinks or twists will not occur. Right Lay - Underwound

Load the rope over the top of the drum if the L-~-,R
rope uncoils from the top of the reel.
Load the rope under the bottom of the drum if
the rope uncoils from the bottom of the reel.
Before cutting any wire rope, apply the correct
number of seizings to both sides of the location
of the cut. See Section, Seizing and Cut-
ting Wire Rope.
' Underwind
Left to Right
use Lay Rope
The diameter of the top layer of rope on the
LeR Lay - Underwound
drum should always be less than the diameter of
the drum flange by twice the diameter of the
rope or 2 in., whichever is greater.

The correct length of rope to reeve on any drum is

very important. A rope that is too short may unreel to
the point of becoming unhooked or having the rope
anchorage carry the load instead of the drum. Also, on
overhead cranes, a rope that is too short may prevent
loads that are lower than the floor level from being
Figure 33. Application of Rope to Drum'

For Grooved Drums c ends on one side of the metal sheet. That figure is the
number of parts in the reeved system. The lead line, or
the rope from the head block to the drum, is not cut or
counted when determining the number of parts of line.
To gain enough mechanical advantage to lift a
load that is too heavy for a one-part pick, certain facts
must be known and calculations performed.
Three important calculations that every rigger
must know are
n For Smooth Drums n L How to determine the number of parts of line
required to make pick
How to determine the maximum load that can
be lifted with a given reeving arrangement
How to determine the line pull needed when the
load weight and number of parts of line are
The top layer of rope must not be closer to the flange tips than shown. The procedures for the three types of calculations
Figure 34. Maximum Drum Capacity’ 1. How to determine the number of parts of line
required to make a pick: Reeving Determine the MSWL of the rope and the
Reeving is the passing of a rope through a block or maximum pulling load to be applied to the
similar device. The size of the block, the rope size, and lead line. Use the smaller of the two values in
the number of sheaves per block must be determined the following calculation:
in relation to the load to be lifted and the pull that can
Load to be Lifted
be applied to the lead line. The lead line is the rope R =
that travels between the power drum and the sheave MSWL (or desired lead line pull) .
in the standing or head block. In reeving a pair of
tackle blocks, one of which has more that two sheaves, Determine what type of sheave bearings are
the lead hoist line should lead from a center sheave of used.
the head block to the power drum. Find the R (value calculated above) in Figure
Reeving provides a mechanical advantage as the 35 and read the parts of line required for the
system (rope and blocks) acts as a “machine.” The type of sheaves used. Always use the next
machine is not 100% efficient because the lead line higher whole figure for the number of rope
pull must be increased to make up for the friction loss parts.
in the tackle or blocks. The friction is additive and
2. How to determine the maximum load that can
varies from 3 % to 10% of sheave load depending on
be lifted with a given reeving arrangement:
the sheave bearings and how easily they rotate.
Care must be taken when passing the rope Determine the number of parts of line.
through the head block and the load block to ensure Determine what kind of sheave bearings is
that the load block does not tilt during a nonlifting being used.
operation. LLLacing” is the term used when the load Determine R from Figure 35 by using the
block tilts when raised with no load. This tilting number of parts of line and type of sheave
results from the rope being passed through the blocks bearings just determined above.
and over the sheaves in consecutive order.
A reeved system is called symetrically reeved; the Determine the MSWL of the rope and the
laced system is called unsymetrically reeved. maximum pulling load desired to be applied
T o determine the number of parts of line in a to the lead line. Use the smaller of the two
system already reeved, imagine that the ropes between values in the following calculation.
the head block and the load block have been neatly Maximum Load = RX(MSWL) or
severed by a thin metal sheet. Count all the cut rope (lead line pull) .

FRICTION FORCE = 5% of Sheave Load FRICTION FORCE = 3% of Sheave Load
(Typical for bronze bushing sheaves and (Typical for good roller
stiff roller bearing sheaves.) -
bearing sheaves.)
Number bultiplicatio Ratio R Number Multiplication Ratio R
bfParts c Factor (R = N/F) = Actu of Parts of Factor R = N/F) = Actua
Line N F Mechanical Line N F Mechanical
Advantage Advantage

1 1.03 .97
1 1.05 .95 2 1.06 1.89
2 1.10 1.82 3 1.09 2.75
3 1.16 2.59 4 1.13 3.54
4 1.22 3.28 5 1.16 4.31
5 1.28 3.91 6 1.20 5.00
6 1.34 4.48 7 1.23 5.69
7 1.41 4.96 8 1.27 6.30
8 1.48 5.41 9 1.31 6.87
9 1.55 5.81 10 1.35 7.41
10 1.63 6.13 11 1.39 7.91
11 1.71 6.43 12 1.43 8.39
12 1.BO 6.67 13 1.47 8.84
13 1.89 6.88 14 1.51 9.27
14 1.98 7.07 15 1.56 9.62
15 2.08 7.21 16 1.61 9.94
16 2.18 7.34 17 1.65 10.30
17 2.29 7.42 18 1.70 10.59
18 2.41 7.47 19 1.76 10.80
19 2.53 7.51 20 1.81 11.05
20 2.65 7.55

Figure 35. True Mechanical Advantage Chart'

3. How to determine the line pull needed when Avoid sudden loading in cold weather.
the load weight and number of parts of line are Take extra special precautions or use a larger
established: rope if
Determine the type of sheave bearings. -the exact weight of load is unknown
Determine the load weight. -shock loading is a possibility
-conditions are abnormal or severe
Determine the number of parts of line. -hazards exist that might endanger personnel.
Calculate the lead line pull with following for- Protect wire rope from sharp corners or edges.
Avoid dragging rope.
Load Weight
Line Pull = Avoid rolling loads with ropes.
Ensure that the required line pull does not Store all unused or spooled rope in a clean dry
exceed the rated safe working load (MSWL) area.
of the wire rope. Always store reels of wire rope on the reel edges,
3lways use a shackle block as the upper or head never on the ends or sides of the reel.
block and a hook block as the lower or load block. Never use wire rope that has been kinked or
If the blocks have equal numbers of sheaves, the crushed, or has other abnormalities.
dead end of the rope should be fastened to the becket Avoid reverse bends and prevent loops from
of the head block. If the blocks have unequal numbers being pulled tight and kinking.
of sheaves, the rope should be fastened to the becket
of the block having the least number of sheaves. Ensure that the drums and sheaves are the
I t is important that blocks and reeved systems be correct diameter.
of sufficient size and capacity to carry the loads to Repair or replace faulty guides and rollers.
which they will be subjected. If the hook on a set of Ensure that the sheaves are aligned.
blocks shows signs of opening up, this is an indication
that the blocks are being overloaded. The hook will Never wind more than the proper amount of
usually begin to bend a t approximately 70"c1 of the rope on any drum.
maximum block strength. The best way to avoid over- Replace sheaves that are deeply worn or have
loads is to know exactly how reeved systems work, use scored grooves, cracks, broken rims, or worn or
the previously mentioned calculations, and appreciate damaged bearings.
just how much friction affects the total load. Ensure that the rope ends are properly seized.
Thimbles should be used in all wire rope eye
3.1.4 Operations fittings.
Wire rope, as a machine, requires the same careful Watch for local or isolated wear.
use, handling, and regular maintenance that the crane
or other equipment does for satisfactory performance, Check for abnormal line whip and vibration.
long life, and adequate safety. Ensure that the rope spools properly on the
Precautions that should be taken to meet these drum.
requirements are as follows: Never allow the rope to cross-wind over itself.
Ensure that the correct type and size of rope is Ensure that new ropes do not bind in sheaves.
Lubricate ropes regularly according to the rope
Inspect regularly the entire length of each wire manufacturer's recommendations.
Where rope deterioration is excessive a t one end,
Never overload a wire rope. the life of the rope may be extended by turning the
Minimize shock loading. Pick up slowly when rope end for end. This must be done before the
hoisting and stop slowly when lowering a load. deterioration becomes too severe.

52 Seizing and Cutting Wire Rope For ropes smaller than 1-in.-diameter, wind the
When wire rope is to be cut, it is best to seize it on seizing wire around the rope, bring the two ends of the
both sides of the cut before the cut is made so that the wire together, and twist.
cut wires won’t splay. Preformed wires do not splay, The number of seizings required should be sepa-
but tight seizing will help to hold the core securely in rated from each other by approximately the diameter
place. of the rope.
For ropes larger than 1-in.-diameter, use a soft, Figure 36 shows how the seizings are made differ-
annealed seizing wire. Place one end in a valley ently on wire ropes with less than and more than 1-in.
between strands and coil the wire around the rope and diameters.
over the end in the valley. Table 3 shows the recommended number of seiz-
ings and the size of the seizing wire that should be
used to secure the ends of cut wire rope.

(a) Larger than 1 in. Diameter

(b) Smaller than 1 in. Diameter

Figure 36. Proper Method of Seizing Ropes’

Table 3. Seizing Data’



Approx. Diam.
of Seizing (Inches)
Rope Non-Rotating Ropes
Diameter 6 and 8 Strand Ropes Stranded
Round and Flattened Strand Round & Flattened Ropes
(Inches) Strand
Lang Lay, F.C.
Reg*Lay’ Reg. Lay, Steel Core Groups Seizings
Per Group Wire Strand
Lang Lay, Steel Core
3/32 8 smaller 2 2 2 3 ,020
‘/E - ‘14 2 3 2 3 .024
5iI6 - v2 3 4 2 3 .032
‘176 - ’18 3 4 2 3 .040 1/16
15/16- 1’12 3 4 3 3 .080 ’/32
1 9/16 - 2 4 5 3 3 .lo6 118
Larger than 2 4 5 3 3 .128 5/32 Lubrication Good lubricants have the following characteris-

Wire rope will deteriorate rapidly if not regularly
lubricated. The following will be curtailed if a regular corrosion resistant
lubricating program is followed: water repellent
Corrosion and pitting. Pits can cause internal penetrating ability
nicking as the wires move against one another. chemically neutral
high-pressure flow characteristics
Wires becoming embrittled. adhesiveness and an affinity for steel
Frictional wear. Since wires in a rope move plastic coating
relative to one another during operation, they temperature stability
are subject to frictional wear. Lack of lubrica-
tion will cause the frictional wear to increase. Wire Rope Storage
Weathering. Ropes not in regular use and stand-
ing ropes are vulnerable to weathering out of the Wire ropes should be stored in coils or on reels in a
internal lubricant. Moisture seeps in and both clean, dry indoor area. If stored on a reel, the reel must
core and wires deteriorate. be placed such that the centerline is horizontal. Reels
should be rolled 180’ every six months to prevent the
A rope should be scrubbed clean and be dry before lubricating fluid from dripping or pooling in the lower
a fairly viscous light oil is applied (sprayed would be layers of the rope’s core.
best) to allow it to soak into the inside of the rope. The The stored rope must be kept away from heat and
oil used should meet the wire rope manufacturer’s steam and must never be allowed to rest for any long
specification. period of time on concrete or ash floors. The lime,
Note: Never a p p l y used crankcase oil t o a wire sulphur, and ash can cause corrosion pits, which act as
rope. Do not use WD-40 as a lubricant o n a wire rope. stress raisers.

3.2 Chains 3.2.2 Strength
For general construction rigging, never use a chain The maximum safe working loads for new alloy
when it is possible to use wire rope. The failure of a steel chain when used as a single vertical sling are
single link in a chain can result in a serious accident. shown in Table 4.
Wire rope, on the other hand, is frequently composed Alloy steel chain can be used in environments up
of 114 wires or more, all of which must fail before the to 500°F without reducing the safe working load.
rope breaks. Wire rope provides a reserve strength and However, the safe working load limit is reduced 10 %
many opportunities to notice hazards and perhaps for each additional 100°F up to 1000°F. In addition,
prevent an accident; chains do not. the safe working load of the chain a t ambient tem-
Chains will stretch a little under excessive loading. perature is permanently reduced by 10 76 after 900’F
Should a weld be defective, the chain will break with and by 15% after 1000°F.
no warning.
Chains are less resistant to sudden stresses or
shock loads than wire rope and can break with no
warning under such conditions. Table 4. MSWL for “A” Type Alloy Steel
There are certain jobs, however, for which chains
are better suited than wire rope. Chains withstand
rough handling, do not kink, are easily stored, have
dead flexibility and, when used as slings, grip the load MAXIMUM SAFE WORKING LOAD
well. They are much more resistant to abrasion and “A” TYPE ALLOY STEEL CHAIN
corrosion than wire rope, and are particularly well SINGLE VERTICAL SLING
suited as slings in high-temperature environments
Chain Size Capacity
and for lifting rough loads such as heavy castings, (Inches) ( Pounds)
which have sharp rough edges.
3.2.1 Grades 6,600
For the highest degree of safety, ensure that only 16,500
chains stamped with an 8 is used for hoisting opera- 23,000
tions. It may be stamped with letters in addition to the 28,750
8, such as CA-C8, HA800, A-8, A8A, P8, G8, or W8. 38,750
Whether it is stamped with 8, 80, or 800 makes no 57,500
difference; it is the only grade of chain that may be 67,000
used for overhead lifting. If a chain is marked with a T , 80,000
it is approved for overhead lifting, since T is used by 100,000
the International Standards Organization (ISO) for
Grade 8 chain.

Table 5. Effect of Heat on Chain and Safe Working Load2



500°F None None

600°F 1o?/o None
700°F 20% None
800°F 30% None
900°F 40% 10%
1000°F 50% 15%

While chain is at temperature in first column.
When chain is used at room temperature after
being used at temperature shown in first col-

3.2.3 Inspection
All chains used regularly should be thoroughly * Look for gouges, chips, scores, or cuts in each
inspected on a link-by-link basis a t least once a link. If they are deep or large in area, the chain
month. Under no circumstances should a chain be should be removed from service.
used for hoisting unless it has been closely examined Look for small dents, peen marks, and bright
for defects or wear. polished surfaces on the links. These marks
Whenever a chain is subjected to shock or impact indicate that the chain has been work-hardened
loads, it must be immediately inspected before being or fatigued.
put back into service.
It is recommended that every chain carry a small Look for lifted fins a t welds. They are evidence
metal identification tag bearing a serial number and of severe overloading and the chain must be
its safe working load. destroyed.
Every link must be inspected to the following Look for severe corrosion, material loss, or
guidelines: pitting.
Clean the chain thoroughly in a solvent solution. Be particularly careful in determining link wear
Lay chain on a clean surface or hang it up. Use a a t the point where each link bears on the others.
magnifying glass to aid in the inspection. Safety practices recommend that the chain be
replaced when its diameter has been reduced by
Look for elongated or stretched links. Elonga- 2.5% (0.00625 in. for a 1/4-in. chain).
tion should be determined by measuring all new
chains in sections of 1 to 3 f t with a caliper and
remeasuring them during each subsequent in-
spection. If the inspection reveals a stretch of
more than 370 (approximately 1/32 per inch),
3.2.4 Care and Use
the chain must be removed from service. Use only alloy steel chain marked with an 8 and
never exceed the rated safe working load.
Look for bent, twisted, or damaged links that
often occur when the sling is used to lift a load Inspect the chains regularly and destroy those
having unprotected sharp edges. that are defective.
Look for cracked links. The presence of any Know the weight of all loads to avoid accidental
crack, regardless of its size, means that the chain overload.
is not safe. Avoid impact or shock loading.

Store chains where they will not be damaged or Note: Qualified safety-approued life saving
corroded. e q u i p m e n t , which m a y contain natural fiber or s y n -
Never shorten a chain by twisting or knotting it, thetic rope, is approved for rescue work by t h e S a f e t y
or by using nuts and bolts. Department.
When wrapping chain around sharp corners use Natural fiber ropes may be used for taglines ex-
pads to prevent damage to the links. cept when they are wet or if the “pick” is near electrical
Never use links that are not approved, or make-
shift fasteners formed from bolts, rods, etc. Synthetic Fiber Ropes
Never use repair links, mechanical coupling Nylon (braided nylon rope provides the highest
links, or low-carbon steel repair links to splice possible strength of the synthetic fiber ropes)
broken lengths of alloy steel chain.
Polyester (Dacron, Terylene)
Never use a chain when the links are locked,
stretched, or without free movement.
Never hammer a chain to straighten the links or
to force links into position. Note: With t h e exception o f synthetic slings
(which are discussed in a later section), S a f e t y does
Avoid crossing, twisting, kinking, or knotting a
not recommend and will not approve t h e use o f slings
m a d e of synthetic or natural fiber ropes.
Never use the tip of a chain hook to carry a load.
All ropes will conduct electricity when they are
Never weld alloy steel chain links. wet. However, polyester, polyethylene, and polypro-
Inspect each link regularly for wear, nicks, pylene ropes all have good and consistent insulating
gouges, stretch, localized bending, and shearing. properties under conditions of low or high humidity.
Nylon is not recommended where insulation against
Make sure the chain is of the correct size and
high voltages is required.
grade for the load.
Note: Use only d r y fiber ropes for taglines-
Make sure all attachments and fittings are of a
neuer use wire ropes. Always use taglines w h e n t h e
type, grade, and size suitable for service with the
pick is near electrical lines.
chain used.
Make sure that alloy steel chains are never
annealed or heat-treated.
3.4 The Hook and Under

3.3 Fiber Ropes 3.4.1 The Hook

Fiber ropes are made from natural or synthetic Refer to ANSI B30.10.
fibers. The natural fibers come from plants and in- Hooks are made in many different configurations.
clude manila, sisal, and hemp. The synthetic fibers There are load hooks and there are sling hooks. The
include nylon, polypropylene, and the polyesters. types most normally used with load blocks are the eye,
shank, clevis, and duplex (double) hooks. If the load
Natural Fiber Ropes block should have a duplex hook, both hooks must
share the weight of the load. The selection of the sling
Manila-The only natural fiber suitable for con-
hook depends on the type of pick to be made. Sorting,
struction. The six grades of manila ropes most
clevis, eye, shank, grab, foundry, and plate are some of
commonly used are
the hooks available. See Section 3.4.4, Hardware.
-Yacht Rope
The primary “hook” is the load or hoisting hook
-Bolt Rope
and it must have a safety latch. Hooks used as part of
-Number 1 Grade
the end fittings on slings are considered secondary
-Number 2 Grade
hooks and normally do not (but should) have safety
-Number 3 Grade
-Hardware Store Rope
Hook material shall have sufficient ductility to
Sisal-These fibers are less durable and lower in deform permanently before failure. Proof-test loads
strength than manila fibers. for hooks shall be conducted at 200 % of the rated load

and held for 15 seconds. The permanent increase in and shall be tested thereafter in accordance with the
throat opening during proof-load testing shall not requirements of Article of the SNL S a f e t y
exceed 0.5% or 0.010 in., whichever is greater. Manual (SAND81-1807) and ANSI B30.9.
The manufacturer’s identification should be The S a f e t y Manual specifies that “load proof-
shown on the hook in a low-stress, nonwearing area. testing is required when visual inspections find exces-
sive abrasion, wear, or reduced cross section of any inspection type of rigging equipment. In addition, rigging equip-
Inspection of hooks should be conducted with no ment used in areas of frequent stress or exposure to
less attention than that accorded other parts of the heat, fumes, acids, or other chemicals must be load
rigging family. Record keeping should be as much a tested annually. It is recommended that all other
part of the inspection requirements as it is with the rigging equipment be load tested every four years.”
Frequent and Periodic Inspections. ANSI B30.9 specifies that slings shall be load
Frequent Inspections require visual examinations proof-tested at 200% of the rated load. Any master
at least monthly. Periodic Inspections under normal link to which multiple leg slings are connected shall be
service should be made annually. Hooks in regular proof loaded to 2 times the force applied by the
service should be frequently inspected visually for combined legs.
distortion (bending, twisting, or increased throat See Appendix H for the Load Test Record Sheet
opening), wear, cracks, severe nicks, gouges, damaged for all slings.
or malfunctioning latch, and hook attachment and When using slings, exercise extreme caution be-
securing means. cause unknown loads and stresses will develop under
During Periodic Inspections, the distortion should less-than-ideal circumstances with less-than-perfect
be measured and recorded. Load block hooks should equipment.
be inspected every five years by x ray, dye penetrant, The term sling includes a wide variety of configu-
magnetic flux, or other flaw-detection methods. rations for all fiber ropes, wire ropes, chains, wire
Hooks with any of the following deficiencies shall meshes, and webs. The most commonly used types of
be removed from service: slings will be considered here because improper appli-
cation can affect the safety of the pick.
Wear exceeding 10% of the original dimension Wire Rope Slings
A bend or twist exceeding 10” from the plane of Refer to the Wire Rope section above and to ANSI
the unbent hook B30.9, Chapter 9-2, for additional information about
An increase in throat opening exceeding 15% for wire rope.
nonlatched hooks and 8% for latched hooks. Properly fabricated wire rope slings are the safest
type available for general use. They do not wear as
rapidly as fiber rope or synthetic slings and they are Maintenance
not susceptible to the weak-link ailment of chains.
Damaged, corroded, or bent hooks shall be re- The true condition of wire rope slings can be deter-
paired or replaced. If repairs can be made to a hook, mined by inspection because the appearance of bro-
they must be performed by the manufacturer. ken wires clearly indicates the extent of fatigue, wear,
abrasion, corrosion, etc.
It is recommended that all wire rope slings used a t
3.4.2 Slings SNLA be made of improved plow steel (IPS) or,
Refer to ANSI B30.9. better, with independent wire rope cores (IWRC) to
All slings shall be inspected prior to use and at reduce the possibility of the rope being crushed in
least annually by the person in charge or other desig- service. However, fiber core wire rope slings are
nated individual. acceptable.
Slings require special attention because they are Plant Maintenance no longer fabricates wire rope
almost always subjected to severe wear, abrasion, im- slings on Telecon or Plant Engineering Change Re-
pact loading, crushing, kinking, and overloading. quest orders. Therefore, all required wire rope slings
They also merit special attention because seemingly must be purchased from commercial sources to speci-
insignificant changes in sling angle (hitches) drasti- fied requirements. Safety approves of this action and
cally affect the loading imposed on the sling legs. will not tolerate any wire rope slings made with clips,
Slings should be load tested after purchase (for by the hand-tucked method, or any other method
compliance and for establishment of base test data) made by staff or lab personnel.

Note: I t is recommended t h a t all eyes in wire Broken wires (10 in one rope lay, or 5 in one
rope slings be equipped w i t h thimbles, t h a t t h e eyes strand in one rope lay)
be formed w i t h t h e Flemish Splice, and t h e splice be Severe abrasion or scraping
secured by swaged or pressed mechanical sleeves or
fittings. Kinking, crushing, “bird-caging,’’ or other
This method produces an eye that develops al-
most 100% of the catalog strength of the rope and Heat damage
provides some reserve strength should the mechanical End attachments (for cracking, deformation, or
sleeve or fitting fail or loosen. extensive wear)
Note: B e very cautious w h e n lowering a wire- Severe corrosion.
rope-sling rigged load t o a rest position if it will be See Appendix I for the Field Inspection Check
raised again without adjusting t h e rigging. If a wire Sheet, Wire Rope Slings.
rope sling becomes slack, it c a n twist w h e n t h e t e n -
sion is relieved and t h e thimble m a y rotate u p a n d
over t h e t i p of t h e hook. W h e n t h e hook is raised, t h e
thimble, which now rests o n t h e hook latch, will pull
free, t h u s creating a s a f e t y hazard. Use of Wire Rope Slings
The maximum safe working load (MSWL) limit Choose wire rope slings having suitable character-
and identification numbers shall be conspicuously istics for the type of load, hitch, and environment in
marked on each sling. If the data cannot be marked on accordance with the appropriate tables.
the sling, it shall be stamped on a metal tag that is When a wire rope sling is rigged as a basket, the
attached to the sling. diameter of the bend where a sling contacts the load
can be a limiting factor on sling capacity. Standard
Dld ratios (D is the diameter of the bend; d is the
Inspection of Wire Rope Slings diameter of the wire rope sling) are applied to deter-
mine efficiency of various sling constructions.
Frequent Inspection
As a general policy and one easily remembered,
Wire rope slings shall be visually inspected before the SNLA Safety Department recommends that no
initial daily use. Check for pick be made with wire rope slings when the diameter
Distortion such as kinking, crushing, unstrand- of the load will produce a Dld ratio that is less than 20
ing, “bird-caging,” strand displacement, or core for mechanically spliced, single-part wire rope slings.
protrusion For example: A 112-in. (d) wire rope sling can safely
General corrosion hoist a load that has a 40-in. diameter (D).
Broken or cut wires (do not inspect a sling by D = 20 divided by 1/2-in. 20 x 2-in. = 40-in.
passing bare hands over the wire rope body) The Did ratio also affects the choker hitch and,
Number, distribution, and type of visible broken therefore, the rated capacity of IWRC and fiber core
wires wire rope must be reduced according to the angle of
Abrasion or scraping choke that results when the sling is drawn tight a t the
eye nearest the load and then is pulled against the
Evidence of heat damage thimble in an arc toward the load. This configuration
End attachments. is one that might be used to shift, turn, rotate, or
control a load, or when the pull is against the choke in
Periodic Inspection a multileg lift. See Figure 37 for choker angles.
Inspection should be based on frequency of sling The percentages of choker hitch rated capacity
use, severity of service conditions, and the nature of adjustment, or choker efficiency figures, are shown in
lifts being made. Periodic Inspection should include Table 6. They should be used in the Single Choker
Hitch and Double Choker Hitch “rule-of-thumb” for-
Entire length of sling, splices, end attachments,
mulas shown in Section 3.5.5 for Safe Working Loads.
and fittings

Shock loading shall be avoided.
Sharp corners in contact with the sling shall be
Slings shall be stored in a manner that will
prevent damage, corrosion, wear, kinking, heat
damage, or moisture accumulation.
Sling legs shall not be twisted or kinked.
The sling load shall be seated firmly in the hoist
Choker Personnel shall be alert for snagging of the load
Hitch while it is being raised.
Rated In a basket hitch, the load should be balanced to
Capacity prevent slippage.
Adjustment 0
The sling's legs should support their individual
share of the load.
Multiple leg slings shall be selected and used for
For wire rope slings in choker hitch
when sngk of choke is less than 135. specific angles.
Slings shall not be dragged over abrasive sur-
Figure 37. Choker Angles4 faces.
In a choker hitch, slings shall be long enough so
that the choker fitting chokes on the wire rope
body and never on the fitting.
Table 6. Choker Efficiency Percentages
Do not use degreasing or solvent liquids on fiber
Choker Hitch Rated Capacity Adjustment Data core wire rope slings.
Care should be taken to minimize sling rotation.
Reduce Sling See Tables 14,15,16, and 17 (Section 3.5.5) for the
Angle of Choke Rated Capacity by MSWLs for wire rope sling hitches.
(") (9;)
120-1 80 100 Metal Mesh Slings
90-119 87 Refer to ANSI B30.9, Chapter 9-3.
60-89 74 Wire or chain mesh slings are well adapted for use
30-59 62 where the loads are abrasive, hot, or tend to cut fabric
0-29 49 slings and wire ropes. They grip the load firmly with-
out stretching and can withstand temperatures of up
to 550°F. They have smooth flat bearing surfaces,
Weight of load shall be within the rated load they conform to irregular shapes, they do not kink or
capacity of the sling. tangle, and they resist corrosion.
Slings shall not be shortened or lengthened by For handling materials that could damage the
knotting, by wire rope clips, or other methods mesh, or for handling loads with finishes that the
not approved by the sling manufacturer. mesh could damage, the sling can be coated with
rubber or plastic.
The sling shall be hitched in a manner providing
control of the load.
Inspection of Metal Mesh Slings
All portions of the human body shall be kept
from between the sling and the crane hook or Frequent Inspection
hoist hook. Metal mesh slings shall be visually inspected be-
Personnel shall stand clear of the suspended fore each daily use. Inspection criteria shall be
load. Distortion such as kinking, crushing, etc.
Personnel shall not ride the sling or load. General corrosion

Broken or cut wires or links Slings shall be stored in a manner that will
Abrasion or scraping prevent damage, corrosion, moisture, heat, or
Evidence of heat damage kinking.
End attachments. In a choker hitch, slings shall be long enough so
that the choker fitting chokes on the wire mesh
Periodic Inspection and never on the other fitting.
Inspection should be made annually unless sever-
Slings should not be pulled from under a load
ity of service, environmental conditions, and the
when the load is resting on the sling.
nature of lifts being made require more frequent
inspections. Personnel shall be alert for snagging of the load
Metal mesh slings shall be removed from service if while it is being raised.
the following deficiencies are visible: In a basket hitch, balance the load to prevent
Broken weld or broken brazed joint along the slippage.
sling edge Mesh slings used in pairs should be attached to a
Broken wire or link in any part of the mesh spreader beam.
Reduction in wire or link diameter of 25% due A sling in which the spirals are locked or without
to abrasion or 15% due to corrosion free articulation shall not be used.
Lack of flexibility due to distortion of the mesh Slings shall not be dragged over abrasive
Distortion of the choker fitting when the depth
of the slot is increased by more than 10% Never hammer a sling to straighten a spiral or
cross rod or to force a spiral into position.
Distortion of either end fitting when the width
of the eye opening is decreased by more than
Refer to Table 18 (Section 3.5.5) for the MSWLs
for wire mesh sling hitches.
A 15% reduction of the original cross-sectional
area of metal a t any point around the hook Chain Slings
opening of end fitting
Refer to ANSI B30.9, Chapter 9-1.
Visible distortion of either end fitting out of its Chain slings find application in areas where the
plane primary requirements are ruggedness, abrasion resis-

Cracked end fitting. tance, and high temperature resistance. Because of

their susceptibility to sudden failure, however, they
See Appendix J for the Field Inspection Check
should not be used if it is possible to use wire rope or
Sheet, Wire Mesh Slings.
other materials.
T h e only chain suitable f o r overhead lifting is
Use of Wire Mesh Slings fabricated f r o m alloy steel and identified by a num-
Choose wire mesh slings having suitable charac- ber 8 stamped o n each link.
teristics for the type of load, hitch, and environment
in accordance with the appropriate tables.
Inspection of Chain Slings
Weight of load shall be within the rated load
capacity of the sling. Frequent Inspection
Do not shorten or lengthen slings by methods Chain slings shall be visually inspected before
not approved by the manufacturer. each initial daily use. The sling shall to be subjected to
The sling shall be hitched in a manner providing Periodic Inspection if it exhibits any of the deficien-
control of the load. cies mentioned below.
Personnel shall stand clear of the suspended Chain and attachments shall be inspected for
load. wear, nicks, cracks, breaks, gouges, stretch,
bends, weld splatter, discoloration from exces-
Personnel shall not ride the sling or load. sive temperature, and throat opening of hooks.
Shock loading shall be avoided. Chain links and attachments should hinge freely
Sharp corners in contact with the sling shall be and seat properly without evidence of perma-
padded. nent distortion.

Latches on hooks should hinge freely and Use of Chain Slings
seat properly without evidence of permanent Any hazardous condition disclosed by the inspec-
distortion. tion results shall be corrected before use of the chain
sling is resumed.
Periodic Inspection Padding should be used with chain slings to pro-
Complete link-by-link inspections of the slings tect the chains and also to protect the material being
shall be performed annually. moved.
Each link and each attachment shall be exam- Care should be taken when a chain sling is used in
ined individually, taking care to expose inner the “single choker hitch” configuration. Place the hook
link surfaces of the chain and attachments to around the chain instead of the tip of the hook in a
inspect for the items defined under Frequent link of the chain. If the chain hook is placed with the
Inspection. tip in a link, the capacity is reduced by 25 % . Also,
there is a good possibility that the hook will be ruined
Worn links should not exceed values shown in by the spreading of the throat opening.
Table 7 or the value specifically recommended Care should also be taken when a chain sling is
by the manufacturer. used in the “single basket hitch” configuration. Again,
Sharp transverse nicks and gouges should be do not place the hook’s tip in a link of the chain, for
removed by grinding, and the depth of the gouge the same reason given above. Instead, place the hook
or ground-out portion should not exceed the in the master link. This hookup will not reduce the
values shown in Table 7. capacity and will not damage the hook.
Hooks should be inspected in accordance with Mechanical coupling links or carbon steel repair
the requirements in The Hook (Section 3.4.1) links shall not be used to repair or replace broken links
and ANSI B30.10. of alloy chain.
Latches should seat properly, rotate freely, and Slings having suitable characteristics for the
show no permanent distortion. type of load, hitch, and environment shall be
selected in accordance with Table 4 (Section
Chain slings should be load tested a t 200% of 3.2.2) and Table 19 (Section 3.5.5). The chain
the rated capacity in accordance with the manufacturer shall be consulted about reduced
requirements of the SNL Safety Manual working load limits if the chain becomes heated
(SAND81-1807) and ANSI B30.9, Chapter 9-1. to a temperature in excess of 600”F, or if the
chain sling is to be used in temperatures lower
than -40°F.
Table 7. Maximum Allowable Wear The weight of the load shall be within the rated
load of the sling.
Nominal Chain or Maximum Allowable Wear of Chain slings shall not be shortened or length-
Coupling Link Size Cross-sectional Diameter ened by knotting, twisting, or by other methods
(in.) (in.) not approved by the sling manufacturer.
9/32 3/64 Slings that appear to be damaged shall not
318 5/64 be used unless inspected and accepted as
112 7/64 usable under the requirements of the Periodic
518 9/64 Inspection.
314 10164
11/64 The sling shall be hitched or rigged in a manner
12/64 providing control of the load.
1-114 16/64 Personnel shall stand clear of the suspended
See Appendix K for the Field Inspection Check Personnel shall not ride the load or sling.
Sheet, Chain Slings. Shock or impact loading shall be avoided.

Chain slings shall not be pulled from under a They are rust-proof; therefore, they do not stain
load when the load is resting on the sling. the pick.
Chain slings should be stored in an area where They are nonsparking and can be used safely in
they will not be subjected to mechanical dam- explosive atmospheres.
age, corrosive action, moisture, extreme heat, or They are stable and minimize twisting and spin-
kinking. ning during lifting.
Twisting and kinking the legs of the sling shall They are lightweight, which permits ease of
be avoided. rigging.
The load shall be applied to the center of the Synthetic web slings are elastic and stretch un-
bowl of the hook to prevent loading of the tip. der load more than either wire rope or chain, and
During lifting, with or without a load, personnel thus are able to absorb heavy shocks.
shall be alert for possible snagging. There are also a number of disadvantages:
In a basket hitch, the load should be balanced to Web sling stretch may be a disadvantage.
prevent slippage. They are subject to ultraviolet degradation.
All of the legs of the sling should support the They can be cut easily by sharp edges.
load so that it remains under control, with each They can be damaged by high temperature.
leg carrying its share of the weight. They are easily abraded.
They are easily soiled.
Slings should not be dragged on the floor or over
an abrasive surface. During picks where sling stretching must be kept
to a minimum, a web sling of larger load capacity or a
Slings should be long enough so that the rated polyester sling should be used.
load is adequate when the angle of the legs is There are three basic configurations and six types
taken into consideration. of web slings:
When used in a choker hitch arrangement, slings Standard Eye and Eye Sling. Eyes are provided
shall be selected to prevent the load developed a t each end of the sling. Eye widths may vary.
on any portion of the sling from exceeding the Type I has a triangle end fitting on one end and
rated load of the sling components. a slotted triangle choker fitting on the other.
Refer to Table 19 (Section 3.5.5) for the MSWLs Type I1 has triangle fittings on both ends.
for chain sling hitches. Twisted Eye Sling. This type of sling is similar
to the standard eye and eye sling but the web-
bing of the eye is twisted about 90" to the plane Synthetic Web Slings
of the sling body. Eye widths may vary. Type IV
Refer to the Recommended Standard Specifica- has loop eyes that are turned right angle to the
tion for Synthetic Web Slings, Web Sling Association, plane of the sling body. Type VI has two re-
1978 issue or later, and to ANSI B30.9, Chapter 9-5. versed eyes that are formed by using multiple
There are a number of advantages in using syn- widths of webbing constructed edge to edge,
thetic web slings for rigging purposes: overlapped by wear pads.
They are relatively soft and the width causes less Endless or Grommet Sling. This sling is con-
tendency to mar or scratch finely machined, structed to form a continuous belt. It is suitable
highly polished or painted surfaces and they for vertical, bridle, choker, or basket hitches.
have less tendency to crush fragile objects than Wear can be evenly distributed because the load
do wire rope, chain, or wire mesh slings. Their contact points can be shifted with every pick.
softness precludes cuts, punctures, or skin abra- Type V is a continuous loop formed by joining
sions, and the occurrence of a bruise by a free- the ends of the webbing together with a splice.
swinging web sling is minimal.
Web slings can be obtained with protective de-
Synthetic web slings are flexible and they tend vices such as buffer strips of leather, edge guards,
to mold themselves to the shape of the load. sleeve or sliding tube-type wear pads, reinforcing
They are not affected by moisture and certain strips, and coatings. Coatings can be colored for safety
chemicals. or for load-rating purposes.


.. - .~... .. . .. ~-
Inspection of Synthetic Web Slings a All portions of the human body should be kept
from between the sling and the load, and from
Frequent Inspection between the sling and the crane hook or hoist
Web slings shall be visually inspected before each hook.
initial daily use. A web sling shall be removed from a Personnel should stand clear of the suspended
service if damage is visible and shall be returned to load.
service only when ppproved by an authorized inspec-
Personnel shall not ride the sling of the load.
tor or the manufacturer. The sling shall be subjected
to Frequent Inspection if it exhibits any of the defi- a Shock or impact loading should be avoided.
ciencies listed below. a Slings should not be pulled from under a load
Acid or caustic burns when the load is resting on the sling.
Melting or charring of any part of the sling a Slings should be stored in a cool, dry, and dark
Holes, tears, cuts, or snags place to prevent environmental damage.
Broken or worn stitching in load-bearing splices a Twisting and kinking the legs shall be avoided.
Excessive abrasive wear
Knots in any part of the sling a The load shall be applied to the center of the
Cracked, distorted, broken, or excessively pitted bowl of the hook to prevent loading of the tip.
or corroded fittings a In a basket hitch, the load should be balanced to
Other visible damage that causes doubt as to the prevent slippage.
strength of the sling. a During lifting, with or without a load, personnel
shall be alert for possible snagging.
Periodic Inspection
Periodic Inspections shall be conducted a t least The sling's legs should contain or support the
annually by inspecting the slings in accordance with load from the sides above the center of gravity
the requirements of the Frequent Ins when using a basket hitch.
Web slings should be load teste Slings should be long enough so that the rated
rated capacity in accordance with the requirements of load capacity is adequate when the angle of the
the SNL Safety Manual (SAND81-1807) and ANSI leg is taken into consideration.
B30.9, Chapter 9-1. -- -_
Slings should not be dragged on the floor or over
See Appendix L for the Field Inspection Check an abrasive surface.
Sheet, Synthetic Web Slings.
In a choker hitch, slings shall be long enough so
that the choker fitting chokes on the webbing
Use of Synthetic Web Slings and never on the other fitting or stitching.
Care must be taken to select the correct web Nylon and polyester slings shall not be used a t
sling according to the maximum safe working temperatures exceeding 194'F.
load rating, type of webbing material, type of
When nylon or polyester web slings are exten-
hitch to be used, and the weight of the pick.
sively exposed to sunlight or ultraviolet light
The weight of load shall be within the rated load resulting in loss of strength, the sling manufac-
capacity of the sling. turer should be consulted for recommended
Slings shall not be shortened or lengthened by inspection procedures.
knotting or other methods not approved by the See Tables 20, 21, or 22 (Section 3.5.5) for the
sling manufacturer. MSWLs for the various types of synthetic web slings
Slings that appear to be damaged shall not be and hitches.
used unless inspected and accepted in accor-
dance with the requirements shown under Fre- Fiber Rope Slings
quent Inspection. Slings made of synthetic or natural fiber ropes
The sling shall be hitched in a manner providing shall not be used for hoisting.
control of the load.
Sharp corners in contact with the sling should be 3.4.3 Lifting Devices
padded with material of sufficient strength to Refer to ANSI B30.20, Below the Hook Lifting
minimize damage to the sling and to the load. Devices.

Everything that must be moved by a crane or hoist makes the handling and packaging easier, safer, and
cannot be hoisted by sling alone because of shape, type reduces the chance of damage to the load.
of material, or potential damage. Special design items Special types of lifting devices such as “C” hooks
such as “strong backs” (SNL designs many of these), (to transport rolls of paper), drum turners (to handle
spreader beams, equalizer beams, drum turners, 50-gal drums), and lifting beams (similar to the
vacuum and magnetic lifters, clamps, tongs, etc., fall spreader bar) may be used in the Print Shop,
in this category. Many of these devices will never be Foundry, or Metal Storage Area.
used a t SNL because there is no need for such specifi-
cally designed items. However, if a special lifting Spreader Beams
device is required, refer to the referenced ANSI stan- Spreader beams (Figure 38) are used to support
dard for inspection, operation, and maintenance long loads during lifts. They eliminate the hazard of
criteria. the load tipping, sliding, or bending, also the possi-
Should a pick have shoulderless eye bolts as its bility of low sling angles and the tendency for the
only attachment points, it is recommended that one of slings to crush the load.
the following lifting devices he used instead of a
multileg sling in a bridle hitch configuration. Equalizer Beams
Equalizer beams (Figure 39) are used to equalize “Strong Backs” the load in sling legs and to keep equal loads on dual
All of the SNL specially designed “strong backs” hoist lines when making tandem lifts. The hook loca-
are designated as H items. They are designed to he tion in the equalizer beam can be shifted in relation to
attached to a load a t certain attachment points, which the center of gravity in order to keep the pick level.

Spreader Beam

Figure 38. Spreader Beam’

Figure 39. Equalizer Beam'

3.4.4 Hardware
Rigging hardware consists of the interface items
that promote easy rigging practices with the assurance
of safer handling. Hardware items are hooks, rings,
links, swivels, shackles, clevises, turnbuckles, and eye
bolts. The configuration of these items can be seen in
the following tables.

Figure 40. Combination Spreadermqualizer Beam'

Table 8. MSWL/Hooks2



I.D. of Eye 1'/a''

Opening at Top of Hook 213116~
Maximum Safe Working Load 2l/2"
Throat 0pening Safe Working Load From Tip 2 Tons
(Inches) (Pounds) Safe Working Load at Bottom
of Hook 7l/z Tons
8,400 Throat For Size Maximum Safe
10,000 Opening of Chain Working Load
10.400 (Inches) (Inches) (Pounds)
12,500 2,750
13,000 4,300
16,000 5,250
18,000 7,000
19.200 9,000
20,000 13,500
24,000 19,250
26,000 26,000
33,400 34,000


Typ. Type

Throat For Size Maximum Safe Throat For Rope Maximum Safe
ODening of Chain Working Load Opening Size Working Load
(Inches) (Inches) (Pounds) (Inches) (Inches) (Pounds)
I ~

"116 2,750
1 lI16
'12 l14 - 5116 1,500
1 3i8 5,250
5i8 31e 2,600
1 9iI6 7116 7.000
718 1
'2 3,400
1l1I16 1' l e 510 5,100
'12 9,000 1' l e
2 5i8 13.500 8.000
2 '/e '14 19.250 17116 718 1 - 15,000
2 314 7i8 26,000
1 -
1'18 1'14 23,000
3 1 I 34.000 1 PI16 -
1318 1112 30,000

Table 9. MSWLIRings, Links/Swivels*

Stock Inside Maximum Safe Stock Inside Maximum Safe

Diameter Diameter Working Load Diameter Width Working Load
(Inches) (Inches) (Pounds) (Inches) (Inches) (Pounds)

718 4 7,200 51~6 112 2,500

718 5’12 5,600 3ia 91~6 3.800
1 4 10,800 ‘I2 3/4 6.500
1 ’le 6 10,400 5ia 1 9,300
1 114 5 17,000 3/4 1 118 14,000
1 318 6 19,000 71~ 2 12,000
1 2’14 15.200
1 114 2’12 26,400
13ie Z3/4 30,000


(Sling Links)
- Weldless Construction
- Forged Alloy Steel
Maximum Safe
Working Load
- Weldless Construction
- Forged Alloy Steel Q
Stock Diameter
(Inches) 1 Max. Safe Working
Load (Pounds)
114 850
518 4,200
314 6,000 5/16 1,250
318 2,250
7i8 8,300 3,600
1 10,800
1’14 5ie 5,200
16,750 7,200
1 3ie 20.500
718 10,000
1 12,500
1 ’le 15,200
1 114 18,000
1 112 45,200
- Weldless Construction
- Forged Alloy Steel ~~ ~~

Stock Inside Maximum Safe

Diameter Width Working Load
(Inches) (Inches) (Pounds)

- 2112 3.250 Small Pin Large Pin Maximum Safe

3 4,400 Diameter Diameter Working Load
23/4 7,000 (I nc hes) (Inc hes) (Pounds)
3’12 16,500
4318 25.000 3,250
5’14 35,500 6.600
6 44.500 8,750
7 57.500 11,250

Table 10. MSWL/Eye Bolts/Turnbuckles/Shackles*

- Shoulder Type Only
- Forged Carbon Steel USE


Vertical 75" 60" 45" Less than 45"
(1.1 500 Reduce Reduce Reduce n
5iI6 800 Vertical Vertical Vertical W
3ia 1,200 Loads Loads Loads n
'12 2.200 BY BY BY
5ie 3,500
45%. 65%. 75%. Lg
7i8 7.200
1 10,000 0
1'10 15,200 w
1 liz 21,400 U

- V V W U I ~ S Construction
- Weldless Construction
f& a
- Forged Alloy Steel &@S
SWL of SWL of Stock Inside Width Max. Safe
End Any Combinatioi 4ny Turnbuckle Diameter At Pin Working Load
Fitting, of Jaw End Having a (Inches) (Inches) Single Vertical
srocK Fittings, Eye Enc Hook End Pull (Pounds)
Iiameter Fittings and Stut Fitting
[Inches) End Fittings (LW 665
(LW 1,000
500 400 2,000
800 700 3,000
1,200 1,000 4,000
2,200 1,500 6,500
3.500 2,250 9,500
5,200 3,000 13,000
7.200 4,000 17,000
10,000 5,000 19,000
15,200 5,000 24,000
21,400 7,500 27,000
28.000 - 34,000
37,000 - 50,000
60,000 - 70.000
75,000 - 100,000

Please observe the following safety precautions When tightening a turnbuckle, do not apply
when rigging any pick with selectable hardware items. more torque to it than would be applied to a bolt
of equal size.
Refer to Section 3.4.1, The Hook, for additional Turnbuckles should be inspected frequently for
information concerning load block hooks and cracks in the end fittings, especially a t the neck
hook deficiencies. of the shank, for deformed end fittings, for
Grab hooks shall be removed from service when deformed and bent rods and frame, for cracks
the portions of the hook that form the throat are and bends around the internally threaded por-
not parallel. tion, and for signs of thread damage.
Select hardware items of adequate size to ensure All eye bolts and ring bolts used for hoisting
that the MSWL is not exceeded. should be of forged alloy steel and equipped
All hoisting hooks, except the grab and sorting with shoulders or collars.
type, should be equipped with safety latches. Shoulderless eye bolts may be used only for
Always rig the pick so that the load is carried by vertical lifting.
the bowl or crown of the hook-never by the tip The MSWLs of eye bolts and ring bolts that
of the hook. have shoulders are severely reduced if they are
Never replace a shackle pin with a bolt. loaded a t an angle.
Never use a shackle if the inside width a t the pin When installed, the shoulder of the eye bolt
exceeds the values listed in the MSWL table for must contact a flat surface and the nuts must be
shackles. properly torqued.
All shackle pins must be straight. Washers may have to be used to ensure that the
eye bolt shoulders are firmly in contact with the
All shackle screw pins must be seated tightly. flat surface.
Cotter pins must be used with all round pin The tapped holes for ring bolts should have a
shackles. minimum depth of 1-1/2 times the bolt diameter
Shackles worn in the crown of the pin by more and must be a tight f i t for the threaded shank of
than 10% of the original diameter should be the bolt.
destroyed. Never insert the point of a hook in an eye bolt;
Never allow a shackle to be pulled a t an angle. always use a shackle.
The legs can be pulled apart and the capacity When using bridle slings, one single leg only
will be reduced tremendously. should be attached to each eye bolt.
Centralize the load on the pin by using suitable Do not use a sling reeved through an eye bolt or
washers for spacers. reeved through a pair of eye bolts.
Do not use screw pin shackles if the pin can roll The eye of a shouldered bolt should be a t right
under the load and unscrew. angles to the plane of the leg of a bridle sling. If
All turnbuckles used in hoisting or rigging oper- not, the eye part of the bolt can bend. It may be
ations should be of weldless construction and necessary to place shims under the collar in
fabricated from alloy steel. order to provide the correct orientation of the
bolt’s eye.
Hook end fittings should be fitted with safety
latches. Spreader beams are preferred to bridle slings
provided the pick is made with vertical slings
If turnbuckles are used in applications where
attached to the eye or ring bolts.
vibration or sling twist is present, lock the frame
to the end fittings with wire to prevent it from The above precautions apply to ring bolts; the
turning and loosening. MSWLs are generally the same as for the eye
Do not use lock nuts or jam nuts to prevent the
turnbuckle end fittings from turning. They are Rings, links, and swivels, like all other hoisting
not effective and add greatly to the load on the and rigging fittings, must be of forged alloy steel
screw threads. to provide the highest degree of safety.

The same precautions mentioned above for identified or stated weight w i t h a n estimated or
shackle pins apply to the pins used in links and calculated weight.
swivels. Before estimating the weight of any load, the
Never use a C-clamp of any size or quality as a material, shape, and dimensions must be determined.
hardware fitting or lifting device for hoisting. Then, by calculating the volume of the load, the rigger
or operator can multiply the volume by the material's
weight per cubic foot to find the estimated weight of
3.5 Duties of the Rigger the load.
Some loads will contain material for which the
3.5.1 Calculating the Load Weight weight must be calculated based on square feet rather
The most important step in any rigging operation than cubic feet. Examples of this type of material are
is determining the weight of the load to be hoisted. If glass, corrugated steel sheet, carpeting, and metal
this information cannot be obtained from shipping studs.
papers, design specifications, catalog data, or from The following tables should be reviewed to find
other dependable sources, it must be calculated. the estimated weight of material, either by volume or
Caution: S h i p p i n g p a p e r s and other documents surface area, to use in the weight-per-volume or
can be in error. I t m a y be wise t o compare t h e weight-per-area calculations.

Table 11. Weights of Materials Based on Volume2

I Material

Lbs. Per
Cubic Foot
Lbs. Per
Cubic Foot


Aluminum 165 Cedar 22
Brass 535 Fir, Douglas, seasoned 34
Bronze 500 Fir, Douglas, unseasoned 40
Copper 560 Fir, Douglas, wet 50
Iron 480 Fir, Douglas, glue laminated 34
Lead 710 Hemlock 30
Steel 490 Pine 30
Tin 460 Poplar 30
MASONRY Spruce 28
Ashlar masonry 140-160 LIQUIDS
Brick masonry, soft 110 Alcohol, pure 49
Brick masonry, common (about Gasoline 42
3 tons per thousand) 125 Oils 58
Brick masonry, pressed 140 Water 62
Clay tile masonry, average 60 EARTH
Rubble masonry 130-155 Earth, wet 100
Concrete, cinder, haydite 100-110 Earth, dry (about 2050 Ibs.
Concrete, slag 130 per cu. yd.) 75
Concrete, stone 144 Sand and gravel, wet 120
Concrete, stone, reinforced Sand and gravel, dry 105
(4050 Ibs. per cu. yd.) 150 River sand (about 3240 Ibs.
ICE AND SNOW per cu. yd.) 120
Snow, dry. fresh fallen 8 MATERIALS
Snow, dry, packed 12-25 Cement, portland, loose 94
Snow, wet 27-40 Cement, portland, set 183
MISCELLANEOUS Lime, gypsum, loose 53-64
Asphalt 80 Mortar, cement-lime, set 103
Tar 75 Crushed rock (about 2565 Ibs.
Glass 160 per cu. yd.) 90-110
Paper 60
Table 12. Weights of Materials Based on Surface Area2

Approximate Approximate
Weight Weight
Material Material Lbs. Per
Lbs. Per
Square Foot Square Foot

(Per Inch of Thickness) (Per Inch of Thickness)
Plaster board 5 Hardwood 5
Acoustic and fire resistivetile 2 Sheathing 2.5
Plaster, gypsum-sand 8 Plywood, fir 3
Plaster, light aggregatp 4 Wood block, treated 4
Plaster, cement sand 12 Concrete, finish or fill 12
ROOFING Mastic base 12
Three-ply felt and gravel 5.5 Mortar base 10
Five-ply felt and gravel 6.5 Terrazzo 12.5
Three-ply felt, no gravel 3 Tile, vinyl ' l e inch 1.5
Five-ply felt, no gravel 4 Tile, linoleum 3/1s inch 1
Shingles, wood 2 Tile, cork, per inch 0.5
Shingles, asbestos 3 Tile, rubber or asphalt Y 1 s inch 2
Shingles, asphalt 2.5 Tile, ceramic or quarry 3/4 inch 11
Shingles, l14 inch slate 10 Carpeting 2
Shingles, tile 14 DECKS AND SLABS
PARTITIONS Steel roof deck 1'12" - 14 ga. 5
Steel partitions 4 - 16 ga. 4
Solid 2" gypsum-sand plaster 20 - 18 ga. 3
Solid 2" gypsum-light agg. plaster 12 -20 ga. 2.5
Metal studs, metal lath, 3/r" -22 ga. 2
plaster both sides 18 Steel cellular deck 1 - l2I12 ga. 11
Metal or wood studs, plaster - Y I ga.~ 8
board and '12" plaster both sides 18 -'6116 ga. 6.5
Plaster 112" 4 -'811a ga. 5
Hollow clay tile 2 inch 13 -%O ga. 3.5
3 inch 16 Steel cellular deck 3"- '2112 ga. 12.5
4 inch 18 - ''/r4 ga. 9.5
5 inch 20 - "hga. 7.5
6 inch 25 - 1BIt0 ga. 6
Hollow slag concrete block 4 inch 24 -20/20 ga. 4.5
6 inch 35 Concrete, reinforced, per inch 12.5
Hollow gypsum block 3 inch 10 Concrete, gypsum, per inch 5
4 inch 13 Concrete, lightweight, per inch 5-10
6 inch 16.5 Windows, glass, frame 8
Solid gypsum block 2 inch 9.5 Skylight, glass, frame 12
3 inch 13 Corrugated asbestos l14 inch 3.5
MASONRY WALLS Glass, plate l14 inch 3.5
(Per 4 Inch of Thickness) Glass, common 1.5
Brick 40 Plastic sheet l14 inch 1.5
Glass brick 20 Corrugated steel sheet, galv.
Hollow concrete block 30 - 12 ga. 5.5
Hollow slag concrete block 24 - 14 ga. 4
Hollow cinder concrete block 20 - 16 ga. 3
Hollow haydite block 22 -18ga. 2.5
Stone, average 55 - 20 ga. 2
Bearing hollow clay tile 23 I - 22 ga. 1.5
1 Wood Joists - 16" ctrs. 2 x 12 3.5
2x10 3
2x8 2.5
Steel plate (per inch of thickness) 40

3.5.2 Determining Center of Gravity
The definition of center of gravity or center of
mass is “the point at which the entire weight of a body
may be considered as concentrated so that if sup-
ported at this point the body would remain in equilib-
rium in any position.”
The center of gravity (CG) can be easily deter-
mined if the shape of the load is geometrically formed
and the mass is homogeneous. The determination of Figure 41. “J” Sketch
the CG for items that are combinations of geometric
shapes and nonhomogeneous masses is more difficult. Draw a vertical line a t the left edge of the “J,”
The rigger (and the operator) must know two about 8 in. long, and mark this line with a “Y.” Also,
important things about the load-its weight and its draw a horizontal line at the bottom edge of the “J,”
CG-before a pick can be rigged so that it will remain about 6 in. long, and mark this line with an “X.”
level and stable during the hoisting operation. Measure the horizontal distances from each individual
Consider the CG of the following described CG to the Y line using a scale of 114 in. = 1 ft.
shapes, all made of homogeneous material: Multiply the area of each lettered shape times its
scaled dimension to the Y line. Add the sums just
The CG of a ball or sphere is a t the center, where calculated, which are in cubic feet. Add the various
all radial elements emanating therefrom are of areas of the lettered shapes and divide this sum into
the same length. the total cubic feet. The resultant dimension, which is
The CG of a cube or rectangular polyhedron in feet, determines the location of the CG of the “J”
(box) is located a t the center of each shape measured from the Y line. Draw this line parallel to
midway between the top and the bottom sur- the Y line.
face, midway between both end surfaces, and Do the same type of calculations in a vertical
midway between both sides. Also, it can be manner from the X line. The resultant dimension
determined by the intersection of two lines pass- determines the location of the CG of the “J”measured
ing through two different sets of corners that are from the X line. Draw this line parallel to the X line.
the farthest apart diagonally. The CG of the “J” is located a t the intersection of
The CG of a cylinder or pipe is on the centerline the two lines.
midway between each end. Using the same game plan, assign a depth dimen-
sion to each lettered shape and then calculate the
The CG of a pyramid or cone is on the centerline volume of each shape. Multiply the various volumes
a t a point one-fourth of the dimension from the times the CG-to-Y dimensions, and continue the cal-
large end to the apex. culations as done above for area. Calculate the X to
The CG can be calculated for odd size items by CG dimension and locate the CG of the “J” shape’s
considering the various shaped parts individually and volume.
calculating the location of the CG using a mathemati- Again, using the same game plan, assign a weight-
cal relationship that is similar to a child’s seesaw or per-cubic-feet to the “J”and calculate the weight of
teeter-totter. This relationship can be used for areas, each lettered volume. Multiply the weight of each
volumes, and weight or mass. On a work sheet, draw a volume times the CG-to-Y dimension, and determine
letter J about 6 in. high. Visualize that it can also have the location of the CG from the Y line. Determine the
a depth dimension. This means the shape can have location of the CG from the X line.
either area, volume, or mass depending upon the item Compare the various locations of the three calcu-
you have in mind (see Figure 41). lated centers of gravity of the “J”shape.
Before starting the following exercise, estimate Although the above geometric and mathematical
the location of the CG of the “J”by drawing a 1/4-in. exercise is academic, it does serve to establish a mental
circle on the work sheet. Divide the “J”into various method for quickly determining the location of the CG
shapes, and assign a letter to each one. Calculate the of odd-shaped items.
area of each shape determined above. Determine the The material handled at Sandia National Labora-
location of the CG of each shape by drawing lines from tories is seldom neatly shaped and homogeneous. But
one corner to the corner diagonally opposite. The CG it will probably be packaged in crates that are either
is located at the intersection of the two lines. cubed- or rectangular-shaped boxes. Other items of
various sizes, shapes, and weight are frequently moved

by hoist. And the CG of any item may not be a t the The various hitches used in rigging are
same location when the same item is hoisted the next Single Vertical Hitch. The total weight of the
time, because of what may have been done t o it in the load is carried by one leg, the angle of the lift is
meantime. vertical or go", and the weight lifted can equal
From a practical viewpoint the CG of the items the maximum safe working load (MSWL) of the
that do not have rigging or lifting lug features, or have sling and fittings.
the CG or lifting instructions marked on the con-
The single vertical hitch must not be used for
tainer, must be determined by the "hunt 'n pick"
lifting loose material, long material, or any ma-
method. The rigger, when using this method, must be
terial that will be difficult to balance. Use this
able to judge or guess the location of the CG fairly
type of hitch only on items equipped with eye
accurately so that the hook can be placed directly over
bolts or shackles. Taglines should be used when-
it. Adjustments may be necessary after the operator
ever a single vertical hitch is used to make the
hoists the pick only high enough to determine if the
load will remain level and stable.
Note: Remember t h a t a n y pick where t h e CG o f Bridle Hitch. Two, three, or four single hitches
t h e load is above t h e hook or lift p o i n t s will be can be used together to form a bridle hitch for
lifting a load that has lifting lugs or attach-
ments. A bridle hitch provides excellent load
stability when the load is distributed equally
among the legs, when the hook is directly over
the center of gravity of the load and the load is
3.5.3 Selection of Hitch raised in a level position. I t may be necessary to
The tables in Section 3.5.5 on Determining the adjust the leg lengths with turnbuckles. The use
Safe Working Loads indicate various hitch configura- of a bridle sling requires that the sling angles be
tions. The selection of the hitch depends on the type determined very carefully to ensure that the
of sling to be used and the type of material, shape, and individual legs are not overloaded.
weight of the load. Note: W h e n hoisting a rigid load using a bridle
Every lift uses one of three basic hitches: sling having more t h a n two legs, i t is possible
1. Straight or vertical hitches are made by using a for two of t h e legs t o carry t h e full load while
sling to connect a lifting hook to a load. The t h e other legs only balance it.
full-rated lifting capacity of the sling may be Single Basket Hitch. This is a method of hoist-
used, but it must not be exceeded. A tagline ing a load with a single sling by hooking one end
should be used to prevent load rotation, which of the sling to the hoist hook, inserting the sling
may damage the sling. through the load, and securing the other end of
When two or more slings are attached to tqe the sling to the hoist hook. This hitch cannot be
same lifting hook, the total hitch becomes, in used on a load that is difficult to balance be-
effect, a lifting bridle. cause the load can tilt and slip on the sling.
2. Choker hitches reduce the lifting capability of Double Basket Hitch. Two single slings are used
a sling since this method of rigging affects the in the single basket hitch configuration to make
ability of the wire rope components to adjust a double basket hitch. The two slings must be
during the lift. A choker is used when the load placed under the load so that it is properly
will not be seriously damaged by the sling balanced. The angle between the load and the
body-or the sling damaged by the load-and sling leg should be approximately 60" or greater
when the lift requires the sling to fit snugly to avoid slippage. Proper balance must be main-
against the load. tained in order to make a successful pick.
3. Basket hitches distribute a load equally be- Double- W r a p Basket Hitch. This hitch can be
tween the two legs of a sling-within limita- made by using one single sling, which is wrapped
tions shown in a later section. Capacity of a around the load, or by using two single slings
sling used in a basket is affected by the bend, or wrapped around the load and spaced apart so
curvature, where the sling body comes in con- that each leg will be about 60' from the horizon-
tact with the load just as any wire rope is tal. This method is excellent for handling loose
affected and limited by bending action, as over material, pipe, rods, or other types of long, slen-
a sheave. der, smooth material.

Single Choker Hitch. This hitch is made by Endless Sling Hitch. The endless or grommet
using a single sling with one eye inserted sling can be used to rig vertical hitches, basket
through the other eye. The loop encircles the hitches, choker hitches, and all combinations of
load or the hook on one end of the sling is the basic hitch configurations.
hooked around the vertical length of the sling,
thus encircling the load. Or, in place of a hook, a
"choker" is placed on the vertical length of the
sling and the loose-end eye is hooked onto the
choker. The choker slides along the sling and
3.5.4 Determining Sling Angle
can be used in any position. Single choker The rated capacity of any sling depends on its size,
hitches are not suitable for handling long, loose hitch configuration, and the angles formed by the legs
types of material. of the sling with a horizontal plane. If possible, when
using other than the single vertical hitch, rig the pick
The single choker hitch can be doubled to provide so that the sling angles are greater than 45".
twice the capacity, or it can be used to turn a load. T o
turn a load, the choker is made by placing both eyes of Examples:
the sling on top of the load with the eyes pointing in A 2-leg bridle hitch sling is attached to a 1000-lb
the direction opposite to the direction of turn. The load a t 60'. The tension in each leg is 577 lb.
center of the sling is passed around the load, through Should the sling angle be 5" less than the assumed
both eyes and up to the hook. As the hook is raised, the angle of 60°, an error of 5.7 $0 results, causing the
load is turned. Adjustments can be made to perform tension in each leg to be 610 lb.
continuous turnings of the load. The same hitch is used on the same load but the
The diameter of the bend where the sling contacts sling angles are 45'. The tension in each leg of the
the load should keep the point of choke against the hitch is 707 lb. Should the sling angle be 5" less
sling body and never against a splice or the base of the than the assumed angle of 45', an error of 9.1%
eye. When a choke is used a t an angle of less than 135', results, causing the tension in each leg to be 778 lb.
the sling's rated capacity must be adjusted downward. The same hitch is used on the same load but the
A choker hitch should be pulled tightly before a sling angles are 30'. The tension in each leg of the
lift is made, not pulled down during t h e lift. It is also hitch is 1000 lb. Should the sling angle be 5' less
dangerous to use only one choker hitch to lift a load than the assumed angle of 30°, an error of 18.3%
that might shift or slide out of the choke. results, causing the tension in each leg to be 1180
Refer to Table 6 (Section for choker effi- lb.
ciencies when using wire rope slings.
Safety recommends that all bridle hitches be
Double Choker Hitch. This hitch consists of two rigged a t 60" or more to eliminate a potential hazard
single chokers attached to the load and spread that might be created by too much tension in the
apart to provide load stability. As with the single bridle legs.
choker hitch, these chokers do not completely
grip the load. The loads are less likely to tip but
the double choker hitches are better suited for
handling loose bundles, pipes, and rods.
The choker hitch efficiencies in Table 6 also 3.5.5 Determining the Safe Working
apply to the double choker hitch, for the same Load
reasons given above for the single choker hitch. Because of the severe service expected of slings,
Double- W r a p Choker Hitch. This hitch consists errors in determining load weight, and the effect of
of a sling that is wrapped completely around the sling angle on the loading, it is recommended that all
load (the end that is wrapped passes under the safe working loads be based on a design factor of a t
load twice) before being hooked onto the vertical least 5 to 1.
part of the sling. An eye and eye sling can also be After the pick weight, CG, and hitch configuration
used by wrapping the sling around the load, are determined, refer to the appropriate tables that
passing one eye through the other one, and follow for the maximum safe working load according
hooking it over the hoist hook. to the type of sling used.
Table 13. Hand-Tucked Spliced-Eye Double- W r a p Basket Hitch. The safe working
Efficiencies2 loads for the double-wrap basket hitch, depending on
the configurations, are the same as for the single
basket hitch or for the double basket hitch.
Rope Diameter Efficiency
Single Choker Hitch. The rules for the single
'14" and Smaller 95% choker hitches are
5/16n - 3/4" 90% For sling angles of 45" or more:
7iaw - 1" 85%
1'18" - 11/2" 80% SWL(sch) = SWL(svh) X (0.70) X (choker efficiency).*
l5/$ - 2" 75% For sling angles of 45" or less, see Note below.
2%" and Larger 70%
The SWL for this angle hitch is the SWL of a
single vertical hitch times the head room between the
choker or sling hook and the load divided by the
The following "rules of thumb" may be used to length of the inclined leg.
estimate the loads for the most common sling hitches. SWL(sch) = SWL(svh) x (H/L) .
Each of the rules for a given hitch, material, and size is Double Choker Hitch. The rules for the double
based on the MSWL of the single vertical hitch for choker hitches are as follows.
that type of sling. Efficiencies of the end fittings For choker angles of 45" or more:
should also be used when determining the capacity of
the sling combination. SWL(dch) = SWL(svh) X (0.70) X (H/L) X 2 X
Historically, chain, rope, and web sling angles (choker efficiency).*
have been measured from the vertical, from between For choker angles of 45" or less, see Note below.
the sling legs, and from the horizontal. The following Safe working load of the double choker hitch
dimensions are obtained by measuring from the hori- equals the SWL (svh) multiplied by the head room (A)
zontal plane only. from the choker or sling hook to the load divided by
Bridle Hitch. The rule of thumb for 2-, 3-, and the length of the leg (B) from the choker to the load
4-leg bridle hitches is: Safe working load of the bridle multiplied by the head room (H) between the hoist
hitch equals the safe working load of a single vertical hook and the load divided by the length of inclined leg
hitch times the head room between the hook and the (L) from hoist hook to the load multiplied by two, or
load divided by the length of the sling legs times two,
or SWL(dch) = SWL(svh) x (A/B) X (H/L) x 2.

SWL(bh) = SWL(svh) x (H/L) X 2. Note: Sling angles of less t h a n 45" should not be
used. However, if t h e pick cannot be m a d e with t h e
It is wrong to assume that a 3- or 4-leg hitch will approved sling angles, use t h e formulas as indicated
safely lift a load equal to the safe load on one leg above. Use extra precaution during t h e hoisting oper-
multiplied by the number of legs in the hitch for the ation under these conditions.
reason stated above in the Note under Bridle Hitches Double- W r a p Choker Hitch. The safe working
(Section 3.5.3). loads, depending on the configuration, are the same as
Single Basket Hitch. The rules of thumb for the for the single choker hitch or the double choker hitch.
single basket hitch are Endless or Grommet Slings. The safe working
For vertical legs: loads, depending on the configuration, are twice the
SWL(sbh) = SWL(svh) X 2 . values for the previous sling configurations.
For inclined legs: Consult the load rated capacity tables to obtain
the single vertical hitch maximum safe working loads
SWL(sbh) = SWL(svh) X (H/L) X 2 .
for the various types and configurations of slings.
Double Basket Hitch. The rules for the double Note that the formulas shown above give results simi-
basket hitch are lar to the values shown in the columns for the Single
For vertical legs: Choker Hitch and Single Basket Hitch.
SWL(dbh) = SWL(svh) X 4 .
For inclined legs:
SWL(dbh) = SWL(svh) X (H/L) x 4 . *Refer to Table 6 for choker efficiency percentages.

Table 14. 6x19 Wire Rope Slings/lWRC2


6 x 19 Classification Group, Improved Plow Steel, IWRC


(Safety Factor = 5)

Single Single Single 2-Lea Bridle Hitch &

Vertical Choker Basket Single Basket Hitch
Hitch Hitch Hitch With Legs Inclined


U 60"



1,750 1,300 3,500 3,000 2,500 1,750
2,550 1,900 5,100 4,400 3,600 2.550
3,450 2,600 6.900 6,000 4,900 3,450
4,700 3,500 9,400 8.150 6,650 4,700
5,700 4,200 11,400 9.900 8,050 5,700
7,100 5,300 14,200 12,300 10,000 7,100
10,200 7,650 20,400 17,700 14,400 10,200
13,750 10,300 27,500 23,800 19,400 13,750
17.950 13,450 35.900 31,100 25,400 17,950
22,750 17,000 45.500 39,400 32,200 22,750
28,200 21,200 56,400 48,800 39,900 28,200
34,800 26,100 69,600 60,300 49.200 34.800
41,300 31,000 82.600 71,500 58,400 41.300
48,600 36,400 97,200 84,200 68,700 48,600
55.900 41,900 111,800 96,800 79,000 55,900
65,400 49,000 130.800 113,300 92,500 65,400
72,600 54,500 145,200 125,700 102,700 72,600
90,300 67,600 180,600 156,400 127,700 90,300
111,800 83.700 223,600 193,600 158,100 111,800
131,100 98,200 262,200 227.000 185,400 131,100

f used with Choker Hitch multiply above

talues by

: : '.

For Double Basket Hitch multiply above
values by 2. 4m f Y Y \
~ . .
..-...... '.

Mote: Table values are for sllngs with eyes and thimbles in both ends, Flemish Spliced Eyes
and mechanical sleeves.
Hand tucked spliced eyes reduce loads according to table 13.
Eyes formed by cable clips reduce loads by 20%.


-- .. . . ._I___
__I^ I ., . . . . -, ,. 1.1.- .. . ~
Table 15. 6x37 Wire Rope Slings/lWRC*


6 x 37 Classification Group, Improved Plow Steel, IWRC


(Safety Factor = 5)

Single Single Single 2-Leg Bridle Hitch 8

Rope Vertical Choker Basket Single Basket Hitch
Diameter Hitch Hitch Hitch With Legs Inclined

u 0

I e,




2,350 1,750 4,700 4,100 3,300 2,350
3,200 2,400 6,400 5,550 4,500 3,700
4,300 3,200 8,600 7,450 6,100 4,300
5,350 4,000 10,700 9,250 7,550 5,350
6,900 5,200 13,800 11,950 9,750 6,900
9,500 7,100 19,000 16,450 13,400 9,500
13,000 9,750 26,000 22,500 18,400 13,000
17,000 12,750 34,000 29,450 24,000 17,000
21,000 15,750 42,000 36,400 29,700 21,000
26,200 19,650 52,400 45,400 37,000 26,200
32,000 24,000 64,000 55,400 45,200 32,000
39,500 29,600 79,000 68,400 55,900 39,500
45,400 34,000 90,800 78,600 64,200 45,400
52.000 39,000 104,000 90,000 73,500 52,000
61,000 45,750 122,000 105,700 86,300 61,000
66,600 49,950 133,200 115,400 94,200 66,600
86,400 64,800 172,800 149,600 122,200 86,400
105,300 79.000 210.600 182,400 148,900 105,300
126,000 218,200 178,200 126,000

If used with Choker Hitch multiply above

values by 3/4.

For Double Basket Hitch multiply above

Note: Table values are for slings with eyes and thimbles in both ends, Flemish Spliced Eyes
and mechanical sleeves.
Hand tucked spliced eyes reduce loads according to table 13.
Eyes formed by cable clips -reduce loads by 20%.

Table 16. 6 X 19 Wire Rope SlingsIFiber Core2


6 x 19 Classification Group, Improved Plow Steel, Fibre Core


(Safety Factor = 5)

Single Single Single 2-Leg Bridle Hitch 8

Rope Vertioal Choker Basket Single Basket Hitch
Diameter Hitch Hitch Hitch
(Inches) (Vertical




%S 1,650 1,250 3.300 2.850 2,350 1,650
2,400 1,800 4,800 4,150 3.400 2,400
1/16 3,200 2,400 6,400 5,550 4,500 3.200
112 4,400 3,300 8,800 7,600 6,200 4,400
9 1 ~ ~ 5,300 4,000 10,600 9.200 7,500 5,300
5 1 ~ 6.600 4,950 13.200 11,400 9,350 6,600
314 9,500 7,100 19,000 16.500 13.400 9,500
'la 12.800 9,600 25,600 22,200 18,100 12.800
1 16,700 12.500 33,400 28,900 23.600 16,700
1'la 21,200 15,900 42,400 36,700 30,000 21,200
1'14 26,200 19.700 52,400 45,400 37.000 26,200
1310 32,400 24,300 64,800 56,100 45,800 32.400
1' I 2 38,400 28.800 76,800 66,500 54,300 38,400
1510 45.200 33,900 90,400 78,300 63,900 45,200
1314 52,000 39,000 104,000 90.000 73,500 52,000
17 1 ~ 60,800 45,600 121,600 105,300 86.000 60,800
2 67,600 50,700 135,200 117.100 95,600 67,600
2'14 84,000 63,000 168,000 145,500 118,800 84,000
2'12 104,000 78,000 208,000 180,100 147,000 104,000
231. 122,000 91,500 244,000 211,300 172,500 122.000
If used with Choker Hitch multiply above
talues by 3/4.

.. .

For Double Basket Hitch multiply above

Note: Table values are for slings with eyes and thimbles in both ends, Flemish Spliced Eyes
and mechanical sleeves.
Hand tucked spliced eyes -reduce loads according to table 13.
Eyes formed by cable clips reduce loads by 2OoA
Table 17. 6x37 Wire Rope Slings/Fiber Core2


6 x 37 Classification Group, Improved Plow Steel, Fibre Core


(Safety Factor = 5)

Single Single Single 2-Leg Bridle Hitch &

Rope Basket
Diameter Vertical Choker Single Basket Hitch
Hitch Hitch Hitch

I 8u
(Inches) (Vertical

60" 45" 30"


1,000 750 2,000 1,750 1,400 1,000

1,600 1,200 3,200 2,750 2,250 1,600
2.200 1,650 4,400 3,800 3,100 2,200
3,000 2,250 6,000 5,200 4,250 3,000
4.000 3,000 8,000 6,900 5,650 4,000
5,000 3,750 10,000 8,650 7,100 5,000
6.400 4,800 12,800 11,100 9,050 6,400
8,900 6.700 17,800 15,400 12,600 8,900
12.100 9,100 24,200 21,Ooo 17,100 12,100
15,800 11,900 31,600 27,400 22,300 15,800
19,600 14,700 39,200 33,900 27,700 19,600
24,400 18,300 48,800 42,300 34,500 24,400
29,800 22,400 59,600 51,600 42,100 29,800
36,000 27,000 72,000 62,400 50,900 36,000
42.200 31,700 84,400 73,100 59,700 42,200
48,400 36,300 96,800 83.800 68,400 48.400
56,800 42,600 113,600 98,400 80.300 56,800
62.000 46,500 124.000 107,400 87,700 62,000
80,400 60,300 160,800 139,300 113,700 80,400
98,000 73,500 196,000 169.700 138,600 98.000
117,200 87.900 234.400 203,000 165,700 117,200

I f used-with Choker Hitch multiply above

values bv j14. Y

For Double Basket Hitch multiply above

Note: Table values are for slings with eyes and thimbles in both ends, Flemish Spliced Eyes
and mechanical sleeves.
Hand tucked spliced eyes -reduce loads according to table 13.
Eyes formed by cable clips -reduced loads by 20%.

Table 18. Wire Mesh Slings2



(Safety Factor = 5)

Single Single Single 2-Leg Bridle Hitch &

Sling Vertical Choker Basket Single Basket Hitch
Width Hitch Hitch Hitch

60" 45" 30"

2 1,500 1,100 3,000 2,600 2,100 1,500

3 2,700 2,000 5.400 4,700 3,800 2,700
4 4,000 3,000 8,000 6,900 5,600 4,000
6 6.000 4,500 12,000 10,400 8,500 6,000
8 8,000 6,000 16,000 13,800 11,300 8,000
10 10,000 7,500 20,000 17,300 14,100 10,000
12 12,000 9,000 24,000 20.800 17,000 12,000

2 1,350 1,000 2,700 2,300 1.900 1,350

3 2.000 1,500 4,000 3,500 2,800 2,000
4 2,700 2,000 5,400 4,700 3,800 2,700
6 4.500 3,400 9,000 7,800 6,400 4,500
8 6,000 4,500 12.000 10,400 8.500 6.000
10 7,500 5,600 15,000 13,000 10.600 7,500
12 9,000 6,750 18,000 15,600 12,700 9,000
2 900 700 1,800 1,600 1.300 900
3 1,400 1,000 2,800 2,400 2,000 1,400
4 2,000 1,500 4,000 3,500 2,800 2,000
6 3,000 2,250 6,000 5,200 4,200 3,000
8 4,000 3,000 8,000 6,900 5,700 4,000
10 5.000 3,750 10,000 8,600 7,100 5,000
12 6,000 4,500 12.000 10,400 8,500 6,000

If used with Choker Hitch multiply above

values by 314.

- --__.
- -. ---__
., ..,
. .

Table 19. Alloy Steel Chain Slings2



Single Single Single 2-Leg Bridle Hitch &

Chain Vertical Choker Basket Single Basket Hitch
Size Hitch Hitch Hitch With Legs Inclined


60" 45" 30"

3.250 2.440 6,500 5,600 4,600 3,250
6,600 4,950 13,200 11,400 9.300 6,600
11,250 8,400 22,500 19,500 15,900 11,250
16.500 12,400 33.000 28.600 23,300 16.500
23,000 17,200 46,000 39,800 32,500 23,000
28.750 21,500 57,500 49,800 40,600 28,750
38,750 29,000 77,500 67,100 54,800 38,750
44,500 33,400 89,000 77,000 63,000 44,500
57,500 43,000 115,000 99,500 81,000 57,500
67,000 50.000 134,000 116,000 94,500 67,000
80,000 60,000 160,000 138,000 113,000 80,000
100,Ooo 75.000 200,000 173,000 141,000 100,000
If used with Choker Hitch multiply above
values by 314.

I :

For Double Basket

talues by 2.

,--- .__.

*Chain slings have a Factor of Safety of 4.

Table 20. Nylon Web Slings, 6000 Ib/in. Width2


(6000 Ib/in Material)


(Eye 8 Eye, Twisted Eye, Triangle Fittings, Choker Fittings)
Width Single Single Single 2-Leg Bridle Hitch
(Inches) Vertical Choker Basket & Single Basket Hitch
Hitch Hitch Hitch





5 6,000 4,500 12,000 10,400 8,500 6,000
6 7,200 5.400 14,400 12,500 10,200 7,200
7 8.400 6,300 16,800 14,550 11,900 8,400
8 9.600 7,200 19,200 16,600 13.600 9,600
9 10.800 8,100 21,600 18,700 15,300 10,800
10 12.000 9,000 24.000 20,800 17.000 12,000
11 13,200 9,900 26.400 22,900 18,650 13,200
12 14,400 10.800 28,800 25,000 20,400 14,400

Ifused with Choker Hitch multidy above

For Double Basket Hitch multiply above

values by 2. - -

Note: For Safe Working Loads of Endless or Grommet Sllngs, Multiply Above Values by 2.

Table 21. Nylon Web Slings, 8000 Ib/in. Width2


(SO00 Ib/in Material)


(Eye & Eye, Twisted Eye, Triangle Fittings, Choker Fittings)
Width Single Single Single 2-Leg Bridle Hitch
(Inches) Vertical Choker Basket 8, Single Basket Hitch
Hitch Hitch Hitch

60" 45" 30"

1 1,600 1,200 3,200 2,770 2,260 1,600
2 3,200 2,400 6,400 5,550 4,520 3,200
3 4,800 3,600 9,600 8,300 6,800 4,800
4 6,400 4,800 12,800 11,100 9,050 6,400
5 8,OOo 6,000 16,000 13,850 11,300 8,000
6 9,600 7,200 19,200 16.600 13,600 9,600
7 11,200 8,400 22,400 19,400 15,800 11,200
8 12,800 9,600 25,600 22,200 18.100 12,800
9 14,400 10,800 28,800 25,000 20,400 14,400
10 16,000 12,000 32,000 27,700 22,600 16,000
11 17,600 13,200 35,200 30.500 24,900 17,600
12 19,200 14,400 38,400 33.300 27,200 19,200

If used with Choker Hitch multiDly above

For Double Basket Hitch multiply above

values by 2. ,9Aa Bt

Note: For Safe Working Loads of Endless or Grommet Slings, Multiply Above Values by 2.

Table 22. Dacron Web Slings, 5000 Ib/in. Width'


(5000 Ib/in Material)


(Eye 8 Eye, Twisted Eye, Triangle Fittings, Choker Fittings)
Web ~~

Width Single Single Single 2-Leg Bridle Hitch

(Inches) Vertical Choker Basket 8 Single Basket Hitch
Hitch Hitch Hitch


60' 45" 30"

1 1,000 750 2,000 1,730 1,400 1,000

2 2,000 1,500 4,000 3,460 2,830 2,000
3 3,000 2,250 6.000 5.200 4.250 3.000
4 4,000 3,000 8,000 6,950 5.650 4,000
5 5,000 3,750 10,000 8,660 7,070 5,000
6 6,000 4,500 12,000 10.400 8,500 6,000
7 7,000 5,250 14,000 12,100 9,900 7,000
8 8,000 6,000 16,000 13,850 11,300 8,000
9 9,000 6,750 18,000 15,600 12,700 9,000
10 10,000 7,500 20,000 17,350 14,100 10,000
11 11,000 8.250 22,000 19,100 15.500 11,000
12 12.000 9,000 24.000 20.800 17,000 12,000

If used with Choker Hitch multiply above

values by Y4.

For Double Basket Hitch multiply above

Yote: For Safe Working Loads of Endless or Grommet Slings, Multiply Above Values by 2.
3.5.6 Signaling are much more comprehensive than those required
The rigger frequently has multiple responsibilities between an overhead crane operator and the rigger or
such as rigging the pick, barricading the craning site, a coworker.
holding the tagline, and giving signals to the crane Refer to Chart A for signals that are pertinent for
operator. To give and receive signals, the operator and mobile crane operation, to Chart B for signals that
rigger must understand thoroughly the same set of should be used during overhead crane operations, and
signals, which can vary according to the type of equip- to Chart C for signals used with base-mounted drum
ment being used for the hoisting operation. The sig- hoists.
nals between a mobile crane operator and the rigger

A Final Word About Safety

Of Cranes, Hoists, and Rigging, the most important is .. .

Craning, as used in today's sophisticated construction, industry, and military,
marine, and research and development activities consists of many elements, each as
important as the other. Every wire, strand, rope, link, sling, boom, sheave, block, hook,
fastener, drum, power plant, carrier, hydraulic line, safety device, barricade, and
tagline is important. Every rigging, inspection, operation, and maintenance function is
important. But we now reach the one element of craning, not yet emphasized, that is
t h e most important: the human element.
There are no functions involving cranes, hoists, and rigging that a crane operator,
inspector, mechanic, rigger, supervisor, manager, engineer, or onlooker is not involved
with in some way. The materialistic element of craning, in terms of value engineering, is
moue material. The functions of the human element are twofold: provide safety and
operate cranes.
The rigger who rigs a pick incorrectly or signals incorrectly, the operator who fails
to take the time to set up the crane correctly or operates it unsafely, the mechanic who
merely adjusts a subsystem rather than replace its badly worn parts, the inspector who
overlooks a well-worn or damaged part, or the supervisor who does not review a crane
setup or the rigging before a pick-all are derelict in their duties and responsibilities
should an accident occur.
Remember, during the planning stage of craning or any other hazardous type of
work, safety must be considered to be just as important as the necessary physical
functions required to complete the job.
Remember t h a t a good s a f e t y program is no accident, so give crane s a f e t y a lot o f
thought. Your life m a y depend o n it!

References Crane Safety Conferences. Las Vegas, NV. First,
Second, Third, Fourth Conferences, Nov 1979, 1980,
‘Mobile Crane Manual, 1982 ed (Toronto, Ont: Con- 1981, 1982, respectively. Sixth Conference, Nov 1984.
struction Safety Assn of Ontario). Crane Handbook. 1975. Toronto, Ont: Construction Safety
‘Rigging Manual, ed D. E. Dickie (Toronto, Ont: Con- Assn of Ontario.
struction Safety Assn of Ontario, October 1975). Crane Manufacturers Association of America, Inc.
‘Tech Report, Report No 102 (St. Joseph, MO: Wire CMAA Specification #70, Revised 1983
Rope Corp of America, Inc.). CMAA Specification #74
4WIREC0 Wire Rope Slings (St. Joseph, MO: Wire (CMAA is an affiliate of the Materials Handling
Rope Corp of America, Inc.)
Crane Technical Training and Inspection, Inc. Crane and
Rigging Training Manual. Overhead Cranes and Rig-
ging Training Course. Norfolk, VA. Aug 28-30, 1985.
Other Works Consulted National Fire Protection Assn. National Electric Code.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers Article 610, Cranes and Hoists.
ANSIIASME Standards:
B30.2 -Overhead and Gantry Cranes Standard Specification for Synthetic Web Slings. New
(Top Running Bridge, Single or Multiple Rochelle, NY: Web Sling Assn, Inc.
Girder, Top Running Trolley Hoist) US Dept of Energy. 1984. Safety Manual-Industrial
B30.2a -Addenda to ANWASME B30.2 Safety, Fire Prevention, Environmental Health.
B30.5 -Mobile and Locomotive Cranes SAND81-1807, Revised. Albuquerque, NM: Sandia
B30.5a -Addenda to ANSIIASME B30.5 National Laboratories.
B30.7 -Base-Mounted Drum Hoists ~. May 1980. DOE Hoisting and Rigging Manual.
B30.9 -Slings Idaho Falls, ID: EG&G.
B30.10 -Hooks
B30.11 -Monorails and Underhung Cranes manual for Use,Inspection, and Maintenance of
B30.16 -Overhead Hoists (Underhung) Hoisting Equipment. SLA-74-0206. Albuquerque, NM:
B30.17 -Overhead and Gantry Cranes Sandia Laboratories.
(Top Running Bridge, Single Girder, ~. 1973. Rigging Equipment Manual-Design, Fab-
Underhung Hoist) rication, Inspection, Use, and Testing. SLA-73-0564.
B30.20 -Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices Albuquerque, NM: Sandia Laboratories.
Bob DeBenedictis, Inc. Crane and Rigging Safety Manual. US Dept of Labor. Training Course 100-19, “Cranes and
SNL Plant Engineering-Sponsored Crane Safety Semi- Material Handling.” Gulfport, MS. Nov 27- Dec 5,
nar, “Overhead Crane Technical Symposium.” Sandia 1985.
National Laboratories, Kirtland Air Force Base, NM. ___ . Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
Feb 10-11, 1986. Safety and Health Standards:
Crane Inspection and Certification Bureau. Mobile Crane Subpart H-Materials Handling, Storage, Use, and
Training Manual. UNMIASSE-Sponsored Crane Disposal
Safety Seminar, “Mobile Crane and Rigging Consider- Subpart N-Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Elevators, and
ations.” Kirtland Air Force Base, NM. Jan 31, 1986. Conveyors

Medical Memorandum
Sanda National Laboratories
date: January 21, 1986 Albuquerque, New Mexico 87185

to: Lee Stinnett, 3442

from: L a M.D., 3320

subject: Medical Considerations for Proposed Training Program for

Employees Required to Use Cranes and Hoists

I have reviewed the ANSI standard recommendations

regarding medical qualifications for operators.

All employees at Sandia National Laboratories have been

through a pre-placement medical examination and have
been assigned to one of four medical classifications.
Employees with significant medical problems including
severe impairment of vision, hearing, color deficiency
and physical defects will typically be in medical class
I1 or medical class I11 if indefinite work restrictions
have been required.

Accordingly, it i s reasonable to consider the following

scheme for purposes of approving employees to
participate in the training course and be allowed use of
heavy material handling equipment.

Supervisors should review the medical classification of

employees who require such approval as a n initial step.
Interpretation of these classifications may be
summarized a s follows:

Medical Class I - there are no medical

contraindications to such an employee participating
i n the training program and may be assumed to be
qualified to operate heavy material handling
e qui pmen t

Medical Class I1 -
employees in this category may
have a medical problem which should be reviewed
prior to approval for this program. Names of
employees should be routed to the Medical
Organization for a n initial chart review and/or
physical examination if indicated.

Medical Class I11 -

employees in this category will
typically have indefinite medical work restrictions
and these should be carefully reviewed by the line

organization supervisor to determine whether these will place
the employee in an unsafe working condition should he operate
heavy material handling equipment. Specific questions
regarding interpretation of these restrictions should be
directed to the Medical Organization.

Medical Class IV - employees in this category are typically

highly disabled, however, indefinite work restrictions should
be reviewed in a manner similar to those employees in Medical
Class 111.

This approach would maintain privacy of medical information while

at the same time meeting the recommendations of the ANSI standard


Field Inspection Check Sheet, Mobile Cranes

Field Inspection Check Sheet, Mobile Cranes

l ~

:Equip ID: Operator: Date: II

! I. Frequent Inspections: I Check I Action I
I 1-----1------1
I I I 1
1. All control mechanisms for maladjustment I I
I interfering with proper operation. I
I )-----'------I
I I I 1
I 2. A l l control mechanisms for excessive wear of
components and contamination b y lubricants I I
or other foreign matter. I 1

I I-----(------:

3. All safety devices for malfunction. I 1 I

I 1-----1------1
4. Load Cable. I I I

I :-----:------;
5. Boom cable. I I I

I !-----'------I
6. Wire rope cable reeving for compliance with I I I

I I 1 I
the crane manufacturer's specifications. I I I

I ;-----'------I
I 7. Electrical apparatus for malfunctioning, II I I

I signs of excessive deterioration, dirt, and I I

I accumulation of moisture.
I 1-----1------(
I 8. Hydraulic system for proper oil level. I

I ;-----I------:
9. Tires for recommended inflation pressure. I I I

I :-----;------I
I 10. Fuel, oil, and coolant levels.
I '- - -'- - - I
11. Windshield and cab windows are not cracked, I

I missing, or dirty. I I

I ; ----- ; __----
I 12. Fire extinguisher ( 5 ) i n place and recently I II I

serviced. I

Field Inspection Check Sheet,
Overhead Bridge Cranes

Field Inspection Check Sheet,
Overhead Bridge Cranes

I I. Frequent Inspections

)k A l l f u n c t i o n a l o p e r a t i n g mechanisms f o r malad-
j u s t m e n t and i n t e r f e r e n c e with proper o p e r a t i o n

II 8 Limit devices for operation


Y A i r l i n e s , v a l v e s and o t h e r p a r t s f o r leakage

M H o o k s f o r damage, cracks, or e x c e s s i v e
I t h r o a t opening

1. Deformed ( g o u g e s , n i c k s , abrasions, etc. 1
2. W e l d e d or r e s h a p e d

3. C h e m i c a l l y damaged

4. Cracked

5. T h r o a t o p e n i n g ( i n excess o f 15%)

6. Twist ( i n e x c e s s of 10 d e g r e e s )
II 7. Hook l a t c h o p e r a t i o n

I )k Wire R o p e
1. Wire r o p e d i s t o r t i o n ( k i n k i n g , c r u s h i n g ,
u n s t r a n d i n g , b i r d c a g i n g , core p r o t r u s i o n ,
main s t r a n d d i s p l a c e m e n t , c l i p s , e t c . )
2. G e n e r a l corrosion, end f i t t i n g s

I 5. B r o k e n or c u t s t r a n d s

4. Number, d i s t r i b u t i o n , a n d t y p e o f v i s -
II i b l e b r o k e n w i r e s (12 r a n d o m l y d i s t r i b -
u t e d b r o k e n w i r e s i n o n e l a y or f o u r
I broken w i r e s i n one s t r a n d i n one l a y )

I W i r e r o p e c a b l e or c h a i n r e e v i n g

Field Inspection Check Sheet,
Electric or Pneumatic Hoists

Field Inspection Check Sheet,
Electric or Pneumatic Hoists

I. Frequent I n s p e c t i ons

# A l l f u n c t i o n a l o p e r a t i n g mechanisms f o r mal--
adjustment i n t e r f e r i n g w i t h proper o p e r a t i o n

K L i m i t devices f o r operation

I A i r lines, v a l v e s and o t h e r p a r t s f o r leakage

a Hooks f o r damage, cracks, o r excessive
t h r o a t opening

1. Deformed (gouges, nicks, abrasions, etc.).

I 2. Welded o r reshaped.

3. Chemical 1y damaged.

I 4. Cracked. I I I

5. T h r o a t opening ( i n excess o f 15%).

I 6. Twist ( i n excess o f 10 d e g r e e s ) .

I 7. Hook l a t c h o p e r a t i o n I I I


1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
I I H o i s t w i r e rope cable I I I I I I I I I I I I I I

I 1. Wire r o p e d i s t o r t i o n (kinC::ing, c r u s h i n g , I I I
unstranding, b i r d caging, c o r e p r o t r u s i o n , I a a
I main s t r a n d d i s p l a c e m e n t , c l i p s , e t c . ) I I I

I 2. General c o r r o s i o n , end f i t t i n g s

I 3. Broken o r cut s t r a n d s

4. Number, d i s t r i b u t i o n , and t y p e o f v i s i b l e
I broken w i r e s (12 randomly d i s t r i b u t e d broken
I w i r e s i n one l a y o r f o u r broken w i r e s i n one
s t r a n d i n one l a y )

I t Wire r o p e c a b l e o r c h a i n r e e v i n g

Field Inspection Check Sheet, Chain Hoists
Field Inspection Check Sheet, Chain Hoists

: I. F r e q u e n t Inspections

I t 411 f u n c t i o n a l o p e r a t i n g mechanisms f o r malad- I
I j u s t m e n t and i n t e r f e r e n c e w i t h p r o p e r and s a f e I

I operation I

I ; ----- : _----- I

I t Hooks f o r damage, cracks, o r excessive
I t h r o a t opening

1. Deformed (gouges, nicks, abrasions, etc.). I



2. Welded o r reshaped.

3. C h e m i c a l l y damaged.



5. T h r o a t opening ( m u s t n o t exceed 15%).

I 6. Twist ( m u s t n o t exceed 1 0 d e g r e e s ) . I

II I___--:------;

7. Hook: l a t c h o p e r a t i o n . I

I I----_@------'

t Load c h a i n

A. Welded L i n k Chain
1. T e s t t h e h o i s t under l o a d by l i f t i n g and I I

lowering it. The c h a i n s h o u l d f e e d I

s m o o t h l y i n t o and o u t o f t h e s p r o c k e t s . I

I 1__---1---_--1

2. I f t h e c h a i n b i n d s , jumps, o r i s noisy, I

c a l l Maintenance f o r s e r v i c e . I II II


II B. R o l l e r Chain

1. Test t h e h o i s t under l o a d i n l i f t i n g and I I

lowering directions. The c h a i n s h o u l d f e e d I 1 I

s m o o t h l y i n t o and away f r o m t h e s p r o c k e t s . I

I :_----I------;
2. I f t h e c h a i n b i n d s , jumps, o r i s n o i s y ,
I c a l l Maintenance f o r s e r v i c e .
3. Check t h e c h a i n f o r t w i s t . Have t h e c h a i n I

r e p l a c e d i f t h e t w i s t i n any 5' s e c t i o n I I I
exceeds 15 degrees. I I

Field Inspection Check Sheet,
Base-Mounted Drum Hoists
Field Inspection Check Sheet,
Base-Mounted Drum Hoists

I. Frequent Inspections

X C o n t r o l mechanisms f o r maladjustment o r ex-
c e s s i v e wear i n t e r f e r i n g w i t h s a f e o p e r a t i o n s

X L i m i t devices/switches f o r malfunction

t O i l l e v e l s and g r e a s e p o i n t s

II P Deterioration or leakage i n a i r o r h y d r a u l i c


* E l e c t r i c a l apparatus f o r malfunctioning, s i g n s
o f e x c e s s i v e d e t e r i o r a t i o n , and d i r t and mois-
t u r e accumul a t i on

P I n s p e c t l o a d c a r r y i n g r o p e s f o r e x c e s s i v e wear
and d i s t o r t i o n

II 1. Wire r o p e d i s t o r t i o n ( k i n k i n g , c r u s h i n g ,
u n s t r a n d i n g , b i r d caging, c o r e p r o t r u s i o n ,
main s t r a n d d i s p l a c e m e n t , c l i p s , e t c . ) .

I 2. Broken o r c u t s t r a n d s .

I 3. Number, d i s t r i b u t i o n , and t y p e o f v i s i b l e
b r o k e n w i r e s (6 randomly d i s t r i b u t e d broken
w i r e s i n one l a y o r t h r e e b r o k e n w i r e s i n one
s t r a n d i n one l a y ) .

I 4. S e v e r l y c o r r o d e d o r broken w i r e s a t end

I 5. S e v e r e l y c o r r o d e d , cracked, b e n t , worn,
I o r i m p r o p e r l y a p p l i e d end c o n n e c t i o n s .

I 6. Care s h a l l b e t a k e n when i n s p e c t i n g s e c t i o n s
i n c o n t a c t w i t h s a d d l e s o r sheaves where
rope t r a v e l i s l i m i t e d .

7. Care s h a l l be t a k e n when i n s p e c t i n g s e c t i o n s
o f r o p e n e a r t e r m i n a l ends where c o r r o d e d
o r broken w i r e s m a y protrude.

* W i r e r o p e r e e v i n g on drums
Field Inspection Check Sheet, Wire Rope

Field Inspection Check Sheet, Wire Rope

I 1 I I I I I I

I I I I 1 I I

Load Test Record Sheet,
Wire Rope, Mesh, Chain, and Web Slings
Load Test Record Sheet,
Wire Rope, Mesh, Chain, and Web Slings
















I 1




I .. I




I-___--__--_ __--
20 I __-______

IANSI 630.9 r e q u i r e s all s l i n g s t o b e load tested at two times: I
Ithe load rating indicated on t h e equipment and ANSI E.30.201 I

Irequires all under-the-hool.:: lifting devices t o b e load tested:





Field Inspection Check Sheet, Wire Rope Slings


. ----.--.~I.." .... " . . .,.., t ~ ,. .. . .... - .

Field Inspection Check Sheet, Wire Rope Slings

; I. Frequent Inspections:

I 1. D i s t o r t i o n s u c h a s E:inking, c r u s h i n g , u n s t r a n d - - : I1 ,

I i n g , b i r d c a g i n g , s t r a n d d i s p l a c e m e n t , or c o r e ; I
I protrusion. I

I ;-----'------'
I 2. Corrosion, pitting, h e a t damage.

3. B r o k e n or c u t wires: Number a n d d i s t r i b u t i o n p e r I I t

r o p e l a y ( 1 0 ) or p e r s t r a n d ( 5 ) per- r o p e l a y . I I I
I I-----;------'
4. Abrasion and s c r a p i n g evidence.

I 5. L a t c h e s s h o u l d h i n g e f r e e l y and seat p r o p e r l y . I

I I-----'------;
I I I 9
6. End a t t a c h m e n t s . I I I


I I I I I I I I I I l l l l
; 11. Periodic Inspections , , I , I I I I I I I I I I

I 1-----1------~
I 1. Is t h e r a t e d c a p a c i t y of t h e s l i n g l e g i b l e ? I I
II :-----'------I
I 2. I n s p e c t e n t i r e l e n g t h of s l i n g , s p l i c e s . end I I I

I a t t a c h m e n t s and f i t t i n g s . II II I

I l-----l------)

I 3. Broken w i r e s . ( 1 0 i n one rope lay, or 5 i n o n e I I I
strand i n one rope lay). I I I

I I-----'------:
I 4. S e v e r e a b r a s i o n or s c r a p i n g .
I 5. K i n k i n g , c r u s h i n g , b i r d c a g i n g , or o t h e r I I 1
I I Ia
I d i s t o r t i on. I I
I I-----;------'
1 I I
I 6. S e v e r e c o r o s i o n , p i t t i n g , or h e a t d a m a g e . I

I ;-----;------;
I 7. R e p l a c e e n d a t t a c h m e n t s i f cracked, g o u g e d , or : I


I worn e x c e s s i v e l y . Replace hooks i f w e a r exceeds I I
l 0 X 7 i f b e n d o r t w i s t exceeds 1 0 d e g r e e s , i f I I
I t h r o a t o p e n i n g e x c e e d s 15% f o r n o n l a t c h e d a n d 8% I I I

f o r l a t c h e d hooks. I 1 I

I 1_-_-_1--_---1

8. D a t e of l a s t l o a d test. . Wire R o p e
___ I

s l i n g s s h o u l d b e l o a d tested a t l e a s t e v e r y I I

four years. I I I
I___________________----------------------- _ _ _ _ _ _ I _ _ _ _ _ _

Field Inspection Check Sheet, Wire Mesh Slings
Field Inspection Check Sheet, Wire Mesh Slings

I I I I l l l l l l l l l l
11. Periodic Inspections I I I I I I I I I I I I I I

I 1-----1------1

II i. I s the rated capacity of the s l i n g legible? I I I

I 2. Broken weld o r b r a z e d j o i n t a l o n g t h e s l i n g edge. I I I

I ;-__-_;-_-__-1

I 3. Broken w i r e o r l i n k i n any p a r t of t h e mesh.

II ;___-_I ___---- 1

I I0 I
4. R e d u c t i o n i n w i r e o r l i n k d i a m e t e r of 25% due I

t o a b r a s i o n o r 15% due t o c o r r o s i o n . I I I

I :-----'------'
5. Lack: of f l e x i b i l i t y due t o d i s t o r t e d m e s h . I I I

II 1 -----I 1

I 6. D i s t o r t i o n of t h e choker f i t t i n g so t h e depth o f II I

t h e s l o t i s i n c r e a s e d by more t h a n if:)%. I I I

I :-----I------'
t I I
I 7. D i s t o r t i o n o f e i t h e r end f i t t i n g so t h e w i d t h o f I I
t h e eye opening i s decreased by more t h a n lC!%. I I I

I 8. FI i5X r e d u c t i o n o f t h e o r i g i n a l c r o s s - s e c t i o n a l f I 1

I a r e a o f m e t a l a t any p o i n t around t h e hook: open- ;
i n g o f t h e end f i t t i n g . I I I

II 9. Cracked o r v i s i b l y d i s t o r t e d end f i t t i n g o u t o f I I I
I i t 5 plane. I I



1 (3 . D a t e of l a s t l o a d t e s t . . Wire mesh I


s l i n g s s h o u l d be l o a d t e s t e d a t l e a s t e v e r y I I I
f o u r years. I

' !


Field Inspection Check Sheet, Chain Slings

Field Inspection Check Sheet, Chain Slings

l ~ ~ ~

: S l i n g ID: Inspector: Date: II


I I. Frequent Inspections: :Check: : F l c t i o n I

I '-----I------'
1. C h a i n a n d a t t a c h m e n t s f o r w e a r , n i c k s , cracks, I II I
b r e a k s , gouges, s t r e t c h , bends, weld s p l a t t e r , I I I
d i scol o r a t i on f r o m e x c e s s i v e t e m p e r a t u r e s , a n d I I
I t h r o a t opening of hooks. I I
I I-----'------'
2. Chain l i n k s and a t t a c h m e n t s should h i n g e f r e e l y I I I
I a n d seat p r o p e r l y w i t h o u t e v i d e n c e o f p e r m a n e n t : I
d i s t o r tion. I
I ;_____;------1

I 3. Hook l a t c h e s s h o u l d h i n g e f r e e l y a n d s e a t p r o - II
p e r l y w i t h o u t e v i d e n c e of permanent d i s t o r t i o n . I I1 I

I 11. Periodic Inspections I
I I-----:------'
I 1. I s c h a i n s l i n g i d e n t i f i e d w i t h a n 8 or a T 7 I
I 1,----1------1

2. I s t h e r a t e d c a p a c i t y of t h e s l i n g l e g i b l e ? I I
I I I 1
2. Each l i n k and e a c h a t t a c h m e n t s h a l l b e examined I I

I f o r w e a r t h a t r e d u c e s t h e c r o s s - s e c t i o n a l area. I I
1 Refer t o Table 6 i n S e c t i o n III.D.2.c. f o r allow-l I

a b l e c r o s s - s e c t i o n a l wear. I
I I-----:------'
.3. Worn l i n k s s h o u l d n o t e x c e e d v a l u e s shown i n I
1 I
T a b l e 6 o r t h e v a l u e w h i c h is s p e c i f i c a l l y I
recommended by t h e m a n u f a c t u r e r . I
I :-----;------;
I 4. S h a r p t r a n s v e r s e n i c k s a n d gouges may b e r e m o v e d i I
by grinding. The d e p t h of t h e g r o u n d p o r t i o n I II I
s h o u l d n o t e x c e e d t h e v a l u e s shown i n T a b l e 6. I I
I (-----'------I
5. Hooks should be inspected for: CracL:s, wear e:.:- : I I

I 1
I c e e d i n g 10% o f t h e o r i g i n a l d i m e n s i o n , a b e n d or I I

I t w i s t e x c e e d i n g 10 d e g r e e s f r o m t h e p l a n e of t h e I I

I u n b e n t hook, t h r o a t o p e n i n g e x c e e d i n g 15%f o r I
n o n l a t c h e d a n d 8% f o r l a t c h e d h o o k s . The por- I I I

t i o n s of a g r a b hook t h a t f o r m t h e t h r o a t s h o u l d I I

I be parallel. L a t c h e s s h o u l d s e a t p r o p e r l y , ro- I II I

I t a t e f r e e l y , and show n o p e r m a n e n t d i s t o r t i o n . I I I

I i-----'------(
6. D a t e of l a s t l o a d t e s t . __ .
C h a i n s l i n g s I
I s h o u l d b e l o a d t e s t e d a t least e v e r y f o u r y e a r s . I I
____________________---------------------------------------------- I I

Field Inspection Check Sheet, Synthetic Web Slings
Field Inspection Check Sheet, Synthetic Web Slings

1. A c i d o r c a u s t i c burns. I

I 1-----1------

2. M e l t i n g or c h a r r i n g of any p a r t o f the sling. I

II I-----'------
I 3. Holes, tears, cuts, o r snags. I
I I-----;------

I 4. Broken or worn s t i t c h i n g i n l o a d b e a r i n g s p l i c e s . : I
I !-----(------I
I r
a. E x c e s s i v e a b r a s i v e wear i n l o a d b e a r i n g area. I
I 1-----1------:

I 6. K n o t s i n any p a r t o f the sling.

7. Cracked, d i s t o r t e d ,
bro1::en o r e x c e s s i v e l y I

p i t t e d o r corroded f i t t i n g s . I 1


I ______I I

I 8. E x c e s s i v e a b r a s i v e wear w i t h i n t h e eyes. I


I 11. Feriodic Inspections I/ l, l, 1I II II II lI lI 1I II lI lI 1I

I 1. Is t h e r a t e d c a p a c i t y o f t h e s l i n g l e g i b l e ? I I 1

I l-----~------I

I 2. F e r i o d i c i n s p e c t i o n s s h o u l d be conducted I I I
a n n u a l l y by i n s p e c t i n g t h e s l i n g i n accordance I I I

I w i t h t h e r e q u i r e m e n t s o f t h e t h e Frequent I n - I
s p e c t ion5 1 i st shown above. I I I

I :-----'------'
Date o f l a s t l o a d t e s t . __ __ .
Web s l i n g s I I 1

s h o u l d be l o a d t e s t e d a t l e a s t e v e r y f o u r years. I I I

____________________--.------------------------------------------------ I I

Authorization to Operate Heavy Equipment
Authorization to Operate Heavy Equipment


Heavy equipment operators who have met the physical qualifications re-
quired by the B-30 Series of ANSI Standards and who have attended the
safety training course, C r a n e s , H o i s t s , and R i g g i n g , or who have quali-
I fiedto operateequipmentother than cranes andhoists, shall be issued a
card similar to that shown below. The card authorizes the individual to
operate the equipment identified by the initials of the authoritarian.
Listed equipment not authorized shall be hole-punched.

All operators are requiredtobe r e c e r t i f i e d e v e r y t h r e e y e a r s . I






I I0





I 1




Mobile Crane Hand Signals

Mobile Crane Hand Signals

HOIST With forearm vertical, fore- LOWER With arm extended down- USE MAIN HOIST Tap f i s t on head,
finger pointing UP. move hand in ward. forefinger pointing down, then use regular signals
small horizontal circle move hand in small horizontal circle

USE WHIPLINE (Auxiliary Hoist). RAISE BOOM Arm extended, LOWER BOOM Arm extended
Tap elbow with one hand; then use fingers closed, thumb pointing fingers closed, thumb pointing
regular signals. upward downward

give any motion signal and place LOAD With arm extended, rhumb LOAD With arm extended. thumb
other hand motionless in front of pointing up. flex fingers i n and out pointing down, flex fingers in and
hand giving the motion signal (Hoist as long as load movement is desired out as long as load movement is
slowly shown as example I desired

Chart A. Mobile Crane Hand Signals

I SWING Arm extended. point with
finger in direction of swing of boom
STOP. Arm extended, palm down,
move arm back and forth
extended, palms down, move arms
back and forth horlzontally.

I .a 1
TRAVEL (Both Tracks). Use both
fists in front of body, making a

TRAVEL Arm eaended forward. DOG EVERYTHING. Clasp hands in circular motion about each other,
hand open and slightly raised. front of body. indicating direction of travel,
make pushing motion in direction
of travel forward or backward.
(For land cranes only.)


TRAVEL (One Track) Lock the track

on side indlcated by raised fist
EXTEND BOOM (Telescoping RETRACT BOOM (Telescoping
Travel opposite track in direction
Booms) Both fists in front of body Booms) Both fists in front of body
indicated by circular motion of other
with thumbs pointing outward with thumbs pointing toward each
fist. rotated vertically in front of
body [For land cranes onlv \

Chart A. ('on1 intied

EXTEND BOOM(Te1escopingBoom). RETRACT BOOM (Telescoping
One Hand Signal. One fist in front of Boom). One Hand Signal. One list in
chest with thumb tapping chest. front of chest, thumb pointing out-
ward and heel of list tapping chest

Chart A. Concluded

Overhead Bridge Crane and Hoist Hand Signals

Overhead Bridge Crane and Hoist Hand Signals

I t
Wnth f o r e a r m v e r t i c a l ,
f o r e f i n g e r p o i n t i n g up. m o v e h a n d
In m a l l h o r i z o n t a l c i r c l e
LOWER.wtth arm enrended
d o w n w a r d . forefinger poontlng
d o w n . m o v e h a n d on small
horizontal cirrlex
extended forward. hand ooen and

r l t g h t l y raised. m a k e Pushing
m o t i o n In dvrection of travel

CARRIER TRAVEL STOP. A r m extended. p a l m EMERGENCY STOP. Both
d o w n . m o v e a r m back a n d f o r t h arms extended, p a l m s d o w n . m o v e
P a l m up. fongers closed. t h u m b arms back a n d f o r t h
p o i n t i n g in d o r u r t o n o f m o i l o n .
jerk h a n d h o r i z o n t a l l y .


MULTlPLE TROLLEYS. h a n d to give a n y m o t i o n signal a n d
piace o t h e r h a n d motionless in
H o l d u p o n e finger for b l o c k
marked "1" a n d t w o fingers for f r o n t of h a n d g w n p t h e m o t i o n
b l o c k m a r k e d " 2 " Regular signals slgnal (Hotsf slowly Shown as
follow enamole

Chart 6. Overhead Bridge Crane and Hoist Hand Signals

Base-Mounted Drum Hoist Hand Signals

Base-Mounted Drum Hoist Hand Signals


HOIST With forearm vertical. fore

finger pointing up move hand in
small horizontal circle
LOWER With arm exlended down-
ward. forefinger pointing down.
move hand in small horirontal circle
USE MAIN HOIST. Tao fist on head.
then use w l s r signals.

USE WHIPLINE (Auxiliary Hoist). RAISE BOOM Arm extended. LOWER BOOM Arm extended
Tap elbow with one h a d , then USE fingers closed. thumb poinfing fingers closed. thumb pointing
regular signals. upward downward

give any motion signal and place LOAD With arm extended. thumb LOAD With arm extended. thumb
olher hand motionless in front of poinring up, flex fingers in and OUI pointing down. flex fingers in and
hand giving the motion signal (Hoisl as long as load movement ISdesired out as long as load movement is
slowly slmwn as example I desired

Chart C. Base-Mounted Drum Hoist Hand Signals

S W I N G Arm extended. point with STOP Arm extended palm down
finger in direction of swing of booln move arm back and forth

EMERGENCY STOP Eotti ariiis DOG EVERYTHING Clast, liarids in

rxlended palms down. iiiove ,vilis lroni of bo&
Iiack and lortti tiorimiuiillv

Chart C. Concluded


3442 Lee Stinnett (1000)

8024 P. W. Dean
3141 S. A. Landenberger (5)
3151 W. L. Garner (3)
3154-1 C. H. Dalin (28)
For DOE/OSTI (Unlimited Release)



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