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Friends English expressions 1 Arrange the words below to make wellknown English expressions about fiendship, 2) oud. gints a Bet are diamonds 1 First, read the rview of the television series Freud and complete the questions with a word from the box. One question docs not need 2 ‘question wore. ‘Then match he questions tthe comic answer from the st bow 1) ends enomise Ie who tt with mexds ©) end frend modo 0 is in indet 2 Do you have similar expressions in your language? Write them in he space provide. Grammar | romanrs ry cHoIcE | gxxee Friends nos 2 iy aves z cmon Tepetowenen meee, | eae betwee tires he pve - 8° tha os = Me Witeesisecmee | 2 War hen Whee Whe Were | wy How Ea Fos foes the sees nat [4 | soo edpatnaayaaappet 2) aber gs runt | 6 tehaving maf wih Moi? 6) co Moria and oey oo?) to Monica and Joey want o see Phoeber [_] 1) docs Rossa Rachel t do? e oes Ross go with Rachel? | 1 Chandler 5 She's prgnant 2 During the party 6 New York 3° Gowith him, 7 Wedon't know: 4 With Roses wedding, 6 Eni’ Complete the questions with a preposition fom the bon Two of the questions donot nee & Prepation about between toto wil wil 8) How did the series na 7 1) What ithe series end > 2) Who did Ross get married <8) Whowas Ross thinking? ©}, Who was Monica having an afar 1) Which ety did Monica go back ? 18) Who did Rachel meet atthe seport ’ 1) Who did Ross have to decide? A 3 Gice the correc et form ‘A: (0) Di you se Sw yon Friends on TV last righ? Why? Did anything special) happen happened? ‘A: Well you remember that Rachel got angry veith Rone hen they ere playing cards? Be Yes ‘A: Well the next day he invite er out © sinner Be What) id pen happen? ‘She was jus teling him that she wane tobe swith someone ele when, i rough the Soe his exosite arrived! Not ‘Who () ait aid ib? Her boytrond? [Noy it was Chander and the others. (Oh no! What) i thy they ted? ‘Well twas quite funny ~ noel you what, ‘Mlle you the video. > Ree ere 4. EB Lock at th questions inthe login verse paint uri th sgt sos inenchquedin. Thien the recog heck yeuranoner Pace ing e cutis 5 Allof he questions below contain a grammatical ‘mistake. Corot the mistake and answer the ‘questions 11 How many times do you cn fold a piece of pape? 57 )9 91 21 Who was the rst CD inthe US reco? 2) The Rallng Stones b) Michaal Jackson ©) Bruce Springsteen 3 How much psi uses the average woman inher ifetime? 9) 05kg b) 1Skg od) 25kg 4 Which singer did the Wailers play? 2) CalineDion Bob Marley ©) Elvis Presley 5 How much weighs your bain? a) 15kg b)25kg 35 kg 6 Who's eal names Annie Mae Bullock? 4) Madonna b) Tina Turner £9 Gaine ion 7 How many bietays docs the Quoen of England have got at W203 6 {8 Which companies did make the first CD? 5) Philip and Sony b) EMP and Islnd ©) Virgin and Polygram 9 Whose counties was the shortest warn history between? 5) England and Scotland ) Iso and Egypt ©) England and Zanabar 1 Which country did win the fst World Cup? 2) Braz b) Uruguay «) Argentina Rearrange the words to make questions, 1) to marsiod Lennon was who Teha 1) John eiled Lennon was when ©) does Keith Richards songs who swith ite 4) and common got have in “Tho Brand New Heavies what Carle King, ©) mother Nicaragua from whose singer Jee regret ren French made which famous Now answer the questions. The answers areal in Unit of your coursebook, » Se by 9 a ° 9 7 Complete the sentences by puting the verb in brackets in the correct orm, Examples ‘Who John Lennon? ~ Mark Chapman. Whe killed on Lennon? Who (hoo!) Mark Chapman? —John Lennon, Wo it Mark Chap sot? 8) Which company (buy) Rolls Royeoin 1988? — Volkswagen 1b) Which song (sing) Elton John at Princess Diana's funeral? = Candle the Wine, ©) Who (tain) Araneta Sanchez? ~ Hee father, «d) Who (play) Madonna inthe lm Evita? ‘The tite role, 2) What opera (write) Verdin 18532 — La Trsviat, Pronunciation 1 EB inthe fotlowing groups of words, three ‘words have shoet vowels underlined and three have long, Group the words inthe eppropsate ‘boxes. Then linen to dhe recording o check Your anvovers and practise saying the words. 2) amy. fates pethaps, salary stat thank stort fe) langle! ] 1) because called, common, fal, made, naught short jo lang J) ©) team, kl, live psope ski women, sort I long J+ a, ea, fst find, hus est short Jel lang ff EEE 2 [Nowe decide if the Following underlined vowel sounds are long o short. Use a dictionary to ‘heck your answers 8) caffe ©) haa © father 9) hae ©) shed g) receive © happy) sons Match the words in each column hich have the same vowel sound ight, carn truth born \\ choose come rot \ chose all, real alive smoke whose love eye won nought world ‘Look ot the underined prepositions the {allowing pir of sentonca. Decide ifthe rspositions should be pronounced in the strong, orm (eg om) or the wea form (eg Example Whore docs she come sam? strong he comes fom Lite Rock, weak 4) What id you do thet fr? sider you! 1) Who did you send theleter a? Teant ita the director. ©) What are you Tooking at? in looking at he instructions. 8) What were you thinking af Tas thinking af the day we mot EB Listen to the recording to check your answers and praca saying the sentences. Reading The Brand New Heavies ‘Growing up in the Loan suburb of Ealing ol sceol frends Jan Kini, Andrew Levy and Sinoe Bartholomew pursued thir lve af Soa ‘muse and 70s fuk in the London cab of tho Imi-ighties, They lsenod and danced 10 the ‘music of James Brown, The Crusader, Raf nd ‘mary ees, and decided they ba no option bt {foe themes. They reearsed regularly at Kneis home and ner the name of Brothers Inverational, recorded ber music ape, Whos Joel iss playing thir muse era James Brown tc, they were esta fn 1987, when they renamed themselves The Brand Now Heavies, they sed bass section, andthe debit lb wae released onthe inde libel, Ace Haz. Ths scoring capowed the stonton of Michael Ross, founder of the Los “Angle based abel Deis Vinyl and in 199, Rost signed the Heavies 1 his abel and pied them with Adat bor volt N'Des Davenport He sent them back ina the sudo to rerecord several saps anda ome ne ones When he ted made thi US debut, Never Sop became a “Top $ R & B singe, and they have’ stoped since. Meanie, bck in the UK, songs Ike rears Come Trae sp Sty This Way iva ho | sins, wansorming the band roms club | sender ina world-wide sccess, Tn 199, the band stared working ith hip taps like Mata Ace and Kool G. Rap, an ther second rele broke ll de roles by ming, ap with heir own syle of nk The pet albu. rote Snr rodced a ing of Wis and wont ‘double pation ia the UK and cargo inthe US Atti ot N'Dea Dvenpot ef th eoup to go sol, and the vali songwriter, Sida ‘Gare, who had worked wit Quincy Jones, Micha ackion and Madonna, joined op. “Together, they recorded Shelter, their most ssccenafel dct de, The tle tack it had ples of fk with adic fel, dee is also an favrumental and enol ballads ke Fest Le igh, No longer jst an aid juz band, we can ‘expect more changes in theft, ys Andrew Levy, "The Brand New Heavies ae ol cing, to doubt abo it. Weve moving on and wee moving o ro 11 Read the aticle about The Brand New Heavies nd mark the statoments below T (rue) or F (fake) 2) Jame Brown made soul msc] Wb) Tht msi wae played ince I 6) Thai ft ces wa int UK] 4). Sie nto very wa.) ©) Davenpot was eplaced by Siedsh Care 1 8) They worked with Ma! Jaen, 1) Thesng Shite abated) 1) The Brand New Hess away ese the same musi dye, 2 Read Urough he tentand find 6 mare word at deseibe diferent forms of cred music and ‘words that describe Hide of muse. resnded sie track Kinds of msc 13 Find words or expressions in the text tha mean the sme a: Parga 1 a) die 9) practised 9) very happy Parageaph2 @ tint «)cetor 1) was played on the radio rns Vocabulary 41 Complete the text below with the expressions in Combine the word fried with the prec and stig in the box o make Radpetives thebox “i ai part Sous ended up etc togeter — Piitup ies sting on wa find ly fang out on fone our sparse ays oh Fad fot in common = Beiol missed her Match the word onthe lft o the won the sorted sing rghtto make paces Thon compte the vere very done sentences blow with he pass People often ask me why Charlot and @ although this wasn't the Hest dine wehad () ‘When Ist me het, we ally © Weld) a ‘and started ging out snd soon 6 ‘Then had o go to Ameria for my jb and we began to(8 When she called me and sid she didnt wanta Jong;-distance relationship I wasnt really surprise. Inany ease, Thad alwady @—___semeone es. A few months after [came back we started » agai We were (realy wet ana tratsed how much Thad) She told me how important it wast share everything shout our lives and fk) telling her abou the gi Thad met in te States. 1 told her that it ad boon serous ut she got realy angey and sil 1 was jst a pial man ‘That was the beginning ofthe end, but [sil hope that one day we ne answer _acompany apparin afm an saat play for sends ake good salary isin Be party share the phone tel team work for the math Example Could you anser the pon? Ym busy. 8) Ate leaving aly Maradona went © in Argentina b) Laide about where I went lst night 6) Tased to live on my oven but nove with 0 — ) He fora newb thats lees test ©) He to manage his tine better so that he st so stressed al the tie 64) Me makes sure that he at least eight hours slop every night ©) Thojouney to work __ hour and he's decided! ose this ume for relaxation, He ha stopped having sandwiches for lunch and now proper mest covery day, 1) He always some kind of sport wie a week Wy He about taking up yoga, but hetaan’ made up hie mind yet Complete the sentences with an aula verb from the bor. do docs are is has have Example do 1 Vn sly walk to work 5) How often you look at yourself in the ier? by Ineverhad a massage «) fs the best im I ever seen, 4) She already got too many appointment ©) Shenot need another appointment to worry host. 1) The Book sold over two million copies sof {8} When one child screaming I don el cle 1) You reading anything interesting? Match the questions in box A with their answers inbox 9) Doyou smoke? by Have you seen Sue and James ately? ©) How often do you go tothe cinema? «)) You've changed, haven you? 1) Your English is geting worse, sti? 1) What ace you reading atthe moment? Complete the spaces in the text below with an appropiate form of the ver in brackets. Use the present simple, resent continous Sr present pertet Paul Won Pl Wilson, author of The Lite Bok of Calm, not ‘only writes books. He also @ (vor) fora advertising agency and isthe deector of ‘opi From time to ime, he also (b) (produce) musica albums snd he frequently) (give) talks to businesspeople, Because of, Aespite, this bury i, he (@ —____eeome) aorta thority on calm. He () (already publish) two novels ‘snd many books onthe subject of calm. Inthe las few yours heel ‘more than any other Asstralian writer Sofa, his work (g) —____ (appear in ver twelve languages and this amber andy ever have been for ages. Nothing, I've just finshed something ‘Tabehonest dot love you any more. Yes but Fm trying to give up Yes, staying with them atthe You Tnever use it — (increase). AS a result, he (become) very {famous around the word, National newspapers regularly ) __ write articles about him and, at east once a month theresa TV programme which discusses his ‘work At the moment he (9 —______ (or ona number of ew projects and, athe same time, Cire the comac tense. Death of Salesman by Arthur Miller Tis isthe story f Wily Loman, an unsuccessful Salesman who (0 geting / gets od. His wil, ind (6 anys supporting / has hye ‘supported hi, but his sn, Bil () snot els / es ot lie ins father's dea. Willy () ss has toad o start a neve Trusnes, but cently Bt) are Ie trad to think about loving hom and ke (9 800 senting / dc nt ant hep is father: Wily is So depressed that be (gly stats ha ale ‘Store to think about suicide. At the mamsent he (hy iain ade harder and Nar fo believe that he ean lp his oly. o_ (ty) find time to spond with his thre ire, AA,” Listening and reading 11 Read the descriptions ofthiee novels and match them tothe book covers 8) Taken from the mest famous movi of all time, this othe story ofa theme park where itor come fce ta face with ving, breathing nose. forthe fit He in 6 snllion yen. 1). Dicken’ famous novel about poor orphan boy who rane away to Landon and finde ‘ial inthe criminal underworld of thee 19) Anamusing story ofthe adventures of Las Angeles private detective. Abesutfl blonde srornan hires Lenny Samuel o find her Inisng sister Before long the sage also ‘contains gunmen, dead bodies, poiceen land jewel thieves 1 2 Gummi Charles Dickens iF 2 KER covehe tts oposite Listen ote cextacs rom the above novel and sn which tovel ech ecact comes fram (You de have tho mcoding sad te cnc) 3 EB Thesatowing words are ming frm the ceca pote the extracts and decide Were they shoul go. (They are given inthe ore order) Ther stn othe recording again techeck your anewers, by at away onto against by in with outof towards in of und 1 Ju ore al m8 oiling gun-Tere was aloud bang the Rr Se ang ws flowed» sera of an pe ofthc cos beens eal MA Ghee ekargnae aan them ic moved be sped onthe Hac 08 fe tng] an 0 oot the ck rome eo ge eo “ming om the Cs fom is ds : As they walk animal Then ; he made rs Dearest tree. They co re TERE Tho cout ge Ae one 3 eating, He had rhe ol geitlonan went rang He Mad eiand were gold pestaces. He ‘a Tong, dark green coat and hie aa The Dodger moved neuer. TRE eit Trent, the okt gentleman's ik Tuc ase Dodges tnd Te Maier and Charley ran and id the potrey a house, The old gelemen sa his pocket: He ured gush Tat toys got my Ranakereiet! BE cried. Vocabulary 11 Complete the adjectives column A with ef oF ing. Then complete the sentences with a phrase ‘rom column 8. a a » 8 @ 8 6 ® ») » i When Tam depres i people ae confus twas a depress flim 1 get quite anno. Some people Find i very relax tyra the most embsarrass_expoience 1 a 0 te He was soe My jb is very ber. ‘We thought t would be more intrest and I oeth hada’ gone to se decided to havea short map, Ihave ever had, Totton pt headaches 01m looking for another one. they sometimes scratch their end that be alld non-tep fohave leeuely hot bath {take a diferent route ‘with people eho ean stop fidgeting Compete those sentences with a preposition fom the box. stew yor or om in » ‘Thebook is aivided short plecs of advice Teas made its author ult ‘nilionit Teas sid 0 milion copies ‘A relaxed person egy goet walk, Tas. ‘he impression that Iwasa relaxed soe of person. Tjudge a book ts cover 1s. film based abookby [Nicholas Evans Grace is involved an appalling riding seldent, Her only hope ies Booker, ‘rancher fom Montana ‘Hooker a man witha special talent healing horse. Nothing much happens apart on accident with a hore, “There no doubt the fact that he is ‘competent ciecor Which ls ar examples ofthe following pes? 2) Cantons CI 1) Ganga fms CI ©) oxo ts CI 4) Love stories L] ©) Roounte comedies [] 1. Science fiction films [_] Titers C1 1) Warstins i) Westems 1 1 TheGadatter Semfce Gone Star Ware Star Tk (Close Encounters of the Third Kind Four Wostings ana Funeral Notting Hal Geen Card ‘Shalespene In Lave Romeo Pretty Woe [Nigmare on Ei Street The Exit Friday the Thro The Magnificent Seven Dances With Woke The Lat ofthe Mobices Si of he Lambs Thelen Witness The Lion King Alsdain Bena and he Best ‘Saving Piste Ryo Robo Arey Now a Complete these Writing 4 Inthe summer, people tnd to butin Not everyone enjoys ° In ocent yes, people have tried Dating Quotations : See i | pear margaret Complete he sentences belo wth word fom Japenese ot, aout thetoe | at mat Cnn, a pene irom ago hes spay anche | ome in tet. Tea oytiends experience face Kee grees itnonein cca: may | Jove" manage yout | Rice ha was so neu | lof angina 37 2) ‘There were tre of ws nthe | Se ext ay rang ect ak et sottwas abit eroded | rwten she petotun ear, Meares and sas sori 8 9) sve my ey ny we | egy ncn sen. Lam gong give my wisdom and eas te met er hee of atv, Vem tonics Seon | times, always with a group o ends Le | Seiten : owinave pateandoatat se es | acy 40 yar ago ahough Have eres oy wowat | compel gt the ce | ore eral ard mS the Anercan sor who Hed me seas oe stcomarowyewte | cay yorowt tee enous, | 8) If gras can grow through cement eos aletertgtme tar veamat indie} ° Ts remember the chewing gum, tobacco beer tse of my fit ‘an find you at every time in your life ee aytonmet | | noone io Nese | iim 2 Now match the quotations above to thee famous eee cen ress : A A a Nanci pentane eee 5) Princess Diana "7 ee Grammar = oe ie Re a caine oe ere creem ete pinseauaueae ieeeinu- cs 'b) Vincent is sad because his girlfriend has gone bar} ee = ] wih the ple loves. 4) Vincent sad because he has ost his sambells Ve ———_ cc" 3 Cirle the comet form ofthe verb. As You look happy, Chiyo! What's up? Yeah, guess what (a) met /0e meta guy 1 realy ike, A When wa this? At the party as Say? (G.Ubsh (eso / gave him ait home in my ca Hets really shy, Bu (ink have thought he liked me, oo. As (a) Hace you se Did yo st hin since the panty? (e) Dos elon / Hes he telephone ou in the last fee days? Yes, he hace all on Monday but he (a) iid i ay anything special, As So, ey (hl ou thik ace you tag that e's intrested in you? (C1) ee ee eo him afew es - you know ‘with ends around woven and its the way he ‘went re everytime he (ha er su me! Fes realy cute! Complete the sentences below with foro sine 8) She's only knove hi about six weeks 1) Teebeen in love with you the day ©) They have been together the beginning of the yea 2) They've only been engaged _—_ couple of weeks. ©) Hehasot hada gilrend Ana left him, 1) She's fancied him months and months 1) They've been fiends they wore ite chen, 1) ‘Thay haven't been married very long, [Compete the sentences using 8 ver from the box inthe past simple or present perfect an fr, since rage. ve fall have know sce speak tell try wat want Example Vincent first / to Chiyo / sie months Vincente poet Cio sx moths eo 2) Vineet / / Chiyo / about six months 1) Vincent /__/ in love with Chiyo/ st ©) Chiyo /__/ Vince's umbrella the party 4) invent / took him ome / to sok Chi out / she ©) Vien / / Chiyo.a number of times 1) One of Cho's trends / 1 Mincent bout her departure for Japan / 2 week ) Chiyo /___/ in Japan / Tuesday 1) Vincent /__/ towste to Chiyo / a few days 9) Chiyo/ J sicmonths fo Vincent ask he oat 6 Answer the following questions about yours 2) How long have you known your best rend? 1) How long have you lved in your present home? 2) How long have you studied English? How long have you had this book? ©) How long have you spent on this exercise? Reyrite your answers to the questions in Exercise 6 using the past simple. You wil atten ned to ‘change the Yer that you use Example How tong have you known your bes friend? have known hes forsix year, met her ix years a. a Pronunciation 1 EB Look at these words which all end in ed, How many syables does each word have? One tor to? Liston tothe cording and practise deying them. Example asked 1 crowded 2 2) ended 6) liked i) tried ) hated) needed) waited «) helped g) seared Kk) wanted 4) ined) stresed 1) thanked ‘What do the words with two yllabes have in 2 Rewrite these sentences 0 tha the ver is contacted. Then cicethe prepositions) ia cach sentence tha willbe pronounced with /2 Exaaple Thave not spoken to im for ag. 1 hace’ pon thi (0) aes 2) Thave always wanted to got Bal 1). Shohas been marsied for nearly a month, Tews not lowe tft sight, 4) She has knovn im fora couple of yea ©) Wedid not learn fom our mistakes 1 She has always had a strong sense of family £8) Did you not se Jack atthe weskond? FF Listen to the sentences and practise saying them, FB Lise tothe ong srtencs an deine he word whichis sted 2) He st exactly patient 1) Shei pricy sensitive ©) Thay ot what you'd el nteligent {2 Tess spc hardwerking ©) Shot very genau 9) They ot ety open-minded. sen gana pracin yng the serene. ss: EEE Listening and reading 2 Now mate ge Te ae iba Shere op ne flowing serine You can Toten tothe dalogue again deck your 1. EW cover he tapes opostand inten 18 dialogue rom Te Gra aty by Sot Fegerald, Which picture bet ustrates the sone 2) Why dont we algo home? 1) Hove you now ©) we one mote question task Me Gaby. [I 4) We the truth ©) Why shouta 1) Shes never loved you. And ove Dae on. 1) Tell him you never loved him, Daisy Open the whisky, Tom, and il make everyone a drink ‘om Wait a minute. (1) Gatsby Go on, Tom What kind of rouble are you tying somake between me and my wife? Daisy Stop it please, Tom. Tom (2) Have got to watch a nobody ‘rom nowhere make love to my wife and ‘ay nothing? Gatsby Now liten ve got something to tell you, old sport. Daisy Oh, please dont say anything. (3) its ‘00 hot to argue ‘Tom | want Mr Gatsby to give me an answer to my question. Gatsby Your wife doesn't love you. () she Tom You's crazy! Gatsby (5) We've loved each other for fve years, old sport, and you didnt know! ‘Tom | tell you you're crazy. Daisy loved me rte she married me and she loves me ‘how. (6)! ahvays have. she knows that. Gatsby Tell him the truth. (7) Daley | never loved him. Oh, you want too ‘much, 291 (8) ln that enough? Id love ‘Tom once, but | loved you, too. Gatsby You loved me, to Vocabulary ‘Read what these people say bout themselves and Acide which pais would make good couples. ix T gues the partner of my dreams would bean ideals ike me someone who is loyal na ‘Committed othe relationship, someane wo sas ver the aon about me as Lam about them 3 true Romeo. When my last relationship ended, I eouldn’t believe that someene could be so tworFaced. For ‘ne the most important qualities ate sincerity and ‘modesty dont cae how handsome a Uy 16 {at sot of guy is ueually completely sel-centred ike the sot sensitive type, © People say Ican be fn to be with, Ike chatting with fends and making jokes and my perfec! night ou would bean evening of midnight Skiing, flowed by champagne in a mecnit restaurant with someone who doeset get stressed (ut about saying how they Fee . Toan be abit oversensitive at times, ge jealous realy easy, and Ifind easiest to tall people tho se ay like me I ge fod up with ehose bony, bigsheaded types who think they're ‘wonder. Loves about status E im not realy loking fora long-term relationship. want to havea good time on a date = dont want to get engaged or anything can't See mysell a the bride ta white wedding Tean't Sand narrow-minded types prefer the easy going sot F jut ike going out clubbing, having Fun and stuf lke that aod my relationships tend to be impulsive ~you know, meet someone who is rly gorgeous looking an start ike that 6 Forme, the mos inportant thing ina partner is someone wo shares my interes. im gute Sporty and like dynamic, out-going types get fon with realy witty people who make me laugh, the talkative sort 4 Teuppose I prefer someone who is aldfashioned tnd romantic Tve always beived in ove at fist Sight Tm attracted tothe relble an faithful types, someone who would be completly devoted tome, 2 Find the words in bold in Exerise 1, that are the coppoites ofthe words below: opposite broad-minded a modem, rmodest cut going oo quiet : relaxed thiceskinnet vey vata 3 Complete the sentences by matching the phrases {oem box Aad box B A 3) Calm down and don’t ake 1) He's one a hase people who hast be ©) Telly ee! that you should pat {8} Ifyou happen to change ©) Weaver dificult 1 get Ws very imperant to tke f) She can make peope fel 1) You should realy ty wo lar 1 advantage of all the opportunities you eet 2 Atease just by smiling at them, 3 lose people who are very private 44 from your mistakes, 5 incontol of everything and everyane {6 things serous all the ime 7 your energy into something more useful 5 Your mind, will you let me know? 4 Which of he adjectives on this page could you tse ta dese the following people? + yourself ‘+ a member of your fly + someone in your class ‘+a poltician in your country writing Read the eter and answer the questions below. \ ee made pea! you ae wl ode ering it | “Hovis i going with your sii? How is everzne 6 she college? : 2 edo ve the ‘Do you remeniver Masako? We ‘often salle | ‘about you, and she sends her love T have had lelers from some of wr friends in Engl | 1 tena oe fa fe friend of his was looking for someone | ‘had any replies. Then no days ogo my fer sad iat & ee ee | Do you sill have the same phone nunber? Pll give gou a ring when I arrive perhaps | 6 tow | chips 7 PS: Eve sil got your unbrllal a 1 nach eho theprsofthe 2 Mah ese eins cf sentences ott — = ane, 9 Gheme 1 pourwatt i D thepeyouie 2 tv 1) ns abou ta ents] cae eae (©) introduction and apologies for not writing, _ ee 9 omepate tiene 6) se opering poe] fo vould gato 5 grangon we afore ©) news about the present and future plans [_] | Howetgagua 6 seam! 1) the mainrsn owing] D Xunbhivher 7 eal 5 tame te 1) anything the writer forgot to mention earer i ? See (postscript) Imagine that you ate Vincent and weite a reply to CChiyo. In your letter, you may want to include some of the flowing points + thanks for her leer + news about the past / mutual fronds ‘+ news about what you ae doing now + Tooking forward to seing Chiyo TT TT Adrenalin Song lyrics 2 1 get no kick from champagne Mere alcobol doesn't tril me at all That 1 get a Rick out of you? Grammar 41 Match the sentences to the timelines below Action 1 ‘Action 2 ) The exam finished when Twas doing the Tas exercise by Iputdown my when the teacher sald ©) was thinking bout something che <4) Lwasfesing when the exam began. Hf penny See aa Pt the verbs into the past simple or the past a) Mike a newspapes when he an advert for skydiving. rad/s) by He cents and iment the skydiving ‘jump. (phonebook) 9 He. is taining later tegin) jokes, but Mike ral on the end of a beaut day and the un — own. (be/) 1) Tre trainer the door Plane. (open /jump) 2 While he he is an incredible ach of 1) Aer that he sytving all he time, even when he think/ work) (Quickly read the short paragraphs below and ‘atch them to the pictires on the next page ‘The BASEjumper 4) One day Lno as walking home after work ‘The sun as shining and he wa Fling, happy Suddenly, he was seeing group of people who were looking up a the top of 2 bulling. Some of them were pointing and 1) Lo was looking up, too. He wa woman who was standing onthe roof the fe was shouting ‘Don up ©) Two helicopters were lying overhead. ‘Quickly the woman was waving athe Ielicopter and wes jumping 18) On the ground, two paramedice wer standing by an ambulance They were trating forte jumper to land. Other people ‘rete sil pointing and taking photos Then, 4 Now read the story in Exercise 1 again Some of the verbs nee tae changed fom he past ‘ontinoous to the past simple, Change 1 vor in paragraph a) 3 vers in paragraph b. 2 verbs in paragraph 0 1 ver in paragraph d) Cirle the best ese in the sentences below Example Two days apo, ec seo / (sd) a lange group of people in the see 1) They hve ok re aking very worried 1) A woman has e/a the so fatal building ©) Everybody to kil heel 4) Thenewspapess say the lot of aulides recently in the city ©) Alter a few minutes, two helicopters When she save the helicopters the woman 1) We could se that the woman has smile ons 1) Everyone his her cured when she landed safely. 1) Since then, eth th becoming a BASE jumper myself. Read this interview witha BASE jumper and p the verbs in brackets int the correct fee: pst simple, past continuous or present perfec. Reporter: How lng 3) Jumper: About thre years now. (oar hon cr: Why? It seems a crazy thing to dat what @) Give) yo the ides? Jumpers Wall 1) eta always enjoy) dangerous sports, and a fiend ( __(eay) he COU the ump, Reporter: Hows many jumps () Jumper: About tity so far—and 1(h) _—___¢ accident thank God, Reporter: (i hobby? Jumper: Yes 'm geting mari later this year and) (promise) ‘yy partner that I wil top then, 7 Compete the following sntences by making a omporative or auperative form ofthe adjective 2) Whar thing you've ever done? (exting) b)-Seuba diving inthe Bahamas was one of experiences snmy le (enjoyable) ©) was much than Thad imagined (easy) 4) Think the Red Se is for cub diving than the Bahamas. (good) ©) The Bahamas ae alot. E and they are (ta expensive) 1) But the hotels nen the Rest Sea are than those inthe Bahamas. (bac) 12) The corals probably. fightin the world (bent) holiday of my ie. (good) Vocabulary 1 Lookatthe word spiral and find 7 words connected with spor, 5 words connected withthe body and 3 names of animals OPNSHEPIAsSiu4, 5 gi «earshot xefightskydl vers! ys ny & Me ‘0, Mehseaymogya, ay ‘° gO gxerbeebloodbore Sport ‘The body Animals You can combine advors with adjectives to make things stronger Which adjectives canbe combined with the adverb in box A, and hich withthe adverbs in box B? a eg olay Brin erjoyble 8 fiat = inedible tk Match the colloguial expressions to the meaning below foo nwasa >) tragedy Something wes. 1 extremely bad 2 very boring 3. rally disappointing 4 absolutely hilarious 5 very erating 6 extremely ad Listening 1 The most exciting thing I've ever done 1. EBB cover the tapescriptand listen to four was when | penta week in Canada, people talking about the mon exciting bolklays What we did was .. every afternoon they have ever had. Match the speakers tothe we went up in a Harvard jet and you pictures (Ifyou don’ have the recording, ead fly around looking for other jets. When fhe tapescript) you see one, you ty to get tin your Sights, you pull the trigger and fre — its kind of laser. f you manage to hit ancther plane, you hear this nole and {you can see smoke, It woe great, briliant fun, but could never atford to do it again. il never forget tit wae absolutely fantastic! Sa gh REY and law on scbertearat for an = Sener anne Sart rany lowe butt ears eee femme aia ee Sieeenunvenu ae tcple, We puto cb ns oer Snel apect kind of protection Sing sinaoeravenierel ae ata eee Siig with tre sah playing th Gor vena aeeae petal tr To begin wh ough would tet then fino pwc os bes 2. EBB Lisen again an dace te owing = otal amsig experience! sericea Co ae Brion 2° A few years aga ne and fend of rineboartaece sete 9) During the dian holiday they went fying every da. ‘Arctic. One day we were taken out in & 1) During the Canadian holiday one pane small submarine which took us under crashed the ie. Just being under the waters strange enough. ft was really dark, but ©) During the swimming rp, they had to use ate special equipment. sent peel tieand oe 4) ating aviring ep hy ere tached ‘inesomething tat ood he | Poe shark bt dor thnk es Then we ere cave tattle cant tig st 6) Theme peda wet crenata ees anesipiets 1) Thesabmarne op was dar andi washad fed fons en as te bee Soaghe wow ts festhe wo 8) The Russian jet trip was painful, ‘much. 1) The Rasa tp as ned forthe TV. ice ee en keel ere eee eed 3 TED Atos tee epresions ae wed to desebe Moscow, There were two of ut and this expences tte ely god Listen how asian gy ar we got in Gas ‘hte wor resid and cc hem ou ned ‘ae of war more lke Bast of, thi tial Your ve ght thing wes gong ot Mach thats ‘oat itcen pune Hemetes on Seal | fourand treaty hurt shart Data irom breath and your Read hur, bt en Fantasie Sato wor Publ ber ten anne Guo vow We one arty at et some fe tne TV or something, and you thnk God, thats jus ust out-of thi- wold Writing Pronunciation 11 Read these notes that a reporter made during 1 Look the auiary vei as, eas, have) in interview with famous explorer Then we the following dialogues In each dislogue, decide antic about Wied Thesiger for the newspaper vnhich verbs pronounce inthe strong form and tabi i weak 2 Before you write 1A: Tas thinking of going skydiving + Check in a dictionary any words that you do B. Were yout rot know, 2 Ar We were beginning to fel nervous + Look carefully tall the verbs in the notes You B: Twas Willneed to use the pastsimple andthe present 3A: She has never ben hurtin ight. Bests ou may i red se the pr serie AAs Have you ridden a horse? + Think about where you will need to put aries Sees cee (Goa, Remember that you do nt usually red anartile when you ate aking outa Post ‘country, but geographical features ke rivers s tnd deserts need the, for example The Pyros. isi aio face fey) EB Listen to tho coding to check your anewess an practen yng the snl sn ered Ss Kids Kids’ jokes Can you get these lies? Use a diction you need Dip YoU DRINK YOUR MEDICINE , AgTER YOUR BATH No. AFTER I'D ORUNK MY ‘ri DIDN'T HAVE ROOM, FoR THE MEDICINE ex mach, O28 It Grammar 1) Complete hese sentences with a word from the hat when Where, with who ) aster doesn't pull ny hai! arden! ) dog ack could ride ont 4) ase ©) teacher ike! Tan understand! (mone tse at fy apace Jean playt ‘have to share! pronoun, Which ones? 2 Complete these sentence w 2) Find out there by taken my calendar? ° books that? 4) Tanto know ©) He's theboy yacht hat top of the cas. 3 Rearrange the words inthe definitions below Example = pes saeely We s place skeet rarely ins ira where 9) Wea decides puity Inert oF b) Waa fall the tne sort totes when to 9 tsa fer animals doctor ‘Kind looks of that ) Ison animal in od _proitorc that es 6 ws. 1S poron studying untosty who ) Wea sell for hat Kind of that cor gow 4 Into ofthe sentences in Exercise 3, you can omit the relative pronoun. Which ones? 55 Con you find words fom thi unit which match the definitions you wrote in Exercise 37 Example Ihe place where it arly rin ” ig eee 6 {Join the pais of sentences by making relative Example My dad i nice man. He gives melts of present 2), Dad lives with anew glen. I don’ ike her 1) She has a daughter, Ioan remember her They havea house by the ea. wen here on holiday lat your ‘My mutn and Hive ina small ft. dosent havea garden. Mam has a job. She lly loves ‘She works in the morning. Lam at school then Ihave: friend, Her mother works a the zoo. This pa picture of my dad. I drew it Reverie the following sentences using usa, “wo of the sentences cannot be rewrite with sed, Leave them as they are 1) Tas always in trouble when Twas child )Tasived a schoo ne every day «9 Lwasnever any good at my studies. 48) uring break times, my frends and I smoked ‘igutles behind the schoo. ©) One day, we were caught smoking We were very made othe teachers. 1) Allthe teachers hated 1h) tad very long hair and wore one eaeing, 1) thought that schoo was a wast of time )) Eventually {was asked to leave the school In two ofthe sentences above, you can change tea told. Change these wo sentences Vocabulary The following are all words you have met the fist unite ofthis book. Can you name them? 2) am animal that looks like «crocodile ascteee R 1b) sort of lange ish eich ean attack humans (© hl who is earning to walk toe 4) the most venir teacher ina university ee R ©) what you do when you are cold $ _ —_ _ R 1) dhe season when lees fal A ____N f) the people who watcha flan or play a E ide 1) athe eho steals from houses B_ ) the writen words that are used to translate a fimonsceen $_____--S J) ananimal with hard shel tates in the saT__--E Compete these sentences witha preposition from the bos [aos down for im olf on 2) Amumisapenon who cares you bb) Hevwasstaring men a peculiar ©) took qualifation 4) Paintings ae displayed the public the Pil. — ©) Thegicls were 6) He went speeding 2) Takes home 1h) Don't fake your hands wheel Match the words in the box to the numbers i the sentences below ambition 7) jungle 1) deat >. naughty 6) degree pilot 2 4) desert 2) punish ©) fabulous ——-m) shark 5) ost n) ham ) hell 0) undergraduate B) iceberg yell Some cir have this (1) 0 become this (2), Some people believe that this (3) shot than this ‘The word of business is wnetimes calle this (5) and it fal of hese (6). You ae one ofthese (7) tl you (One ofthese (9) can do this (10) ‘You may do this (It) if cl is this (12. ‘You may have odo thi (13) if someone this (1) You may put this (15) up if you think something Isthis (10) cone ofthese Listening and reading Joo Carr cher who works ia Lonon secondary schol ake cout is wort caching experi 1. EB Cover the tpescrip an iste to the teacher's story and pat these event inthe onder Inwhich they happened. Ifyou don’ have the scoring, ed the sory) 8) child started ying 1b) Theteocher went to look forthe children, The headmaster spoke to the teacher. 8) child et the room, ©) The teacher aie the students had ticked The students began atest The teacher returned tothe classroom, bh) Achie’s mother died. [T 4) Thetis friend wont to find he. 22 Rea the story and find expressions which mean the same asthe fllowing 8) had no idea ipongrap 1) 1b) make your life dificult (paragraph 2) ©) shestill hadn't come hack (nagraph 4) 42) then thing to do was paragraph #) ©) very well-behaved (pamgaph 5) 13 Find thee places inthe ist paragraph where you canada tha. An example has been done for you chat | think thet the worst experience! have fever had was in my fst Year of teaching, and the kis knew that dn’ have a clue how to control them. | was giving the students a Freach test, subject mort of ‘them hate. had this dass of tied years — they're the worst children who do ‘anything they can to give you a hard time, Spotty adolescents es the oge-range | hate ‘There was a girl whose mother had just died end she used to just sit there and stare ‘at me asf was my Faull. And there was ‘nother who used to sit next to her who vas probebly the biggest woublesmaker in the schoo “Anyway, one day, the students were doing this test it was about the subjunctive, which we had just done in class ~ when this Sie started crying. She put up her hand {and asked if she could go tothe tolet.1 knew that she was probably thinking about her mother, 501 said yes | mean, what else could | do? She left the room and ten ‘minutes later she sill had come Back. was wondering what to do next when the other girl put her hand up and asked If she ‘ould go and look for her friend. I couldn't ‘90 myself because the students would all hea, so said yes, and she left the room, ‘en minutes later there was stil no sign of, het thought there was nothing for but 10.g0 and find them both myself, Las just ‘coming out ofthe girl loo ~ they weren't ‘there when the headmaster called me {rom the other end ofthe corridor. "Mr Cathe shouted, ls there any particular ‘eason why your class are all talking to ‘eachother in the mile ofan exam? | suggest you get back there and supervise them. immediately!" {ran back to my classroom and there were the two girs, siting quety as good as ‘old, The rest ofthe class were also quiet, busily getting on with thelr test. was only wien | marked the test that realised i had been tricked, The whole clas scored more ‘than 80% ~the fist and last time that ever happened! Writing 41 Read the advertisement an the letter that hat eon rite ia reply. Put the sentences rom the Teter inthe comvect oder, Deptford School of English 4 Open al yes 1 Che or ail evs 1 Prepare fr Cambridge PE. FCE and CAE 1 Gelert sity accomadation Deptford i vey suo of London near to the Rier Tames Greenwich and the ENROL NOW! For a brochure or futher deta, please contact Deptford Schoo of English, 13 Hague Square, London SEZ? 4ZY 4) Took forward to hearing fom you ) Desesie/Madam, [1 ©) and T would be grateful if you could send me a brochure 44) would alo tke more information about the range of accommodation that you oer. ©) Iso, please send me further details 1am interested in fllowing an English ge course in the summer of net yeae i) yours faithful Fh) would like to ow itis posible to ake 2 Cambridge examination a the end of the 3) Lam wating in response to your advertisement in Travel Ties 2. You want to get ao in London next summer. Waite a reply tothe adveriement at the top of the column opposite, Us the eter above and the pote ohelp yeu. Workstay Programme | > 3008 of bs (out guide, home help, Bar wor te) > Guarantoes mnmum wage > Gheap accommodation in = {London subst > Cheap ave and work rnsurance | ‘Senda cheque for ony £20 t9 <> Fay yee rogiter now! canst Workstay Pregame, Unit 27, Te Arches, London e270 08H Pronunciation 1 ER Listen to The Lite Rot Rap, Juston the edge of deep, datk wo lived agi ealled Lite Red Riding Hos Her grandmother lived ol fr away so Red went to pay her Ate Big Dat Wal who knew her plan he tured his nose fd ran and ra He ea il he came toher grandmothers door “Then he locked er up with ea big roa He took her place ner nice war fn he waited there for ttle Miss Red [Now listen again and repeat each line copying the Speed and shythm, Ee] News Headlines taken from newspapers a the time, 4 thee dates? 1950 1959 1961 1963 1973197 Batista Flees From Country: Havana Casinos, Shops Looted PINOCHET TAKES POWER IN COUP D‘ETAT SPANISH MONARCHY RESTORED Kennedy Assassinated: Is Shot Down in Car by a Hidden Sniper North Korea Invades South od Russia Fires First Astronaut nto Space Grammar 41 Complete the table with past participles, wan hur beng keep cancel hoo = = ‘rink tow 2 Complete the sentnses with passive verbs You will ped to use the present simple, past simple or st Heathoow Airport olfices after areving on a fight fom Amsterdam (top ©) Almost two kilos of cocaine in er lugzage 2) TW the second time that Ms Thome ‘on drugs charges. ares) overnight in police call (kep) ) Because ofthe arrest, her concert at Wembley wi at she will appear in cour Inter today (liv) rite these sentences using a passive The pparaze pursued the ca for 10 lometes ather when she walks down the she by. Thenewspaper wil py her $0.00 compensation forthe embarrassing photos, She from a Hollywood celebrity last night, 4) Police have changed the footballer, Robert ee, with azul The footballer, Robert Fowe 2 6) Theeditorsackd he jouraist for inventing ‘The jouralt 9) judge has acquitted two photographers of invasion of pevecy Two photographers 12) Securty guards protect his house fom spying paparazz Hishoase Wy “They wl splash her photo ll ove the front pages. Her photo Change one vet in each ofthe following news ‘ores Some need tobe changed fro ative to passive and some fom pass to ative sane Donald Thomas ws ecype fom prion is Rhode Island, US afer serving #9 days of ‘0-day semence. He was captured. and semonced oan eta act Kentucky, shot himself inthe chest because he ak mer Jn Rein 31, aed at Lon Ags apn, When wa ibe bal ® | Francesco Rivers, 26, fos Pisin Italy, was cm fs wy to fancy dese party and was | ‘dsl ts gorilla He abot wth tanger Circus gir Jacquelyn LeBow, 2, jalod for six days in Nice for riding naked on fan elephant on a busy road. ® ron Br ae Complete the story with words ram the box. Tncked be been broke broken gave given hod keep kept Feally “saw seen taken as Police probe Duffy scandal ‘Top Hollywood fm star Tom Duffy, cannot °) out ofthe news and it usualy focal he wrong reasons is latest roubles stared few months ago when compromising photograph of Anna, Daly's vite, () published ina Hollywood magazine. She wa (6) ina Loe Angeles nightclub, The Lounge Lizard, with her ‘em around Bruce Cashman, T's costar in his latest film, Dinty Busines. ‘Since then’ a rend of the couple reported, they have(). many fights. Only last week, he () hora black eye Then, late lastnight, Anna called the poliee and complained tht Duty hd () he again, ‘Mrs Duffy sald that she was thrown down he sais, and that Me Dy then (g) ber nove when he hither wit the handle of his gun’ sal an LAPD spokesperson. ‘Me Duly as o to'Santa Monte pole stator and a statement wil be (i) tothe press later today Reporters who j) Mr Duty atthe station sd hat he denied the incident. “OF course, het nose ie) he tld ‘hem ‘hardly touched her She ( made me angry, but I wouldnt hurt her” [Mrs Duffy has been (a). tn hospital so that some more X-ay photoe of her nove can ) taken, Sources atthe hospital report that she has already (0) sted by Me Cashman, Vocabulary 1 Join the beginnings and ends ofthese sentences by using « preposition fom the bo in the mniddle, An example has been dane fr you 8) The demonstrators were charged 1) The government tok ply (The machine is dangerously «The pole car chased ther ble res were sentenced ©) The presidents nota 1) The thi 8) The victims wil ceive $8000 with for 1) comment 2) ten years in prison 3) high speed ‘9. campenuation. 5) the victims ofthe drought 6) strbing the peace 7) contol Example The demonstrators wer charged eth lsturbing the pee » ° ease a 2. Circle the correct word 8) He sa supportiupprtrisupertie of Arsenal Football Cha. 1) “The match was abandoned becouse of an iaason/incnerinante ofthe pitch, 1) They were found pully of 4) Have you rad any ofthe company’s romoton/promcterpametiona erature? ©) Parents are usualy protectin pote protecive of heir children 1) The pdgenentugeudgmentl dd not allow the press to enter te court, 2) Thought their behaviour was unusually aggrssonlagrssrageres 1) “The destractin/estrayeriestructe ofthe ain fort very worrying 3 Replace one word in each of the following sentences with award or expression from the box. hissd cy married help leave spite 5), He stata to sb when he heard the bad 1) He surprised his colleagues when he wed the manaping detox 6). She decided to quit her jb when anew boss wed 42) The refugees wil receve aid from some charts ©) She was pursued by a pack of photographers ) They decided to separate after being together foc ten years. Pronunciation 41 Cirle the word which has a diffrent vowel sound from the other words 4) shark past lavgh ball calm 1) cought all talked door hard ©) wrong half block yacht want 4) bill tive fold wish ist student mam young judge month EB Listen an check your answers Listening and reading ‘Arado phone-in programme is diacusing the following questions: Reporting of leit scandal the pres: should it bo lana re sandals the prize es of fro pope sy of our bins? 1, HEB cover the apsrip and ten tight opts ging th opine Do thy ik hat ested phe oud (A) be alowed ot Ghoetenres? Sater AorB? Rod Mike Wendy Andy Diane Alice 2 Read what the people sid and look a he that ar in tai, Then use those vers, in the ‘correct orm, inte definitions below 2) Hryeu someting, agree witht ») you something, you manage or sureive quite well without ©) Hyou_____doing sexnething, you stop doing it. 4) tyou something, you © you someone, you respect or admits them 1) something itstops working 2) Ifyou about something, you lam about ») you doing something, you continue to doit nd do not stop. 9 you something, you ‘want itt happen because you think you will ‘Anna | don’t think that i's got anything to ‘do with us its none of our business. people wert to do what they want, | don't {are who they are, they should be allowed to. think we can do without this kind of ‘thing in the papers. Rod | thnk thatthe problem is that half of ‘he stuff they print i just compete rubbish They prt anything to make 2 bit of money, and think that haf the time ‘hey just make i up, don’ think they should be ellowed to print a load of is. Mike A lot of people, especialy young people, look up to pop stars and fi stars fand peopte lke that, o my feeling is that Its important we know what they're up to, ‘These people are role models for our tléren 0 its right If we know wat they fare reall tke i ‘Wendy | really like finding out about ‘who's going out with who, whe's getting ‘artied and that kind of ting. | get Hello ‘every week and i gives you all he latest ews and really (00k forward oi. What's wrong with that? Steve | cart ee how it sin the publics interest to know about the private life of Holyrood fm star or some princess or other It may be that these people have Immoral ves but it's even mote immoral to \wrte and read about It! don't go along (with this kind of thing at al like thi, then the newspapers wi ‘don think you can blame the newspapers. If people gave up buying these papers, then you wouldnt get all these shock- hortor stores ts a5 simple a5 that. Dane 1 think is really important thatthe press has complete freedom. After al if you start saying ‘No, you can't print this, you can‘ print that’, it wor't be long before our whole democratic society breaks ‘sown, {don't want politeans deciding What ican read ‘Alice Wel, hese fm stars say they're rot happy about it but they keep on ving Interviews all the time, sol can't see how they can complain if sometimes the papers prin stores about them that are maybe @ Dit embarrassing. That's just too bad for them! wi 1 ing Complete the sentences below with a word or ‘expresion fom the Box. + atough ‘Although he fll over 200 metres, he only hart hi foo Although there was a drought there was no shorage of water Despite falling over 200 metres, he aly rt his fot. Depite the drought there was no shortage of wate. exrce or neveiees He fell over 200 metres However/Nevertheless, he only hurt his There was a drough However/ Neverthoies, there 3510 shortage of water 2) He kept on interupting be said that he would beep quiet 1b) find these stories annoying 1 continue to read them ©) The judge acquit her the evidence against her. 4) Cigarettes ave boon banned! hee people til smoke after the thieves. 9 it wa an unflattering picts of him, he quite Mked You ate going to write an esay about invasion of privacy by the pres. 1+ Use the essay plan teow to elp you. + Ona piece of paper write your essay plan. ‘Us the ideas in the “Listing and reading section toelp you. 4+ Before you start ook at the language inthe box helow to elp you Celebrity scandals in the pres should they be banned? Paragraph 1 Introduction explain that some people think the eporting of celebrity scandal inthe press soul be banned. You may ike to give an ‘esample of such a scandal Parageaph2 Give your opinion and choose one or two reasons for his Also give arguments aginst your reasons. Paragraph 3 ‘Choose one orto more reasons and also sive arguments against. Paregraph 4 ‘Conclusion: ve your opinion again. Personally Ueliove / don believe that Having si ha, it important to remember A the same time fel that Although some people fel Perhaps the most important point however, What is more, Another important consideration that ‘One of the main arguments against. All things considered 8 fae to say that Inconchsien, / On balance, I would say Party Party, party Can you do this quiz? 1 Which ofthese is nota kindof party where people enjoy themacives? {garden b) hen) stag) third, Which ofthese ind of party whore people oy themselves? gully b) sock oto 4) working 3 Which ofthese no a kina of party? 1) function b) host) raved) reception “4 Which ofthese verbs cn’ you use to complete the following sentence? Te party. fa) wasted) gateeashedc) eld ‘thew 5 Which ofthese erat children’s party game? 2) Grandmothers footsteps. b) Musial chairs (Pass the parcel) Tvl pusuit {6 Which ofthese ot an English political party? 2) Conservative) Labour 6) Liberal Democrat a) Popul Grammar 11 Find an appropriate response in box B or the sentences inbox A, 1) Do you fancy going to the cinema tonight? 1b). Have you got any plans forthe summer? ©) What are you doing nest Tuesday evening? 48) Bo you think Roger would like to come? ©) Ate you going 1 see them off at the airport? f) Have you sen the new Almodovar film fg) Have you bought anything for his birthday yet” 1) How much longer are you going to wait for hiss? |) Do you think your ever get hat promotion 7 Hang on Fi have a ook in my dary. 2 Yes! Tim diving them there 3 don't know: m sing the boss 4 Ti give hen another em minutes, hen sive. 5 Lean Fm afraid, 'm having diner at my parents 6 No,1'm going to get him some CDs. 7 Unfortunately yes 'm going to stay here and decorate the it. 8 No,t'm going to see itsome time next week © Have you got your mobile give him a all “Theres one mistake in each ofthe flowing mini-dialogues, Make the correction. 1A: Arwyou going to get marred soon? BB Maybe ito let you know when we've fixed the date [As Where you are ging to fnd the money? ‘B Thebank rm seeing the bank manager on Friday ‘You will write to me often, won't you? Youve decide that Fm going write a eter every morning OK. Tl give you a cal xmorow night No, dont going to be out tomorow ‘Are you coming tothe pay? Yeo being there 66 A: Arent you going help him with that” BB No. think let him do it on his own, ‘ut the verbs in brackets into the correct oem ‘Use the present continuous, goin oor + {infinitive Sometimes more than one verb form is possible 'A: Whatare you looking so pleased about? Be Tv just got my tickets. 10) —_ (o) 10 London at the weekend [As What? ust forthe weekend? Bees the Noting ill Carnival. )______teaveyearyon Saturday moring at 630. Ac Where do you think (9 (you/sayy a) a (y0u/lok) for shotl when youasve? 8 Toko havent ely thought abot (give) you Mai’ nariber She might have No, she (vst her parents Nc weskend Da you know anyone ‘sein London? A My parents might know someone 1G) ______ (shy them this evening and 1) te) you know: Anyway, hat his carival? Its the biggest carnival in Europe - parades, dancing, music and over a milion people 10. take) my camera and when I gt back, 1) ‘A: Oh thanks! And (4) (tll) you al about my wonderful weekend ve gt no money a all at the moments 10) (atch) TV~ al ‘weekend, probably Replace the word initalies with thom Sometines you will ned to change the word Esionple Tope your'e not going to light up the cgerin Tope you're nt going tight tpn here 8) Von going tose ff ame rind atthe statin, 1b) Well get down to buss as soon a posible «) Well ur down the palace when the revolution coos. 4) Ate you ooking forward oth party? «Do you think we'll run out of igi? le felt he'd letdown hs parents when he fg) Lets put ofthe prty until next week 1) Tope I don't nn nt hse guss ag pr ith wed from Complete the sentences be the bow ould do doing going nothing prefer trying oul 2) Frances, ae you anything at the weokend? | 1) Te tov to, What about oat new pce by the station? ng thor tonight actually. somewhere diferent. a special. Why? ©) OK Lets that, hen, 1 OK. you like to try the Mexican in the main square? ) Well wondered if you fancied eink fst and thn goto the restaurant ater. The dinlogue in Exercie Shas been ined up Pt int the corvct onder ila Vocabulary Complete the crossword. 1 He turned two hours lat 2 Have you made any forthe fture? 4 Why did thoy on their promise? of ) Fortunately the bor didnt 5 (down) Weshould eally __ gong 6 think you that story up! 7 They were off atthe airport by all her 18 He completly usin whom he said he ‘was ill everyone believed him! 9 Tetook her two weeks to get the {1 He off he idea wher he realised how 12 The teacher made the gammar eerie 3 Ws ate, We must get down —_ some work 4 She go out___ the carand locked the door 15 They put thoirholiday until the 2 Match a wo in box A with «word in box Bo rake logial combinations 3) fake T communities ®) neighbouring | | 2 dress ©) trader 3 anniversary 4) prime ‘ald 8) wedding & Empression 1) public 9 strike 3. Use the word at the end of each inet fem a word which fs the gap 2) Thaveabsotey no Co Fling you. intend 1b) He ony goes o parties very 44) The bomb was packed with nals an high ©) Well nee ber fl 9) Shek herehilden, relation ) The room was filed with —_ 1 Have you made al the Reading 1 i rove Tuesday, the people Ever Februar on Stove Ti he Ps in Binne in Belgium put on Pu Ratner hats and dress 0 nes 2 ‘Sromemorte the Spanch co “ carat began i 1549 when Bnche hue, but is stil cated ©” tras under Spa ‘tay The cies (dances) parade ‘Been and throw xanges Wen ‘mle the gold of the IRS ote nen cary ticks an it ing a Yany hat oF red NOSE est of Peru 2 sinh bore th sky i up wih ieworks nd ot the day ioe pope wt thee wishes on pees soured pape, which they Rang on bamboo ‘ound the tor ‘esd, before siting down fr Sr skolerons ° et fs ant OA es ple exch Se 8 ot crc hess ine Feces Ansiners the questions by patting the numbers 1, 2) In which festivals do people ne throw In which festival do lots of people wear ©) Invsich festival does someone dressup as an 42) In which festivals ita good iden to wear a at? £2) Which festival takes place fn Asta? 1) Which festival lasts more than one day? 1) Which estval happens atestin the yest? 9 pltured on this inthe te

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