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These questions are based on the reading assignments.

They are intended to help you reflect

independently on what you have read. Respond to the following questions based on your reading
of Holmes, Ethics, chaps. 1-6.

1. Holmes argues that Christians are responsible for a knowledge of “philosophical ethics” in
addition to a knowledge of Scripture. What passage does he refer to in order to support this

He refers to the first three chapters of Roman which says “in addition to God’s special
revelation of his law to Israel, we are accountable for a general revelation in the creation
itself, and the Christian can rightly regard philosophical ethics as an attempt to understand
that general revelation” (Holmes, 2009, pg. 15).

2. Holmes suggests that the subject of ethics is not interested in descriptive statements about
how people behave but rather __normative__ statements.

Normative means that there is a truth or falsity of moral beliefs.

3. Similarly, Holmes suggests that ethics is less interested in what people do and more
interested in what they ____ought___ to do.

4. Holmes refers to two moral theories, one individual and one social, that are primarily
concerned with the consequences of moral decisions and acts. What are they?

The two moral theories are Ethical Egoism and Utilitarianism. Egoism pertains to one’s self-
interest. Utilitarianism wants to “maximize the benefits for the most amount of people”
(Holmes, 2009, pg. 43)

5. Holmes suggests two moral principles that should guide Christian ethics. What are they?

The two principles that Holmes mention we should follow are there should be justice and

Holmes, A. F. (2009). Ethics: Approaching Moral Decisions. Westmont: InterVarsity Press.

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