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Suicide Prevention Strategies

A Systematic Review
J. John Mann, MD Context In 2002, an estimated 877 000 lives were lost worldwide through suicide.
Alan Apter, MD Some developed nations have implemented national suicide prevention plans. Al-
though these plans generally propose multiple interventions, their effectiveness is rarely
Jose Bertolote, MD
Annette Beautrais, PhD
Objectives To examine evidence for the effectiveness of specific suicide-preventive
Dianne Currier, PhD interventions and to make recommendations for future prevention programs and re-
Ann Haas, PhD search.
Ulrich Hegerl, MD Data Sources and Study Selection Relevant publications were identified via elec-
tronic searches of MEDLINE, the Cochrane Library, and PsychINFO databases using
Jouko Lonnqvist, MD multiple search terms related to suicide prevention. Studies, published between 1966
Kevin Malone, MD and June 2005, included those that evaluated preventative interventions in major do-
mains; education and awareness for the general public and for professionals; screen-
Andrej Marusic, MD, PhD ing tools for at-risk individuals; treatment of psychiatric disorders; restricting access to
Lars Mehlum, MD lethal means; and responsible media reporting of suicide.
George Patton, MD Data Extraction Data were extracted on primary outcomes of interest: suicidal be-
Michael Phillips, MD havior (completion, attempt, ideation), intermediary or secondary outcomes (treat-
ment seeking, identification of at-risk individuals, antidepressant prescription/use rates,
Wolfgang Rutz, MD referrals), or both. Experts from 15 countries reviewed all studies. Included articles were
Zoltan Rihmer, MD, PhD, DSc those that reported on completed and attempted suicide and suicidal ideation; or, where
applicable, intermediate outcomes, including help-seeking behavior, identification of
Armin Schmidtke, MD, PhD at-risk individuals, entry into treatment, and antidepressant prescription rates. We in-
David Shaffer, MD cluded 3 major types of studies for which the research question was clearly defined:
Morton Silverman, MD systematic reviews and meta-analyses (n=10); quantitative studies, either random-
ized controlled trials (n=18) or cohort studies (n=24); and ecological, or population-
Yoshitomo Takahashi, MD based studies (n=41). Heterogeneity of study populations and methodology did not
Airi Varnik, MD permit formal meta-analysis; thus, a narrative synthesis is presented.
Danuta Wasserman, MD Data Synthesis Education of physicians and restricting access to lethal means were
found to prevent suicide. Other methods including public education, screening pro-
Paul Yip, PhD grams, and media education need more testing.
Herbert Hendin, MD Conclusions Physician education in depression recognition and treatment and re-
stricting access to lethal methods reduce suicide rates. Other interventions need more

evidence of efficacy. Ascertaining which components of suicide prevention programs
health issue. In 2002, an esti- are effective in reducing rates of suicide and suicide attempt is essential in order to
mated 877 000 lives were lost optimize use of limited resources.
worldwide through suicide, rep- JAMA. 2005;294:2064-2074
resenting 1.5% of the global burden of
disease or more than 20 million dis-
ability-adjusted life-years (years of cides per 100 000 persons. Latin Ameri- ing a huge human tragedy and an es-
healthy life lost through premature can and Muslim countries report the timated $11.8 billion in lost income.5
death or disability).1 The highest an- lowest rates, fewer than 6.5 per Suicidal behavior has multiple causes
nual rates are in Eastern Europe, where 100 000.2 In the United States, in 2002, that are broadly divided into proximal
10 countries report more than 27 sui- suicide accounted for 31 655 deaths, a
rate of 11.0 per 100 000 per year,3 and Author Affiliations are listed at the end of this article.
general population surveys document Corresponding Author: J. John Mann, MD, Depart-
CME available online at a suicide attempt rate of 0.6% and a sui- ment of Neuroscience, New York State Psychiatric In- stitute, 1051 Riverside Dr, Box 42, New York, NY
cide ideation rate of 3.3%,4 represent- 10032 (

2064 JAMA, October 26, 2005—Vol 294, No. 16 (Reprinted) ©2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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stressors or triggers and predisposi- a primary care physician within a year Cochrane Library, and PsychINFO to
tion.6 Psychiatric illness is a major con- of their death and up to 66% within a identify reports evaluating suicide pre-
tributing factor, and more than 90% of month.17,18 Thus, a key prevention strat- vention interventions. An initial search
suicides have a Diagnostic and Statisti- egy is improved screening of de- used the MEDLINE identifier suicide (in-
cal Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth pressed patients by primary care phy- cluding the subheading suicide, at-
Edition (DSM-IV) psychiatric ill- sicians and better treatment of major tempted) and the subheading prevention
ness,7-13 with some exceptions, such as depression. This review considers what and control, following that suicide was
in China.14 Mood disorders, princi- is known about this and other preven- combined with the following identifiers:
pally major depressive disorder and bi- tion strategies to permit integration into depression, health education, health pro-
polar disorder, are associated with about a comprehensive prevention strategy. motion, public opinion, mass screening,
60% of suicides.7,8,10,15,16 Other con- Suicide experts from 15 countries met family physicians, medical education, pri-
tributory factors include availability of in Salzburg, Austria, in August 2004 to mary health care, antidepressive agents,
lethal means, alcohol and drug abuse, review efficacy of suicide prevention in- psychotherapy, schools, adolescents, meth-
access to psychiatric treatment, atti- terventions. The 5-day workshop iden- ods, firearms, overdose, poisoning, gas poi-
tudes to suicide, help-seeking behav- tified 5 major areas of prevention: edu- soning, and mass media. We identified
ior, physical illness, marital status, age, cation and awareness programs for the 5020 articles, which were not bound by
and sex.6 To address these causes, sui- general public and professionals; screen- the 5 major areas identified during the
cide prevention involves a multifac- ing methods for high-risk persons; treat- workshop. Abstracts were reviewed and
eted approach with particular atten- ment of psychiatric disorders; restrict- full-text articles that met inclusion cri-
tion to mental health. The F IGURE ing access to lethal means; and media teria were retrieved. All reports were re-
illustrates the multiple factors in- reporting of suicide. viewed by at least 2 authors.
volved in suicidal behavior6 and indi-
cates where specific preventive inter- DATA SOURCES Study Selection
ventions are being directed. Suicide An electronic literature search of all ar- Studies were included if they reported on
prevention is possible because up to ticles published between 1966 and June either the primary outcomes of interest,
83% of suicides have had contact with 2005 was conducted via MEDLINE, the namely completed and attempted suicide
Figure. Targets of Suicide Prevention Interventions
intermediate outcomes, including help-
seeking behavior, identification of at-risk
S U I C I D A L B E H AV I O R individuals, entry into treatment, and an-
A to E tidepressant prescription rates.
Mood or Other We included 3 major types of stud-
Stressful Life Event
Psychiatric Disorder
PREVENTION INTERVENTIONS ies for which the research question was
A Education and Awareness Programs clearly defined as assessment of efficacy
B Primary Care Physicians or effectiveness of prevention programs
General Public in terms of the above primary or second-
Suicidal Ideation Community or Organizational
Gatekeepers ary outcomes; (1) systematic reviews and
F A C T O R S I N V O LV E D B Screening for Individuals at High Risk
meta-analyses (n=10) for which the
I N S U I C I D A L B E H AV I O R search strategy was comprehensive and
C D Treatment the methodological quality of primary
Impulsivity C Pharmacotherapy studieswascriticallyappraised;(2)quan-
Antidepressants, Including Selective titative studies, either randomized con-
Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors
trolled trials (n=18), or cohort studies
and/or Pessimism (n=24); and (3) ecological or popula-
D Psychotherapy
Alcoholism Programs
tion based studies (n=41). TABLE 1 and
Access to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy TABLE 2 detail study type, study popu-
Lethal Means lation, and preventive intervention tested
E Follow-up Care for Suicide Attempts and rate the studies according to the
F Restriction of Access to Lethal Means scheme proposed by the Oxford Centre
for Evidence Based Medicine.112 Ran-
G Media Reporting Guidelines for Suicide
domized controlled trials provide the
most compelling evidence of efficacy
Suicidal Act while findings of naturalistic studies are
largely correlational, indicating that their
Circled letters refer to relevant prevention interventions listed on right. outcomes need further testing.
©2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, October 26, 2005—Vol 294, No. 16 2065

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Table 1. Study Type, Level of Evidence, Population, and Prevention Strategy

Source Study Type Level* Population Prevention Strategy
Gunnell et al,19 2005 Meta-analysis 1A RCTs in UK psychiatric patients Antidepressant use
Fergusson et al,20 2005 Meta-analysis 1A RCTs in psychiatric patients Antidepressant use
Khan et al,21 2003 Meta-analysis 1A RCTs in US psychiatric patients Antidepressant use
Ploeg et al,22 1996 Systematic review 2A Adolescents Curriculum-based programs
Guo and Harstall,23 2002 Systematic review 2A Adolescents Curriculum-based program
Pignone et al,24 2002 Systematic review 2A Primary care patients Screening for depression in primary care
Feightner,25 1994 Systematic review 2A Primary care patients Screening for depression in primary care
Gaynes et al,26 2004 Systematic review 2A Primary care patients Screening for suicide risk in primary care
Gilbody et al,27 2003 Systematic review 2A Primary care patients Detecting and treating depression in primary care
Hawton et al,28 2000 Systematic review 2A Patients who attempted suicide Psychotherapy
Aseltine and DeMartino,29 2004 RCT 1B Adolescents Curriculum-based program
Thompson et al,30 2000 RCT 1B Primary care patients Detecting and treating depression in primary care
Bruce et al,31 2004 RCT 1B Older primary care patients Detecting and treating depression in primary care
Glick et al,32 2004 RCT 1B Adults with schizophrenia spectrum Clozapine
Meltzer et al,33 2003 RCT 1B Adults with schizophrenia spectrum Clozapine
Thies-Flechtner et al,34 1996 RCT 1B Adults with affective disorders Lithium
Brown et al,35 2005 RCT 1B Suicide attempters Psychotherapy
Guthrie et al,36 2001 RCT 1B Suicide attempters Psychotherapy
Bateman and Fonagy,37 2001 RCT 1B Borderline personality disorder Psychotherapy
Motto and Bostrom,38 2001 RCT 1B Suicide attempters Follow-up care: postal contact program
Cedereke et al,39 2002 RCT 1B Suicide attempters Follow-up care: telephone contact program
Allard et al,40 1992 RCT 1B Suicide attempters Follow-up care
Morgan et al,41 1993 RCT 1B Suicide attempters Follow-up care: green card
Asarnow et al,42 2005 RCT 1B Adolescents Primary care physician education: quality
Orbach and Bar-Joseph,43 1993 RCT 1B Adolescents Curriculum-based program
Eggert et al,44 1995 RCT 1B Adolescents Curriculum-based program
Thompson et al,45 2001 RCT 1B Adolescents Curriculum-based program
Huey et al,46 2004 RCT 1B Psychiatric crisis in adolescents Follow-up care
Rihmer,47 2001 Cohort study (quasi-experimental) 2B Primary care patients in Hungary Primary care physician education
Marusic et al,48 2004 Cohort study (quasi-experimental) 2B Primary care patients in Slovenia Primary care physician education
Kelly et al,49 1998 Cohort study (quasi-experimental) 2B Primary care physicians Primary care physician education
Oyama et al,50 2004 Cohort study (quasi-experimental) 2B Primary care patients in Japan Primary care physician education
Mann et al,51 2004 Cohort study (quasi-experimental) 2B General population in Hungary Antidepressants
Knox et al,52 2003 Cohort study (quasi-experimental) 2B US Air Force personnel Gatekeeper programs
Motto,53 1970 Quasi-experimental 2B General US population Media blackout
Loftin et al,54 1991 Cohort study (quasi-experimental) 2B General US population Firearm restriction
Hegerl et al,55 2003 Cohort study (quasi-experimental) 2B General population in Germany Public education campaign
Jorm et al,56 2005 Cohort study (quasi-experimental) 2B General population in Australia Public education campaign
Paykel et al,57 1998 Cohort study 2B General UK population Public education campaign
Akroyd and Wyllie,58 2002 Cohort study 2B General population in New Zealand Public education campaign
Lehfeld et al,59 2004 Cohort study 2B General population in Germany Public education campaign
Naismith et al,60 2001 Cohort study 2B Primary care physicians in Australia Primary care physician education
Hannaford et al,61 1996 Cohort study 2B Primary care physicians in UK Primary care physician education
Lin et al,62 2001 Cohort study 2B Primary care physicians in US Primary care physician education
Valentini et al,63 2004 Cohort study 2B Primary care physicians and Primary care physician education
patients in Brazil
Pfaff et al,64 2001 Cohort study 2B Primary care physicians in Australia Primary care physician education
Takahashi et al,65 1998 Cohort study 2B Primary care patients Primary care physician education
Rutz,66 1989 Cohort study 2B Primary care patients Primary care physician education
Mehlum and Schwebs,67 2000 Cohort study 2B Norwegian Army Gatekeeper education
Dieserud et al,68 2000 Cohort study 2B General population in Norway Chain of care
Aoun,69 1999 Cohort study 4 High-risk adults Follow-up care
Rotheram-Borus et al,70 2000 Cohort study 4 Suicide attempters Follow-up care
Abbreviation: RCT, randomized controlled trial.
*Oxford Centre for Evidence Based Medicine, levels of evidence: 1A, systematic review of RCTs; 1B, individual RCT; 2A, systematic review of cohort studies; 2B, individual cohort study,
low-quality RCT; 2C, ecological studies; 3A, systematic review of case-control studies; 3B, individual case-control study; 4, case series, poor-quality cohort and case-control studies.

2066 JAMA, October 26, 2005—Vol 294, No. 16 (Reprinted) ©2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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DATA SYNTHESIS preventing suicidal behavior.114 A sys- tion where education alone may be
Heterogeneity in study methodology tematic review of studies published insufficient.
and populations limited formal meta- from 1980-1995 found that knowl- A controlled trial comparing a treat-
analysis, thus we present a narrative edge about suicide improved but there ment algorithm plus depression care
synthesis of the results for the key do- were both beneficial and harmful effects management with treatment as usual for
mains of suicide prevention interven- in terms of help-seeking, attitudes, and late-life depression in primary care in the
tions. peer support.22 A later review of stud- United States demonstrated greater im-
ies published from 1990-2002 also provement in patient suicidal ideation
Awareness and Education found that curriculum-based pro- and a more favorable course of illness
General Public. Public education cam- grams increase knowledge and im- in the intervention group compared with
paigns are aimed at improving recog- prove attitudes to mental illness and sui- the treatment-as-usual group.31 An ado-
nition of suicide risk and help seeking cide but found insufficient evidence for lescent depression treatment quality im-
through improved understanding of the prevention of suicidal behavior.23 A sub- provement intervention with care man-
causes and risk factors for suicidal be- sequent controlled trial reported lower agers supporting primary care physicians
havior, particularly mental illness. Pub- suicide attempt rates, greater knowl- resulted in a 50% decrease in suicide at-
lic education also seeks to reduce stig- edge, and more adaptive attitudes about tempts in the intervention group that
matization of mental illness and suicide depression and suicide in the interven- was not statistically different from the
and challenges the acceptance of sui- tion group compared with in the 3 control group (18%) due to the low base
cide as inevitable, as a national char- months after the intervention, but no rate. 42 An Australian program that
acter trait, or as an appropriate solu- significant benefits for rates of suicide trained primary care physicians to rec-
tion to life problems, including serious ideation or help-seeking.29 In adoles- ognize and respond to psychological dis-
medical illness. Despite their popular- cents, several studies found that im- tress and suicidal ideation in young
ity as a public health intervention, the proving problem solving, coping with people increased identification of sui-
effectiveness of public awareness and stress, and increasing resilience en- cidal patients by 130% (determined by
education campaigns in reducing sui- hance hypothesized protective factors the Depressive Symptom Inventory–
cidal behavior has seldom been sys- but effects on suicidal behavior were un- Suicidality Subscale score), without
tematically evaluated. evaluated.43-45 changes in treatment or management
Studies in Germany,55 the United Primary Care Physicians. Depres- strategies.64 Studies examining suicidal
Kingdom,57 Australia,56 and New Zea- sion and other psychiatric disorders are behavior in response to primary care
land58 suggest modest effects of public underrecognized and undertreated in physician education programs, mostly
education campaigns on attitudes re- the primary care setting.116,117 Preven- targeting depression recognition and
garding the causes and treatment of de- tion is possible because most suicides treatment, in specific regions in Swe-
pression. Such public education and have had contact with a primary care den,66,118 Hungary,47 Japan,65 and Slov-
awareness campaigns, largely about de- physician within a month of death.17,18 enia48 have all reported increased pre-
pression, have no detectable effect on Primary care physicians’ lack of knowl- scription rate for antidepressants and
primary outcomes of decreasing sui- edge about or failure to screen pa- often substantial declines in suicide rates
cidal acts or on intermediate mea- tients for depression may contribute to and represent the most striking known
sures, such as more treatment seeking nontreatment seen in most suicides. example of a therapeutic intervention
or increased antidepressant use.57,58,113 Therefore, improving physician recog- lowering suicide rates.
The German study showed an 18% de- nition of depression and suicide risk Gatekeepers. Suicide prevention in-
crease in suicide attempts in an inter- evaluation is a component of suicide cludes a range of interventions focused
vention region after 9 months of a de- prevention. on community or organizational gate-
pression awareness campaign. 5 9 Some studies in the United King- keepers whose contact with potentially
However, the decline in suicide at- dom,61 Australia,60 the United States,24 vulnerable populations provides an op-
tempts occurred without a greater im- and Northern Ireland,49 showed that portunity to identify at-risk individu-
provement in attitudes in the interven- programs aimed at educating primary als and direct them to appropriate as-
tion region compared with the control care physicians improved detection and sessment and treatment.5 Gatekeepers
region.55 increased treatment of depression, but include clergy, first responders, phar-
Other specific education strategies that was not shown in other studies in macists, geriatric caregivers, personnel
are aimed at youth, including school the United States,62 Brazil,63 and the staff, and those employed in institu-
and community-based programs.114,115 United Kingdom.30 Nurse case man- tional settings, such as schools, pris-
Few such programs are evidence- agement, collaborative care, or quality ons, and the military. Education cov-
based, reflect the current state of knowl- improvement initiatives can further im- ered awareness of risk factors, policy
edge in suicide prevention, or evalu- prove the recognition and manage- changes to encourage help-seeking,
ate effectiveness and safety for ment of depression27 and has applica- availability of resources, and efforts to
©2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, October 26, 2005—Vol 294, No. 16 2067

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reduce stigma associated with help- To date, systematic evaluation of im- Force52 have reported success in low-
seeking. In addition to gatekeeper train- pact on suicidal behavior has largely ering suicide rates.
ing, these programs also promoted or- been limited to multilevel programs
ganization-wide awareness of mental conducted in institutional settings, such Screening
health and suicide and facilitated ac- as the military where programs in the Screening aims to identify at-risk indi-
cess to mental health services. Norwegian Army 67 and the US Air viduals and direct them to treatment.

Table 2. Ecological Studies, Level of Evidence, Population, and Prevention Strategy

Source Study Type Level* Population Prevention Strategy
Etzersdorfer and Sonneck,71 1998 Ecological 2C General population in Austria Media blackout
Bridges and Kunselman,72 2004 Ecological 2C General population in Canada Firearm restrictions
Lester and Leenaars,73 1993 Ecological 2C General population in Canada Firearm restrictions
Snowdon and Harris,74 1992 Ecological 2C General population in Australia Firearm restrictions
Ludwig and Cook,75 2000 Ecological 2C General US population Firearm restrictions
Ohberg et al,76 1995 Ecological 2C General population in Finland Pesticide restriction
Bowles,77 1995 Ecological 2C General population in Samoa Pesticide restriction
Carrington,78 1999 Ecological 2C General population in Canada Firearm restriction
Kreitman,79 1976 Ecological 2C General UK population Domestic gas detoxification
Lester,80 1990 Ecological 2C General population in Switzerland Domestic gas detoxification
Gunnell et al,81 2000 Ecological 2C General UK population Domestic gas detoxification
Crome,82 1993 Ecological 2C General population Barbiturate restrictions
Nielsen and Nielsen,83 1992 Ecological 2C General population Barbiturate restrictions
Yamasawa et al,84 1980 Ecological 2C General population in Japan Barbiturate restrictions
Hawton,85 2002 Ecological 2C General UK population Analgesic packaging changes
McClure,86 2000 Ecological 2C General population in England and Wales Catalytic converters
Kelly and Bunting,87 1998 Ecological 2C General population in England and Wales Catalytic converters
Shelef,88 1994 Ecological 2C General US population Catalytic converters
Carlsten et al,89 2001 Ecological 2C General population in Sweden Antidepressants
Beautrais,90 2001 Ecological 2C General population in New Zealand Barriers to jumping
Gibbons et al,91 2004 Ecological 2C General US population Antidepressant use plus
introduction of
Olfson et al,92 2003 Ecological 2C US adolescents Antidepressants
Hall et al,93 2003 Ecological 2C General population in Australia Antidepressants
Helgason et al,94 2004 Ecological 2C General population in Iceland Antidepressants
Takahashi,95 1999 Ecological 2C General population in Japan Antidepressants
Guaiana et al,96 2005 Ecological 2C General population in Italy Antidepressants
Simon et al,97 2005 Ecological 2C General US population Antidepressants
Valuck et al,98 2004 Ecological 2C US adolescents Antidepressants
Ludwig and Marcotte,99 2005 Ecological 2C General population in 27 countries SSRIs
Cantor and Slater,100 1995 Ecological 2C General population in Australia Firearm restrictions
Whitlock,101 1975 Ecological 2C General population in Australia Barbiturate restriction
Lester,102 1991 Ecological 2C General population in the Netherlands Domestic gas detoxification
Wiedenmann and Weyerer,103 1993 Ecological 2C General population in Germany Domestic gas detoxification
Lester,104 1990 Ecological 2C General US population Domestic gas detoxification
Oliver and Hetzel,105 1972 Ecological 2C General population in Australia Barbiturate restrictions
Retterstol,106 1989 Ecological 2C General population in Norway Barbiturate restrictions
Carlsten et al,107 1996 Ecological 2C General population in Sweden Barbiturate restrictions
Mott et al,108 2002 Ecological 2C General US population Catalytic converters
Kapur et al,109 1992 Ecological 2C General US population Introduction of lower-toxicity
Wasserman and Varnik,110 1998 Ecological 2C General population in former USSR Alcohol restriction
Lester,111 1999 Ecological 2C General population in Iceland Alcohol restriction
Abbreviation: SSRIs, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor.
*For the definition of the Oxford Centre for Evidence Based Medicine, Levels of Evidence, see Table 1.

2068 JAMA, October 26, 2005—Vol 294, No. 16 (Reprinted) ©2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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The focus may be on suicidal behavior orders.128 However meta-analyses of of untreated major depression and
directly or risk factors, such as depres- RCTs have generally not detected ben- therefore suicide.
sion or substance abuse. Screening in- efit for suicide or suicide attempts in Concerns about higher rates of sui-
struments for depression, suicidal ide- studies of antidepressants in mood and cide-related adverse event reports in de-
ation, or suicidal acts administered to other psychiatric disorders,19-21 per- pressed children and adolescents tak-
high school students,119 juvenile of- haps due to the low base rate of sui- ing selective serotonin reuptake
fenders,120 and youth in general121 have cidal behavior and insufficient system- inhibitors compared with placebo in
reliability and validity in identifying in- atic screening for suicidal behavior since RCTs have prompted regulatory bod-
dividuals at increased risk for suicidal reliance on spontaneous reporting un- ies in the United States, the United
behavior and are reported to double the derestimates rates of suicidal behav- Kingdom, and Europe to issue warn-
number of known at-risk individu- ior.129 Randomized controlled trials can ings urging clinicians to monitor sui-
als.122 There is no evidence that screen- be informative when higher-risk pa- cide risk and adverse effects carefully
ing youth for suicide induces suicidal tients are studied and indicate an an- when prescribing antidepressants to
thinking or behavior.123 Acceptance of tisuicidal effect for lithium in major youth. Such concerns need to be
the need for treatment by identified at- mood disorders 34 and clozapine in weighed against the risk of untreated
risk youth and actual treatment imple- schizophrenia.32,33 Few studies prospec- depression because suicide is the third
mentation are understudied as poten- tively identified suicidal behavior as an leading cause of death in youth and
tial barriers to the effectiveness of outcome measure and systematically as- more than 90% of suicides in de-
screening programs. sessed it throughout the RCT. pressed youth are untreated at the time
The US Preventive Services Task Higher prescription rates of antide- of death.130
Force (USPSTF) review of studies of de- pressants correlate with decreasing sui- Psychotherapy. Promising results in
pression screening in adults in pri- cide rates in adults or youth in Hun- reducing repetition of suicidal behav-
mary health care settings found a 10% gary,47 Sweden,89 Australia,93 and the ior and improving treatment adher-
to 47% increase in rates of detection and United States.91,92 Geographic regions ence exist for cognitive therapy,35 prob-
diagnosis of depression with the use of or demographic groups with the high- lem-solving therapy,28 intensive care
screening tools.24 The effect on treat- est selective serotonin reuptake inhibi- plus outreach,28 and interpersonal psy-
ment was mixed, due to differences in tor prescription rates have the lowest chotherapy,36 compared with standard
study methodology. In contrast, a Ca- suicide rates in the United States91 and aftercare. Cognitive therapy halved the
nadian review of depression screening Australia. 93 Although Iceland, 94 Ja- reattempt rate in suicide attempters
studies did not find routine screening pan,95 and Italy96 do not show such cor- compared with those receiving usual
in primary care to improve depression relations, potential reasons include lack care.35 In borderline personality disor-
care.25 Neither report commented on of compliance; pre-existing low- der, dialectical behavioral therapy28 and
effects on suicidal behavior. In con- suicide rate, resulting in a floor effect; psychoanalytically oriented partial hos-
trast, screening in localized geo- and high rates of alcoholism that may pitalization37 improved treatment ad-
graphic areas results in more treat- elevate suicide rates or the effect may herence and reduced suicidal behav-
ment of depression and lower suicide be confined to women because too few ior compared with standard after care.
rates.50,51,66 The 2004 USPSTF26 re- men seek and comply with treatment Intermediate outcomes such as hope-
view of evidence on screening for sui- with antidepressants. Suicide rates in lessness and depressive symptoms im-
cide risk, as opposed to depression, 27 countries fell most markedly in prove with problem solving therapy, and
found no published studies in English countries that had the greatest in- suicidal ideation is decreased with in-
evaluating the effectiveness of screen- crease in selective serotonin reuptake terpersonal psychotherapy, cognitive be-
ing for suicide risk in primary care. inhibitor prescriptions.99 Patient popu- havior therapy, and dialectical behav-
lation studies report lower suicide at- ioral therapy.26
Treatment Interventions tempt rates in adults treated with an- Follow-up Care After Suicide
Pharmacotherapy. Psychiatric disor- tidepressant medication 9 7 and in Attempts. Many psychiatric disor-
ders are present in at least 90% of sui- adolescents after 6 months of antide- ders, including depression, are chronic
cides and more than 80% are un- pressant treatment compared with less and recurrent131 and compliance with
treated at time of death.124,125 Depression than two months of treatment.98 The maintenance medication is often poor.
is untreated or undertreated in gen- risk of an ecological fallacy, that is, in- Interventions for depression provided
eral, 1 1 6 , 1 2 6 even after suicide at- ferring causality from group correla- by primary care physicians are more ef-
tempt.127 Thus, treating mood and other tions, prevents attributing decreases in fective when a case manager follows up
psychiatric disorders is a central com- suicide rates solely to antidepressant with patients who miss appointments
ponent of suicide prevention.5 use. Nevertheless, there is a striking cor- or need prescription renewals.132 Many
Antidepressant medications allevi- relation and plausible mechanism link- depressed patients who survive a sui-
ate depression and other psychiatric dis- ing antidepressant use to declining rates cide attempt will make further suicide
©2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, October 26, 2005—Vol 294, No. 16 2069

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attempts,133 particularly in the period prescription and sale of barbitu-

Table 3. Postintervention Decrease in Total
shortly following psychiatric hospital- rates,82-84,101,105-107 changing the pack- Suicide Rates
ization134,135 or during future major de- aging of analgesics to blister packets,85 Suicides, % Decline
pressive episodes.136 Thus, improved mandatory use of catalytic converters Intervention in Annual Rate
acute, continuation, and maintenance in motor vehicles,86-88,108 construction Education
care, including psychiatric hospitaliza- of barriers at jumping sites,90 and the Public Not available
Primary care physician 22-7366,47,65
tion, where necessary, of those with re- use of new lower toxicity anti- Gatekeeper
current or chronic psychiatric disor- depressants.91,109 US Air Force 4052
Norwegian Army 3367
ders,137-139 particularly patients who Where the method is common, re- Increasing antidepressant 3.291
attempt suicide with mood disorders, striction of means has led to lower over- prescriptions*
Chain of care Not available
has potential for prevention. Reduc- all suicide rates: firearms in Canada78 Restricting lethal means
tion of the number of psychiatric in- and Washington, DC,54 barbiturate re- Guns 1.5-9.578,147
Domestic gas 19-3379,80
patient beds in Norway as part of a pro- striction in Australia,105 domestic gas de- Barbiturates 23105
gram of deinstitutionalization of toxification in Switzerland80 and the Vehicle emissions Not available
psychiatric inpatients resulted in an in- United Kingdom,79 and vehicle emis- Analgesics Not available
Media blackouts Not available
creased suicide rate in the year after dis- sions in England.87 Restrictions on ac- *There was a 414% increase in antidepressant prescrip-
charge with a standardized mortality ra- cess to alcohol have coincided with de- tions 1987-1999.
tio of 133(95% confidence interval, creases in overall suicide rates in the
90.1-190.7) in men and 208.5 (95% former Union of Soviet Socialists Re-
confidence interval, 121.5-333.9) in publics110 and Iceland.111 cern, particularly the effects of suicide
women.140 Substitution of method may ob- chat rooms, the provision of instruc-
The Norwegian multidisciplinary scure a change in overall suicide rates, tion in methods for suicide, and the ac-
chain-of-care networks provide fol- as has been observed for domestic gas tive solicitation of suicide-pact partners.
low-up care after hospital care to those detoxification among men in the United Educating journalists and establish-
who attempt suicide. Regions with chain- Kingdom,81 in Germany,103 and in the ing media guidelines for reporting sui-
of-care programs have lower treatment United States104 and for banning the pes- cide have had mixed results.144 The
dropout rates and fewer repeat at- ticide parathion in Finland.76 Despite American Foundation for Suicide Pre-
tempts.68 Intervention studies of those unresolved questions about method vention and Annenberg Public Policy
who attempt suicide to prevent future substitution, these studies demon- Center,145 and The Centers for Dis-
suicidal behavior have produced mixed strate the life-saving potential of re- ease Control and Prevention146 in the
results, including fewer suicides com- stricting lethal means. Gauging the ex- United States have produced guide-
pared with a control group after regular tent to which declining overall suicide lines for the responsible reporting of
mailings,38 and fewer suicide attempts af- rates are directly attributable to restric- suicide; however, no published stud-
ter issuing an emergency contact green tion in access to particular means re- ies have evaluated their impact.
card41) or use of a suicide intervention quires consideration of long-term trends
counselor to coordinate assessment and and confounding factors such as in- Conclusions and Future Directions
long-term treatment.69 Other interven- creased antidepressant use. National suicide prevention strategies
tions for those who attempt suicide, in- have been proposed despite knowl-
cluding telephone follow-up, intensive Media edge deficits about the effectiveness of
psychosocial follow-up, and video edu- The media can help or hinder suicide some common key components. The
cation plus family therapy, resulted in no prevention efforts by being an avenue relative impact of different strategies on
difference between standard aftercare and for public education or by exacerbat- national suicide rates is important for
intervention groups in rate of reattempt ing suicide risk by glamorizing sui- planning but difficult to estimate.
or reemergent suicidal ideation.39,40,70 cide or promoting it as a solution to life’s TABLE 3 summarizes estimates of im-
problems. The latter may encourage pact of different interventions on na-
Means Restriction vulnerable individuals to attempt sui- tional suicide rates showing that the
Suicide attempts using highly lethal cide or to be attracted to suicide hot most promising interventions are phy-
means, such as firearms in US men, or spots portrayed in the media as dis- sician education, means restriction, and
pesticides in rural China, India, and Sri cussed by Pirkis et al141,142 and Gould.143 gatekeeper education. Many universal
Lanka, result in higher rates of death. Media blackouts on reporting suicide or targeted educational interventions
Suicides by such methods have de- have coincided with decreases in sui- are multifaceted, and it is not known
creased after firearm control legisla- cide rates.53 A 1987 campaign to de- which components produce the de-
tion, 54,72-75,100 restrictions on pesti- crease media coverage of subway sui- sired outcome, or there may be longer-
cides,76,77 detoxification of domestic cides in Austria cut subway suicides by term trends in suicide rates that are not
gas, 7 9 - 8 1 , 1 0 1 - 1 0 3 restrictions on the 80%.71 The Internet is of increasing con- captured by the studies.
2070 JAMA, October 26, 2005—Vol 294, No. 16 (Reprinted) ©2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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Physician Education. This in- high school and college student popu- of Medicine and Health Sciences, Christchurch, New
Zealand (Dr Beautrais); American Foundation for Sui-
creases the number of diagnosed and lations, further consideration needs to cide Prevention, New York, NY (Drs Haas and Hen-
treated depressed patients with accom- be given to determining the cost- din); Department of Psychiatry, Ludwig-Maximilians-
Universität, Munich, Germany (Dr Hegerl); Department
panying reductions in suicide al- effectiveness of screening general popu- of Mental Health and Alcohol Research, National Pub-
though booster programs appear nec- lations vs identified at-risk popula- lic Health Institute, Helsinki, Finland (Dr Lonnqvist);
Department of Psychiatry & Mental Health Re-
essary. Videoconferencing and other tions for reducing suicide rates, the search, St Vincents University Hospital, Dublin, Ire-
teleconferencing consulting methods predictive validity and reliability of spe- land (Dr Malone); Institute of Public Health of the Re-
are possibilities where expert help is not cific screening instruments, and the ap- public of Slovenia, Ljubjana, Slovenia (Dr Marusic);
Suicide Research and Prevention Unit, University of
available locally. However, the effect on propriateness of standard suicide Oslo, Oslo, Norway (Dr Mehlum); Centre for Ado-
suicide rates must be measured, as well screening instruments across different lescent Health, University of Melbourne, Melbourne,
Australia (Dr Patton); Beijing Suicide Research and Pre-
as effects on intermediate outcomes, cultures. vention Center, Beijing, China (Dr Phillips); Division
such as primary care physician– Psychotherapy. Psychotherapy alone of Psychiatry, Unit for Social Psychiatry and Health Pro-
motion, Academic University Hospital, Uppsala, Swe-
diagnosed cases of major depression or in combination with some antide- den (Dr Rutz); National Institute for Psychiatry and
and antidepressant prescription rates. pressants can be an effective treat- Neurology, Budapest, Hungary (Dr Rihmer); Depart-
Pharmacotherapy. Randomized con- ment for depression, for suicidal ide- ment of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University of
Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany (Dr Schmidtke); Na-
trolled trials are needed to prove that ation, for suicide attempts in borderline tional Suicide Prevention Technical Resource Center,
selective serotonin reuptake inhibi- personality disorder, and for prevent- Centers for Disease Prevention and Control, New-
ton, Mass (Dr Silverman); Division of Behavior Sci-
tors decrease suicide rates. Their effi- ing new attempts after a suicide at- ences, National Defense Medical College Research
cacy is established for major depres- tempt. More needs to be known about Institute, Tokyo, Japan (Dr Takahashi); Estonian-
Swedish Suicidology Institute, Center Behavior and
sion, the main risk factor for suicide. the combinations of psychotherapeu- Health Science, Tallinn, Estonia (Dr Varnik); Depart-
Education programs targeting pri- tic and pharmacologic interventions for ment of Public Health Sciences at Karolinska Insti-
tute, Swedish National Centre for Suicide Research and
mary care physicians should include in- short-and long-term outcomes for sui- Prevention of Mental Ill-Health, Stockholm, Sweden
struction on use of antidepressants. The cidal patients. (Dr Wasserman); and Hong Kong Jockey Club Cen-
relationship between antidepressant use Chain of Care. After a suicide at- ter for Suicide Research and Prevention, University of
Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China (Dr Yip).
and emergent suicidal ideation and be- tempt, better structured collaboration Author Contributions: Dr Mann had full access to all
havior in depressed children and ado- between hospitals and teams provid- of the data in the study and takes responsibility for
the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data
lescents needs further study. Because ing follow-up care may improve com- analysis.
most depressed youth who attempt sui- pliance with treatment and decrease Study concept and design: Mann, Apter, Beautrais,
Haas, Hegerl, Lonnqvist, Malone, Mehlum, Schmidtke,
cide are untreated, it is important not new attempts, but essential elements of Shaffer, Varnik, Wasserman, Yip, Hendin.
to prematurely discourage the use of ef- postsuicide attempt interventions are Acquisition of data: Mann, Apter, Bertolote, Hegerl,
fective antidepressants such as fluox- yet to be identified. Lonnqvist, Malone, Marusic, Mehlum, Phillips,
Silverman, Takahashi, Hendin.
etine. Media. Strategies for influencing how Analysis and interpretation of data: Mann, Bertolote,
Gatekeeper Education. Where the the media reports suicide need to be Beautrais, Currier, Haas, Hegerl, Malone, Marusic,
Mehlum, Patton, Rutz, Rihmer, Silverman, Hendin.
roles of gatekeepers are formalized and implemented and evaluated. Drafting of the manuscript: Mann, Apter, Beautrais,
pathways to treatment are readily avail- Suicide prevention interventions Currier, Haas, Hegerl, Schmidtke, Shaffer.
Critical revision of the manuscript for important in-
able, such as in the military, educating should be multimodal, evidence- tellectual content: Mann, Apter, Bertolote, Beautrais,
gatekeepers helps reduce suicidal be- based, guided by specific testable Haas, Hegerl, Lonnqvist, Malone, Marusic, Mehlum,
Patton, Phillips, Rutz, Rihmer, Schmidtke, Shaffer,
havior. Demonstration projects for other hypotheses, and implemented among Silverman, Takahashi, Varnik, Wasserman, Yip, Hendin.
gatekeepers with intermediate out- populations of sufficient size to yield Statistical analysis: Mann, Marusic.
come measures, such as referral rates generalizable and reliable results. Pro- Obtained funding: Malone, Hendin.
Administrative, technical, or material support:
and psychiatric treatment rates, should grams must include outcome mea- Beautrais, Currier, Haas, Hegerl, Lonnqvist, Patton,
be conducted. sures. Finally, because most studies Schmidtke, Silverman, Hendin.
Study supervision: Mann, Rutz, Rihmer.
Means Restriction. Restricting ac- have been conducted in developed Financial Disclosures: Dr Mann received a grant from
cess to lethal methods decreases sui- nations, many issues facing underre- GlaxoSmithKline to do a positron-emission tomogra-
phy study of Alzheimer disease; otherwise, no finan-
cides by those methods. Priority should sourced developing nations have not cial disclosures were reported.
be given to the most commonly used been addressed and require future Funding/Support: Funding for the International Strat-
methods in each country. The possibil- studies specifically focused on suicide egies Workshop was provided by an unrestricted edu-
cational grant from Pfizer Inc.
ity of substitution of methods requires prevention. Role of the Sponsor: Pfizer had no role in the design
ongoing monitoring, as does compli- and conduct of the study; collection, management,
Author Affiliations: New York State Psychiatric Insti- analysis, and interpretation of the data; and prepara-
ance with restrictions such as firearm tute, Division of Neuroscience (Drs Mann and Cur- tion, review, or approval of the manuscript.
access. rier) and Division of Child psychiatry (Dr Schaffer), De-
partment of Psychiatry, Columbia University, New
Screening. Although screening pro- York; Department of Psychiatry, Schneiders Chil- REFERENCES
grams have reported some success in drens Medical Center of Israel (Dr Apter); Depart-
ment of Mental Health and Substance Abuse, World 1. World Health Organization. World Health Report
identifying individuals with known risk Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland (Dr Berto- 2003: Shaping the Future. Geneva, Switzerland: World
factors for suicide, particularly among lote); Canterbury Suicide Project, Christchurch School Health Organization; 2003. Available at: http://www

©2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, October 26, 2005—Vol 294, No. 16 2071

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A good writer, and one who writes with care, often

finds that the expression he’s spent a long time hunt-
ing for without finding it, and which he finds at last,
turns out to be the simplest and most natural one,
which looks as if it ought to have occurred to him at
the beginning, without any effort.
—Jean de la Bruyère (1645-1696)

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