Public Speaking - Daniel Ding

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Please review and reflect on your public speaking performance. The video posted is posted in your
Moodle shell. Place an (X) in the column from 1-3 to indicate your self-evaluative choice for each
area. There is space to make notes in the grey zones below each segment. Please give the reasons
for your self-assigned grade. (0) is applied when something was not done or incomplete, (1) implies
this area needs work, (2) is assigned for when you’ve reached basic requirements from okay to
good, and (3) implies you achieved excellence in this area.

Student Name:
Our ASSIGNMENT: 0 1 2 3 Abides by the strict guidelines of pecha-
kucha, met the guidelines outlined for a
cultural audit (espoused values, basic
assumptions and artifact) and you were
able to extract helpful analysis that will
empower your classmates in preparing
their resume, cover letter and interview
for the company you presented?
My ENGAGEMENT & PERFORMACE: 0 1 2 3 You faced your audience using direct eye
contact, you detached from the podium,
and didn’t rely heavily on using your
notes. You kept the conversation informal
and conversational as requested. You
spoke clearly, at a good pace for at least
90 seconds and could be heard across the
room. You didn’t read notes aloud or face
the screen to give your talk. You didn’t
draw attention to yourself when others in
your group were speaking.
Our SLIDES: 0 1 2 3 You had a variety of image-based, text-
based, duo, and interdependent and
intersecting combinations. You used
charged and pre-charged image objects; a
theme and some of your slides weren’t
just illustrative but also emergent.
My INVOLVEMENT: 0 0 1 2 I contributed equally to the effort and
success of my team assignment.
Answer the following questions using around 50 to 100 words for each answer. (4 points each)

1) Please explain how your chosen artifact served as a good reference point to assign
meaning to your espoused values and basic assumptions in your cultural audit analysis?
In DHX media’s website I noticed they won 22 Canadian screen award nominations in
2018 for many of their shows. Their award nominations could be viewed as an
artifact. Their award nominations prove several of their espoused values(which I
found on their website) to be true to a certain degree:
1. DHX media has “Has been nominated multiple times for awards”
2. DHX Studios produces the highest quality 2D and 3D animation
3.DHX is a “leading creator of children’s content”

2) Please upload a slide image that meets Scott McLeod’s interdependent or intersecting
word-picture combination definition and explain how it meets this agenda. Also address
its function in a charged or pre-charged capacity and why that is.
Slide 17 Given that DHX’s audience is primarily children, try and make sure your portfolio is
child-friendly, or at least of the same style and feel of DHX’s works: bright, colourful, and

This slide is Intersecting because words and pictures work together in that they
both show how DHX’s audience is mostly children and what DHX’s style is like. And
also because they contribute information independently, since the slide visually
shows you examples of DHX’s style.
3) Which style of speaking do you think you used: instructor, storyteller, coach – do you
feel it was formal or informal? Why?
I used instructor style of speaking. My style felt more formal rather than informal because I
didn’t have a lot of eye contact. It was an instructor style because I did not try to tell a story or
try to seem like a guru like Steve Jobs.

4) What it is the primary strength and weakness of your public speaking skills after
watching your performance on video?
I feel like my pronunciation is not very clear because English is my second language. I was loud
enough to be heard on the video, but my volume could be slightly louder. I was looking down
at my notes more instead of looking at my audience. I spoke with a medium pace at first but I
went too fast later which messed up the timing of the slides. I did not draw attention to
myself when others in my group were speaking.

You have 5 points to share among your group members. How will you assign them among the
group to indicate the amount of work, effort and commitment divided between members.
Please focus more on the positive than the negatives in your comments.

I will assign 2 points to Sue Gee, 2 points to me and 1 point to Victoria. I feel like Sue Gee did
the most work in the group because she worked on the slides, did research, and put all the
information we have on DHX media together into the presentation. I did research on the DHX
media’s espoused values and watched several video interviews of DHX media while taking
notes from the videos. Later on, I had to do the research which Victoria was assigned to do
(we all picked an area to research on the first day), which was: “what skills and values do DHX
media look for in their employees”. Victoria joined in group discussions which was good but
she did not send us research on Facebook or Gmail, Sue Gee tried to contact her on Gmail and
Facebook but there was no response from her. She didn’t come to the presentation, but she
did contribute in our in class group discussions.

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