SPE/IADC 57585 Custom-Blending Foamed Cement For Multiple Challenges

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SPE/IADC 57585

Custom-Blending Foamed Cement for Multiple Challenges

Kazufusa Kimura, SPE, Arabian Oil Co., Ltd., Koji Takase, SPE, Japan National Oil Corporation, James. E Griffith, SPE,
Ronald A. Gibson, SPE, Dean S. Porter, SPE, and Thomas E. Becker, SPE, Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.

Copyright 1999, Society of Petroleum Engineers, Inc.

of drilling mud and cuttings by optimizing foam quality, and (2)
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 1999 SPE/IADC Middle East Drilling cementing past lost-circulation zones. Details of blends, test
Technology Conference held in Abu Dhabi, Nov. 8-10.
setups, and test results are discussed.
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to Introduction
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at This study was prompted by a high incidence of casing failures
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Permission to copy is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300
in a particular geologic play in the Arabian Gulf Coast. A
words. Illustrations may not be copied. The abstract should contain conspicuous acknowledg- dolomite-shale sequence at a depth of 2,500 to 4,000 ft con-
ment of where and by whom the paper is presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O. Box 833836,
Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A, fax 01-972-952-9435. tained a combination of washout-prone shales, a very low frac-
ture gradient, and permeable dolomite in which the formation
water contained significant concentrations of H2S. Most wells in
Abstract this area were drilled through one or more such dolomite forma-
In some Middle Eastern wells, the serious problem of shallow tions. Properly completing wells when washouts and low frac-
casing leaks results from an insufficient cement seal across a ture gradients exist concurrently is particularly difficult because
corrosive water formation containing hydrogen sulfide (H2S). both conditions are detrimental to effective drilling and comple-
Factors contributing to this poor seal include multiple weak tion objectives. In this case, these two conditions acted synergis-
adjacent zones and thin lenticular washouts, which complicate tically, allowing the third factor (H2S corrosion) to drastically
conventional cementing practices by preventing slurries from shorten the productive life of several wells.
sealing off water-bearing formations and protecting the well Proper protection of these casing strings includes combining
casings. Historically, multistage cementing has only marginally mechanical and chemical aspects of a well-designed cementing
improved zonal isolation in this region. High-quality foamed program that will (1) promote good zonal isolation and cement-
slurries [slurries with high volumetric concentrations of nitrogen to-pipe bonding and (2) result in a cement sheath that will
(N2)] can enable coverage of the weak zone, but these slurries are indefinitely maintain low permeability. This paper discusses the
too permeable to provide long-term casing protection. rationale behind the study, testing, and final recommendations
A joint study conducted to address casing-leak problems in for addressing these multiple completion problems.
a Middle Eastern field has yielded custom cement blends that
mitigate the combined detrimental effects of (1) water contain- Multiple Problems
ing H2S, (2) mud or whole-cement losses to lost-circulation Weak formations required the use of low-density wellbore fluids
zones (zones with very low fracture gradients), and (3) mud- (usually less than 10 lbm/gal bottomhole hydrostatic equivalent)
displacement deficiencies primarily caused by multiple washed that prevented formation breakdown during both drilling and
out sections. Successful slurries that appear (based on laboratory cementing operations. Historically, the customer tried multiple-
results) to combat these problems are foamed with nitrogen and stage cementing with water-extended Portland cement slurries.
feature a combination of Portland and pozzolan cements plus More recently, foamed cement was used to meet the low net-fluid
hollow pozzolan spheres. This paper discusses large-scale tests density requirement. However, neither solution proved entirely
and the blends designed for these tests. Researchers conducted satisfactory.
these tests in an attempt to prove the effectiveness of certain In addition to the hydrostatic limitations, cement placement
cement blends and to help optimize those blends. The tests show was complicated by multiple borehole enlargements or “wash-
that foamed, lightweight (8 to 10 lbm/gal) slurries containing outs” Washouts occur when formation fragments break off in an
hollow pozzolan spheres with pozzolan cement can enhance the uncased borehole. Washouts are commonly the result of inad-
sealing of harsh-water zones. This enhancement is achieved by equate wellbore stabilization during drilling or completion and
the combined effects of two events: (1) improving displacement are particularly prevalent in zones with low fracture gradients,

References at the end of the paper.


because fluid densities cannot be maintained at levels high Lightweight, hollow pozzolan spheres made from Type-F
enough for stabilizing the formation. Washouts can also occur flyash are commonly used in oilfield operations. Type F flyash
when the formation and drilling fluid are not chemically compat- is a byproduct of coal combustion and is literally the dust that
ible. Adverse chemical interactions causing washouts did not goes up a coal-furnace chimney. As the dust cools in an essen-
appear to be a problem in the regions discussed here. A primary tially weightless condition, some of the material coalesces and
requisite for good zonal isolation is effective mud removal,1-3 forms hollow spheres containing a trapped bubble of air. This
which provides a relatively clean pipe and formation surface to particular form of flyash typically has in-situ (depending on the
which cement slurry can bond. Washouts reduce annular-fluid pressure and degree of crushing during placement) specific
velocity during circulation (during drilling or cementing), de- gravities in the range of 0.7 to 1.0. When mixed in a cement
creasing the circulating fluid’s overall cleaning ability, dimin- slurry, hollow spheres can be used to attain a pumpable, settable
ishing the transport capacity of drilled cuttings, and allowing the slurry in the 9.0-lbm/gal (1.08 specific gravity) range. Unlike
formation of static-mud/cutting pockets in the borehole. foamed slurry, the trapped gas bubble is of finite size until the
Formation sulfates reacting with lime and tricalcium alumi- encapsulating shell is mechanically or hydraulically crushed;
nate in Portland cement form large calcium aluminosulfate crys- consequently, such slurries do not exhibit some of the unique
tals that can cause excessive expansion and cracking of hydrated placement abilities of foamed cement.
cement. If zonal isolation and cement-to-pipe bonding is good but A 16-lbm/gal (1.9-specific gravity) cement slurry can be
the cement itself degrades with time from H2S attack, the casings foamed with surfactants and nitrogen to 8.0 lbm/gal (1.04 spe-
are eventually exposed to the corrosive effects of the H2S. cific gravity). However, this process can decrease foam stability,
Based on these problems, a cementing material or materials creating placement problems and resulting in a low-strength,
package should increase sulfate resistance, lower permeability, high-permeability hydrated slurry. Normally, a foam containing
and decrease slurry density while simultaneously improving approximately 35% nitrogen (by volume) is considered the
flow characteristics so that more detritus can be moved from the practical maximum quality above which set permeability begins
washout sections. Results from this study show that such a to increase dramatically. When the nitrogen foaming technique
combination is available. is combined with a slurry having a low water content, but high-
solids content and low density, we are able to reach in-place
Alternative Cement Slurries slurry densities of 8.0 to 10.0 lbm/gal while maintaining a
While pozzolan cements are not commonly used in this particu- reasonably strong, low-permeability slurry that is chemically
lar Middle Eastern field, combining pozzolanic materials ap- stable in an H2S environment.
peared to be a good way to address the density, permeability and Bench-scale tests of candidate slurries allowed researchers
H2S stability problems. Hydrated Portland cements contain four to determine the physical slurry properties required for job
major crystalline phases that contribute to strength and durabil- success (density, thickening time, rheology, compressive strength,
ity. (Although, as previously mentioned, one of these compo- and permeability). Flow tests performed in large-scale flow
nents, C3A, is H2S-sensitive.)4 In addition to these components, models, each of which contained a simulated washout section,
hydrated Portland cements contain up to 15% free lime (CaO). were used to measure drilling-mud displacement.
Pozzolans basically consist of any silaceous material that
reacts with free lime and water to develop cementitious qualities. Alternative Slurry Development
For decades, pozzolan (in the form of Type F flyash) has been After field data were evaluated, the following two alternative
used in the oil industry as a Portland cement extender, primarily cement slurries were selected for bench-scale and large-scale
because of its general compatibility and relatively low cost. modeling.
Portland/pozzolan blends also have the inherent advantages of • The first candidate slurry was a 50/50 mix (by volume) of
lowering slurry densities. (Pozzolan has a specific gravity of Class G cement and pozzolan combined with 20-lbm/sk
approximately 2.5 vs. 3.16 for Portland cements.) Because hollow pozzolan spheres (the chemical composition of
pozzolan reacts with the free lime generated by cement hydra- these spheres is identical to pozzolan) and calcium chloride
tion, it is not subject to attack by H2S. Typically, Portland/ (CaCl2), which accelerated the slurry hydration process.
pozzolan cement mixes incorporate 2 to 6% bentonite gel, which This is commonly available according to ASTM standards
allows the addition of large amounts of water. This characteristic as “Pozzolan Type F.”
often indicates that such mixes can only be used as low-cost (and • The second candidate slurry was a 50/50 mix of Class G
by implication, low-quality) “filler” cements. However, when cement and pozzolan combined with 40-lb/sk hollow poz-
mixed at “low water ratio” (hence higher densities) these slurries zolan spheres and a CaCl2 accelerator.
generally contribute to strength and decrease permeability, usu- These slurries were bench-scale tested against a foamed,
ally resulting in a more durable cement mass than Portland base-case, neat, Class G slurry mixed with a sufficient volume of
cement alone. local seawater. Slurry compositions and attendant rheological
properties are shown in Tables 1 and 2 (Pages 4 and 5).

Properties pertaining to cement curing and strength development were disregarded during the analysis, so researchers removed
are shown in Table 3 (Page 5). 2 1/2 ft from each end of the four 18-ft models.

Large-Scale Flow Models with Washout Sections Test Results

Drilling-Fluid Displacement Tests. The pipe-in-pipe flow A different slurry was pumped into each of the four flow models.
models used for these tests were approximately one-third the size Of these four slurries, none exhibited perfect or near-perfect mud
of a wellbore segment with an enlarged section. The scaling displacement. These results were not completely unexpected.1
parameter used was cylindrical diameter. One model was built When designing the slurries, researchers wanted to help ensure
for each of the four flow tests performed, and the models’ variations in test results. In addition, the drilling mud that was
physical dimensions allowed representation of the washout displaced represented an actual field mud. Lowering the drilled-
section and the base case or “gauge” portion of the borehole. solids content of the drilling mud, conditioning the hole, and
This geometry allowed researchers to compare displacement reducing the long-term gel strength of the cement would have
efficiency between slurry designs through a flow path with resulted in more efficient mud displacement.2 In addition, spac-
varying flow-channel diameters. The models were constructed ers (which improve mud displacement) were not used during
of the following pipe segments: these tests.
• The inner pipe had a 5.5-in. nominal OD and a 5-in. ID.
• The outer pipe that simulated the “gauge” section of the Observations
borehole had a 7-in. nominal OD and a 6.5-in. ID. The cementing-job qualities exhibited in the four flow models
• The outer pipe that simulated the washout section had a are described in the following paragraphs.
9-in. thinwall OD and an 8.5-in. ID.
The bottom end (the fluid-inlet end) of each model, which was Model 1. Slurry 1 was used in Model 1. Overall displacement
one of the gauge sections, was 5 ft long. The simulated washout efficiency was fair to poor, and the set cement had several flow
section was also 5 ft long, and the top section was 8 ft long. The channels (Figs. 2 through 5, Page 7). As shown in Figs. 2 through
total length of the flow model was 18 ft (Fig. 1, Page 6). 17 (Pages 7 through 10), Section 1 is the farthest upstream of the
The models’ designs allowed simulation of segments having washout section, and Section 13 is the farthest downstream of the
13 3/8-in. casing in a borehole with an 18-in. gauge diameter that washout section. Large amounts of gelled mud remained in
was washed out to 26 in. by fluids pumped at 10 bbl/min. The place. In some locations, perhaps 20% of those visible, the
simulation parameter was average annular fluid velocity. This cement was obviously contaminated with drilling mud. Esti-
parameter was chosen based on previous successful large-scale mated overall displacement efficiency was 70%. (90% displace-
simulations of field cementing jobs. Table 4 (Page 6) lists the ment efficiency generally provides adequate zonal isolation, and
fluid-flow velocities in the large-scale models. 95% generally provides excellent zonal isolation.)

Cement-Slurry Formulations Model 2. Slurry 2 was used in Model 2. This slurry exhibited the
The following slurries were tested in large-scale models with worst overall displacement efficiency (Figs. 6 through 9, Page
simulated washout sections: 8). Flow channels often occupied half the annular cross section.
• Slurry 1—Class H + bentonite (13 lbm/gal, unfoamed). Approximately half the cement remaining was contaminated,
This slurry included 2% prehydrated gel by weight of water and estimated displacement efficiency was 60%.
(bwow) + 2% CaCl2.
• Slurry 2—Class H + bentonite blend (15 lbm/gal foamed to Model 3. Slurry 3 was used in Model 3. This slurry exhibited
8.5 lb/gal with a 44-quality foam). This slurry included 2% greater displacement than the slurries used in Models 1 and 2;
gel (blended, not prehydrated) by weight of cement (bwoc) overall displacement efficiency was estimated at 80% (Figs. 10
and 2.25% surfactants by volume of water (bvow). The through 13, Page 9). In addition, less mud/cement contamination
surfactants helped stabilize the foam. occurred in Model 3, particularly downstream of the washout.
• Slurry 3—50/50 Class G/Pozzolan + hollow pozzolan However, a large mud channel formed, revealing the need for
spheres (12.6 lbm/gal foamed to 8.0 lb/gal with a 35-quality procedures and practices that emphasize good mud displace-
foam), 4% CaCl2, and 5.98-gal/sk seawater ment.1,2 This occurrence was also partially the result of poor pipe
• Slurry 4—This slurry contained the same components as centralization (caused by a malfunctioning centralizing tool)
Slurry No. 3, but Slurry No. 4 was foamed to a density of during the flow test; if the pipe had been centralized properly (as
10 lbm/gal with a 20-quality foam. with the previous two models), displacement efficiency prob-
Table 5 (Page 6) lists the properties of the drilling mud used ably would have been significantly higher.1
for these tests. After the cement was pumped, it was cured for
3 days. Then it was logged and sliced into 1-ft wafers. These Model 4. Slurry 4 was used in Model 4. Displacement efficiency
wafers were visually inspected for drilling-mud displacement by was similar to that exhibited by the slurry used in Model 3 (Figs.
cement. Each model contained 13 wafers. Hydraulic end effects 14 through 17, Page 10). A few flow channels formed, again

reaffirming the importance of following best cementing prac- operators perform successful cementing jobs. In addition,
tices (mud conditioning, pipe movement when possible, the use lightweight slurries formulated from blends of 50/50 poz-
of spacers and flushes, etc.). As with Model 3, Model 4 exhibited zolan and hollow pozzolan spheres can possess the physical
less contamination of cement by drilling mud than did Models 1 properties required for high-performance cementing jobs.
and 2.
3. This study supports earlier findings that foamed slurries
Project Summary displace drilling mud better than nonfoamed slurries. How-
The following statements summarize the essential events of this ever, using foamed cement does not eliminate the need for
project: proper mud conditioning, and it does not reduce the impor-
1. Slurries containing an appropriate mix of cement, pozzolan, tance of following best cementing practices. In addition,
and hollow pozzolan spheres foamed to a quality of 20 to these tests indicate the existence of an optimal range of foam
35% can reduce the problems associated with H2S attack, quality (a maximum and a minimum) outside of which
lost circulation, and mud displacement in zones with low foamed slurries are seriously limited in their ability to
fracture gradients. improve displacement effectiveness and zonal isolation.
2. The permeability of the alternative slurries tested was less
than 0.001 md (approximately 1/1000 the permeability of the 4. Further research would be beneficial for the field conditions
conventional cements currently used in Middle Eastern discussed in this paper. Specifically, establishing optimal
wells). spacers and flushes that help displace highly gelled mud
3. Slurries currently pumped into many such wells consist from borehole-enlargement sections would significantly
primarily of neat Class G or H cement with a base density of improve field operations.
15.8 lbm/gal and a foamed density of 9 lbm/gal. These
slurries produce cement sheaths with significant permeabil- References
ity. 1. Haut, R. C., and Crook, R. J.: “Primary Cementing: The
4. During flow tests in the large-scale models, the alternative Mud Displacement Process,” paper SPE 8253 presented at
slurries exhibited greater annular displacement than con- the 1979 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibi-
ventional slurries. tion, Las Vegas, Sept. 23-26.
2. Beirute, R. M., Sabins, F. L., and Ravi, K.M.: “Large-Scale
Conclusions Experiments Show Proper Hole Conditioning: A Critical
1. Foamed slurries containing pozzolan provide low slurry Requirement of Successful Cementing Operations,”
density, resistance to H2S attack, low permeability, and SPE 22774 presented at the 1991 SPE Annual Technical
increased displacement efficiency, all of which help opera- Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, TX, Oct. 6-9.
tors face the combined challenges of low fracture gradients, 3. Beirute, R. M., Ravi, K. M., and Covington, R. L.: “Improve
the presence of H2S in formation fluids, and the occurrence Primary Cementing By Continuous Monitoring of Circulat-
of washouts. able Hole,” paper SPE 26574 presented at the 1993 SPE
Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Houston,
2. Testing in large-scale models with simulated washout sec- TX, Oct. 3-6.
tions indicates that, when combined with good cementing 4. Smith, D. K.: Cementing, SPE Monograph series, Vol. 4,
practices, the slurries developed during this study can help revised edition, Richardson, TX, (1990) 7-9.

Table 1—Slurry Components

Slurry No. Class G Type F Hollow CaCl2 Foaming Mix Water
Cement Pozzolan Pozzolan (bwoc)a Surfactants (seawater,
(lb/sk) (lb/sk) Spheres (bwow)b gal/sk)
1 47 37 0 2% 2.25% 5.24
2 47 37 20 2% 2.25% 5.99
3 47 37 40 2% 2.25% 6.28
by weight of cement
by weight of water

Table 2—Slurry Rheology

300 200 100 60 30 6 3 600
Slurry No.
rev/min rev/min rev/min rev/min rev/min rev/min rev/min rev/min
1 77 67 52 45 39 22 16 110
2 117 89 58 44 33 17 13 192
3 235 176 110 87 51 35 31 > 300

Table 3—Cement-Curing and Strength-Development Properties

Slurry Density Foam Thickening Compressive Permeability of Permeability of

No. (lb/gal) Quality (%) Time (hr:min) Strength (psi)b Core No. 1 (md) Core No. 2 (md)

1 15.71 0 3:40 4,360 — —

a c
1 12.00 23.2 — 2,260 < 0.001 < 0.001
1 10.00 36.0 —a 1,374 < 0.001 < 0.001
1 8.00 48.8 — 694 3.13 6.38
2 12.50 0 5:09 3,100 — —
2 10.00 20.0 — 1,644 < 0.001 < 0.001
2 9.00 28.1 — 1,343 < 0.001 < 0.001
2 8.00 36.1 — 875 < 0.001 < 0.001
3 11.47 0 3:08 2,260 — —
3 10.00 12.7 — 2,030 < 0.001 < 0.001
3 9.00 21.4 — 1,503 < 0.001 < 0.001
3 8.00 30.1 — 1,127 < 0.001 < 0.001
Laboratory experience shows that the presence of N2 foam in foamed cement does not significantly
affect cement thickening times relative to those of the base slurry. However, foaming agents tend to
mildly retard curing of the cement slurry.
Cured at 100°F for 14 days
Permeabilities less than 1 microdarcy do not allow measurement of sufficient flow rates through the
core sample with the apparatus used for these tests. Differential pressure across the cores for these
tests was 1,000 psi. For all other tests, pressure was less than 1,000 psi.

Table 4—Drilling-Mud Properties

Bentonite Polymer System: 10 lb/bbl bentonite + bentonite-
extender polymer with 5 lb/bbl Rev Dust (calcium montmorillonite)

Mud Total Solids Yield Plastic
Weight Concentration Point Viscosity
10 sec 10 min 30 min
2 2 2
9.35 lb/gal 17% 18 lb/100 ft 14 cP 6 lb/100 ft 21 lb/100 ft 71 lb/100 ft2

Table 5—Flow Velocities

in Large-Scale Models
OD ID Flow Rate Annular
(in.) (in.) (bbl/min) Velocity (ft/s)
Field Dimensions
18 13.325 10 1.17
26 13.325 10 0.34
Laboratory Dimensions
6.5 5.5 0.8 1.14
8.5 5.5 0.8 0.33

Fig. 1—Large-scale model schematic.


Fig. 2—Complete view of Model 1 with 13 sections (flow is toward the reader).

Fig. 3—Displacement efficiency Fig. 4—Displacement efficiency in the Fig. 5—Displacement efficiency down-
upstream of the washout section washout section (Model 1). stream of the washout section
(Model 1). (Model 1).

Fig. 6—Complete view of Model 2 with 13 sections (flow is toward the reader).

Fig. 7—Displacement efficiency Fig. 8—Displacement efficiency in the Fig. 9—Displacement efficiency down-
upstream of the washout section washout section (Model 2). stream of the washout section
(Model 2). (Model 2).

Fig. 10—Complete view of Model 3 with 13 sections (flow is toward the reader).

Fig. 11—Displacement efficiency Fig. 12—Displacement efficiency in the Fig. 13—Displacement efficiency down-
upstream of the washout section. washout section (Model 3). stream of the washout section (Model

Fig. 14—Complete view of Model 4 with 13 sections (flow is toward the reader).

Fig. 15—Displacement efficiency up- Fig. 16—Displacement efficiency in the Fig. 17—Displacement efficiency down-
stream of the washout section (Model washout section (Model 4). stream of the washout section
4). (Model 4).

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