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Name of Group: Facilitator: Danielle Breier Date of Meeting: Monday, February 5th

Behavior Data Team

Reason for Meeting: Recorder: Colleen Gould Beginning Time: 8:00
weekly collaboration
Location: NA Timekeeper: Ending Time: 8:25
Conference Room
Members Present: Members Absent: Meeting Materials: SWIS Data (CICO, Referral
Dave Hlas,, Amber Data, etc.)
Mattly, Danielle
Breier, Kory Esbaum,
Colleen Gould, Carrie
Reed, Jenni Watkins,
Amber Otero, Kaitlyn
Costas, Megan
Topic(s) Discussion Recommendation/Solution/Decision
Tier 2 and 3 Updates ● CICO data Owen and Leland - low percentages
with Team ● SWIS data Maddy - doing well with coping
● Tier 3 plans revisited/where are we CICO have most students averaging 80% or more
**Eteriyon - not connecting with CICO, 9 office
referrals, look at putting something into place after
spring break, had one on one with reading recovery
and when it ended his behavior spiked, next BDT

Caleb - Kinder with 3 referrals, keep eye on him

Tier 3
6 weeks of data collected for Xavier, need to review
with Kyrie and look at next steps
Check with Hannah about Kashmir and the data she
has been collecting

To Be Completed ● Next Meeting Facilitator: Danielle Next Meeting Date: February 26th
Before Next Breier

To Be Completed Next Meeting Recorder: Time: 7:45 a.m.

Before Next Next Meeting Timekeeper: Location: NA Conference Room
Session: People to Invite: NA BLT Materials:
Add Eteriyon and
Xavier to next BDT
meeting, Invite Kyrie Commented [1]:
and Bonnie _Assigned to Danielle Breier_

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