BRPD Sergeant Arrest

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City of Boca Raton Performance Evaluation

Appraisal Score Overall Score: 4.74 / 5.00

2016 Police Annual Performance Evaluation

Score Ranges

Significantly Exceeds Expectations (4.5 - 5.0); Exceeds Expectations (3.25 - 4.49); Meets Expectations
(3.24 - 2.3); Requires Improvement (Below 2.3)



Employee ID: 15900 Department: 22
Manager: RYAN KENNEY Salary Range PLSGT-01
Last Appraisal Date: 10/20/2014 Manager ID: 12747

Review Period: From:09/18/2015 To:09/18/2016

Purpose of


Work Skills, Abilities and Knowledge (30%)

Demonstration of work skills, technical knowledge of work, quality of work, initiative, amount of
supervision required, ability to complete work accurately and on schedule, Comprehension of procedures
and policies, ability to learn, quantity of work; efficient use of resources.

Meets Expectations
Exhibits job knowledge; performs all job tasks; produces the required quantity of work with few
errors; work is completed on time; asks questions for clarification; follows policies and
procedures; participates in training programs; maintains skills, knowledge and required
certifications and licenses; is dependable; keeps commitments; takes personal responsibility for
behaviors and actions.
Exceeds Expectations
Thorough knowledge of job tasks and responsibilities; quantity and quality of work is excellent;
works independently without close supervision; completes all work assignments on time; learns
new procedures; understands appropriate regulations; understands how their responsibilities
relate to other divisions and departments; is willing to take on additional duties and
responsibilities; participates in training and development opportunities; sets a positive example for
others; exhibits confidence in difficult situations; builds trust; demonstrates accountability by
making and following through on commitments.
Significantly Exceeds Expectations
Excellent job knowledge in a wide variety of job related areas; completes more work than
required; often exceeds deadlines; makes suggestions for improvements; takes initiative; seeks
out challenging opportunities; seeks new and appropriate training and certifications; considered
by others as an authority or expert; rarely needs supervision; takes on extra work; shares
knowledge; highly respected; sought to lead projects and provide guidance; stands out as a
positive example; performs well in times of crisis or stressful situations; supports and participates
in the development of others; recognizes the work and effort of others.
Requires Improvement
Has limited knowledge of job duties; frequently requires close supervision; misses deadlines;
wastes time; produces a low volume of work; resists instructions; complains about work volume
and work tasks; quality of work is low with frequent mistakes; does not participate in
organizational training or development; does not take responsibility for actions; does not admit
errors and tries to justify mistakes; is disrespectful of the public or other employees; demonstrates
actions that are contrary to City and departmental initiatives.

Comments: Sgt. Codling has been a police officer for over eleven years and this is his first year as a
supervisor. Sgt. Codling was promoted with a very solid base of road patrol knowledge. He
has a thorough understanding of state, federal and local laws as well as policy and
procedure. Sgt. Codling has transitioned to a supervisor very well. He is able to complete all
of his required work and still finds time to complete his assignments as a SWAT Team
Sgt. Codling handled the leave calendar for the entire platoon for the majority of this rating
period. During that entire time, the platoon has not been at full staff. Staffing levels have
changed significantly from week to week often causing Sgt. Codling to rearrange the
calendar and request overtime positions. He has done an exceptional job ensuring that the
platoon has minimum staffing and all of our obligations are met.
As previously mentioned, Sgt. Codling is a Team Leader on the SWAT Team. This is an
assignment that he takes very seriously. During this rating period, he has been tasked with
conducting several training topics. The training he has provided is relevant and well planned.
Sgt. Codling has taken on a lot of responsibilities on the Team without being asked. One
example is hosting an explosive breaching recertification class to keep our explosive
breaching certifications current. This was an enormous undertaking that took months of
preparation. The class was very successful and took no effort on my part. Sgt. Codling
handled the entire process.

Communication (15%)
Ability to express ideas and information in both verbal and written format; ability to listen effectively;
participation in group settings; sharing of information in a timely manner; encouragement of differing
points of view; ability to prepare written communications that are accurate, concise, legible, and timely;
problem resolution through communication; effective communication with public.
Meets Expectations
Communicates effectively; listens attentively; completes written records and reports; remains
calm when discussing work matters; understands and follows directions; asks questions when
unsure; able to read and understand written material and information; shares appropriate
information; positively participates in group discussions; able to use a computer for basic
Exceeds Expectations
Communicates clearly with the public and other employees; initiates communication; listens
respectfully to the opinions and ideas of others; uses good judgment in sharing pertinent
information; effectively handles difficult people and situations; participates in work group
meetings; able to write accurately and effectively; able to use computer software for creating
written communications.
Significantly Exceeds Expectations
Communicates in a positive, constructive and supportive manner with supervisors, co-workers,
and the public; obtains positive results when communicating with others; communicates outside
of work group; prepares and makes presentations; able to deliver difficult messages; shares and
seeks pertinent information; writes effective letters, memos and reports; uses computer software
to develop and/or present information.
Requires Improvement
Communicates with others reluctantly; does not respond to requests for information in a timely
manner; fails to pass along pertinent information to others or supervisor; gives incomplete
instructions or information to team members; continues to express displeasure in a negative
manner once decisions are made; written information is vague or is non responsive to requests;
unable or unwilling to use a computer.

Comments: Sgt. Codling has an excellent communication style. He is very direct and doesn't waste time
with superfluous information. This is a communication style that I respond to very well but
can be seen as blunt to others. I have seen Sgt. Codling interact with subordinates,
supervisors, civilian staff and customers. He adjusts his communication style with each
audience and does a good job getting his message across.
Sgt. Codlings written work is exceptional. I have yet to get a document from him that
requires correction. He proof reads his work and takes the time to ensure any errors are
corrected before I view his work.

Internal and External Relationships (Teamwork & Customer Service) (10%)

Establishes and maintains positive working relationships; cooperates with co-workers; resolves conflicts;
participates in group discussions; respectful behaviors; promotes team goals; encourages and supports
others; participates in a collaborative working environment; builds trust.

Meets Expectations
Cooperates with other employees; works as a team member to complete tasks; treats co-workers
and the public with respect; communicates well with co-workers, supervisors, and the public;
participates in group discussions; respects others’ opinions, builds trust among co-workers;
supports other employees; listens and provides appropriate responses to the public; develops
and maintains positive working relationships.
Exceeds Expectations
Accepts responsibility for customer satisfaction; is respectful and helpful; consistently
demonstrates the ability to work with different groups of employees; actively solicits information
and suggestions from others; offers suggestions to co-workers; actively seeks opportunities to
participate in City and/or departmental teams; goes out of their way to ensure that others’ needs
are met; follows through on responsibilities and tasks; able to effectively resolve customer
concerns and problems.
Significantly Exceeds Expectations
Makes customer service (internal and external customers) a top priority; establishes a positive
approach with customers; listens well and has empathy for the customer; able to resolve the
issues and problems of customers, including difficult customers; frequently exceeds customer
service requests and expectations; solicits and values others input; creates teams to resolve
issues; encourages and fosters others’ participation; develops effective working relationships
with co-workers; recognizes team accomplishments; actively contributes to City and/or
departmental teams.
Requires Improvement
Is not respectful of co-workers or the public; demonstrates impatient or discourteous service;
unable to establish positive working relationships; rarely goes out of the way to perform extra
customer service effort; unable to understand other’s point of view; does not work in cooperation
with others; does not actively communicate with supervisor and co-workers; does not participate
in group discussions and problem solving; does not collaborate with others; does not support co-

Comments: Sgt. Codling is very well liked by his subordinates and peers. I have seen him interact with
co-workers, outside agencies and customers. He is very positive when dealing with others
and goes out of his way to solve problems.

Planning and Problem Solving (10%)

Efficient and effective work product;organization; prioritizes work; timeliness of work completion; sets and
meets goals; identification of improvements; resourcefulness; ability to work under pressure; initiative.

Meets Expectations
Organizes work environment; follows directions; maintains organized records; uses time
efficiently; completes assignments on time; meets goals; able to identify problems and report
them to appropriate level; takes corrective actions when noted by others; makes suggestions to
improve efficiency; demonstrates flexibility and adaptability to changes; resolves routine
problems; makes appropriate decisions in performing work tasks; recognizes mistakes and takes
appropriate corrective action.
Exceeds Expectations
Effectively organizes and prioritizes work; maximizes the use of resources; handles multiple
responsibilities or projects simultaneously; able to identify, analyze and effectively resolve
problems; considers alternatives and consequences prior to making decisions; offers positive
suggestions to solve problems or improve operations; participates in group problem solving; takes
initiative; makes appropriate decisions; adapts to unexpected changes in conditions and
situations successfully.
Significantly Exceeds Expectations
Works in a highly efficient and effective manner; anticipates problems and handles them routinely
without guidance; resolves significant problems; develops supporting material for important
decisions; leads and participates in group problem solving; completes multiple priorities and tasks
concurrently; sets and achieves challenging goals; understands and demonstrates appropriate
budgeting skills (if applicable); highly resourceful; is able to work effectively and make thoughtful
decisions in high pressure situations; assists others in resolving work problems; demonstrates
creativity in resolving problems.
Requires Improvement
Frequently fails to meet deadlines or complete work tasks; does not consider consequences
when making decisions; does not remain open to change; cannot identify problems and potential
problems, inability to resolve problems; is unaware of surrounding situations and conditions; does
not consider the impacts of not taking corrective action; duplicates work effort; unable or unwilling
to recognize budgetary and fiscal constraints; allows the improper use of City materials or
equipment; unable to handle work in pressure situations; does not follow through on tasks or

Comments: Planning and problem solving is Sgt. Codlings strongest category. He does an outstanding
job planning for known events and responding to unplanned events. During this rating
period, Sgt. Codling has written several operational plans for known, preplanned events. He
takes the time to consider every aspect of the event and ensures all contingencies are
addressed. His plans are clear and thorough.
Sgt. Codling is just as skilled responding to unplanned events. He is quick to prioritize what
needs to be done and moves quickly to get it done. He has a clear understanding of critical
incident management.

Attendance and Punctuality (15%)

Demonstrated timeliness and dependability; ability to follow all leave policies and procedures; availability
for overtime; attendance.

Meets Expectations
Demonstrates dependability; arrives at work on time and leaves on time; generally available to
work during non-scheduled hours to respond to emergencies, events, and workload; follows all
established leave policies and procedures; provides advance notice of annual leave; uses less
than 80 hours sick leave in one occurrence or 56 hours of sick leave in seven occurrences (or
equivalent for other than standard 8 hour shifts).
Exceeds Expectations
Works the time necessary to complete all work; when necessary, works during non-scheduled
hours to respond to emergencies, events, and workload; schedules annual leave so that work is
not disrupted; uses less than 48 hours of sick leave in one occurrence or 32 hours of sick leave in
four occurrences (or equivalent for other than standard 8 hour shifts).
Significantly Exceeds Expectations
Remains available to accommodate workload emergencies; consistently works during non-
scheduled hours to respond to emergencies, events and workload; uses less than 24 hours of
sick leave in one occurrence or 16 hours of sick leave in two occurrences (or equivalent for other
than standard 8 hour shifts).
Requires Improvement
Frequently absent from work; does not follow policies or procedures; unavailable for work during
non-core hours; frequently takes long breaks or personal lunches; does not complete work in
timely manner because of attendance problems; has excessive leave totals; abuses sick leave.

Comments: Sgt. Codling is always early for his shift and often stays late. He takes all leave in
accordance with the FOP contract and policy and procedure. He will often adjust his
schedule to attend training or fulfill an agency need.

Safety (20%)
Recognition of the importance of safety in the workplace; participation in safety programs; demonstration
of safe practices; awareness of unsafe situations; reporting of accidents; maintains safe working

Meets Expectations
Recognizes the importance of safety in the workplace; consistently performs job duties in a safe
manner; demonstrates safe practices; maintains safe working environments; identifies unsafe
situations; reports any accidents; attends safety training as applicable.
Exceeds Expectations
Prioritizes safety; demonstrates safety practices; consistently makes safety suggestions to
improve the working environment; has had no preventable accidents or safety violations; actively
seeks to participate in safety training and safety programs; encourages co-workers to work safely.
Significantly Exceeds Expectations
Corrects potential hazardous or unsafe conditions and situations; challenges existing processes
to improve safety in the workplace; promotes safety by communicating with or serving on safety
boards or committees; assists in developing safety programs and procedures; frequently makes
safety suggestions.
Requires Improvement
Has multiple instances of safety violations; does not identify unsafe situations; does not maintain
a safe work environment; has more than two preventable accidents; does not attend safety
training; puts the public or other employees at risk.

Comments: Sgt. Codlings officer safety skills are outstanding. This is an area he takes very seriously. He
trains very hard to improve all of his tactical skills to ensure he is being as safe as possible.
Sgt. Codling will also spend time trying to improve the officer safety skills of the people that
work for him. He will debrief critical incidents and bring new training topics to briefing for his
As a SWAT Team Leader, Sgt. Codling has taken it upon himself to search out the best
training, gear and tactics that are currently available. His has done a lot of research to
improve the tactics of the Team.

Goals Help

Goal weights must add up to 100%.

Past Goals Employee Score: Manager Score: 5.00 / 5.00 (15%)

Goals Accomplishments Score Weight

Self: / 5.00  %

Title: Complete his Sergeant 5.00 / 5.00 34  %

probationary period. Sgt. Codling has successfully
completed probation.

Status: Complete

Self: / 5.00  %

Title: Conduct platoon wide training 5.00 / 5.00 33  %

Sgt. Codling has conducted several
training topics for the entire platoon.

Status: Complete

Self: / 5.00  %

Title: Attend a leadership class should 5.00 / 5.00 33  %

one come available. Sgt. Codling attended first line
supervision course.

Status: Complete

Self: / 5.00  %

/ 5.00  %


Self: / 5.00  %

/ 5.00  %


New Goals for Next Evaluation Period

Goals Weight

Title: Attend a SWAT leadership course 25  %
Goals Weight

Title: Conduct two platoon wide trainings 25  %

Goals Weight

Title: Transition Team to a combat clear tactic 25  %

Goals Weight

Title: Identify and mentor possible sergeant candidates 25  %

Goals Weight


Employee Comments

Overall Comments

Self: None Available

I have met with my supervisor and discussed my evaluation


Manager Comments

Manager Final Comments

Employee: JEREMY CODLING J.C. (electronic signature for the
evaluation of JEREMY CODLING)

Date (MM/dd/yyyy): 11/08/2016 06:37 AM EST

Manager: RYAN KENNEY R.K. (electronic signature for the
evaluation of JEREMY CODLING)

Date (MM/dd/yyyy): 11/11/2016 10:16 AM EST

2nd Level Manager: SEAN MCGOVERN S.M. (electronic signature for the
evaluation of JEREMY CODLING)

Date (MM/dd/yyyy): 11/23/2016 08:23 AM EST

HR Rep: RANDAL JACOBS R.J. (electronic signature for the
evaluation of JEREMY CODLING)

Date (MM/dd/yyyy): 12/02/2016 04:19 PM EST

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