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March 9, 2018 --- The following are statements from Carl Ruby and Nate Coffman regarding today’s

development about needing to revise ballot language:

Carl Ruby: “We are already working on the edits suggested by the Attorney General and will resubmit our
application as quickly as we obtain the necessary signatures. That took us about 2 weeks for the first application
when we submitted twice the number of signatures required. This is an issue that we are deeply committed to and
we are not going to go away until, either by ballot initiative or legislation, Ohioans receive the protection they
deserve from payday lenders.”

Nate Coffman: “We were notified that there is a wording error in the summary description of the ballot language.
We will need to make a revision and refile our petitions. We realize this sometimes happens with ballot proposals,
and we can easily comply with the change needed. We will keep moving forward and are unwavering in our
commitment to reform Ohio's most-expensive-in-the-nation status for payday loans.

Just yesterday marked the one-year anniversary since the introduction of a bi-partisan bill in the Ohio House to
resolve the payday lending problem. There it has sat, languishing in committee because House leaders have not
moved these much-needed reforms forward. As we have previously stated, we don't care how Ohio achieves
payday lending reform, so long as it happens. In 2008, Ohioans voted overwhelmingly for payday loan reform. The
payday loan industry, gouging borrowers in Ohio with typical annual interest rates approaching 600%, used a
loophole to ignore the vote of the people.”

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