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SAN JOSE lacked legal requisites as FAUSTINO was

28 May 1951 | Hugo, J| Probate of the Will| deprived of free will due to age, sickness and
Reproduction bombardment.

PETITIONER: Matilde Menciano, in her behalf and 3. Furthermore, the defendants alleged that
in behalf of the minors of Carlo Magno Neri and FAUSTINO was impotent and congenitally
Faustino Neri, Jr. sterile like his siblings, and had no children.
RESPONDENT: Paz Neri San Jose and Rodolfo Finally, they filed a counterclaim for P286,000
Pelaez in cash as well as for jewels and certain
properties illegally retained and disposed by
SUMMARY: In the course of the settlement MENCIANO.
proceedings of the estate of Faustino Neri San Jose,
Menciano (in her behalf and in behalf of her minor RULING: Petition GRANTED. Case REMANDED to
kids) filed a motion for declaration of heirs alleging CTA for further proceedings.
that she is the widow of the deceased and that the
couple had children, Carlo and Faustino Jr. (one ISSUES-HELD-RATIO
legitimate and one legitimated). Defendants San Jose WON the marriage between MENCIANO and
and Pelaez denied the allegations and further FAUSTINO Sr. was valid: YES
alleging that the deceased was suffering dementia • MENCIANO introduced in evidence
and that the latter was sterile, unable to procreate, two applications for marriage license
and was impotent and congenitally sterile. The Court signed by the respective alleged
held that Faustino Jr. is conclusively presumed to be spouses, the certificate for immediate
the legitimate son of couple. As to Carlo, the Court issuance of marriage license and the
cannot review the finding of the lower court that marriage contract. Inasmuch as these
Carlo has not been acknowledged as a natural child are public documents, their validity
because the plaintiffs did not appeal. can be assailed only by strong, clear
and convincing oral testimony.
DOCTRINE: Impotency being an abnormal condition • The testimony of the defendants, that
should not be presumed. The presumptio is in favor of FAUSTINO was so weak that he could
potency. Impotency is not synonymous with sterility. not even talk coherently, is too
Impotency is the physical inability to have sexual sweeping. Father EDRALIN stated
intercourse while sterility is the lack of fertility in the that he had to postpone the marriage
reproductive elemnts of either sex. for two days until FAUSTINO,
although weak, had a clear mind. This
is corroborated by the signatures of
FAUSTINO in the above-mentioned
1. The present case involves the proceedings for
documentary exhibits. His signatures
the settlement of the estate of FAUSTINO
were uniform and had many
NERI SAN JOSE, who had died on 11 October
flourishes, such that it could not have
1944. In the course of proceedings,
been made by one not of sound mind
MENCIANO filed a motion for declaration of
and fair physical condition, or by one
heirs on behalf of herself and her minor
who was a nervous wreck as alleged
children. She alleged that she and the
by defendants.
deceased had lived as husband and wife,
• The Court had stated that “[n]either
without impediment to marry, before their
old age, physical infirmities,
marriage on 24 September 1944. During such
feebleness of mind, weakness of the
time CARLO NERI had been born out of
memory, the appointment of a
wedlock, but was legitimized when they
guardian, nor eccentricities are
married. FAUSTINO Jr. was born in April
sufficient singly or jointly to show
1945 in lawful wedlock.
testamentary incapacity.” (Torres v.
2. PAZ, the executrix, and RODOLFO, the
It had also stated that ‘[n]either senile debility, nor
designated universal heir in the will, denied
deafness, nor blindness, nor poor memory, is by itself
her allegations and further alleged that
sufficient to establish the presumption that the
FAUSTINO was suffering senile dementia
person suffering therefrom is not in the full enjoyment
caused by anemia since 1943, which was
of his mental faculties, when there is sufficient
aggravated on 9 September 1944 when the
evidence of his mental sanity at the time of the
province of Misamis Oriental, where they
execution of the will.” (Sancho v. Abella)
resided was bombed by American planes.
Thus, even if the marriage was solemnized, it
While these doctrines apply to testamentary capacity, In any case, evidence of sterility would not overturn
there is no reason why it should not be applied to the conclusive presumption provided in the earlier
capacity to contract marriage. mentioned section.
WON CARLO and FAUSTINO Jr. are legitimate • As to CARLO NERI, the court below ruled
children of FAUSTINO Sr. and MENCIANO: that he was not acknowledged as a natural
FAUSTINO, YES; CARLO, NO child, and cannot be legitimated. Since the
• FAUSTINO Jr. was born on 24 April 1945, plaintiffs did not appeal, this finding can no
more than 180 after the marriage of his longer be reviewed.
parents in September 1944, and less than 300 WON MENCIANO had retained or illegally disposed
days after the death of his father dissolving of cash, jewels or certain property: NO, testimony on
the marriage in October 1944. Rule 123, this point contradictory.
Section 68(c) of the Rules of Court then • The testimony of RODOLFO is that he
provided: delivered P250,000 to his uncle FAUSTINO in
(c) The issue of a wife cohabiting with her husband, 1939 after exchanging it for bills of larger
who is not impotent, is indisputably presumed to be denomination for him in the bank. This is
legitimate, if not born within the one hundred and contradicted by the testimony of PAZ NERI
eighty days immediately succeeding the marriage, or that FAUSTINO was distrustful of relatives
after the expiration of three hundred days following and friends, and he carried his money, jewels,
its dissolution; and documents in a sack. Such behavior, in
• There is no question that his FAUSTINO and turn, is unbelievable in 1939, as the country
MENCIANO co-habited before and after the was not yet at war and FAUSTINO could
marriage. Thus, of the requisites stated, the deposited his assets in the bank.
only one possibly not met is potency. • CLOTILDE GALARRITA testified that
Impotency being an abnormal condition MENCIANO showed her the sum and counted
should not be presumed. The presumption is it in her presence. This is unbelievable as this
in favor of potency. she could well have counted it alone without
The best evidence that the deceased was potent is the exposing herself to robbery.
statement of Dr. GARCIA that FAUSTINO obtained • Finally, there is no satisfactory evidence that
his specimen of semen for testing for spermatozoa by MENCIANO had misappropriated jewelry as
following his advice of using a condom and a woman. the jewels she had in her possession were
That the deceased was able to produce the specimen given to her for the benefit of the children.
by said means shows conclusively that he was potent.
Impotency is not synonymous with sterility.
Impotency is the physical inability to have sexual
intercourse; it is different from sterility.1
Consequently, the requisite potency also existed.
• Plaintiffs’ objection to the introduction of
evidence as to sterility, should have been
However, even if such evidence were to be considered,
these were the results of tests made in 1940. A man
may not have spermatozoa at a certain time, but may
have it previous or subsequent to the testing. Dr.
MARFORI, one of the doctors who conducted the
tests, testified that it would have been better if there
was an examination every year.
Furthermore, the evidence of testing by another
doctor, Dr. GARCIA, in Cebu cannot be accorded
much weight as the testimony of the nephew stated
that the deceased never left Misamis Oriental in
December 1940, when it was allegedly conducted.

1 In so ruling, the Court cited Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, The

American Illustrated Medical Dictionary, Stedman’s Practical
Medical Dictionary, Webster’s New International Dictionary,
Corpus Juris (source abbreviated “C.J.”), and The Columbia
CHI MING TSOI v CA defendant using an eyebrow pencil and
January 16, 1997| TORRES, J | REPRODUCTION sometimes the cleansing cream of his mother.
PETITIONER: CHI MING TSOI Defendant married her, a Filipino citizen, to
RESPONDENTS: COURT OF APPEALS and GINA acquire or maintain his residency status here
LAO-TSOI in the country and to publicly maintain the
SUMMARY: Chi Ming Tsoi was married to Gina Lao- appearance of a normal man. Not willing to
Tsoi. Gina filed before the RTC a petition to have the reconcile with her husband.
marriage annulled on the ground of psychological 4. Defendant-petitioner: loves her very much; he
incapacity. She alleged that they never had sexual has no defect on his part and he is physically
intercourse and that Chi was indifferent to her. The and psychologically capable; and since the
RTC granted the petition and nullified their marriage. relationship is still very young if there is any
CA and SC affirmed. differences between the two of them, it can
DOCTRINE: The issue of whether or not the appellant still be reconciled. Further, admitted that
is psychologically incapacitated to discharge a basic since their marriage until their separation,
marital obligation was resolved upon a review of both there was no sexual contact between them.
the documentary and testimonial evidence on record. But, the reason for this was that every time he
Choi admitted that he did not have sexual relations wants to have sexual intercourse with his
with his wife after almost ten months of cohabitation, wife, she always avoided him. Two reasons
and it appears that he is not suffering from any why the plaintiff filed this case against him—
physical disability. Such abnormal reluctance or (1) that she is afraid that she will be forced to
unwillingness to consummate his marriage is strongly return the pieces of jewelry of his mother, and,
indicative of a serious personality disorder which to (2) that her husband, the defendant, will
the mind of this Court clearly demonstrates an 'utter consummate their marriage.
insensitivity or inability to give meaning and 5. The defendant submitted himself to another
significance to the marriage' within the meaning of physical examination, this one by Dr. Sergio
Article 36 of the Family Code. Alteza, Jr., for the purpose of finding out
whether he is impotent. Dr Alteza asked the
defendant to masturbate to find out whether
or not he has an erection and he found out
1. In 1988, the plaintiff married the defendant at
that from the original size of two (2) inches, or
the Manila Cathedral, Intramuros Manila.
five (5) centimeters, the penis of the defendant
After the celebration of their marriage and
lengthened by one (1) inch and one
wedding reception at the South Villa, Makati,
centimeter. The defendant had only a soft
they went and proceeded to the house of
erection which is why his penis is not in its
defendant’s mother. There, they slept together
full length. But, still is capable of further
on the same bed in the same room for the first
erection, in that with his soft erection, the
night of their married life. No love-making!
defendant is capable of having sexual
Defendant just went to bed, turned his back to
intercourse with a woman.
his wife and slept. They went to Baguio for
6. RTC: No collusion or fabricated evidence. Void
their honeymoon. No love-making! The
marriage; psychological incapacity of both. CA
defendant avoided her by taking a long walk
during siesta time or by just sleeping on a
rocking chair located at the living room. They
1) WoN CA erred in affirming the conclusions of
slept together in the same room and on the
the lower court that there was no sexual
same bed since May 22, 1988 until March 15,
intercourse between the parties without
1989 (roughly 10 mos).
making any findings of fact.—NO.
2. So, they submitted themselves for medical
2) WoN the refusal to have sexual communion is
examinations to Dr. Eufemio Macalalag, a
a psychological incapacity—YES.
urologist at the Chinese General Hospital.
3) WoN CA erred in affirming the annulment of
Results of their physical examinations: she is healthy,
the marriage decreed by the lower court
normal and still a virgin, while that of her husband's
without fully satisfying itself that there was
examination was kept confidential up to this time.
no collusion between them.—NO.
While no medicine was prescribed for her, the doctor
prescribed medications for her husband which was
also kept confidential. No treatment was given to her.
1. Petitioner argues that the conclusion drawn
For her husband, he was asked by the doctor to return
by the trial court on the admissions and
but he never did.
confessions of the parties is misplaced since it
3. Plaintiff-respondent: the defendant is
could have been a product of collusion; and
impotent, a closet homosexual as he did not
that in actions for annulment of marriage, the
show his penis. She had observed the
material facts alleged in the complaint shall
always be proved (Section 1, Rule 19 of the
Rules of Court). SC: The assailed decision was
not based on such a judgment on the
pleadings. Private respondent testified under
oath after which she was cross-examined by
the adverse party; she thereby presented
evidence in the form of a testimony. Likewise,
the RTC decision wasn’t based on stipulation
of facts. As regards alleged collusion, the fact
that the case has reached this Court only
shows that there is no collusion between the
2. Petitioner argues that CA erred in holding
that both were psychologically incapacitated,
without conducting in-depth analysis of
reasons for refusal to make love. SC: actually,
neither lower courts made a finding as to who
refused to make love with whom. Since the
action to declare the marriage void may be
filed by either party, i.e., even the
psychologically incapacitated, that question
becomes immaterial. Petitioner claims that
there is no independent evidence on record to
show that any of the parties is suffering from
psychological incapacity.
3. Petitioner also claims that he wanted to have
sex with private respondent; that the reason
for private respondent's refusal may not be
psychological but physical disorder as stated
above. SC: Then petitioner could have
discussed with private respondent or asked
her why she balks and avoids him every time
he wanted to have sex. Nothing in the record
show that he had tried. Since it is petitioner's
claim that the reason is not psychological but
perhaps physical disorder on the part of
private respondent, it became incumbent upon
him to prove such a claim.
4. One of the essential marital obligations under
the Family Code is "To procreate children
based on the universal principle that
procreation of children through sexual
cooperation is the basic end of marriage."
Constant nonfulfillment of this obligation will
finally destroy the integrity or wholeness of
the marriage. In the case at bar, the senseless
and protracted refusal of one of the parties to
fulfill the above marital obligation is
equivalent to psychological incapacity.
JIMENEZ V CANIZARES motion for reconsideration was denied. Hence, the
August 31, 1960 | Padilla, J. | Rule 45 | present petition.
RESPONDENT: REMEDIOS CAÑIZARES WON lower court was correct in annulling the
marriage. – NO
SUMMARY: Plaintiff husband filed a complaint to
annul his marriage with his wife on the ground that RULING: GRANTED, decree set aside and remanded.
the latter’s vagina was too small to allow copulation.
At the hearing, only his testimony was offered to RATIO:
prove that point. The court ordered the wife to submit 1. The annulment of the marriage in question was
to a medical examination but the wife failed to decreed upon the sole testimony of the husband who
comply. She didn’t even file an answer. Lower court was expected to give testimony tending or aiming at
annulled the marriage. SC set aside the decree and securing the annulment of his marriage he sought and
held: seeks. Whether the wife is really impotent cannot be
deemed to have been satisfactorily established, becase
DOCTRINE: "Impotency being an abnormal condition from the commencement of the proceedings until the
should not be presumed. The presumption is in favor entry of the decree she had abstained from taking
of potency." The lone testimony of the husband that part therein. Although her refusal to be examined or
his wife is physically incapable of sexual intercourse failure to appear in court show indifference on her
is insufficient to tear asunder the ties that have part, yet from such attitude the presumption arising
bound them together as husband and wife. out of the suppression of evidence could not arise or be
inferred because women of this country are by nature
FACTS: coy, bashful and shy and would not submit to a
1. Jimenez filed a complaint to annul his marriage to physical examination unless compelled to by
defendant Cañizares contracted on 3 August 1950. competent authority. This the Court may do without
The ground relied upon in the complaint is that the doing violence to and infringing in this case is not self-
orifice of her genitals or vagina was too small to allow incrimination. She is not charged with any offense.
the penetration of a male organ or penis for She is not being compelled to be a witness against
copulation; that the condition of her genitals as herself. "Impotency being an abnormal condition
described above existed at the time of marriage and should not be presumed. The presumption is in favor
continues to exist; and that for that reason he left the of potency." The lone testimony of the husband that
conjugal home two nights and one day after they had his wife is physically incapable of sexual intercourse
been married. is insufficient to tear asunder the ties that have
2. The wife was served a copy of the complaint but did bound them together as husband and wife.
not file an answer and refused to undergo a physical
examination, despite an order from the Court
requiring the defendant to submit to a physical
3. After hearing, at which the defendant was not
present, on 11 April 1957 the Court entered a decree
annulling the marriage between the plaintiff and the
4. On 26 April 1957 the city attorney filed a motion for
reconsideration of the decree thus entered, upon the
ground, among others, that the defendant's impotency
has not been satisfactorily established as required by
law; that she had not been physically examined
because she had refused to be examined; that instead
of annulling the marriage the Court should have
punished her for contempt of court and compelled her
to undergo a physical examination and submit a
medical certificate; and that the decree sought to be
reconsidered would open the door to married couples,
who want to end their marriage to collude or connive
with each other by just alleging impotency of one of
them. He prayed that the complaint be dismissed or
that the wife be subjected to a physical examination.
Pending resolution of his motion, the city attorney
timely appealed from the decree. On 13 May 1957 the

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