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Should the US ban

Breaking new outsourcing?
ground: Basant Raj Mishra Page 6
Sunil Devkota on the challenges
Page 3 ahead for tourism
in Nepal
Page 5 Nepal’s
Page 7

S U N D A Y , SEPTEMBER 12, 2010

The Himalayan Times

NEPSE 414.43▼5.58 DOLLAR Rs 47.55▲0.45 EURO Rs 95.48 ▼ 0.21 YUAN Rs 40.98▲0.06 GOLD Rs31,240 OIL $ 76.39▼0.06

The business of business schools

Despite the popularity of management courses, leading corporate houses complain that competent managers are still difficult to find
Shradha Pal popularity of the course,
Kathmandu employers of leading cor-
porate houses complain

decade ago almost every that competent managers
parent yearned for their are difficult to find.” The
“There has been
child to become a doctor problem, according to no increase in the
or an engineer. Now the him, is that the education per cent aspiring to
‘prestigious’ career path system is not designed to start their own
is management. But with man- produce best managers. business because the
agement colleges mushrooming Nonetheless, students political and economic
in almost every nook and cor- are still opting for profes- environment is
ner of the valley, are well quali- sional courses like MBA
fied managers being produced? and EMBA. According to
not conducive”
Or are these colleges’ simply Tiwari, opportunities for principal and director of Ace Institute
cashing in on this demand with- a fresh MBA graduate are of Management
out really contributing towards plenty. But 50 to 60 per
creating a true equilibrium of cent of the graduates seek
demand and supply? These are jobs in banking or finan-
pertinent questions that need to cial institutions. He says
be pondered upon. that 10 to 20 per cent also ates, but it depends on working executives.
There are four universities in show a keen interest to individuals. In terms of “EMBA is a major and
Nepal which provide affiliation start their own entrepre- Mega Bank, a fresh common platform from
to various colleges -- Tribhuvan neurial venture. “It is not graduate gets accepted as people of diverse back-
University (TU), Kathmandu the same mindset they a management trainee for grounds for networking,”
University (KU), Pokhara Uni- had five years ago. one to two years with Rs says Tiwari. It is evident
versity and Purbanchal Univer- Unfortunately, there has 17,000 as starting salary. that the state needs to pay
sity (PU). The growing popular- been no increase in the Thereafter, when they are attention to this sector, at
ity of management and busi- per cent aspiring to start confirmed as an officer the same time, youth
ness studies can also be seen their own business and the bar rises to Rs pursuing management
through the number of affiliat- because the political and 22,000 excluding other courses have to be well
ed colleges in the valley alone. economic environment is benefits. “The main aware of the current
Many colleges are affiliated to Photo courtesy: Ace Institute of Management
not conducive. Besides, it strength of fresh gradu- situation. Moreover, poli-
TU for management, but only at Nepal, joint secretary at the involves a lot of risk,” ates from Nepal is local tics and education should
the Bachelors level. More than Ministry of Education, moni- explained Tiwari. knowledge,” added Shah. be miles apart, if produc-
500 colleges are affilitated with toring, evaluation and inspec- Anil Shah, CEO of EMBA, though a man- ing the best managers,
TU for BBS and 18 colleges for tion division, “Affiliation and Mega Bank Nepal Limited agement course, is a entrepreneurs and well
BBA. For this year, the number “The main strength of fresh quality is not in direct control said there are opportuni- different league and is educated human resource
of students appearing for BBS graduates from Nepal is of the ministry. The university ties for fresh MBA gradu- designed mainly for is the ultimate goal.
first year examinations is more has the final say on the matter.”
than 40,000 and only 25 percent
local knowledge” With such a bleak scenario of
are expected to pass. For BBA, a ANIL SHAH. CEO of Mega Bank Nepal Limited much hyped management stud-
year’s intake of students is ies, the future does not seem
around 1,080 in all the colleges, promising with increasing un-
out of which only minumum employment on the cards.
per cent are expected to pass. Radesh Pant, CEO of Kumari
On questioning how the qual- out the help of student unions. is not that simple, after all the Bank Limited, says, “The pre-
ity is maintained, assistant We are trying our best to in- necessary regime of inspecting sent job situation is such that
dean of TU, Dr Prof Kamal Das crease the quality of education the college, it receives permis- for requirement of 10 positions,
Manandhar says, “We do not to an optimum level, but are sion and every college has to de- some 2,000 candidates apply.”
have a particular mechanism to helpless. Few students come to posit Rs 1 million. Vice chancel- “There is definitely a shift
measure quality, but we mea- college for the purpose of edu- lor Dr Keshar Jung Baral re- from technical subjects to man-
sure it in terms of annual suc- cation, most do not even attend fused to comment on the matter agement courses,” says Rabin K
cess rate of the graduates.” classes and we cannot coerce when contacted. Acharya, campus director of
Manandhar further added that them to do so,” he admits. In comparison, PU and KU Wigan and Leigh College
reducing affiliation will not Pokhara University, though have given affiliation to a very (WLC). On the other hand,
help solve the problem, because only established in 1997, has ap- small number of colleges which Ashish Tiwari, principle and
political parties will not allow proved 46 colleges for affiliation is 13 and three respectively. director of Ace Institute of
it. “They cannot function with- in management. But affiliation According to Janardhan Management, says, “Despite the

Fee structure of management schools

Prakriti Pathak also introduced BBA as their tion,” says Professor Subas KC, of KCM adding that the pro-
Kathmandu first programme. dean of KUSOM. gramme contains the latest
In 1993, Kathmandu Univer- The fresh graduates of MBA and the best in management

ince Management courses sity School of Management are offered the starting salary knowledge and practice to
are cross-disciplinary ap- (KUSOM) offered two-year of Rs 15,000 to Rs 20,000 for the keep students updated with the
plication, students from di- Masters in Business Adminis- post of trainee manager. Most evolving nature and challenges
verse field are attracted to- tration (MBA). It also intro- of the graduates are involved of management profession.
wards management education. duced EMBA programme in in banking sector, while the KCM charges the highest fee
Previously, TU offered Inter- 2001, which allows young other preferences are air- for BBA programme. The start-
mediate in Commerce (I.Com) corporate employ- lines, hotels, hospi- ing salary of BBA graduates is
and Bachelor in Commerce ees to con- tals and in- between Rs 10,000 to Rs 12,000.
(B.Com) and Masters in Com- t i n u e dustries. “Management expertise
merce (M.Com) but later un- their jobs T o d a y, gained at KCM has helped
dergraduate and master levels while pur- there are broaden my knowledge and
were replaced by Bachelor in suing the number of col- produce outstanding results
Business Studies (BBS) and course. leges which offer for the organisation that
Master in Business Studies K U S O M underg raduate I work for,” asserts Rabi
(MBS). Since BBS runs in the charges Rs and postgraduate Rayamajhi, a graduate of
annual system, Kathmandu 230,000 for management cours- KCM, who is currently
College of Management (KCM) MBA pro- es. The fee struc- working as a junior officer in
introduced Bachelor in Busi- gramme and Rs ture and the fa- Standard Chartered Bank.
ness Administration (BBA) in 260,000 for EMBA. Number of cilities provided by colleges National Open College
1997 for the first time in Nepal MBA graduates per year is vary. “The curriculum of BBS (NOC), affiliated to Pokhara
under the affiliation of Kath- 60 to 65 whereas that of EMBA and BBA are almost the same, University also offers BBA
mandu University. BBA is a is 25. “Our graduates need and the only difference is in course. Its tuition fee is lesser
four-year programme and runs not wander for job; most the teaching process. And this as compared to KCM. KCM tu-
in a semester system. Follow- of them are hired before is the main reason for charging ition fee is around Rs 600,000
ing KCM, Purbanchal Univer- they complete the programme maximum price for BBA,” says whereas NOC offers the same
sity and Pokhara University through company presenta- Bishnu Raj Adhikari, founder course for around Rs 450,000.

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