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check list


# Item Question Yes No N/A

The supplier’s quality system shall be approved by

one of the following:
3.1 Is the supplier's quality system approved?
A: NADCAP aproval to PRI AC7004
B: certification/registration program recognized
The peening equipment shall have the capability The blasting equipment has the ability to
4.1.1 of mechanically moving the shot stream and/or mechanically move the firing current?
the workpiece if apliccable.

The physical characteristics of the following shall Are there physical characteristics according to a
be checked in accordance with a maintenance maintenance plan?
plan as applicable.

A; Nozzle and air jet wear A; Are there Nozzle and air jet wear?

B: Amen fixture wear B: Are there Amen fixture wear?

C: Masking fixtures C:Are there Masking fixtures?
D: Test sieves D: Are there Test sieves?
E: Part fixtures E: Are there Part fixtures?
F: Hoses F: Are there Hoses?
G: Wheel condition G: Are there Wheel condition?

4.1.3 The equipment shall b e equipped such the air and Is the equipment equipped so that the air and
media will not turn on unless the part. media will not turn on?

All process monitoring equipment and/or gages Are all equipment and / or process monitoring
4.1.4 shall be identified as to their calibration status meters identified?
and calibration shall be current.

The gages used monitors control the process shall Do the process control meters have a measuring
4.1.5 have a messurement range to cover operating range?
range of the equipment

The equipment shall be equipped with

instrumention or visual indicators that allow the
operator to monitor the following as applicable
Is the equipment equipped with
4.1.6 instrumentation or visual indicators?
A: Air pressure or Wheel speed
B: Part movement
C: Nozzle/Wheel movement

The equipment shall be equipped with media Is the equipment equipped with a medium
4.1.7 quality control equipment to maintain size and quality control equipment to maintain size and
shape shape?
4.1.8 The shot peening equipment shall include a dust Does the shot peening equipment include a dust
collector for continuous removal of dust. collector?

An air managment system shall be in a pace to Does the air management system have an
4.1.9 provide fitered dry air to pneumatic peening adequate pace to provide filtered dry air to the
equipment as applicable. equipment?

The air system shall include low-air pressure Does the air system have low air pressure
4.1.10 alarms or shall be addresed in an air capacity alarms?
managment plan, as aplplicable.

When fluorescent tracer is used black light the intensity of the black light is verified
4.1.11 intensity shall b verified in accordance with according to the customer's requirements?
customer requirements.

4.2.1 Equipment shall be qualified in accordance with The equipment must be qualified according to
customer requierements the customer's requirements?

The equipment shall be equipped with a Is the equipment equipped with a continuous
4.2.2 continuous monitoring capability for each of monitoring capacity?
required process parameters.

The equipment shall be equipped with the Is the equipment equipped with the ability to
4.2.3 capability to shut down the process when close the process when the limits of the
required parameter limits are exeeded. necessary parameters are required?

4.2.4 A record of shut down details shall be genereta for Is a shutdown log generated for each occurrence
each ocurrence of automatic shut down. of automatic shutdown?

Shot screening equipment shall be integral to the Is the shot detection equipment an integral part
4.2.5 shot peening media reclaim system so that the of the shot peening media claim?
media is classified.

Procedures shall be established to control Are there procedures to control the software software used in automated desing, inspection, used in the automated design?
testor manufacture of products.

The personel responsable for ensurance

compliance with the software quality program Does the person responsible for ensuring requirements shall have the resources authority compliance with software quality requirements
and organizal freedom to permit objective exist?
evaluations and to initiate.
Will there be a documented system to address There shall be a documented system to address problems related to software and non-
software-related problems and nonconformances conformities?

Software records shall be scured in a remote location for disaster recovery in accordance with Are the records selected?

The organization developing the software shall have a document system to ensure the software is Is there a document system to ensure that the
developed a document in a consistant. Software shall be uniquely identified in the Is the software identified in the work
appropiate work instuctions. instructions? Program changes shall be documented and a Will the program changes be documented?
revisioó n history shall be maintanied A documented system shall be in a place that Is a documented system implemented to protect
protects the software from unauthorized changes the software against unauthorized changes? A procedure shall be in a place that prevents Is a procedure implemented to prevent access to
Access to obsolete software. obsolete software?

Flapper peening equipment shall be capable of Should the flapper peening equipment be able to
4.3.1 maintaning the required RPM and consistently maintain the required RPM?
reproduce intensity values.


Almen gages shall meet the requirements of Do Almen meters meet the requirements of
5.1.1 SAEJ442 and/or customer requirements for SAEJ442?
precisionand geometry.

5.1,2 Almen gages shall read to the nearest .0025mm or Can Almen meters read at 0.0025 mm?
finer if applicable

The calibration procedure in accordance with the Is there a calibration procedure for the
5.1.4 requirements of SAEJ442 and/or customer requirements of SAEJ442?

5.2.1 Almen strip holrers shall be procured in Almen strip holrers shall be procured in
accordance with the requirements. accordance with the requirements.

5.2.2 Almen fixtures shall be identified with permanent Almen fixtures shall be identified with
marking permanent marking

5.2.3 Almen fixtures shall be stored in a menner to Almen fixtures shall be stored in a menner to
prevent mechanical damage and corrosioó n. prevent mechanical damage and corrosioó n.
5.3.1 Almen strips shall meet the requirements of SAE Almen strips shall meet the requirements of SAE
J442 and/or special customer requirements. J442 and/or special customer requirements.


Equipment shall be available for visually

6.1.1 examining media shape and weighing media sieve Is the team available to examine visually?

6.1.2 Sieves shall be available for the required tsting of The sieves must be available for testing?
each size and type of media used.

6.2.3 The shacking and tapping machine used for sieve Is the agitation and threading machine used for
testing shall be in satisfactory. the screening test satisfactory?

6.2.1 Shot peening media shall be certified and shall Are the shot peening media certified?
meet the required specifications.

6.3.1 Media diferent sizes types and hardness shall be Are different types of sizes and hardness stored?
stored to keep them separated.

Sieve Analysis shall be performed and recorded on Is it carried out and recorded in blasting media
6.4.1 peening media in machines at the required on machines at the required intervals of
intervals of run time. execution time?


A traning program shall be in place for all Is a training program implemented for all
7.1.1 operators and inspectors per the applicable operators and inspectors according to applicable
specifications and customer requirements. specifications and customer requirements?

If manually controlled peening is allowed the

7.1.2 operators shall be aproved in accordance with Is hammering controlled manually?

7.1.3 If flapper peening is allowed the operators shall be If flapper peening is allowed the operators shall
approved in accordance with specifications. be approved in accordance with specifications.

There shall be a written test administrated to There shall be a written test administrated to
7.1.4 determinate qualification if required by determinate qualification if required by
espicification espicification

7.1.5 The pass/fail criteria and/retesting procedure The pass/fail criteria and/retesting procedure
shall be identified. shall be identified.

7.1.6 The operators/inspectors shall be requalified at The operators/inspectors shall be requalified at

specified intervals. specified intervals.
7.1.7 Personnel training/certification/quialification Are there training/certification/quialification
records shall be documented and maintained. records?

The training and evaluation program of operators exist The training and evaluation program of
and/or inspectors shall require the demostration operators and/or inspectors?
of proficiency in the following:

A: determinig masking requirements from process Is there a training and evaluation program for
sheets and apliying in to hardware the operators and / or inspectors?

B: shot size be sieve analysis shot size be sieve analysis

C: shot fracture count shot fracture count
D: Nozzle/Wheel positioning and Nozzle selection Nozzle/Wheel positioning and Nozzle selection

E: Equipment and fixture and fixture usage Equipment and fixture and fixture usage

F: the use of an almen gage and almen strip the use of an almen gage and almen strip

G: The use of almen strip fixtures The use of almen strip fixtures
H: Calculating the rsultant arc height. Calculating the rsultant arc height.

I:Understanding and creating saturations curves. Understanding and creating saturations curves.


There shall be procedures that invoke customer

approval of the process and revisions as required Are there procedures that invoke process
8.1 approval and revisions by the client?
by the customer.

If manual peening is used it shall be permited by If manual peening is used it shall be permited
desing authority for those aplications. by desing authority for those aplications.

If flapper peening is used it shall be permited by

8.3 Are there flapper peening is used ?
the desing authority for those aplications.

Almen part holding masking and nozzle fixtures

8.4 checked the wear prior to use.
shall be checked for wear prior to use.

If required pre-peening or post-peening cleaning If required pre-peening or post-peening cleaning

8.5 equipment and solutions shall be used. equipment and solutions shall be used.

8.6.1 Intensy verification intervals shall meet the Intensy verification intervals shall meet the
customer’s requirements. customer’s requirements.

Thje methods and acceptance ranges for intensity Are there methods and acceptance ranges for
8.6.2 test shall be in accordance with applicable intensity test?
If compression peening is combined with forming The requirements of each specification are
8.7 the appropiate requirements of each

If wet glass peening is used the slurry volumen of

8.8 beads shall be maintained per apliccable Is wet blasting used?

Coverage shall be inspected visually on all parts or Is coverage visually inspected?

8.9 in accordance with and approved sampling plan.

8.10 When using Fluorescent tracer it shall be Is the fluorescent tracer used?
approved by the customer if required.

8.11 Manufacturing controls shall be in place to Are there Manufacturing controls?

prohibit manufacturing operations.

Metal removal after shot peening shall be

8.12 controled to assure conformance with Is metal removal after shot peening controlled?
specifications and drawing requirements.

The following information shall be controlled to complies with?

assure conformance.

A: release number and spit number release number and spit number

B: Part number Part number

C: Number of parts in lot Number of parts in lot

8.13 D: date peened date peened

E: Iintnsity determination at required intervals Iintnsity determination at required intervals

F: Number of parts inspected if sampling intervals F: Number of parts inspected if sampling


G: Operator’s identifications Operator’s identifications

8.14 The metod of inpecting Surface coverge shall The inspection method of the surface coverage
comply with applicable specifications. meets the applicable specifications.

8.15 There shall be míónimum/maó ximum testing of shut There shall be míónimum/maó ximum testing of
down limits for computer peening. shut down limits for computer peening.


Compliance with the requirements contained

herein and customer requirements shall be Is compliance with the requirements contained
9.1 verified by auditing in process or when authorized in this document satisfactory?
completed Jobs.
CHECK LIST inspected by: julio hernandez


A)Are there high-voltage IDs?
b) Are there alignment diagram?
c)Are there check list of the cooled laser?
3.1 Maintenance
d)Are there log of the change of the filter?
e)Are there format of pulse?
f)sAre there log of replacement lamp?
Are there correct use and the last calibration of
3.2 Laser Power Output Monitoring equipment?
Are there plan of calibration of the laser?
3.3 Laser Alignment Are there plan of replacement of the machine?
4.1 Laser Equipment Are there existing work instructions?
Are there accessory tool identified?
4.2 Tooling and Support Material show me that the work tool identified?
show me the check list tool?
a)show me the format of pulse?
b)show me the log of the repetitions?
c)Are there check-up of the output voltage?
d)Is there an opening document?
e)show evidence of numbers of tests?
4.3 Laser Parameters Requirements f)show list of programs?
g)do the display specifications go through the

show the additional parameters for the last

points ? (a-f)

a) Show the instructions of nozzle gas types

b)show the instructions of nozzle gas pressure or
4.4 General Laser Requirements nozzle gas lines pressure ?
c)Show the instrucions of Lens focal length
d) Show the instructions of nozzle orifice size
a) Is there a document of the dimensions that need
to be revised?
b)show the instructions of method of control

c)show the instructions of method of inspection

5.1 Procedure d) show the log of frequenzy of inspection

e)Show the instructions of visual examination to
detect burrs
f) show the instructions of visual comparison if
surface finish
5.1 Procedure

g)show the diagram of airflow

h) show of intructions of checks and frequency of
Are there the plan sampling approving of
5.2 Quality Plan Approval customer ?

5.3 Gages show the plan of quality (measure, standards, etc)


Are there process of cleaning the piece machined?

It has applied the requirement of the standards, in

the given case, it be cleaned within the company
it is required that the work instructions are
approved by the client or outside
6.1 Part Cleaning
the workstations is clean ?

Are there log of calibrated of temperature gage and

timer ?

show the procedure of the test correctly cleaned

and debugging according to specifications of the
customer within the company
It has applied the requirement of the standards, in
the given case, it be inspection airflow within the
company or outside
Are there instructions of workstations of airflow?
the workstations of airflow is aprroved of the
6.2 Airflow customer ?
show the log of the calibrated of the airflow
show the requirements of the measure customer
of conditions the airflow
the workstations hace the same items used ?
the airflow is free of contamination?
show the procedure of check for leaks
6.3 Anti-Splatter show the chemicals approved by the client

Are there log of history of confomance of

7.1 Inspection laboratory analysis ?
show the parameters of the use of machinery in
the lab according to the customer
Are there documentation of the periodic test?
show me the conformity of the client in the
show me the process
certifications to do this process within
the company
show me the certifications of the external company
to do this process
show the manual to need be a good calibration
show the records of calibration
show the training manual quality of laoratory
show the criteria of the manual quality

show the reference of procedures of


7.2 Periodic metallurgia evaluation

show the standards of personal labortoy in

show me the ids of the containers required

show me the working method for cutting and
show the procedure of specimen preparation of
the rinsing and drying
the specimen is identified correctly?

show procedure of the etched about to specimen

show me the test parameters of intergranular
attack and oxidation
show me the written procedure on the selection of
8.1 Jobs Audit This audit is based on the NATCAP NMSE ?

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