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Computer Crime and Information
Technology Security
Carter’s taxonomy

Risks and threats

IT controls

Learning objectives
1. Explain Carter’s taxonomy of computer
2. Identify and describe business risks and
threats to information systems.
3. Discuss ways to prevent and detect
computer crime.
4. Explain the main components of the CoBIT
framework and their implications for IT

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Carter’s taxonomy (1/2)
Four-part system for classifying computer
A specific crime may fit more than one
The taxonomy provides a useful framework
for discussing computer crime in all types of

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Carter’s taxonomy (2/2)
 Target
 Targets system or its data
 Example: DOS attack

 Instrumentality
 Uses computer to further criminal end
 Example: Phishing
 Incidental
 Computer not required, but related to crime
 Example: Extortion

 Associated
 New versions of old crimes
 Example: Cash larceny

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Business risks and threats (1/2)
See page 197-200 for detailed description
Service interruption and delays
Disclosure of confidential information

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Business risks and threats (2/2)

Information manipulation
Malicious software
Denial-of-service attacks
Web site defacements

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IT controls – Basic principles
 Data are held in confidence
and are protected from
unauthorized disclosure
Data integrity
 Data are stored in an
information system are the
same in the source
Availability Fig. 11.1
The C-I-A Triad

 Data can be obtained within

the required time frame

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IT controls – Control taxonomy
Physical controls Fig. 11.2
Control taxonomy
 Guards, locks, fire
suppression systems Physical Technical
controls controls

Technical controls
 Biometric access controls,
malware protection controls

Administrative controls
 Password rotation policy,
password rules, overall IT
security strategy
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What is CoBIT?
 Control Objectives for Information and Related
 From Information Systems Audit and Control
Association (ISACA)
 It’s a framework for IT governance and
 Two main parts:
 Principles
• Five ideas that form the foundation of strong IT governance
and management
 Enablers
• Seven tools that match the capabilities of IT tools with users’

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CoBIT five principles (1/3)

1. Meeting

5. Separating 2. Covering
governance the
from enterprise
management end-to-end

3. Applying
4. Enabling a
a single

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CoBIT five principles (2/3)
1. Meeting stakeholder needs
 Different stakeholder groups have different
information needs.
2. Covering the enterprise end-to-end
 A well-designed plan for managing information
covers the whole entity, not just the IT function.
3. Applying a single integrated framework
 The principle incorporates and builds on other
frameworks to produce a unified set of ideas.

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CoBIT five principles (3/3)
4. Enabling a holistic approach
 CoBIT 5 integrates functions through out the
entity, whether its organizational structure is
based on function, product, or some other
5. Separating governance from management
 Governance focuses on strategic decision making,
goal setting, and prioritization
 Management focuses more on the day-to-day
action needs to achieve those goals

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CoBIT seven enablers

See Table 11.1 (p.204) for examples

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