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Submitted by: Marc M. Cataluña & Shierwin S.


Title: The Choice

Theme: Fiction


 Igno – he is the main character. He is a boy who wished to know everything.

 Neila – she is an alien from a planet in Rocky Road galaxy.

 Lola Sciera – the grandmother of Igno who took care of him after the tragedy.

 King Kokey – The father of Neila. The king of the kingdom.

 Queen Tas – The mother of Neila. The queen of the kingdom.

 Chief Guard – the right hand of the king.

Setting: In planet Saturn.

The Story:

Scene 1.

Once upon a time in a faraway village, there lived a simple family. The family works in

the field during the day and in the afternoon, the household chores. Nora, the wife Sigmund, is

on her 8th month of pregnancy. Sigmund, the husband of Nora, was a carpenter and a farmer.

Whenever there’s something that needs to be repaired, he repairs it. The family owns 5

hectares of land. Sigmund plows the field and plants rice in the morning.

It was 5 am of the summer season when it started raining. When Nora heard the sound of the

drizzle, she woke Sigmund.

Nora: Hon, wake up. It’s about to rain.

Sigmund: Oh no! I have to go and fix the leak on our roof.

(Sigmund left Nora in their bedroom and went to get his tools)

It took a while for Sigmund to return. Nora decided to get up and cook breakfast. She went

downstairs and started to heat the stove. She opened their refrigerator and took some eggs

and fishes.

Nora: I think I’ll fry these eggs and these fishes too. I hope Sigmund will like them.

When Sigmund returned, he was very wet so he directly went to the shower to take some

shower. After taking a bath, he changed and went to their dining area. He saw Nora cooking so

he sat down and waited. When Nora finally finished cooking she sat down and ate with him.

Nora: So how is the roof?

Sigmund: It’s fine now. It didn’t expect that it would take that long to fix it.

Nora: Let’s eat.

The rain grew strong so the two were forced to stay inside their home.

When evening came the storm slowed down and finally Sigmund got a chance to go out to the

field and check the crops.

Nora: Be careful!

Sigmund: I will.

(Sigmund walks away from the house.)

Nora: I hope he’ll return home soon. It seems that the rain is starting to grow heavily.

Nora’s worry faded when he saw Sigmund an hour later carrying with a few saved crops.

Sigmund: I can’t believe it rained in the middle of summer.

Nora: Is that all that’s left?

Sigmund: Yes. Many of our crops drowned because of the flood.

Nora: Well I guess where going to have to make the best of it.

Nora cleaned the crops and kept them in a safe place.

Nora: Its late I think we should get some rest.

Sigmund: Okay.

Their life goes on.

A month later, Nora gave birth to a boy and she named him Igno.

While the birth of Igno is taking place, a lot of phenomenon has been occurring outside the

planet. There were reports about an upcoming meteorite shower. Because of the massive

gravitational pull of Saturn, many huge space rocks were pulled into it.

Scene 2.

On the other side of the universe.

King Kokey: Where is she? She is supposed to be here by now. Find her immediately! It’s

her birthday yet she is missing. Find her! (The King of Planet Ta angrily shouted.)

Queen Tas: Calm down my King. She will be found sooner or later.

The whole kingdom was celebrating the birthday of princess Neila but she is missing in action.

Neila: Yeheee! Wohoo! This is fun! I wish we have these in the castle. said Neila, who

was enjoying herself skating with her friends outside the kingdom.

Neila: I wonder if Mom and Dad will like this.

When the head of the guards finally knew Neila’s whereabouts they immediately went there. At

first they asked the princess with patience.

Chief guard: Princess, your Father, the king, is looking for you? They are worried. You

must return to the castle immediately.

Neila; Can’t I stay a little longer with my friends?

Chief Guard: No. The king wishes to see you at once. It is your birthday princess. The

whole kingdom is waiting for you. We were order to take you with or without your


Neila: Ok. I suppose I have no choice.

When they arrived at the kingdom, King Kokey’s anger bursted.

King Kokey: Where have you been?!

Queen Tas: We’ve been looking everywhere for you.

King Kokey: Don’t you realize how much disgrace your absence caused?!

Neila: I was with my friends. Playing.

King Kokey: You call those people your friends?! They look like street people. They stink

and they are uneducated.

Neila: I don’t care. They make me happy, they are there whenever I needed someone.

Queen Tas: Please don’t you ever do that again. Your safety is our priority. The fate of

the kingdom is in your hands.

King Kokey: Don’t be ridiculous and go back to your senses! Go your room. Now!

Queen Tas: You’re grounded for a year. You can never leave the castle we will double the

guards and increase the number of maids to make sure that you can never again


Neila: This is so unfair. It’s always like this why can’t I do things I want?!Where’s my

After that Neila went immediately to her room and slammed the door. She was very upset

because she was grounded by her father. She cried and cried.

Neila: I didn’t want this life. I didn’t chose to live like this.

(She continued crying)

She remembered that her grandfather lived in Milky Way galaxy. She planned to go there and

stay there forever. She disguised herself as a servant and took the opportunity to leave and ran

away from the castle. She snatched a ship without anyone noticing her.

Days have passed since Neila left the planet. She is currently is between Rocky Road galaxy and

Double Dutch Galaxy. She was having thoughts of going back to her home but she remembered

what her parents did to her. After going through Double Dutch galaxy, she passed by a group of

asteroids and stars. She was amazed on how the stars looked like. She didn’t expect them to be

that big.

She then arrived in Spiral galaxy. As she was passing by Planet Saturn her ship got struck by a

big space rock that severely damaged her ship.

Neila: Oh no! It damaged the mainframe.

Neila’s ship was pulled by the gravity of Planet Saturn. When the ship entered Saturn’s

atmosphere, Neila collapsed….

The ship crash landed leaving Neila unconscious inside it.

Scene 3.

Two weeks after Igno’s birth, things were getting worse outside the planet. There have been

frequent reports of massive rocks raining into Saturn. While her parents were cooking for their
dinner, Igno was left outside inside a cradle in a hut lying down. Suddenly a massive rock hurled

directly to their house destroying both the house and her parents with it…

Igno was left outside of their house. When a stranger saw what happened, the stranger

immediately went to the Town and reported the incident. The townsmen recognized the house

and the baby, so they made contact with all the possible relatives of the couple. Grandma

Sciera was the one who received the message. When Grandma Sciera heard the news that Nora

died she immediately went to their house. Grandma Sciera lives 15 km away from Town. When

she saw it, she cried.

Grandma Sciera: My daughter! My Daughter why have you left me! I’m sorry I wasn’t

there when you needed me.

(She continued to cry)

Then the town mayor showed the baby to Grandma Sciera.

Grandma Sciera: He looks just like his mother. I’ll be taking him home now.

Years have passed and Igno grew very well. He was sent to school by her grandmother. He was

also taught by his grandmother some household chores. At night he would tell him stories of

legends and myths her grandmother knew. He loved these stories and sometimes he would tell

them to his friends.

One day while he was walking on the way home, he heard a strange noise.

He went to look and he saw a spaceship and an alien inside it.

Igno: Ahhhh!!! (He shouted out of fear)

The alien was waking up.

Neila: (while gaining consciuos) OMG! What place is this?! Where am i?!
Neila got curious of what kind of planet she has gotten into.

Igno approached the alien because he was curious. When he got close enough he asked the


Igno: Who are you?! Or What are you?!

The alien did not responded and instantly turned unconscious.

Igno: What am I going to do?

At first Igno was frightened with her appearance but she seems harmless. Igno pitied her so he

tried to get her out of the ship. When he finally got her out, he took her home with him. He

took care of her secretly without the knowledge of her grandmother until the time she gained


Igno: Finally, you’re awake. You are wounded severely I suggest you stay there.

Neila: Where am I?! Who are you?! What is this place?!

Igno: You can speak our language?

(Neila attempted to attack him but she’s hurt badly.)

Igno: What are you doing? You are not yet fully healed. You’ll hurt yourself.

Neila: What are you? Where am I?! Who are you?! What is this place?!
Questions kept bugging Neila mind. She tried to recall everything but she only

remembered that her ship crash landed.

Igno: Hi, My name is Igno. I live here with my grandmother. Who are you?

Neila: My name is Neila. I’m from Rocky Road Galaxy.

Igno: Wow! Really?! You’re from outer space?

Neila: Yeah. I supposed.

Igno: Here have some food.

Neila: This is delicious! What’s it called?

Igno: It’s called soup. Are you really from outer space?

Neila: I don’t what that means but I think you mean outside this planet. Yes.

Igno: Wooooow!

Neila: Where’s my ship?

Igno: Your ship is a kilometer north from here. Some of the parts were damaged.

Neila: Thanks.

Igno: Well I think you should take a rest now. It’s a big day tomorrow.

Neila: Ok.
While Igno was sleeping, he dreamed of being eaten by Neila. He awoke in the middle of the

night screaming.

Igno: Noooo!

Neila: What’s wrong?

Igno: Nothing. (Igno answered nervously)

Frightened by her presence, Igno distanced himself from Neila.

The next morning when Igno woke up, Neila was already gone. He was having thoughts

that maybe she ate her grandma, so her ran and shouted.

Igno: Grandma! Grandma! Where are you?!

Grandma Sciera: I’m here. What’s with all the shouting?

Igno: Oh, nothing. I just thought you in some kind of trouble. Hihi. (Igno winked)

Igno: Where could she have gotten now?

Igno looked for Neila in town, but he was unable to find her there. He remembered that he

told her last night about the location the ship.

Igno: She must have gone to her ship.

Igno went to the located of Neila Ship and he found her there.

Igno: I was looking all over for you.

Neila: Why?
Igno: I thought you already left.

Igno lied and dismissed the idea that Neila was a monster.

(To be continued)

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