Diesel Engine Lubricants Their Selection and Utilization With Particular Reference To Oil Alkalinity

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By A. Dyson, M.A.*, L. J. Richards, B.Sc. (Eng.), Wh.Sc..f., and K. R. Williams, B.Sc.$
The main functions of heavy-duty lubricating-oil additives are to control engine fouling,
bearing corrosion, and wear of liners and piston rings. Alkalinity is desirable for the
control of wear and is one of the major requirements for the avoidance of piston fouling
when conventional organo-metallic additives are used. In a well-balanced oil, sufficient
dispersive power and oxidation stability may be incorporated to ensure adequate piston
cleanliness and freedom from bearing corrosion provided that the alkalinity level is satis-
The alkalinity level falls during service, and for satisfactory performance with certain
types of additive in common use it must be kept above a minimum value. For these
additives equations are given which enable the variation of the alkalinity level with time
in given circumstances to be predicted approximately. The most satisfactoryarrangementis
to use an oil containing sufficient alkalinity so that the concentrationnever falls below the
critical value. The oil-change period is then determined by other considerations, for
example, contamination with abrasives. If an oil of lower alkalinity-concentration is used,
then the equations developed permit an approximate estimate of the oil-change period,
determined solely from the aspect of additive effectiveness. The applicationof these results
to engines with separate cylinder lubrication is discussed.
Thus oils, and, where appropriate, oil-change periods, may be selected on a rational
basis instead of by trial and error.

ABOUTTWENTY YEARS AGO it was found that the addition of
certain materials to the lubricating oil could alleviate ring
sticking and other difficulties which were being encountered
in the operation of high-speed Diesel engines. From these
early beginnings a new class of Diesel-engine lubricant was
developed and it is now common practice to use oils of this
type, called ‘heavy duty’, in Diesel engines; in fact some
highly rated engines will not run on straight mineral oils.
In the early days of these oils there were sometimes com-
plaints that they gave little or no benefit over the straight
mineral oils then in common use. On the other hand many
users were completely satisfied with the new oils and found
that they gave reduced engine wear and reduced fouling and
consequently longer engine life. Fig. 1 shows examples
typical of the range of results observed.
Experience showed that different grades of heavy-duty
The MS. of this paper was first received at the Institution on 27th
3ub 1956. For a report of the meeting, in London, at which this
paper was presented, see p . 740. Fig. I . Typical Examples of Differences in Piston Condition
* Research Physicist, :Shell’ Group, Thornton Research Centre. Which Can Arise from Improper and Proper Use of
t Research Engineer, Shell’ Group, Thornton Research Centre.
$ Research Physicist, ‘Shell’ Group, Thornton Researoh Centre. Heavy-duty Oil

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lubricating oil were required for differing engines and diffuse through the film and attack cylinder liners and piston
operating conditions. This was recognized in the MIL-L- rings, causing severe corrosive wear (Broeze and Wilson
2104A, Supplement I and Series I1 Specifications defined 1948-49)*.
by the ability of the oil to pass a series of tests on a Cater- The relation between dispersivepower and piston fouling
pillar engine run at three different levels of severity. These is rather more complicated, and dispersive power and alka-
tests are widely acccptcd and have in general proved satis- linity interact together (Denison and Kavanagh 1955). The
factory yardsticks of oil performance. Furthermore, engine lacquers and insoluble resins which act as binders of the
manufacturers have, as a result of their test-bed and field s a t produced during combustion and form a major part
experience, been able to define the grade of lubricant of many engine deposits are thought to be formed by the
required in a unit run under specified operating conditions polymerization of oxidation products of the fuel or of the
in terms of these performance levels. For a particular lubricating oil. Some of these oxidation products are acidic
grade of oil they have recommended oil-change periods and may be rendered innocuous by reaction with alkaline
appropriate to various operating conditions. However, this additive. Moreover, some deposits arc formed by the reac-
plbccss of oil selection and oil-change period recommenda- tion between lubricating-oil components and the sulphur
tion is a purely empirical one. It had, of course, been acid produced in the combustion chamber, which may also
recognized for a long time that the oil contaminants, such catalyse the polymerization referred to above. Neutraliza-
as insolubles and fuel dilution, should not be allowed to tion of the sulphur acids by the alkaline additive therefore
exceed a certain value. However, experience showed that in helps to keep the piston clean. Dispersive power is still
many cases with heavy-duty lubricants satisfactory engine needed to avoid deposition in the engine of insoluble con-
cleaxiliness and wear levels were not obtained, despite quite taminants, either soot from the combustion chamber or
low levels of contamination present in the oil when it was products from the neutralization reactions discussed above.
drained from the engine. It was evident that some other Oxidation stability is necessary for the conml of the
factor was determining the necessity for oil change. corrosion of sensitive bearing metals. The oil f ilm on the
Laboratory examination of used-oil samples showed that cylinder walls is exposed to very high local temperatures
the additive was being used up or depleted in service and and may oxidize to give some corrosive products which are
that depletion of the additive often made oil change ncces- liable to attack copper-lead bearings. This process may be
sary. It was therefore decided to embark upon an extensive retarded or prevented by making the oil more stable to
investigation in an attempt to define in a rational manner oxidation.
the factors effccting additive depletion. From the results It has been seen that alkalinity is necessary both to reduce
obtained in this investigation it was hoped that it would corrosive wear and to keep the piston clean, and in practice
prove possible to predict the grade of heavy-duty lubricant sufficient dispersive power and oxidation stability may be
and oil-change period required by a Diesel engine under maintained in an oil to ensure satisfactory performance so
given operating conditions. long as there is an adequate reserve of alkalinity.
This paper describes work which has shown how It therefore seems that in such cases, allralinity could be
additive depletion is relatcd to engine design and operating used as a criterion of the effectiveness of a heavy-duty oil
conditions. It also shows how with certain classes of during its life and evidence will be presented to show that
additive lubricants oil-change periods, as determined by this is indeed the case.
considerations of additive depletion, may be related to In order to relate the performance of an oil to its W t y ,
certain readily defined parameters. a method of measurement applicable to a used oil is required.
I n principle a suitable method is to titrate the oil against a
P R O P E R T I E S REQUIRED IN A strong acid, that is to measure the quantity of add required
HEAVY-DUTY OIL to neutralize the alkaline additive in a given quantity of the
Before considering in detail what happens to the additive lubricating oil. Many practical difficulties arise, however.
in a heavy-duty oil when it is used in a Diesel engine, it is An electrometric indication of the end point is necessary,
relevant to consider the properties which are improved or together with careful selection of the reagents and of the
conferred on a mineral oil by the presence of heavy-duty reaction medium. These difficulties will not be discussed in
additives. l h c y are alkalinity, dispersive power, and this paper. It may be necessary to vary the procedure
oxidation stability. according to the particular additive or combination of
Those aspects of the performance of a Diesel engine additives employed.
most lkely to give trouble and which the heavy-duty oil The result is conventionally expressed as the number of
is expected to control are corrosive wear of cylinder liners, milligrammes of potassium hydroxide chemically equivalent
and piston rings; piston fouling (ring sticking, piston to the alkalinity contained in 1 gramme of oil, or mg. KOH
lacquer, oil ring plugging) ;and bearing corrosion. per gramme for short.
Alkalinity combats the corrosive wear of cylinder liners It is perhaps worthy of mention at t h i s point that it was
and piston rings. When conventional fuels are burnt, at one time thought that the performance of a used oil could
sulphur oxides and the corresponding acids are produced, be estimated from its sulphated ash or additive metal
and enter the oil film in the cylinder walls. Alkaline additives content. However, neither of these characteristics is a
in the oil film may neutralize these acids before they can * An alphaberial list of references i s given in Appmdix ZV.

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measure of the alkalinity of a used oil, since additive metal covered by different types of deposit are estimated visually
may remain in solution or in suspension in the oil after the and multiplified by a merit figure for that type of deposit.
additive has been neutralized in doing its job. The merit figure depends on the colour and nature of the
Such used additive is still detectable directly or in the deposit, a perfectly clean surface obviously having the
form of its sulphate, and both field and laboratory studies highest merit figure. The sum of these products of per-
have confirmed the lack of correlation between these pro- centage area and merit figure gives the rating for the par-
perties and the actual performance of the oil. ticular section of the piston. These sectional ratings are
suitably weighted and combined to give an overall piston
WHAT HAPPENS TO THE PISTON A S THE rating. A perfectly clean piston would have an overall rating
ALKALINITY IS NEUTRALIZED of 10, a very dirty one would be rated at 0. Fig. 3 shows the
As the engine is run, additive is neutralized and the state at various times of the individual areas of the piston
alkalinity of the oil decreases. The piston remains clean, which are combined to give the overall rating shown in
however, until the base number reaches a certain critical Fig. 2. Each part starts getting dirty at about the same time,
value, after which the piston becomes dirty quite rapidly. but in general the top of the piston is rather more sensitive
This is illustrated in Fig. 2, which shows the variation of than the skirt. It is interesting to note that when a fresh





Z 6
mI: 4
z 2
0 10 20 30 40

Fig. 2. Alkalinity and Piston Cleanliness Ratings at 16-hour

Intervals During an Engine Run Using Fuel Containing 6
I per cent Sulphur
o No. 1 piston, cleaned after every period. 4
+ No. 2 piston, not cleaned after period 3.
alkalinity and piston cleanliness with time during a long
runusing a fuel containing 1 per cent sulphur in a laboratory 0
Diesel engine. Chromium-plated compression rings were 0 10 20 30 40
used in this experiment and the run-in was slow. The oil
consumption was relatively high, about 2 per cent of the Fig. 3. Sectional Piston-area Cleanliness Merit Ratings at
fuel consumption, and so much fresh additive was intro- Intervals During an Engine Run Using Fuel Containing
duced with the make-up oil that the alkalinity decreased 1 per cent Sulphur
only slowly. After some time the consumption was made up a x Top land.
with straight mineral-oil in order to accelerate the drop in o Other lands.
allralinity. b x Topskirt.
The state of the piston is described on an arbitrary scale. o Lowerskirt.
Each section of the piston is considered in turn,ring grooves c x Topringgrooves.
and lands, skirt, etc. For each section the relative areas o Other ring grooves.

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heavy-duty oil is charged to the engine, the piston skirt

and the lands are cleaned up but the grooves stay dirty.
This indicates that the additive can stop further deposition
but that the removal of deposits already formed depends on
a mechanical rubbing action.
In the particular case discussed above, the piston stayed
clean as long as the alkalinity remained above about 0.3 mg.
KOH per gramme. However, the high oil-consumption due
to the very slow mming-in of the compression rings is
believed to have influenced the result. From observations
of the behaviour of a number of different Diesel engines 3 -2 u4 8
running under widely different conditions, it is possible to ALKALINITY REMAINING AT END OF TEST-
derive a working rule. This states that the piston will MG. KOH PER GRAMME
remain clean provided that the alkalinity exceeds a critical Fig. 5. Piston Cleanliness Against Residual Alkalinity at
value which has been found to be approximately propor- End of Test fur Various Fuel Sulphur Contents
tional to the sulphur content of the fuel. For example, the
value for a certain class of additive is about 1 mg. KOH per Each point represents the mean result of three runs with different
oil viscosities.
gramme for every 1 per cent sulphur. As is shown later in
this section, the critical level might be expected to vary with
engine design or operating conditions, and although the previous experiment. The critical alkalinity level is seen to
stated value is adequate for most engines, higher minimum be between 1.5 and 2-5 mg. KOH per gramme.
additive concentrations are sometimes necessary to ensure Fig. 5 shows the result of a comparison of different oils
freedom fiom ring-sticking. This paper is concerned mainly containing different concentrations of alkaline additive with
with the behaviour of oils containing additives of this type, different fuels. The piston cleanliness rating is plotted
against the alkalinity remaining at the end of test. It will
be observed that for alkalinities above about 1 mg. KOH
per gramme there is very little difference in engine con-
dition between the fuels of 0.2 and 1.0 per cent by weight
of sulphur. Fig. 6 shows a similar comparison at different
values of the fuel consumption for a constant fuel sulphur


F&. 4. Alkalinity and Top-ring Groove Cleanliness Rating

During an Engine Run Using Fuel Containing 2.8 per
cent Wezght Sulphur
-ox Alkalinity.
Top-ring groove rating.

Periods 1-4 in this figure correspond to periods 5-8 in Fig. 8.

but the procedure given below for the selection of oils,and,
where appropriate, oil-change periods, may easily be
modified to apply to the case of additives with different
I 2 3
Fig. 4 shows the variation of piston cleanliness and MG. KOH PER GRAMME

alkalinity with time during an experiment similar to the Fig. 6. Piston Cleanliness Against Residual Alkalinity at
one described previously except that the fuel contained 2.8 End of Test for Various Fuel Inputs
per cent by weight of sulphur. This level of sulphur was
adopted to magnify the influence of this factor on additive 0 Fuel input 0.50
per min.
o Fuel input 0.75
per min.
depletion and does not represent a present-day or probable x Fuel input 1.00 per min.
distillate fuel. The rings were well run in and the oil- Each point represents the mean result of four runs with different
consumption rate was about 40 per cent of that in the combinations of Iubricant viscosity and jacket temperature.

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Thus quite a high-alkalinity concentration must be main- rates of the order of 0.1 pint per hr. The circulation rate
tained if a fuel of high-sulphur content is used. The reason tends to decrease with increasing oil viscosity, but it appears
for the relation between fuel-sulphur content and the critical to be independent of engine speed and load within the range
value of the alkalinity level is believed to be as follows. Oil investigated (500-1,500 r.p.m.). It seems to be independent
is splashed up on to the cylinder-bore surface and some of of oil consumption within the range normally encountered,
it finds its way into the ring-belt area. While it is there some although the circulation rate was found to be rather higher
of the additive is neutralized by acids formed when the fuel in one case where slow runnhg-in of chromium-plated
is burnt. Some of the oil is consumed but the rest eventually compression rings was accompanied by excessive oil con-
drains back into the crankcase. Thus the oil 'returning to sumption. Circulation rates estimated by this method show
the crankcase contains less additive than that splashed up reasonable agreement with those obtained by other methods
on the cylinder bore and this causes the loss of alkalinity (Edgar 1957).
observed as the engine is run. The oil in the ring-belt area CORROSIVE WEAR A N D ALKALINITY
thus contains less alkalinity than that in the crankcase, but
it is the concentration of alkaline additive in the ring-belt The criterion for the minimum alkalinity required in the
area which controls the deposit formation on the piston. crankcase oil has been established only in relation to piston
cleanliness. It has been found, however, that the action of
the alkaline additive in reducing corrosive wear normally
ADDED AT RATE oL lasts at least until the piston has become dirty. This is





t P \




F&. 7. Model of Oil Circulation System to Ring-belt Zone

Fig. 8. Alkalinity and Wear Rate at 40-hour Intervals
During an Engine Run Using Fuel Containing 2.8 per
cent by Wezght of Sulphur
A simplified model illustrating these points is shown in
Periods 5-8 in this f i v e correspond to periods 1-4 in Fig. 4.
Fig. 7. The flow of oil up to the ring-belt zone and back
is represented by a circulation rate P. The difference in illustrated in Fig. 8 which shows the piston-ring wear rates
concentration of the alkaline additive in the ring-belt zone in the experiment for which the piston cleanliness was
and in the crankcase may be shown to be approximately shown in Fig. 4.
equal to a/P, where a is the rate of addition of the acid Fig. 9 shows the results of experiments using a fuel con-
which neutralizes the additive, and may be calculated from taining 1 per cent by weight of sulphur. In this case the top
the observed rate of loss of alkalinity in the crankcase ring was made radioactive by exposure in a neutron pile
(Appendix 111). Therefore if some effective additive is to at Harwell. The wear products from this ring enter the oil
be present in the oil in the ring-belt zone its concentration film on the cylinder walls and drain down to the crankcase.
in the crankcase oil must be at least a/lJ which is the Oil from the crankcase is continuously circulated past a
required critical alkalinitylevel. The effective oil-circulation scintillation counter, a very sensitive detector of radiation,
rate P may thus be calculated. Details of the calculations and the curve of counting rate against engine running-time
are given in Appendix 111. is automatically plotted by means of a recorder. The
The results obtained for two direct-injection four-stroke counting rate is proportional to the concentration in the oil
Diesel engines of about 1.5 litres capacity give circulation of radioactive wear products, that is, to the total top-ring

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conditions and to the additive combination in use, then

deposits will probably be formed in the ring grooves,
although these will not be worse than those experienced
with a straight mineral oil. I t has been shown above that
these deposits will not be removed by subsequent operation
with alkalinity concentrations above the critical level. This
emphasizes the importance of never allowing the alkalinity
concentration to fall below the critical level, particularly in
the case of engines sensitive to ring-groove deposits.
Measurement of alkalinity concentration in used oils is
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 not a simple matter, however, and specialized equipment
and skilled workers are required. The standard methods
given in the literature have been found to require modifica-
tion when used for this purpose. The necessary laboratory
facilities are not available to most engine operators, and if
they are available they are very expensive. Furthermore, it
is often desired to make recommendations in advance for
oils for specific situations, as a process of trial-and-error
is not regarded very favourably by the operators on whose
engines the errors are committed.
It is therefore desirable to predict the variation of
alkalinity with time. It will be shown later that this may
be done provided that information is available on the alka-
linity of the fresh oil, the engine characteristics, and the
running conditions, etc. Most of the remainder of this paper
is concerned with this particular problem.

Fig. 9. Alkalinity and Wear Rate During Four Diflerent VARIATION O F ALKALINITY WITH TIME
Engine Runs with Additive Oil DURING A TYPICAL ENGINE R U N

o Three different continuous runs.
Run during day only, shut down at night.
The variation in the allralinity of the crankcase oil with time
during an engine run in the absence of oil make-up is
illustrated in Fig. 10. For the classes of additive dealt with,
it has been found that in these conditions, the curve of
alkalinity against time is curved downward as in curve I.
wear which has taken place. The slope thus corresponds to This is to be expected if the effective rate of neutralization
the wear rate. Suitable corrections must be applied for is constant, as the volume of oil present in the crankcase
radioactive decay and for losses due to oil consumption, decreases as oil is consumed. It is possible to correct for this
etc., and the corrected wear rates are then plotted as shown
in Fig. 9.
In both these instances the full anti-wear effect of the oil
is evident for the whole of the period during which some
alkalinity is maintained in the crankcase oil.


So far, the stage has been reached at which a definite
recommendation may be given to Diesel engine operators
concerning the selection of oils and oil-change periods.
These should be arranged so that the alkalinity concentra-
tion never falls below a critical level estimated as x mg.
KOH per gramme for each 1 per cent sulphur content of
the fuel, where x depends on the particular formulation
used. In this way piston cleanlinessis maintained, corrosive ENGINE RUNNING TIME

wear is controlled, and in a suitably formulated oil the Fig. 10. Variation of Alkalinity with Engine Running
oxidation stability maintained at a level sufficient to avoid Time in the Absence of Make-up
the corrosion of copper-lead bearings.
If at any time the alkalinity concentration is allowed to I Observed alkalinities.
I1 Alkalinities which would have been observed in the absence of
fall below the critical level appropriate to the operating oil consumption.

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effect and to draw curve 11, which represents the alkalinity

which would have been observed in the absence of oil con-
sumption. This line is usually straight, that is, the rate of
loss of alkalinity due to neutralization by acid is in fact
independent of the alkalinity of the oil. The rate of the
neutralization reaction may thus be characterized by a rate
of addition of neutralizing acid which is independent of
initial alkalinity level or of time during an engine run.
Additives other than those of the class considered may
behave differently, for example, the neutralization rate may
increase with increasing alkalinity concentration. However,
in the range of most practical importance, up to 2 mg.
KOH per gramme, the rates of neutralization of all the
additives of which the authors have experience are approxi-
mately the same under similar conditions.


For a given engine working at constant speed the rate of
addition of neutralizing acid has been found to be propor- x -x Initial additive content equivalent to 1.6 mg. KOH
per gramme.
tional to the fuel sulphur throughput, that is, to the product
0-0 Initial additive content equivalent to 3.2 mg. KOH
of the fuel consumption rate (quantity per unit time) and per gramme.
of the fuel sulphur content. It appears to be almost in- 0- 0 Initial additive content equivalent to 6.4mg. KOH
dependent of other factors such as oil viscosity and tem- per gramme.
perature and coolant temperature, within the limits which
better agreement at low values of the fuel sulphur content
have been studied in the laboratory up to the present time.
Fig. 11 shows the relation between neutralization rateis obtained if a value of 0.1 is arbitrarily added to the
measured fuel sulphur content, expressed in percentage
and fuel consumptionat constant speed and sulphur content,
while Fig. 12 shows the effect of fuel sulphur content atweight. Secondly, the neutralization rate with the fuel of
constant speed and fuel consumption. the highest sulphur content does depend slightly on the
Concerning Fig. 12, two qualifications must now be initial alkalinity of the oil. This is really a consequence
made to the simple statement that the neutralization rateof the breakdown of the condition discussed under the
is proportional to the fuel sulphur throughput. Firstly, head ‘Minimum Alkalinity Required for a Clean Piston’,
that the- oil circulating round the ring-belt area should
contain some available alkalinity. There is then sufficient


I alkalinity to cope with all the acids present, and further

increases in the allralinity content of the oil have very little
effect on corrosive wear and on piston fouling.

If this condition breaks down there is an excess of acid

IS0 in the ring-belt zone, and this will neutralize all the base
that is supplied to it, that is, the neutralization rate will
z depend on the alkalinity present in the oil. Some of the
U excess of unneutralized acid will cause corrosive wear and
piston fouling, and these will be worse, the lower the alka-
I100 linity concentration in the oil. This was found to be so,
s Fig. 5 is a plot of the piston cleanliness results of the same

experiment, and the relative sensitivity of the piston
cleanliness to additive concentration with the fuel of the
d highest sulphur content can be seen. Any remaining excess
acid may drain to the crankcase and cause wasteful neutrali-
zation there.
It has been seen above that the rate of neutralization of
alkalinity is proportional to the fuel sulphur throughput for
a given engine working at a given speed, subject to the two
- 1
I 0.6 I qualifications. The ratio between the observed neutraliza-
tion rate and the chemical equivalent of the fuel sulphur
Fig. 11. Variation of Rate of Neutralization with Fuel throughput will be called the conversion ratio, and denoted
Throughput by y per cent. That is to say, only y per cent of the fuel

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sulphur which enters the combustion chamber actually distance between the top of the piston and the cylinder
reacts with the additive present in the lubricating oil. It is head, and N the engine speed.
shown in Appendix I that ifthis is known, then the variation The area of the oil film available for absorption of these
of the allralinity with time during an engine run may be sulphur oxides is proportional to XU,and the rate of entry
predicted from a knowledge of other quantities such as fuel of the sulphur acids into the oil film is therefore propor-
and oil consumption which may easily be measured or tional to
estimated. Thus it is important to know the magnitude of F!3
the conversion ratio in Merent cases. The experimental -
method of the determination of the conversion ratio is XN
illusuated in Appendix 11. The time available for the.absorption is proportional to
1/N, and the whole process is repeated with a frequency
proportional to N . The value of y would therefore be
VALUE O F THE CONVERSION FACTOR IN expected to be inversely proportional to XN,other things
VARIOUS CASES being equal.
The following values of the conversion ratio, expressed as a The data on the four-stroke direct-injection trunk engines
percentage, have been observed in a series of Diesel engines show some indications that the conversionfactory decreases
ranging from 3 to 15 inches in bore and from 250 to 2,000 with increasing values of XN,but not so rapidly as predicted
r.p.m. in speed. Each value represents an engine of a by the simple theory outlined above. It will be appreciated
Merent type, and several supercharged engines are that XN does not vary very much from one engine to
included. The arbitrary addition of 0.1 per cent by weight another, so that experimental verification is rather difficult.
to the measured fuel sulphur content has been made in each Tests with varying speeds in the same engine have indicated
case. These values apply to a range of heavy-duty oil that the conversion factor decreases with increasing speed,
formulations, though not necessarily to all of them: but again less rapidly than predicted by the simple theory.

Direct-injection four-stroke trunk engines: 0.090, 0.075, EFFECT O F ADDITION O F MAKE-UP

0.082, 0.080, 0.061, 0.067, 0.077, 0.041, 0.069. In Fig. 10 it was shown that in the absence of oil consump-
Pre-chamber four-stroke uunk engines: 0.155, 0.098, tion, the variation of alkalinity with time in an engine run
0.130, 0.147. would be linear for the class of additive considered in this
Direct-injection two-stroke uunk engines: 0.055, 0.095, paper. The effect of oil consumption is to make the line
0.108. curve downward. During a long run, make-up is added at
Direct-injection four-stroke engine with separate cylinder intervals and this gives a ‘saw-tooth’ curve of the form
feed: 0.074. shown in Fig. 13, curve I. If make-up is added very often,
so that in effect there is a continuous addition of maka-up
It appears that prechamber engines are more severe fiom to balance the continuous loss of oil through consumption,
the depletion aspect in their demands on heavy-duty curve I is smoothed out to give curve 11. It is shown in
lubricating oil than are their direct-injection counterparts. Appendix I that the forms of these curves may be calculated,
Insufficient data have been obtained to make a categorical given a knowledge of the following factors: conversion
statement aboutdirect-injection two-stroke enginesalthough ratio, fuel consumption, fuel sulphur-content, oil con-
the evidence available suggests that this type of engine is sumption, oil charge.
intermediate in severity between four-stroke direct-
injection and prechamba engines.
It will also be apparent from the above figures that there
is still a wide variation within these classes of engine,
however. The data on direct-injection four-stroke trunk
engines are barely adequate for a statistical investigation
while the data on the other classes of engine are inadequate
at the present time. The conversion factor appears to
increase with increasing swirl or turbulence in the cylinder.
On theoretical grounds y would be expected to depend
on engine dimensions and speed. An argument which is
often advanced is that the concentration of sulphur acids
during the working stroke is pmportional to
XZYN Fig. 13. Vuriutionof Alkalinity with Engim Running
Time Showing Effectof Addition of Make-up
where F is the fuel consumption, quantity per unit time,
S the fuel sulphur content, X the bore, Y the effective ---- I1I Make-up added at discrete intervals.
Continuous addition of make-up.

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All these may easily be measured or estimated except the

conversion ratio. This may be known from the experiments
on the same engine, but if it is not known then it is suggested
that the best estimates at present available are the means
of the values given above for the various classes of engine:
Direct-injection four-stroke engines 0.07 per cent
Prechamber four-stroke engines . 0.13 per cent
Direct-injection two-stroke engines 0.10 per cent
If the alkalinity concentration of the make-up oil is high
enough, the continuous curve tends towards a limiting
value after some time, while the saw-tooth curve oscillates
between two limiting values, corresponding to the con-
centrations just before, and just after, make-up. An example
of the experimental verification of the relations derived
theoretically in Appendix I is given in Appendix 11.
If C, is the alkalinity concentration in the make-up oil,
y the conversion ratio per cent, S the fuel sulphur content
per cent by weight, f the ratio of the fuel consumption to
the oil consumption, and Q a safety factor depending on the
make-up procedure, then the limiting value of the alkalinity FUEL SULPHUR CONTENT-PER CENT WEIGHT

concentration after a long time is Fig. 14. Fuel Sulphur Content Against Oil Consumption
C,-A’ Required for Indefinite Oil-drain Period
where A’ = 0*35yfQ(S+0.1) Initial alkalinity level of oil, mg. KOH per gramme.
In practice, the allralinity concentration of the make-up
oil is usually the same as that in the initial oil charge, so that If an oil of lower initial alkalinity content than that
the final value of the drop in alkalinity concentration is indicated by the above considerations is used, then an oil-
simply A’. In these circumstances, the drop is 85 per cent change period dictated by considerations of additive
of A‘ after the engine has consumed a quantity of oil equal effectivenessmay be calculated from the equations given in
to twice the original oil charge, or 95 per cent of A’ after Appendix I. However, slight variations in the quantities
it has consumed three times the original charge. In such involved may lead to large variations in the calculated oil-
cases the oil may be selected by means of the simple equa- change period.
tion already given, as explained in the following section. It is emphasized that oil must still be changed when
indicated by other considerations, for example, contamina-
RECOMMENDATIONS OF OILS A N D OIL- tion with fuel, coolant, or abrasives.
CHANGE P E R I O D S FOR INDIVIDUAL C A S E S In some cases the oil-change period dictated by these
If the limiting value of the allralinity concentration is not other considerations may not be long compared with the
less than the critical value, 1 mg. KOH per gramme for time necessary to consume a volume of oil equal to that of
each 1 per cent of sulphur in the fuel, for the class of addi- the original crankcase charge. The minimum alkalinity level
tive considered, then the oil-change period will not be of the oil for the maintenance of additive effectiveness
limited by the exhaustion of the additive. The minimum throughout the oil-change period is then no longer deter-
alkalinity level of the fresh d l is thus given by mined by the formulae given above, but must be evaluated
by means of the equations given in Appendix I.
C, =.S+A’
It is important to note that raising the sulphur content of
= S+O*35yQf(S+O*l) fuel does not necessarily entail any disadvantages in the
Thus for a given type of engine with a given make-up operation of an engine, and frequently it may well be more
practice, y Q is fixed, and a family of curves may be con- economic to use a fuel of higher sulphur content (even if, as
structed, giving the alkalinity concentration in the fresh may sometimes be the case, it is desirable to use an oil of
oil necessary for any combination of fuel sulphur content higher additive content). In many cases it is not necessary
and fuel/oil consumption ratio. This is illustrated in Fig. 14. to match an increase in fuel sulphur content with a higher
In practice it is obviously uneconomic to market a large additive content in the lubricating oil. MIL-L-2104A oils
number of oils differing only slightly in alkalinity content. give satisfactory results with fuels of up to 1per cent sulphur
Thus convenient ‘steps’ in additive concentration are in many applications in which oil-change period is not
adopted for marketing purposes and the various brand limited by additive exhaustion but by oil contamination.
references can replace the actual alkalinity levels given in The most familiar examples of this occur in automotive
the figure. For those concerned with specific recommenda- operation, in which engines generally have an oil-
tions in the field this facilitates considerably the selection consumption rate of around 1 per cent of the fuel consump-
of the most suitable oil for a given application. tion and under conditions of normal use, MIL-L-2104A

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oils give an indefinite oil-change period with fuels containing presence of water may react with alkaline additives. One
up to 1 per cent by weight of sulphur. These sulphur levels possible mechanism for the entry of sulphur acids into the
could be appreciably higher or, alternatively, the oil con- oil and the subsequent reaction with alkaline additives is
sumptions appreciably lower, when oils of level Supple- that sulphur dioxide enters the interface between oil and
ment I are used. combustion gases and diffuses into the oil where it may be
Owing to the low conversion ratio for the neutralization neutralized by the additive. Some experiments on the
of the alkalinity in the lubricating oil, it is always more diffusion and reaction rate of sulphur dioxide in films of oil
economic to incorporate the alkalinity in the oil than in the undertaken in the chemical laboratory show that this is
fuel. far too slow to account for the observed reaction rate, about
1,000 times too slow, in fact. It is therefore necessary to look
OILS FOR THE SPECIAL CASE O F for another picture of what happens.
SEPARATELY LUBRICATED CYLINDERS The lubricating oil of a trunk engine is found to contain
A typical problem is that of marine engines. These are a proportion of the non-volatile combustion products of any
usually big engines with separate cylinder lubrication, and substance which may have been added to the fuel. Thus in a
there is an increasing tendency towards the use of heavy gasoline engine between 5 and 10 per cent of the lead
fuels with high sulphur contents. An oil of very high supplied with the fuel may afterwards be found in the
alkalinity content is required to reduce the severe corrosive lubricating oil, or in the sludge trapped by the lubricating-
wear and piston fouling encountered under these conditions. oil filter. Some experiments have been undertaken using
Let R be the rate of supply of oil to the cylinders, C the leaded fuel in Diesel engines, with similar results. One
alkalinity concentration of the oil supplied to the cylinder, obvious sulphur-containing material of moderately low
F the rate of fuel consumption, in the same units as R, and volatility likely to be present in the combustion chamber is
S the fuel sulphur content, per cent by weight. sulphuric acid. It is known that even a few parts per million
The rate of supply of alkalinity must balance the rate of of sulphur trioxide present in water vapour (which need
neutralization by sulphur acids, thus not be saturated) will condense as strong sulphuric acid
CR = 0.35yFS (Appendix I) (Johnstone 1929). Thus sulphur trioxide formed by com-
bustion of the sulphur in the engine may be expected to
The limited data available in engines of this class suggest
condense with water vapour, which is always present from
that y may be put equal to 0.08 per cent approximately, and
combustion of hydrogen in the fuel, to form droplets of
CR = 0.028FS sulphuric acid which will behave as the low-volatile materials
The ratio of oil supply to fuel consumption normally varies referred to above. That is to say, about one-tenth of the
between 0.2 and 0-6per cent, so that the value of C required sulphuric acid formed will appear in the lubricating oil. If
varies between 14s and 4.7s.For a fuel containing 3 per it is assumed that of the total sulphur burnt in the engine
cent sulphur the alkalinity concentration required may be 1 per cent is converted to sulphur trioxide then about 0.1
as much as 42 mg. KOH per gramme, which is many times per cent of the fuel sulphur would appear in the lubricant
that required for a series I1 crankcase oil. as sulphuric acid which would neutralize the alkaline
Since a marine lubricant must be capable of dealing with additive so accounting for the observed values of Y . It must
the worst possible case, an alkalinity concentration of the be stressed that orders of magnitude are being considered
order of 40-50 mg. KOH per gramme is necessary. Although throughout this section, and that an error of 2 or 3 to 1 is
at first sight it might seem possible to obtain sufficient tolerable.
alkalinity by using high concentrations of conventional The figure of 1 per cent conversionof sulphur to sulphuric
additives, possibly coupled with a higher rate of oil delivery, acid, which is the crux of this argument, may be thought
this would be too expensive to present a practicable solution low, as rather higher proportions of sulphur as trioxide have
to the problem. One method of providing the necessary been reported in exhaust gases. However, it seems that
alkalinity, which has been very successful, is to use an oxidation of sulphur dioxide to sulphur trioxide may occur
emulsion of a strong aqueous solution of an alkaline material after the gas has left the engine, and that the composition of
in the cylinder oil (van der Zijden and Kelly 1956). the exhaust gas does not necessarily relate to conditions on
the cylinder walls (van der Zijden, van Hinte, and van den
THEABSOLUTEVALUEOFTHE Ende 1950). In these circumstances the postulated mecha-
CONVERSION RATIO nism of additive depletion seems reasonable.
The main argument of the paper has now been concluded That sulphuric acid is the main factor causing depletion
but it is tempting to speculate on the factors underlying the is borne out by the experimental observation that at least
order of magnitude of the values found for the conversion half of the neutralization products are sulphates. Sulphuric
ratio y. Since the observed rate of alkalinity neutralization acid would cause corrosive wear and aggravate piston
is approximately proportional to the sulphur throughput of fouling unless it were neutralized by the alkaline additive.
the engine, it seems likely that the oxides of sulphur and Such neutralization is practicable, as in the oil fdm on the
the corresponding acids are responsible for neutralizing the cylinder walls there will normally be an excess of alkalinity
additive. over the small amount of sulphuric acid formed. An oil-film
Sulphur dioxide is soluble in lubricating oils, and in the thickness of about 1 micron would be suffcient.

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However, some sulphur dioxide or sulphurous acid a given engine so permitting the most economic application
probably enters the oil film.Fortunately the rate of reaction of the lubricating oil. Further evidence is being accumulated
with alkaline additive seems to be very slow, and most of the continuously, and as time goes on it is hoped that predic-
sulphur dioxide must evaporate from the oil film when the tions may be made with greater accuracy. In order to do
gas pressure in the cylinder is released at the end of this it may well be necessary to take into account detailed
the working stroke. Fortunately, again, the sulphur dioxide factors in the engine design to an extent not possible at the
or sulphurous acid does not seem to do much harm in the present moment.
form of corrosive wear or piston fouling, at least under the It is hoped that this paper will have given food for
conditions prevailing in most Diesel engines. thought particularly in connexion with the most economic
It should be emphasized that most of the views expressed use of additive-type oils so that neither additive nor base
in this section are purely speculative in that direct evidence oil is needlessly wasted. This end can best be achieved by
in their support is very difficult to obtain. selecting an oil with an adequate level of performance from
considerations of anti-wear, cleanliness, and stability to
CONCLUSIONS permit the oil-drain period to be determined by the level
It is evident from the work described that it is possible to of contamination. In the case of installations or railroads
relate additive depletion to various engine-design and where very efficient filtration coupled with frequent oil-
engine-operating factors and thereby ensure satisfactory analysis is practised almost indefinite sump-change periods
results with additive-type lubricants. Furthermore, it has are possible.
been shown that when heavy-duty oils are used over In conclusion it is suggested that the differences of rates
extended periods, the deterioration in engine condition is of depletion with different types of combustion system
not necessarily a gradual process permitting considerable merit further examination and consideration by engine
latitude in oil-drain practice, but may be a relatively rapid designers.
one which can lead to catastrophic results in severely rated
engines. The proper selection of oils and oil-change periods ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
is therefore very important. Thanks are due to the directors of ‘Shell’ Research, Ltd.,
With many heavy-duty oil formulations the concentra- for permission to publish this paper. The co-operation of
tion of alkalinity may be used as a criterion of the effective- many colleagues, in particular Mr. J. Hughes and Mr. R.
ness of the additives. The allralinity level falls during Smith, is gratefully acknowledged.
service and for satisfactory operation it must be kept above
a certain minim- value.
The variation of the alkalinity concentration with time APPENDIX I
during an engine run may be predicted approximately. The
quantities concerned: fuel and oil consumption rates, fuel P R E D I C T I O N OF THE V A R I A T I O N OF A L K A L I N I T Y
sulphur contents, oil charge, etc., are easily measured or
estimated, and the calculations are relatively simpIe to carry Definitions of Symbols Used.
out. y per cent Conversion ratio, that is, the ratio between the rate of
The initial rate of neutralization depends on the fuel- neutralization of additive in the crankcase and the
chemical equivalent of the fuel sulphur throughput.
sulphur throughput, but after the engine has been running F Fuel-consumption rate, quantity per unit time or
for some time the alkalinity concentration depends strongly distance.
on the oil-consumption rate. Two-stroke engines and four- S per cent Fuel sulphur content, with an arbitrary addition of
stroke engines with prechambers, give higher neutralization 0.1 per cent by weight.
rates than do four-stroke direct-injection engines. Thus the R Oil-consumption rate, quantity per unit time or
distance (same units as F).
neutralization rate tends to increase with increasing com- L Oil charge.
bustion-chamber swirl. M Rate of addition of make-up, same units as R.
Although most of the work has been done using medium- t Running time or distance since the last oil-change.
and high-speed Diesel engines and distillate fuels the con- tl Time interval between successive additions of make-
up oil.
clusions are thought to be valid if fuels containing residual q = Rtl/Lo Make-up added in each individual operation expressed
components are used. Furthermore, similar theoretical con- as a fraction of the nominal oil charge.
siderations appear to apply to the separate cylinder lubrica- C Alkalinity concentration of the crankcase oil, mg.
tion of large engines such as marine-type Diesel engines. KOH per gramme.
The results are only approximate, but have already proved Chi M t y concentration of the make-up oil, mg.
KOH per gramme.
successful in predicting e n g i n e 4 requirements. It is
Subscript 0 refers to the initial state. It will also be convenient
interesting to note that the oil-change periods calculated to use the following quantities:
from the above considerations have nearly always been in A = 0.35yFS/R
line with the engine manufacturers’ recommendations. D = A log, (1 -4)
However, such recommendations are of necessity general F, R, L, and t must be in consistent units.
in nature and the methods described in this paper make it A has the dimensions of concentration and the numerical
possible to take into account the particular circumstances of coefficientis appropriate to its expressionin mg. KOH per gramme.

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Rate of Neutralizaria. The fuel sulphur throughput is The limiting value of C(b),the lowest alkalinity concentration
reached during the make-up period, is
-FS units of sulphur per unit of oil per unit of time
This is equivalent to A' = AQ = -- 0.35yFS log, (1 -4)
FS 112 R 4
looLX 32 units KOH per unit of oil per unit of time
For the case of continuous make-up, the asymptotic value of C
FS 112 was
or x 32 x 1,OOO mg. KOH per gramme per Unit of time C, =CM-A
The rate of neutralization is y per cent of this, The important condition is that C should never fall below a
critical value, and interest is therefore concentrated on the lowest
value reached during a make-up period.
Thus Q may be regarded as a correction factor for the make-up
.- 0.3y mg. KOH per gramme per unit of time
practice. The variation of this factor with q, the amount added at
each individual make-up expressed as a fraction of the nominal
crankcase-charge, is given in Table 1.
Continuous Addizion of Make-up. It is assumed that the oil
consumed carries with it an amount of alkalinity equal to the Table I . Variation of Correction Factor wilh Make-up
product of the amount of oil lost and the alkalinity concentration
in the crankcase at that time. Most of the oil is lost from the Expressed as a Fraction of Nm'nal Crankcase Charge
cylinder zone where the alkalinity concentration is less than in
the crankcase. In Appendix 111 it will be shown that this does not q l Q
affect the form of the curves of alkalinity against running time.
It is further assumed that F, R, and M are approximately 0.1 1.06
constant when averaged over intervals of time short compared 0.2 1.12
0.3 1.19
with r itself. 0.4 1.28
The balance of total alkalinity in the crankcase gives 0.5 1.39
;rt(LC) = M C M - R C - O O ~ ~ ~ F S
but L = Lo -(R -M)t and hence
[Lo-(R--M)~]~+MC = MC~-0'35yFs . (1)
Two alternative values of M will now be considered in turn.
(1) No make-up. M = 0 and equation (1) becomes
(b-Rr);iS- = -0.35yFS
The solution to this with C = COat t = 0 is

where A = 0.35yFS/R.
(2) Make-up equal to the oil consumption. Equation (1) with
M = R becomes
L z +RC = RCM-0.35yFS
where L is now constant, = &.
The solution is
c = cM-A+(A-cM+co)C(-~) . . (3)
where again A = 0.35yFSIR.
Addition of Make-up in Discrete Amounts at Intervals. The
make-up period t l and the rate of oil consumption R will be
assumed to be constant.
If the alkalinity concentration at the end of the nth period, that
is, after time t = ntl is C(b, n) before make-up and C(a, n) after
make-up, then consideration of the neutralization process gives
C(b, n) = C(a, n -1)+D, from equation (2)
0.35yFS log, (1 -q)
where D=
q = 1- 0.1 1.11
0.3 1.36
Consideration of the make-up process gives
0.4 1.51
C(a, n) = (1 -q)C(b, n) +qcM 0.5 1.70
Thus it may be shown that
C(b, n) = cM+(l-q)"-'(co-c~)+[1-(1-q)"lD/q
C(a, n) = cM+(l-~)"(cO-~M)+[l-(l-q)"lD(l-~)/q Recmendations for Oils and Oil-change Periods. The alkalinity
. . . (4) concentration CMrequired in the make-up oil in order that the oil-

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change period should not be limited by exhaustion of the additive Table 4. Alkalinity Concmtration Mg. KOH per Grarnme
has already been given in the text : of Oil Sample
CM-(O.~~YFSQ/R) =S
CM E: S(1+0*35yfQ) . . . . (5) Run No. 1 RunNo.2 I RunNo.3 I RunNo.4
where f = FIR. This applies if the oil-change period is long
compared with the time required to consume a volume of oil equal
to the original crankcase charge. Time,
Alka- Time,
-I I
Time, Alka-
If an oil of lower alkalinity-concentration is used, the oil-change hours linity hours hours linity
period T, determined solely by considerations of additive exhaus- -
tion, may be calculated from the equations given below. The same 50 1.66 45 50 2.42
equations may be used to determine the alkalinity concentrations 100 1a75 180 100 1.93
200 1-27 360 150 1.73
in the fresh oil CMand Coyfor a value of the oil-change period T 400 0-45 430 300 1*29
dictated by other considerations, in the case where T is not long 580 0.10 475 400 0.75
compared with the time required to consume a quantity of oil 550 500 0.39
equal to the original crankcase charge. 650 600 0.12
(a) Continuous make-up: I

The intercept at x = 1 obviously gives CO.It is advisable to

from equation (3) with C = S. treat COas an unknown quantity, to be determined experimentally.
(b) Make-up at constant intervals: The initial oil charge is usually mixed with a certain amount of oil
from the previous charge, particularly in field tests as opposed to
T=- 2.303L [(F)]
QR log S-CM+AQ

where Q = --log, (1 -q)
labomtory tests.
If the make-up is added at constant intervals, and if samples are
available either just before, or just after, the addition of make-up,
from equations (4) with Ccb, nl = S. equations (4) may be used. However, if the make-up is not known
(c) Rate of oil consumption negligible, that is, RT small compared to be regukr, then equations (3) should be used as in the present
with L: example. The effect of sampling at different positions in the make-
up cycle will increase the scatter of the points.
A statistical analysis shows that there is no evidence that the
relation between alkalinity concentration and x is different in run 2
from equation (1) with R = 0 = MyC = S.

This example illustrates the verification of the formula developed
in Appendix I and the determination of the conversion ratio.
Small samples of the crankcase lubricating oil were taken at intervals
from a 900-b.h.p. engine employed on power-house duties. The
operating conditions are given in Table 3.

Table 3. Engine Operatinn Conditions

Mean fuel consumption
Mean oil consumption
302 pints per hr.
4.4 pints per hr.
Oil charge .
Fuel sulphur content
240 gallons = 1,920 pints
First and last 3 hour of each g-hour
period, 0.7 per cent. Remaining
8 hours, 2.5 per cent by weight

The effective mean fuel sulphur content was therefore

0.7+8 X2-5 = 2.3
and the addition of the arbitrary correction of 0-1per cent by
weight increases this to 2-4 per cent by weight.
The alkalinity determinations on the samples gave the results
shown in Table 4.
These results are plotted in Fig. 15 in the form of a graph of 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
alkalinity concentration against the quantity EXP (- R f/L)
x = e(-RtlL)
where R is the oil consumption rate, t the engine running time,
Fig. 15. Variation of Alkalinity with Time During
and L the sump charge. Four Runs on a Power-house Engine
It appears from equation (3) that this should give a straight x Run No. 1 RunNo.3
line, the intercept at x = 0 giving 0 RunNo.2) Run No. 4}
CM-A R Oil consumption rate.
and the slope giving t Engine running time.
A -cM +cO L Crankcase oil charge.

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from that in run 1. Similarly, the relation in run 3 does not differ where t is the engine running time. The balance of alkalinity in the
significantly from that in run 4. The relation in runs 1 and 2, crankcase gives
however, differs significantly from that in runs 3 and 4. There is dcz = RCo-PCz+(P-R)C,
no evidence that these relations are not linear. L27T
The residual mean square about the two regression lines is The exact solutions to these equations are rather cumbersome,
0.0127 with 19 deg. of freedom, and the corresponding standard but an approximate solution may be obtained very simply if L I ,
deviation estimate is 0.11 mg. KOH per gramme. These error the quantity of oil in the ring-belt zone, is a s s h e d to be very
estimates may be compared with a mean square of Oa018 estimated small. This gives
from a laboratory determination of the repeatability of the analytical C2-C1 = L !
procedure, and of an estimate of the residual variance about the I’
regression lines of 0.0027 with 51 deg. of freedom from a typical
laboratory e q i n e experiment. The higher error variance estimate
obtained here no doubt reflects the lack of control of the make-up where 02 = a l ( l - R / P )
procedure as discussed above and also variations of fuel and oil
consumption rates with time. However, the linearity of the The solution for C2 if CZ = COat time t = 0 is
relation confirms the applicability of the equations developed in
Appendix I.
The regression equations connecting the alkalinity concentration Comparison with equation (3) shows that the effective rate of
with x are neutralization of allralinity in the crankcase is
runs 1 and 2, 2.79~-0.62 02 al(l-R/P)
runs 3 and 4, 3.19~-0.53 These approximate solutions may be shown to hold after a time
The alkalinity concentration in the make-up oil was 3.4 mg. long compared with
KOH per gramme, so the estimates of A arc 4.0for runs 1 and 2 Ll L2
and 3.9 for runs 3 and 4. These are obtained by equating the P(LI +L2)
intercept at x = 0 to If Cmin is the minimum alkalinity concentration in the crankcase
CM-A oil to ensure a clean piston, then
The initial concentrations COare estimated from the intercepts a1
Cmin = p
at x = 1, and the values are 2.2 for runs 1 and 2 and 2.7 for runs 3
and 4. The oil of the initial charge was nominally identical with
the make-up oil and it is suspected that considerable mixing with and
the previous oil charge had taken place. Between 20 and 35 per
cent of the oil in the crankcase at the beginning of the run must Thus p-R= %
have been left over from the previous charge if this explanation is Cmin
correct, assuming that this oil contained no alkalinity or acidity. from which (P-R) may be calculated from 0 2 , the observed rare
An alternative explanation is that the rate of neutralization of of neutralization of alkalinity in the crankcase, and Cmin, the
fresh alkalinity at the start of the run (less than 50 hours) was very critical alkalinity concentration in the crankcase for a clean piston.
much more rapid than during the later stages (more than 50 hours’ In practice, the piston cleanliness merit rating is plotted against
running time). However, this phenomenon has never been the ratio C / D , where C is the alkalinity concentration in the crank-
observed in carefully controlled taboratory tests. case oil and D is the depletion rate. The value of this ratio when
A further point is that the initial concentration of 3.4 mg. the piston cleanliness approaches its maximum value gives
KOH per gramme corresponds in effect to a concentration after LzI(P-R).
adding make-up. If the sampling times are randomly distributed For different engines of the same class
over the make-up period the experimental line will be biased 0 2 = 0.35yFS
below the ‘continuous make-up’ line. This would explain some of where F is the fuel consumption rate, quantity per unit time,
the apparent dilution, but it is dimcult to calculate the magnitude S the sulphur content, per cent by weight, and y is approximately
of the effect. constant, 2 0.1 per cent.
The conversion ratio may be estimated from the value of A. The working rule which has been established is
FS Cmin = S
Thus 4.0 = 0 . 3 5 ~ -
R P-R = 0.35yF 2 0.035F
with F = 302, R = 4.4, S = 2.4. Thus ( P - R ) should be approximately 3) per cent of the fuel
Thus y = 0.069 per cent. consumption.

O I L C I R C U L A T I O X RATES BROEZE,J. J., and WILSON,A. 1948-49 Proc. I.Mech.E., Auto-
mobile Division, vol. 111, p. 128, ‘Sulphur in Diesel Fuels’.
A simplified model is shown in Fig. 7. The flow of oil up to the DENISON,G. H., and KAVANACH, F. W. 1955 Fourth World
ring-belt zone is represented by a rate of flow P. The ring-belt Petroleum Congress, Rome, Section VI/c, Reprint No. I,
zone contains a weight L I of oil with an alkalinity concentration CI, ‘Recent Trends in Automotive Lubricating41 Research’.
and depleting acid is added at the rate 01. Oil is consumed from EDGAR,J. A. 1957 1.Mech.E. Conference on Lubrication and
this zone at the rate R,carrying with it the appropriate amount of Wear, Paper No. 2, ‘Control of Wear in Piston Engines’.
alkalinity, and the remainder of the oil returns to the crankcase at JOHNSTONE, H. F. 1929 University of Illinois, Eng. Experi-
a rate (P-R). mental Station Circular No. 20.
The crankcase contains a weight L2 of oil with an alkalinity VAN DER ZIJDEN,M. J., and KELLY,A. A. 1956 Trans. Inst.
concentration C2, and make-up of fresh oil with an alkalinity con- Mar. Eng., vol. 68, p. 272, ‘Combating Cylinder Wear and
centration Co is added at a rate K to counterbalance consumption. Fouling in Large Low-speed Diesel Engines’.
T h e balance of alkalinity in the ring-belt zone gives VANDER ZIJDEN,M. J., VANHINTE, J. E., and V m DEN ENDE,J. C.
dC 1950 JI. Inst. Petroleum, vol. 36, p. 561, ‘SO2 and SO3 in
L1-I = PC2--PC,--a1
dt Exhaust Gases of Internal Combustion Engines’.

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Mr. K. T. Arter, B.Sc. (Eng.) (Member), said that the factor. Some tests he had made before the 1939-45 war,
paper was particularly well chosen for a joint meeting of using a straight mineral oil, indicated that solid contami-
the Lubrication and Internal Combustion Engine Groups. nants in the crankcase oil were a function of fuel consump-
Engineers were inclined to take for granted the complex tion, but the ratio increased toward full load and as the
chemical reactions which accompanied the release of energy exhaust smoke limit was reached.
in the cylinder, probably because they were not sufficiently Those results were published (Arter 1943-44)*. He
well understood. In modern high-duty engines the oil not would quote three points from the curve. At 70 lb. per sq.
only had to lubricate and cool the moving parts; it had also in. b.m.e.p. the contaminants in the crankcase oil were
actively to interfere with those high-temperature reactions 0.01 per cent of the fuel throughput. At normal full load of
so as to render the end products harmless. Many different 93 lb. per sq. in. b.m.e.p. they were 0.03 per cent, and with
additives were in use for that purpose. a smoky exhaust at 98 lb. per sq. in. they went up to 0.1 per
The concept of additive depletion was well known, but cent, or ten times the figure at 70 lb. per sq. in.
the authors’ use of mathematical equations for predicting
that factor according to operating conditions was both new Mr. L. Martland (Member) said that the work involved
and interesting. Their method was evidently based on com- in seeking the data presented must have taken very many
prehensive tests, but it was clearly confined to experience months, and probably years, of patient and exacting work.
with one particular class of heavy-duty oil, and they had The result was an eminent addition to current knowledge
acknowledged in the paper that allralinity was not a criterion of the inner mysterious workings of the internal-combustion
in all cases. engine.
There were, in fact, other classes of additives which It would seem that degree of alkalinity could be taken as
might be acidic and which achieved the same purpose in the a measure of detergency, at least so far as sulphur product
engine by different chemical reactions. Some of those had neutralization was concerned.
performed well in service tests, and easily met the require- T o understand better the utility of the work done he had
ments of the standard engine approval test. applied the principle to a widely used four-cylinder, four-
To quote but one example,bne of those additives, in stroke, direct-injection automotive Diesel engine, in order
approximately4 per cent concentration,gave a MIL-L-2104 to compare the authors’ findings with actual recorded
level of cleanliness, although the new oil had an acid number practical results in road-vehicle service. The outcome was
of 2 mg. KOH per gramme. There was no evidence to sufficiently interesting to justify summarizing the exercise.
suggest that heavy-duty oils of that type suffered depletion The cited engine used MIL-L-2104A oil, its initial oil
at any greater rate than those covered by the paper. He fill was 16 pints, the recommended oil-change period was
would like to ask the authors if they had had experience of 5,000 miles, the average use of fuel was 18 m.p.g., and oil
such additives and whether they would agree with that make-up was 0.22 per cent of fuel used by weight. No stuck
point of view. rings or varnish on pistons were recorded in the logs of
The authors were fortunate in having such comprehensive those engines which were used in normal service vehicles.
test facilities at their disposal. It would be interesting to First the formula given in the paper was used for limiting
know roughly how many engine running hours were repre- value of allralinity as Cm-0.35yfe(S+p. 1). C,,, was the
sented in the data used in the paper, as the figure would be alkalinity of the oil used, which averaged out at 4 mg.
likely to be impressive. KOH per gramme of oil for that particular usage. It
He would also like to ask their opinion of the single- was also convenient to think of it as 4 parts per 1,OOO by
cylinder engine test on which all Army and Navy acceptances weight of oil; y was the percentage of total fuel sulphur
were based. Because of the world-wide implications of such neutralized by sump oil and in that four-stroke direct-
approvals, the test procedures in that engine had gained injection engine amounted to 0.07 per cent as given in the
universal acceptance, and he wondered how far those tests paper j f was the ratio of fuel used to oil used which in that
correlated with full-scale performance. case was 100/0.22; Q was the correction factor depending
He questioned whether that additive depletion rate was * !rter, K. T. 1943-44 Proc. Inst. Automobile Eng., vol. 38, p . 13,
proportional to total fuel throughput, regardless of load Heaty-duty Motor Oils’.

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on oil usage. The make-up in that engine was usually 1 pint the change period 10,000 miles, in that milage gallons
on a total sump fill of 16 pints giving a q ratio of 0.0625. of oil would be used, against 54 gallons with 0-22 per cent
That figure was not recorded in the table given in the paper, oil usage and 5,000-mile oil-change periods.
but by interpolation Q was evaluated as 1-06, taking a mean On the cited engine, then, service experience agreed
between the lines for irregular and regular oil additions. generally with the paper, and it was more economic to
From Appendix I Q has thence been evaluated as 1.06. have the low oil consumption and 5,000-mile oil changes,
S was the percentage sulphur in the fuel, and 1 per cent than the 1 per cent oil usage for indefinite-alkalinity safe-
was taken as a maximum for the purpose of that exercise. guard. As the authors emphasized, it was essential to change
Evaluating the oil for other reasons than alkalinity level.
~ = 4-13 = -9
4 - 0 * 3 5 ~ 0 . 0 7 ~ - X 1 . 0 6 1.01 Mr. A. Wilson, M.Eng. (Associate Member),said that
0.22 almost ten years previously Professor Broeze and he had
At that point it had almost been recommended that the presented a paper before the Institution on the subject of
engine be taken out of production, because that meant that ‘Sulphur in Diesel Fuels’ (Broeze and Wilson 1948-49)*.
the low oil consumption of the engine caused exhaustion In that paper they had given quantitative information on the
of the oil additive, and increasing acidity. effects of sulphur and recommended three possible course,
The same formula was then used to check the calculation, of action to cope with the problem: (1) redurnon of the
by reference to the statement under ‘Recommendations of sulphur content by refinery treatment; (2) metallurgical
Oils and Oil-change Periods for Individual Cases’ which protection for engine parts; and (3) the use of appropriate
said that automotive engines with oil consumption about additive-type oils to counteract the effect of sulphur.
1 per cent of fuel consumption and using MIL-L-2104A It was interesting to observe that desulphurization of
oils gave an indefinite oil-change period with fuels up to the higher quality Diesel fuels had become an established
1 per cent sulphur. process, that chromium plating of rings or liners had been
Inserting the same values in the formula as before except widely adopted in engines, while the authors had given a
for f, the fuel to oil usage ratio, which was now lOO/l, the detailed exposition on the effectiveness of additive lubricat-
result was ing oils in dealing with the problem of sulphur.
~ = 4-2.85
4 - 0 . 3 5 ~ 0 . 0 7 ~1 0 0 1~. 0 6 1.01 The point he wished to make concerned the economic
= 1-15 parts of KOH to 1,000 parts oil balance between the first and last of those methods : i.e. the
justification for sulphur removal in relation to the universal
According to the paper, that minimum value was above
use of additive oils. Treament of Diesel fuel to remove
the 1 part required to neutralize 1 per cent sulphur in fuel, sulphur inevitably was an expensive process and the greater
and thence bore out the claims in respect of that type of the removal the higher the cost. As had been shown in the
direct-injection four-stroke automotive engine if the oil
paper, additive oils could be used to combat sulphur and the
usage was 1 per cent of fuel. greater the amount of sulphur the greater the additive
The state of alkalinity of the sump oil with varying oil- consumption.
change periods had then to be investigated, such as 5,000
The question which arose was: How far to proceed with
miles, 6,000 miles, etc., on the actual oil usage rate of the
desulphurization of the fud as opposed to making use of the
engine, which was 0.22 per cent. T o do that they had
additive for combating the effects of sulphur 3 Both methods
developed a formula from first principles, which agreed
were expensive and there would be an optimum from the
closely with the data in the paper. For the cited engine that economic point of view.
formula simplified as follows : As the paper showed, there were other very potent
Sump alkalinity in parts KOH per 1O , OO of oil, when oil
reasons for employing additive oils such as inhibition of oil
change was after N miles, was given by oxidation, prevention of ring sticking, and maintenance of a
4-0.00041N high degree of engine cleanliness, all of which were un-
Which gave allralinity 1.85 after 5,000 miles, 1.42 after obtainable by any other means. If those reasons alone were
6,000 miles, 0.99 after 7,000 miles. accepted as being an economic justification for the use of
The critical milage was thus 7,000 and an oil change at additive type oils in contemporary engines, then free use
5,000 was quite safe with a 2,000-mile margin for insurance. of their properties for dealing with some portion of the
At 7,000 miles, therefore, that particular engine would reach sulphur could be made. Considering the case of an auto-
the limiting value of being able to neutralize the 1 per cent motive-type Diesel engine using Class A fuel, experimental
sulphur in the fuel. At that time fuels showed an average work had shown that the current qualities of additive oil
allralinity of about 0.45 and a maximum of 0-5, which, of could deal effectively with fuels having sulphur content of
course, gave a much better insurance on that type of engine. up to 1.0 per cent in many types of Diesel engine. In the
It was not worked out, but the safety margin, the milage engines most sensitive to fuel, using those additive oils,
which could be run over and above the recommended that level might be reduced in extreme cases to 0.5 per cent
change period of 5,000 miles, must have been multiplied with some margin in hand. There would appear to be no
several times. * Broeze’J. J., and Wilson, A . 1948-49 Proc. Automobile Division
If on the cited engine, the oil usage were 1 per cent and I.Mech.E., p . 1.28, ‘Sulphur in Diesel Fuels’.

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point, therefore, in taking the expensive desulphurization mechanical rubbing action and he would have thought that
process beyond that level. The additive was already in the that applied also to the movement of the rings in their
oil, and full economic use should be made of it. grooves. Surely, if the reason given at the close of the
section on ‘What Happens to the Piston as the Alkalinity
Mr. I. F. Hay, A.I.E.E., said that he had a particular is Neutralized’ were-the full story, some cleaning up -of the
interest in additive oils and two-cycle engines. He felt sure grooves should have occurred.
that the work at the Thornton Research Centre had been It had been noted that the results given in Figs. 5 and 6
most accurately carried out but in his experience there were the means of runs under different conditions of
seemed to be a lack of accurate information generally upon lubricant viscosity and jacket temperature. He would be
the use of lubricating oils in two-cycle engines. glad if the authors would give details of the individual
He wished to ask whether the wear rates, or alkalinity effects of those variables.
rates quoted, were for the loop scavenge type of two-cycle It had been stated in the paper that the oil circulation
engine or whether they were for uniflow engines. rate appeared to be independent of engine speed. From the
The reference to swirl in the combustion chambers pro- context it seemed that circulation rate was expressed in
ducing increased wear gave rise to the interpretation that units of volume flow in a given time and, if that were so,
extended passage of the gas across the film of lubricating oil some additional explanation of the results would be wel-
produced a considerably higher rate of acid absorption. come. Surely, the quantity of oil passing through the ring
Loop scavenge engines would appear to have the longest belt depended largely on the engine speed and not oli
path for the gas and would be expected to have the greater time alone. Perhaps the test conditions affected the results
absorption rate of acidity. He would welcome the authors’ recorded and he wondered whether the authors considered
comments on that. that their observations in general were directly applicable to
There seemed to be no reference to temperature in the automotive engines, and whether they could explain further
paper, and he wondered what was the relation there. The the differences in the conversion ratio values shown for
previous speaker had referred to load, and presumably that various engine types.
had ?a close bearing on the temperature. He wondered
whether it would be possible to have something which would Mr. A. Towle, M.Sc. (Eng.) (Member), said that the
correlate the temperature of the cylinder walls and the rate paper had developed a new line of thought as to the
of absorption of acid by the oil. time at which it was desirable to make oil changes, but he
wished to utter a word of warning to those oil users and
Mr. G. K. Martlew (Associate Member), speaking as an possibly to some of the smaller oil companies also who might
engine manufacturer, said that the paper made an im- be tempted, as a result of the paper, to regard alkalinity as
portant contribution to the knowledge of what happened the only feature covering the performance of an oil. It
under service conditions. clearly was not so and it was, of course, possible to have an
One of the remarks made in the opening paragraph had oil of high alkalinity level, made, for example, by the
served to emphasize a difference in approach to lubrication addition of caustic soda to the base oil, which would be
problems. In Britain it had been usual to make engines run extremely corrosive in service. That example was not so
on whatever types of lubricant were currently available in ludicrous as it sounded, as he had recently found out when
the areas of the world in which it was hoped to sell them. investigating a series of complaints on almost new engines
By contrast, it would appear that in the United States of suffering from badly corroded bearings. Trouble had arisen
America the oil companies were expected to produce new due to failure of the engine manufacturers to rinse out the
lubricants with improved properties to suit the needs of engine castings after caustic washing. The oil had had a
engine manufacturers as they arose. Presumably, the oil high alkalinity vahe. Equally it was possible to have an
suppliers then ensured that a suitable lubricant was available oil of low measured-alkalinity level which would perform
in whatever countries the engine manufacturer could sell well in service.
his products. Referring to Fig. 2, he was not sure that the authors
. With regard to the use of Caterpillar engines in stan- had proved their point that piston cleanlinesswas dependent
dardized tests, he had never been convinced that oils which on the alkalinity level, since piston cleanliness had only
gave good results in those test units would necessarily be followed the expected pattern when diluting any heavy-duty
those most suitable for the high-speed direct-injection oil with straight oil, and other features than alkalinity might
engines in which he was interested. He would like the by that method prove to be equally important.
authors’ assurance on that point. He would also like to The figures given for oil flow to the piston of 0.1 pint per
remind them that when American engine manufacturers hr. seemed to be widely at variance with the general theme
had been in trouble with high sulphur content in fuels some of the paper by Dykes (1957)*, which appeared to prove
years previously, British engines had not suffered anything that the actual oil consumption was the difference between
like the same effects. the extremely large amounts of oil passed up the piston
He was surprised that the addition of a fresh charge of and those coming down. Dykes had mentioned a ratio of
heavy-duty oil did not clean up the piston-ring grooves. * Dykes, P. K.1957 Proc. I.Mech.E., vol. 1 7 1 , ~413,
. ‘An Investiga-
The removal of deposits from other areas was attributed to tion into the Mechanism of Oil Loss Past Pistons’.

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something like 75,000 : 1 between the total amount of oil same sulphur content, even though the residual fuel was
going up the piston and the actual oil consumption. centrifuged many times to remove the adventitious ash.
As a practical engineer ignorant of the inner mysteries of There was, however, evidence that the highly alkaline type
modern alchemy, he confessed that the association between of lubricant prevented wear in those circumstances. He
base and acid number was always beyond his comprehen- subscribed to the theory of Dr. Lyn that the residual-type
sion, but it was undoubtedly true that some oils with fuels left behind them some hard carbonaceous particles,
comparatively high base numbers also had high acid which could scratch the surfaces and cause high wear rates.
numbers according to the test procedure. Whilst during Special cylinder lubricants did, however, give remarkable
running, those oils might have retained some base number, reductions in wear when using residual fuels and seemed
in his experience they showed appreciable increase in acid to be able to deal with that situation very readily indeed. It
number, as compared with some other oils having lower appeared, therefore, that other factors than merely the
initial base number. He wanted to ask the authors whether prevention of corrosion governed the wear reduction
they had any justification for presuming that the presence imparted by additives. It was possible that the additives
of a final base number was more important than a low reduced the hardness of the particles or, as was more likely,
increase in acid number. that the additives dispersed them so that they remained in
He would stress the dangers of indiscriminatelyadopting the wearing zone for the shortest possible time. He would
a base number as a measure of an oil’s effectiveness. The be glad to have the authors’ views on that.
chemical backroom boys told him that the results given by
certain methods of measuring base number were’greatly M r . P. E. B. Vaile (Associate Member), made particular
influenced by the presence, or otherwise, of zinc which was reference to Fig. 14.and its implications in so far as the
present in a wide variety of good quality oils. He would current system of approving heavy-duty lubricating oils,
welcome comment from the authors on the application of against the United States and United Kingdom military
their theories to oils containing zinc compounds. specifications MIL-L-2 104A and DEF/2101.A, was con-
cerned. Fig. 14 indicated that for a given sulphur coptent,
Mr. J. G. Withers, B.Sc. (Member), said that like there would be a minimum alkalinity requirement dependent
Mr. Towle, he was a little worried about adding straight on the oil consumption in order to ensure optimum engine
oil to detergent oil, because it seemed to be begging the cleanliness and anti-wear characteristics. Furthermore, as
question. In fairness to the authors, however, it must be was to be expected, those curves indicated that under such
said that they had started adding the straight oil to the a given set of conditions an engine having low oil con-
detergent oil at the 14th period, whereas the sudden dis- sumption characteristics would require an oil of relatively
continuity in the detergency curve occurred at the 19th high alkalinity for satisfactory operation.
period. It would have been much more conclusive had they The Caterpillar L-1 engine test procedure, as used in the
not found it necessary to use that expedient. MIL-L-2104A and DEF/2101.A specifications, operated
The authors stated that the neutralization of all oils under the fixed set of conditions as just described and,
occurred at roughly the same rate. Mr. Arter, however, had what was important, it had a very low oil consumption of
raised a question as to whether the critical level of alkalinity approximately 0.15 per cent of the fuel Consumption, com-
was the same for all oils. He thought that the authors’ pared with the average figure of 1 per cent quoted by the
findings had related to a limited range of additives. authors as being representative of automotive operation.
He had been rather disappointed that the alkalinity Therefore, if the authors’ hypothesis were followed to
titrations had not been carried on into the acid region. It its logical conclusion, that meant that for satisfactory results
seemed a pity to break them short at zero alkalinity as it to be obtained on the L-1 test, more emphasis would have
looked as if the authors did not like the look of the results to be placed on alkalinity and less on dispersive properties
beyond zero. than would appear necessary for average automotive opera-
As far as wear was concerned, Figs. 8 and 9 showed that tion; furthermore, that discrepancy would probably become
as an additive oil was used in an engine its wear-reducing greater as the fuel sulphur content increased.
properties diminished, more or less in a progressive manner Thus it was necessary to ask whether, in the authors’
with no sign of a sudden change at any particular level of opinion, the Caterpillar L-1 test over-emphasized the im-
alkalinity or acidity, as was the case with the detergency portance of alkalinity in relation to automotive operation in
situation. While not necessarily disagreeing with the practice. Or it might be argued by the military authorities
authors’ conclusions, he did not feel that they had given or the industrial users that the L-1 test provided a good
proof that wear was a function of alkalinity. Strange as it margin of safety from the effects of acidic combustion
might seem, there appeared to be a much better correlation products. However, all that assumed that the authors’
between detergency and alkalinity than between wear and hypothesis concerning alkalinity was correct and he felt
alkalinity. that that was somewhat over-emphasized.
Another feature concerning the larger engines, usually Although he appreciated that that paper was chiefly con-
with separate cylinder lubrication, was that it was common cerned with alkalinity, he was left with the impression that
experience that that type of residual fuel could give much the authors considered the dispersive properties of a heavy-
higher rates of wear than a distillate fuel with exactly the duty oil were of minor importance in relation to alkalinity.

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For example, he noticed that previous speakers had also (3) Pistons which flexed over the ring belt when sub-
raised a similar point, in Fig. 2 almost as soon as the jected to high mechanical loading, which was often the
alkalinity of the oil reached zero, the piston cleanliness was cause of blowby and subsequent contamination of the
no better than that obtained when using the base oil. That lubricating oils,
meant either that if there was any dispersive power left it (4) Top land clearances of the pistons were sometimes
was completely ineffective or that by coincidence the dis- too great, which exposed the upper ring to high gas tem-
persive power had decreased at approximately the same time peratures and that could produce ring sticking and
as the decrease in alkalinity, in which case all the effect peripheral scuffing problem, both of which could be
shown was not entirely due to lack of alkalinity. associated with blowby.
He also wished to inquire whether the make-up with (5) Poor heat flow characteristics relative to the piston
straight mineral oil from period 14 onwards (in Fig. 2) had were often responsible for high crown and ring belt tem-
been considerable, since in addition to reducing alkalinity peratures, producing ring sticking and subsequent blowby
that could also reduce the dispersive properties of the oil. problems.
Finally, that emphasis on alkalinity did not account for (6) Neglected maintenance, whereby engines were
the considerable synergistic effect that certain additive operated with the oil in a highly contaminated state. In
combinations displayed, whereby either of, say, two addition, certain operators had adopted the policy of
individual detergent additives did not produce such good filtering detergent heavy-duty oils for re-use on a fifty-
engine cleanliness when used individually at a given con- fifty basis with new oils of a similar type in the belief
centration as when combined at the same concentration. It that they were cutting running costs, which was a fallacy.
was felt in such instances that that synergistic effect was In the event of trouble being experienced it was often
related to the dispersive aspect. found most difiicult to establish the true cause, thereby
The authors’views on the relative importance of alkalinity putting the technicians of the oil companies and the
and dispersive properties of additives would be interesting. piston manufacturers to unnecessary trouble, and their
products were blamed for something which had been
Mr. T.0. Hunt (Leeds) (read by Mr. A. E. Harrison brought about by factors outside their control.
(Associate Member)), said that the paper provided further
evidence of the tremendous amount of research work which Many schools of thought regarded 210-212 deg. C. (410-
the major oil companies had carried out during the past ten 413.6 deg. F.) as the maximum temperature for the top
to fifteen years in connexion with heavy-duty lubricating grooves of a piston where an engine was using I.C.E. lubri-
oils, in an endeavour to find the solution to some of the cating oil, and 230-235 deg. C. (426-455 deg. F.) for a Sup-
many operating problems encountered with the lubrication plement 1 heavy-duty type oil. However, instances have
of high-speed, compression-ignition oil engines, the been observed showing temperatures of the order of 260-
majority of which manifested themselves on the working 265 deg. C. (500-509 deg. F.) for the top groove zone with-
parts of such engines, in particular the pistons. out ring sticking occurring, and that was attributed to the
It was significant that too much responsibility had been absence of ring belt deformation, together with close cold
either placed on, or assumed by, those organizations to clearances over the top land, a most important factor, which
provide an answer to those problems, instead of the engine influenced the quantity of by-products of combustion reach-
and piston manufacturers working to that end by way of ing the top-ring groove. A cold clearance of less than 0.002-
design which offered very considerable scope for improving in. per in. of diameter was often permissible with a well-
engine efficiency and life. Whilst the results of that work designed direct-injection engine piston, manufactured in
had made a most valuable contribution to the Diesel-engine 11-12 per cent silicon alloy, and still further reductions
industry, in his opinion a great -dealof responsibility rested were permissible with the hypereutectic 20-24 per cent
either with the manufacturers of the engines or pistons, or silicon alloys, which was considered a very important step
with the user-operator, as many of the faults which heavy- forward, and would ease the burden placed on the oil com-
duty oils were expected to remedy were due to the following panies.
factors : Many manufacturers of both pistons and engines had
treated close-top land clearances in a very sceptical manner,
(1) Water jacket operating temperatures too low, due and when carbon scuffing had been experienced, such
to over-cooling or operation of the engine either idling or clearances had actually been increased, which had only
on light load over long periods. aggravated matters, instead of a reduction being made to
(2) Cylinder bore and liner distortion due to either prevent carbon build-up. With a well-designed piston, where
mechanical or thermal stressing problems (or both). That the heat flow characteristics had been carefully studied, the
fault was frequently observed in both new and recon- clearancesover the top land underwent little change between
ditioned engines, and whilst the amount of distortion halfand fdl load operating conditions, and it was therefore
might not be sufficient to produce piston seizure under only necessary to allow a very slight clearance increase to
normal operating conditions, it was nevertheless respon- accommodate overload or abnormal operating conditions.
sible for blowby, lubricating oil contamination, piston Close top land clearances made the greatest contribution
lacquering, ring sticking, and scuffing problems. towards solving many of the problems associated with ring

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sticking, scuffing, and groove wear, for which the oil com- the slopes of the curves were usually fairly small by that
panies had been trying to find a palliative, when the trouble time, and very high strong acid numbers were not built up.
should have been tackled at the source. Before it was possible One other factor which slightly complicated the issue was
to consider the adoption of close top land clearances, it was that strong acids which were produced in oils could absorb
essential to ensure that either the cylinder liner or bore were on to the carbon particles which were already in the oil; and
reasonably free from distortion when subjected to mecha- that made their presence rather difficult to detect and to
nical and thermal stressing. measure accurately.
Whilst the oil companies had produced lubricants with a
large percentage of alkaline additives to combat corrosive
wear on the cylinder liners and the rings, in his view many Mr. A. S. Freeman (Sunbury-on-Thames) said that
engines were being operated with the cylinder wall tem- he would like to ask a question concerning the technique of
peratures far too low, and instances had been observed measuring the alkalinity. The authors had stated that the
where the side faces of the compression rings had been standard methods given in the literature had been found to
heavily acid etched, and that applied to engines using the require modification. He wondered in what respects those
normal type of gas-oils. T o observe that phenomenon, it standard methods had been considered by them to be
was necessary to examine an engine where the dimensions deficient, inadequate, or in error. He would like to know
of the rings and grooves were still within reasonable limits, the modifications which they had considered to be necessary
otherwise the violent pounding which occurred when for that purpose and to hear, if possible, some details of the
clearances were increased removed all evidence of the modifications which they had introduced.
The oil companies had undoubtedly done a grand job
in trying to meet the conditions of service referred to, Mr. S. Bairstow (Littleover, Derby) said that as a
but the real answer to many of the problems obviously representative of a user, he would like to believe all that
rested either with the engine and component manufacturers the paper had set out to show, but he could not find proof
or the owner-operator, and it should not be overlooked that of all the conclusions which had been reached. It was not
as oils became richer in additives, so the prices tended to a matter of questioning whether alkalinity, when properly
increase, which in turn often tempted the operator either to controlled, might be beneficial and, if it persisted through-
increase the running time between oil changes or to turn his out the useful life of the oil, might be an advantage. It was
attention to using a percentage of filtered oils. rather that the alkalinity of the additive, to which the paper
Whilst it was maintained there was still scope for con- referred, seemed to be synonymous with additive content;
siderable improvement in engine and piston design, there and in all the results low alkalinity was not shown to mean
was always a definite case for advocating the use of deter- anything more than a high additive depletion.
gent-type lubricating oils, regardless of piston operating It was not, therefore, surprising to find that when the
temperatures, with a view to increasing engine efficiency alkalinity fell below the prescribed value the engine condi-
and life, particularly by means of cleanliness. tion was similar to that obtaining when operating on a
straight mineral oil.
Mr. John Hughes (Chester), speaking as a modern There were, however, many detergent oils in which there
alchemist, attempted to clarify a widespread confusion about was no relation between alkalinity and additive content for
acid numbers and base numbers. On the face of it, it seemed which there would be a satisfactory engine condition even
very puzzling that an oil could have both an acid and a base in the presence of acidity. The authors had, in fact, given
number. What it could not have, however, was both a strong their guarded blessing to the MIL-L-2104A, Supplement 1
acid number and a base number. and Series I1 tests as yardsticks of engine performance, and
The explanation was that when a base number was many oils passing those tests had no alkalinity.
measured it was titrated with a strong acid. That was what So far as the two aspects of alkalinity in the paper were
the engine did to the oil; it pushed acid into it. When an concerned, it could hardly be disputed that if a heavy-duty
acid number or a neutralization value was measured, all additive which had an alkalinity depleting in proportion to
sorts of very weak organic acids were measured, many of the actual effective dispersive additive content were used,
them the product of oil oxidation and none of which were a very convenient means of checking additive content and
corrosive to rings, etc. In general,.of course, they would controlling oil condition would be obtained.
not react with the base, and, therefore, there was really no A fluorescent additive or one with another easily measured
anomaly in having both an acid and a base number in one chemical or physical property would have a similar advan-
sample. tage and it would not be necessary to determine rather un-
One speaker had suggested that the authors did not like reliable sulphated ashes on oils extremely difficult to filter.
the look of results going beyond zero. Such results had, in It was the effect of the alkalinity itself which the paper did
fact, been looked at. If the value of strong acid number not seem to reveal, and he wanted to know whether the
were accepted and called a negative base number, a quite authors had any results which would show for heavy-duty
reasonable continuity of the curve below zero was obtained. oils of the same detergency level, one set alkaline and the
In view of the general effects of oil consumption, however, other not, which gave the better engine condition originally

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and later at the various stages of increasing additive additives was alkalinity. That was not generally true, but
depletion. it was true of special additives.
In his view the principal confusion about the significance The other two, which tended to be ambiguous, were its
of the investigation arose mainly from three statements in title and the statement in the paper claimingthat it described
the paper. One was that one of the properties imposed or work which had shown how additive depletion was related
conferred upon a mineral oil by the presence of heavy-duty to engine design and operating conditions.

Dr. F. T. Barwell, B.Sc. (Eng.), Wh.Sc. (Member),wrote A fiuther point of importance to those concerned with
that although the authors had recognized that the oil f ilm the operation of test procedures was the nature of the sulphur
on the cylinder walls was exposed to high local temperatures contained in the fuel. In their conclusions the authors had
and might become oxidized, they had not seriously discussed emphasized the predominant importance of fuel sulphur
the effect of temperature as a variable governing engine throughput. He wondered whether they had based that
cleanliness. ratio on the equivalent amount of elemental sulphur per
The laboratory test engine or engines on which the results unit of fuel or whether it had differed for different classes
presented in Figs. 2-13 had been obtained wps not defined of fuel depending on the manner in which the sulphur was
or described in the paper and it would assist in assessing the chemically combined therewith.
generality of the results if that omission were rectified in .
the reply to the discussion. Presumably, if the same engine Major C. H. Davies (Associate Member)wrote that it
had been used under identical conditions throughout the was already generally agreed that all Diesel-engine lubri-
tests, the effect of piston temperature would have been cants, including the heavy-duty types, required a minimum
eliminated. He would welcome the authors’ view as to level of alkalinity. The. really urgent research requirement
whether or not the wide range of ‘conversion factors’ was to find methods for controlling this necessary alkalinity
reported was attributable to differences in piston operating level, so that greater standardization in practice could be
temperature in the different engines. secured.

Mr. A. Dyson, Mr. L. J. Richards, and Mr. K. R. than those of the caterpillar tests. It was suggested that
Williams wrote in reply that two general points had discussion of the merits of those tests was irrelevant to the
occurred frequently in the discussion. In the first place, it paper.
was assumed in the paper that dispersive power and oxida- Mr. Arter’s observations concerning acid and base
tion stability could be maintained at adequate levels during numbers had been well answered in Mr. Hughes’s contribu-
an engine run provided that the original oil was well for- tion. The number of engine hours devoted to the work
mulated. In those circumstances alkalinity became the described in the paper would be between 5,000 and 10,000,
limiting factor. That applied to the majority of cases in the about half of which had been run with the specific object of
authors’ experience in which heavy-duty oils were used in obtaining data on the subject, and the remainder primarily
practice. They believed that the principles described in for other purposes, but had provided data which could be
their paper could be applied to many conventional organo- used. Not all the data could be included in the paper. The
metallic additives used in most Diesel engines, and they additive depletion rate had been found to be proportional
had worked out the application in detail for one particular to the fuel throughput, irrespective of the load factor or of
class of those additives. Oils or applications in which there the rate of production of insolubles. It seemed that depletion
was some difficulty in maintaining adequate standards of dis- caused by absorption of the additive by insoluble particles
persancy or oxidation stability were, of course, excluded and was of minor importance in most circumstances.
it was for that reason that the words ‘with particular refer- In reply to Mr. Martland, they had used alkalinity as a
ence to oil alkalinity’ were included in the title of the paper. measure, not of detergency as such, but of the general ability
The second general point concerned the tests to which of an oil to keep the piston clean in normal circumstances.
heavy-duty oils were customarily subjected in the caterpillar In their experience, both alkalinity and detergency or
engine. Very high standards of cleanliness were demanded, dispersive power were required. They were glad to note
whereas in the applications with which the paper was con- Mr. Martland‘s application of those principles set out in
cerned, the object was limited to ensuring that the engine their paper. One of the objects of the paper had been to
would continue to function satisfactorily, and would not encourage such applications.
suffer from ring sticking, objectionable piston deposits or They were in complete agreement with the views
corrosive wear. Those requirements were far less stringent expressed by Mr. Wilson.

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Table 5. (Fig. 5)
a Piston cleanliness merit ratings 10 = clean.

Fuel sulphur content, percentage weight . 0.2 1 *o 1.8

Additive concentration. .
oil Viscosity, seconds Redwood 1 at
140 deg. F.

b End-of-test alkalinity concentrations, mg. of caustic potash per gramme.


Fuel sulphur content, percentage weight .1 0.2 I 1 .o I 1.8

. . . .I co I I I I I I I I I I I
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 (l:g1 1
Additive concentration. Cr c2 c3 co c
1 cz c
3 co c
1 c2 c

Oil viscosity, seconds Redwood 1 at 1.30 2.84 6.00 0.60 2.19 543 0-16 132 4.70
140 deg. F. ;:1 1.36 2.96 6.18 0.76 2.39 5.36
260 1.41 2.84 6.04 080 225 5.46 ::4: 44;

Co Straight mineral oil.

Table 6. (Fig. 6) In reply to Mr. Hay the two-stroke engines whose

a Piston cleanliness merit ratings 10 = clean. depletion rates had been investigated had all been uniflow
scavenged, and they regretted that they had no information
Oil viscosity, ” on loop-scavenged engines. No significant effect of tem-
seconds Redwood peratures on depletion rate in a four-stroke engine could be
1 at 140 deg. F. . 170 detected, although coolant temperatures from 20 to 85
Additive concentra-
Jacket Fuel
- Az ’ A3
- -- A1 A2
- A3
- I deg. C. had been used.
Mr. Martlew had commented on the absence of cleaning
out of the ring grooves by mechanical action when a fresh
tempera- flow, charge of heavy-duty oil was used. However, the rings very
ture, 02. per
rarely touched the backs of the grooves, and it was the
deg. C. mn.
deposits on the backs which contributed most to the visual

40 1 ;:;:1 1 1 I I I
1.00 4.03
8-26 4.32 7.17
8.82 4.70 8.05
9.00 4.74 824
‘dirtiness’ impression. Tables 5 and 6 gave the details of
the individual effects of the variables requested by Mr.

I 8:; 1 1 1 I 1 1
3.73 8.29 954 3.54 7.29 9.35 Mr. Martlew expected the oil circulation rate to the ring
3.68 8.70 9.29 4.15 8.02 9.09
85 4.13 9.16 9.69 4.02 9.24 9.47 belt zone to increase with speed. So did they, and it was
~~ ~
with some surprise that they had observed the results that
b End-of-test alkalinity concentrations, mg. of caustic potash per it was approximately independent of speed, and that was
gramme. obtained both for gasoline and for Diesel engines, using
different methods of calculation. One possibility was that,
Oil viscosity, provided the speed was not too high, the amount of oil
seconds Redwood splashed on to the lower cylinder walls by the big-end
1 at 140 deg. F. . 65 170
bearing would be approximately constant in a given time.
Additive concentra- I 1 I I At higher speeds the greater frequency of splashing would
tion A1 A2 A3 A2 A3
-- - -- - be counteracted by the shorter duration of each individual
Jacket Fuel splash. If a constant proportion of the oil passed the rings,
tempera- flow, then the effective oil circulation rate would be constant.
--re, 02. per
deg. C. min. However, as those rates were not measured directly it was
possible that the apparent independence of speed was due
1 .oo 0 0.61 158 0 0.64 2.07 to errors made in the assumptions on which the calculations
40 0.75 0 0.81 2.34 0 0.93 2.30
0.50 0 1.07 258 0 1.15 258 were based.
They considered their results to apply to automotive
1 .oo 0 0.78 1.92 0 0.77 2.28 Diesel engines, as a single-cylinder version of one such
85 0.78 0 0.64 2.22 0 0.83 233
0.50 0 1.11 2.59 0 0 81 2.78 engine had been used extensivelyin the laboratory work and,
, L
- furthermore, field experience had confirmed the laboratory
findings. They provisionally attributed the differences in
A1 Straight mineral oil.

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conversion ratio for different engine types to differences in However, they saw no reason why the acids should not
the degree of turbulence and mixing in the cylinder. The promote corrosive wear directly without the intervention of
greater the degree of mixing, the more acids would enter the ‘hard carbon’. *AsSir Isaac Newton had said in Prim*$tb
oil. It was not yet possible to explain differences in greater ‘We are to admit no more causes of natural things than such
detail. They agreed with Mr. Towle that the alkalinity as are both true and sufficient to explain their appearances’.
criterion should not be applied indiscriminately to oils con- Thus they preferred the simpler direct hypothesis that
taining all sorts of different additives. They also agreed with highly alkaline marine oils reduced wear by neutraiizhg
Mr. Towle in his comment on Fig. 2 considered in isolation, acids of combustion which would otherwise promote
but the general conclusions concerning the importance of corrosive wear. One possible resolution of the difference
alkalinity was backed by the results of numerous other tests, between distillate and residual fuels lay in considering the
for example, as shown in Fig. 4. The oil circulation rates abrasive and corrosive wear processes as multiplicative and
quoted in the paper might seem very small compared with not additive. That was obviously true in the extreme case
rates of oil flow past the piston rings quoted by Dr, Dykes. of the cylinder above the ring travel, where the corrosive
However, they understood Dr. Dykes’s conclusions in the conditions were very similar to the adjacent part of the
sense that, during one period of the stroke, oil was passing cylinder within the ring travel, but where there was no wear
the compression rings at the high rates quoted but that, because there was no mechanical action. If abrasive and
during another part of the stroke, thc same oil was returning corrosive wear were multiplicative, as there was reason to
past the rings in the other direction. Thus there seemed to believe, then anythmg which reduced corrosive wear would
be a reservoir of oil in the upper cylinder zone, as illustrated reduce the total wear in the same proportion. Wear measure-
in Fig. 7 of the paper. That oil was passing the rings at the ments with residual fuels in fact showed that additives
very high instantaneous rates quoted by Dr. Dykes, but the reduced the wear rate in about the same ratio as they did
same oil was constantly passing backward and forward. The for a distillate fuel of the same sulphur content although the
low circulation rates given in the paper were the net rates wear levels were about twice as high for the residual fuel as
of interchange between the oil in the crankcase and the oil for the distillate. The simplest hypothesis was therefore that
in the upper cylinder zone. They had been confirmed in wear was reduced by the same mechanism in both cases, i.e.
regard to order of magnitude by a completely merent neutralization of corrosive acids by the additive in the oil.
method which did not involve additive depletion (Edgar In reply to Mr. Vaile, the point concerning the caterpillar
1957)*. Mr. Towle’s questions on ‘alchemy’ had been tests had already been covered. Concerning the relative
answered by Mr. Hughes. importance of alkalinity and dispersancy, the emphasis was
In reply to Mr. Withers the question of titrations in the on a simple practical test to determine whether an oil was
acid zone had been answered by Mr. Hughes. They had not fit for further service or not. The authors’ opinion was that
set out to show that wear was a function of alkalinity, but to allralinity was the best test for that purpose for the oils with
show that corrosive wear could be controlled at a low level which they had dealt, and the theoretical explanation which
provided that there was sufficient alkalinity arising from they advanced was that both alkalinity and dispersancy
additives of certain types. If the alkalinity was less than the were necessary, that dispersancy was usually adequate, and
critical value, wear was sometimes high and sometimes that the limiting factor was therefore alkalinity in most cases.
low, but that did not affect the validity of the conclusion as In reply to Mr. Freeman the modifications made to the
stated above. standard titration techniques depended on the particular
Mr. Withers had cited the success of additive oils in additives used. Such modifications did not affect the
reducing wear in separately lubricated engines burning principle of the measurement, but were concerned solely
residual fuel as evidence that neutralization was not the with the techniques necessary to give accurate results in
only process by which additives reduced wear. He had unfavourable circumstances.
suggested that the additive might modify or disperse the In reply to Mr. Bairstow, low alkalinity might mean either
abrasive particles produced by combustion of residual fuels. a high degree of depletion or a low initial additive concen-
That might be true, but it seemed unlikely, as the organic tration, and they considered that the results given in the
part of the additive molecule, which would supply dis- paper indicated that allralinity might be used as a criterion
persancy, did not appear to be important so far as the anti- of the suitability of an oil for service whether it was a used
wear properties of those oils were concerned. Almost any- oil or a fresh oil, always provided that the additive was of a
thing containing enough metal, of the appropriate type and certain class. The fact that alkalinity might be used in that
in a form suitable to react with the acids of combustion, way, whether the oil was new or old, depleted or diluted,
would reduce wear in those circumstances. It might be was very convenient and alone made possible the system of
argued that acids formed by combustion of the fuel pro- recommending oils for service, the basis of which had been
moted the formation of ‘hard carbon’ which was abrasive. described in the paper. It was difficultto see how a fluorescent
Neutralization of the acid by alkaline additives would be additive would help, as the fluorescence would presumably
supposed to prevent the formation of that ‘hard carbon’. be attached to the organic part of the additive molecule,
which would not always accompany the inorganic part. They
* Edgar, 3. A. 1957 Conference on Lubrication and Wear, October, felt that they had indeed shown how additive depletion
Paper No. 2, ‘Control of Wear in Piston Engines’ (I.Mech.E.,
London). was related to engine dcsign and operating conditions.

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In reply to Dr. Barwell, engine temperatures, as measured bulence in the cylinder. There was no evidence that the
by coolant temperature under constant load and speed con- origin of the sulphur in the fuel was of importance, and the
ditions, had no sigruficant effect on depletion rates within conversion ratios were based on the equivalent amount of
the range studied. Pistons were slightly cleaner at low jacket elemental sulphur per unit of fuel.
temperatures (40 deg. C.) than at a higher jacket tem- In reply to Major Davies, the trend of the discussion
peratures (80 deg. C.) with straight mineral oils, but slightly provided sufficient evidence that the conclusions were not
dirtier with oils containing moderately high concentrations immediately obvious. They had stated that Diesel engine
of additive. Those effects were so small that they were of no lubricants required a minimum level of alkalinity; they had
practical importance. The engine used in the experiments suggested numerical values for that minimum level, and
reported in Figs. 2, 3, 4, and 8 was a Petter AV2 twin- had offered a method of predicting what the alkalinity of
cylinder engine, that for Figs. 5, 6, 11, and 12 was a the used oil would be in given circumstances. The engine
Gardner lL2ILW single-cylinder engine, and that for user was thereby enabled to ensure that the alkalinity level
Fig. 9 was a Petter AV1 single-cylinder oil test engine. would be adequate for the conditions under which he would
There was no evidence to suggest that the wide range of use the oil. To the best of their knowledge there had been
conversion factors was attributable to differences in piston no published information of that kind when they had
operating temperatures. A factor which is considered more started on that programme of work some years earlier.
likely to be of importance was the degree of swirl or tur-

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