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Determination of Breakage Distribution

Function of fine chromite ores with Bed
Breakage Method

Conference Paper · October 2012


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Urmia University of Technology


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Determination of Breakage Distribution Function of fine chromite ores with Bed Breakage Method
H. Hosseinzadeh1,*, L. Ergün2,
Mining Engineering Department, Hacettepe University, Beytepe 06532, Ankara, Turkey
Mining Engineering Department, Hacettepe University, Beytepe 06532, Ankara, Turkey
Corresponding author (h.h.qaraqislaq@hacettepe.edu.tr)

(10-12 Ekim 2012, Participant ID:243)


Breakage Distribution Function shows manner of materials distribution after breakage. This parameter that is shown with B or
BDF, one of important parameters of grinding circuits that is used for design, operating, modeling, simulation and
optimization of these circuits. There are different methods to calculate the Breakage Distribution Function that these methods
are almost done in various research centers with the different shapes but same principles. One important methods for calculate
the BDF in mills which the major breakage mechanism is impact mechanism, is DROP-WEIGHT method. This method
divides to two original groups; the single particle breakage and bed breakage methods. In the standard single particle breakage
method particles divide to five size fraction that the finest size fraction is -16+13.2 millimeter. BDF for particles smaller than
this fraction is obtained with assuming protraction obtained curve for standard fractions into smaller fractions. In this study, is
used from bed breakage method for determination of fine particles BDF for two chromite ores. For this aim, particles with -
2.36+0.60 millimeter size range are chosen. This size range then were divided to five narrow size fractions include; -2.36+1.7,
-1.7+1.4, -14+1.18, -1.18+0.85 and 0.85+0.6 fractions. Specific beds with calculated diameter and height designed for these
purpose. Diameter and height of bed was obtained 5 and 10di centimeter, respectively. Where di is the geometric average of
each fraction. Then, each fraction was broken with 4 different energy levels. In order to break particles with drop-weight
machine, the drop weight is raised to the target height (calculated height), and then released to free fall onto the particle bed
which is placed on the center of the steel anvil. After breakage, the energy-size reduction model proposed by Leung is used for
to build Ecs-t10 relationship. Where t10 is the amount of material passing 1/10th of the original size by percent and Ecs is the
specific comminution energy (kWh/t). Then, the t-family curves presented by Narayanan and Whiten are used for
determination of BDF.

Keywords: Breakage Distribution Function (BDF), bed breakage, drop-weight, t10, t-family curves

1. Introduction

One of important parameters of grinding circuits that is used for design, operating, modeling, simulation and optimization of
these circuits is breakage distribution function that represented by B or BDF. There are different methods to calculate BDF;
Batch Grinding test in laboratory mills, Back Calculation methods and Single Particle Breakage under controlled conditions.
The Single Particle Breakage under controlled conditions is divided to three methods including Impact test, Slow Compression
test and Abrasion test. The Impact methods divide to Single Impact tests and Double Impact tests. Finally, the Double Impact
tests divide to four groups including Twin Pendulum tests, Drop Weight tests, Hopkinson Pressure Bar and Ultra-Fast Load
Cell tests.

The drop weight test is started since 1938 by Gross. Then, many researches such as Piret (1953), Arbiter (1969), Schöenert
(1972), Narayanan and Whiten (1983), Narayanan (1985; 1986), Leung (1987), Man (2000; 2001), Banini (1997, 2000),
Tavares (1999), Genç et al. (2002, 2004), Genç and Benzer (200; 2009), Deniz Eksi et al. (2011), Gabriel K.P. Barrios et al.
(2011) and Özer C. & Whiten W.J. (2012) used this method with different materials, apparatus and conditions.

The Drop Weight method was developed by Narayanan (1985) in JKMRC research center as falling steel ball on ore
sample located at device anvil. This method is the simplest and most commonly used method of investigating breakage
characteristics of materials. Its greatest advantages are flexibility, extended input energy range, simple operation, and the
possibility of testing particle beds [Napier-Munn et al., 1996; Narayanan, 1986], but in this method the energy utilization
pattern cannot be measured and this is its disadvantage [Rumpf, 1973; Awachie, 1983; Narayanan, 1985]. This method also
divides two essential group; Single Particle and Bed methods. Single particle and particle bed breakage tests have become an
increasingly useful tool for modeling industrial comminution operations, as they allow the decoupling of the contributions of
material-specific from the machine-specific properties in the size reduction process [King & Bourgeois, 1993; Napier-Munn et
al., 1996].

There are different approaches to calculate the breakage distribution function of materials and represent it mathematically.
Leung (1987) gave the following relationship between the specific comminution energy and t10 parameter.
( × )
= × (1 − ) (1)

Where, tn is the impact breakage distribution parameter or breakage index which quantifies the amount of material passing
1/n’s of the original size, where geometric mean of tested size range is known as individual size, generally n=10. Therefore, t10
that called breakage parameter (Narayanan, 1986) or fineness index is used to represent the degree of size reduction. Ecs is the
specific comminution energy (kWh/t), A and b are impact breakage parameters where maximum limit of t10 is defined by A,
whereas the slope of straight portion of the t10 versus Ecs plot gives the value of b. The value of A.b indicates the ease of
impact breakage with larger values indicating more breakage occurring for a given energy input (Napier Munn et.al, 1996).
Narayanan and whiten base the proposed equation of Leung (1987) and calculated normalized breakage distribution function
using the approach of t-family curves.

2. Laboratory studies

To laboratory study in order to determine breakage distribution function of fine particles, the single particle breakage or bed
breakage method can be used by means of drop weight device. The most fundamental principle of drop weight experiments is
free fall of a weight with determinate mass from the determinate height onto a single particle or bed located on the device anvil
in a way that the breakage operation takes place with only one impact.

The experiments are done using the drop weight test device of Mining Engineering Department of Hecettepe University
(fig. 1). Single particle breakage method is very difficult and exhausting for fine particles and needs numerous experiments and
precise study by microscope. On the other hand the way of obtaining material particle size distribution after breakage in some
cases is impossible.

Fig.1. Hacettepe University Drop Weight device (Genc et al., 2004)

2.1. Sample preparation and determination of optimum size of bed

Bed breakage method is used to determine breakage distribution function of fine particles (normally finer than 3.35 mm). In
this study, two different chromite ores samples are tested by this method. These samples called “S” and “Ş”. In these studies,
the experiments on each two different chromite samples are done and the procedure experiments for S ore is brought, and
finally, results for the breakage distributions function of both minerals are mentioned. To this, -2.36+ 0.600 mm size range that

seems is the most significant part, is chosen. This size range divided to 5 separate fractions with narrow size range, and for
each fraction, required samples are prepared using sieve analysis.

To accomplish drop weight operation, a technique is needed to establish materials. This demand is provided with creating a
bed in order to settle the ore grains. This bed has a cylindrical shape in which diameter and height must be optimized. To make
this bed there should be used materials which there substance may not have any impact in the collision energy, and decompose
without any resistance in collision time. For these tests thick paper is selected which will have the complete cylindrical shape
whit given diameter and height. For each fraction four specific comminution energy level is considered and whit each energy
level one bed is tested. Each test is repeated twice to ensure results. To determine the optimal diameter and height of bed a
method used that is similar to methods used by Eski D. et al. (2011) but with a newer approach. For this purpose, 1.07 kwh/t
(mean of 20 energies) specific comminution energy is used as basis. Using this energy and a bed of 3 cm diameter bed
breakage operation whit different heights; 6di, 8di, 10di, 12di (di is geometric mean of each fraction size in mm) for each
fraction was performed. Results suggest that reduction in bed height leads to breakage increase (by comparing p80 of broken
materials) and increase in fine particle production (by comparing t10 of broken materials). According to results, optimal height
is determined 10di for each size fraction. It should be noted that 12di height had the largest t10 among other heights, but due to
the differences between the t10 amounts for 10di and 12di was very small, so 10di height is selected as optimum height of bed
(fig.2). To determine the optimum diameter of bed, breakage operation was performed on beds whit different diameters (3, 4,
5, 6 cm) and 10di height, for one of five tested size fraction (here -1.18+0.85 mm fraction), based on same energy. Results for
4 beds were plotted on bed diameter against t10 and were observed that 5 cm diameter makes the optimum point of data (fig. 3).

Fig.2. Optimal bed height selection

Fig.3. Optimal bed diameter selection

2.2. Performing of breakage operations

The material breakage operation is done by drop weight device with preparing the beds and taking materials into them. The
fine particles prepared from S and Ş chromite samples, that the general characteristics are listed in table 1, are prepared in 5
fractions and 4 specific comminution energy levels for each fraction, according to table 2, and breakage operation is

The prepared samples, fig. 4, with 5 cm diameter and the listed heights in table 2 for different fractions are placed in device
anvil. Imported energy to the sample, due to falling weight is calculated from the following equation.

E = m g h (2)

Where Ei is imported energy (joule), mb is mass of falling weight (kg) and g is the gravitational acceleration (m/s2). To
increase measurement accuracy, height difference of particle or bed before and after breakage is entered in equation. If this
energy is converted to specific comminution energy, it will give:
. × ( )
E = (3)

Which, Ecs is specific comminution energy (kwh/t) and mt is mass of particle or bed (ton).

Table1. The general characteristics of ores

Ore name S Ş
Cr2O3 content (%) 6.10-10.91 6.36-7.81
Average Density (ton/m3) 2.58 2.58
Grindibility (kwh/ton) 17.09 20.84

Table2. Fractions and Specific Comminution Energy levels

Fractions mm -2.36+1.70 -1.70+1.40 -1.40+1.18 -1.18+0.85 -0.85+0.60

0.12 0.08 0.17 0.16 0.20
0.50 0.70 0.90 0.80 1.20
Ecs (kwh/ton)
1.00 1.10 1.30 1.40 2.00
1.50 1.60 1.80 2.10 2.80
Height of bed (cm) 2.00 1.54 1.29 1.00 0.71

Fig.4. Prepared samples for breakage

2.1.2. Ecs-t10 Model

After the breakage tests, sieve analysis of broken material is obtained for each energy level. Overall, for each ore, there will be
20 sieve analyses. To display broken material particle size distribution, the graph is used that X-axis shows particle size and Y-
axis shows cumulative percent passing of material. With assuming that the geometric mean of each fraction is its initial size,
cumulative percent passing of materials is obtained from 1/2, 1/4, 1/10, 1/25, 1/50 and 1/75 of this size that is shown
respectively by t2, t4, t10, t25, t50 and t75.

To calculate A and b, parameters of Leung equation, we need to create a relation between specific communition energy
and t10, using the proposed equation of Leung (1987) and obtained values, a graph is plotted that X-axis shows specific
communation energy and Y-axis shows t10s (fig. 5). Results show that A and b values for S chromite sample is respectively
18.26 and 2.03 and for Ş chromite ore is respectively 12.88 and 2.09. Data scattering is because of ore composition which is
composed of a brittle or weak mineral (high breakage rate) and hard mineral (low breakage rate).

In most of the modelling studies, breakage distribution function of materials are assumed to be independent of particle size
just to ease the grinding modelling work which is not true for most of the materials. In fact breakage distribution of each size
fraction should be defined in comminution models in some way [Genc et al, 2004].

In this way we can calculate non-normalized breakage distribution function through converting the Leung model to size
dependent model (in this study). Some researchers were developed such models to solve this problem (Banini, 2000; Vogel
and Peukert, 2003, 2004; Shi and Kojovic, 2007). For this purpose, we should calculate Ai and bi values for each size fractions,
table 3, and then Ai values should be plotted versus particle size (fig. 6). Thus, A value is depended on particle size and the
general equation of Leung can be corrected as follows:

( × )
= ( + ) × 1 − (4)

Which, X is particle size (mm). A1 and A2, with best trend line, are 8.906 and 8.5673 respectively.

Fig.5. Relationship between t10-Ecs

Table3. Ai and bi amounts for all tested fractions

size fraction particle size (mm) A b r2

-2.36+1.7 2.003 25.987 1.449 0.995
-1.7+1.4 1.543 22.817 1.281 0.998
-1.4+1.18 1.285 20.341 1.537 0.995
-1.18+0.850 1.001 17.245 1.752 0.980
-0.85+0.600 0.714 14.751 1.240 0.983

particle size-A

y = 8.906x + 8.5673

R² = 0.992

0.600 1.100 1.600 2.100

particle size mm

Fig.6. Relationship between A and particle size

Fig.7. t-family curves of ores

2.1.3. t-family curve

To obtain t-family curve, t10 values obtained to each specific comminution energy level put as a basis. Then on coordinate axis
that X-axis shows t10s and Y-axis shows corresponding tns, a graph will plotted in which all of the t2s,t4s,…t75s will connected
to each other with best trend lines. Total set of these lines are called t-family curve (fig. 7).

2.1.4. Calculation of BDF matrix arrays from t-family curve

Using the present values for ECS and t10 and corrected Leung equation (equation 4), A1 and A2 from trend line and using
statistical software (here, SPSS Software), A1, A2 and b values, for BDF calculations, are obtained. The general form of the
equation is as follows:
( × )
= ( 8.807 + 8.621 ) × 1 − (5)

To obtain breakage distribution function dependent to initial size, assuming that the largest size tested (the largest input
size) is 2mm, a matrix is formed that it’s largest size is 2 and its under dimensions are the square root of the large size. t10 value
for each size is calculated independently and using equation of 5 and arbitrary specific comminution energy (here, Ecs = 1
kwh/t). Then using t-family curves tn’s values (n= 2, 4, 25, 50, 75) are obtained and a unique particle size distribution
according to table 4 is formed. To calculate breakage function for the values smaller than Y75 are used from the extrapolation
of the last three values. Size-dependent Breakage Distribution Function of S and Ş ores is shown in figures 8 and 9
respectively. t0 value for each size equals 100, by percent (%), because when breakage distribution function is discussed the
way of broken material distribution under initial size is considered, it means all of the materials are broken and placed under
initial size.

Table4. tn distribution of S ore sample for 2mm size and Ecs=1 kwh/t

n size-family particle size mm Cumulative %passing

0 Y 2.00 100.00
2 Y2 1.00 55.68
4 Y4 0.50 36.98
10 Y10 0.20 20.11
25 Y25 0.08 7.71
50 Y50 0.04 2.20
75 Y75 0.03 1.38
Very important condition 0 0

BDF Curve (S ore) 2

45 1.4142
%Remined (amount of each sieve)

40 1
35 0.7071
30 0.5
25 0.3536
20 0.25
15 0.1768
10 0.125
5 0.0884
0 0.0625
0.0100 0.1000 1.0000 0.0442
Particle size (mm) 0.0313

Fig.8. S chromite ore Breakage Distribution Function

BDF Curve (Ş ore) 2
%Remined (amount of each sieve)

40 0.7071
35 0.5
30 0.3536
25 0.25
20 0.1768
15 0.125
10 0.0884
5 0.0625
0 0.0442
0.0100 0.1000 1.0000 0.0313
Particle size (mm) 0.0221

Fig.9. Ş chromite ore Breakage Distribution Function

3. Discussion

Calculating of breakage distribution function values for fine particles in single particle breakage method is obtained with
assuming protraction obtained curve for standard fractions into smaller fractions and it caused the errors in breakage
distribution function of these particles. Furthermore, being normalization for this method results is the other disadvantages of
this method. On the other hand, implementation of the single particle breakage method, for fine particles, is very hard, even
impossible, because at first the problem is related to breakage and broken materials to sieve analysis, whereas for this size of
particles, the weight of each particles is a few milligrams or several ten milligrams, is so hard and Ecs assuring for fine particles
is very hard.

Bed method is a suitable method to estimate breakage distribution function for these particles. In this method the diameter
and height of bed are essential parameters in produced results. In this study for both chromite ores diameter and height are
obtained 5 cm 10di respectively. Also, with enter the effect of size in Leung equation, non-normalized breakage distribution
function is calculated.

Extensive tests on numerous chromite ores, in the first stage, and extension then on different types of minerals, can be a
useful bridge between single particle breakage method data for larger particles and bed breakage method for smaller particles,
in the future.


The corresponding author gratefully acknowledges the financial support provided by the TÜBİTAK (Turkish Scientific and
Technical Research Council) under grant No: B.02.1.TBT. for 2215 program (Fellowship Program
for Foreign Citizens).

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