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Investigation into the circumstances surrounding the

death of Dr David Kelly

Index of the Documents contained in the Bundle

Marked JSBI

Number Title Page

Letter dated 14 August 2003 to Mr James Blitz, Financial 1 -13

Tmies from Martin Snuth, Solicitor, of the Hutton

2 Letter dated 15 August 2003 to Mr Janics Blitz, Financial 14

Tmics front Martin Smith, Solicitor, of the Hutton

3 Article entitled "Alleged source of contested report 15

named" by James Blitz and others, published in the
Financial Times on Thursday July 10 2003 .

4 Article entitled "Blan- faces two WMD probes" by James IG

Blitz and others, published in the Financial Tinics on
Wednesday June 4 2003

5 Article entitled "WMD souicc 'was Semoi Iraqi"' on 17

Thursday June 5 2003

Article entitled "Campbell faces WMB 'dodgy dossier' 18

probe" on Tuesday June 24 2003

7 Article entitled "Campbell presses BBC to apologise over 19

clairn" on Friday June 27 2003

8 Article entitled "Reid seek BBC statcment on dossier 20

clauns" on Monday line 30 2003

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9 Article entitled "BBC refuses to back down m row over 21
Iraq" on Monday July 7 2003 .

10 Article entitled "MPs warn of unease over case for war" 22

on Tuesday July 8 2003 .

11 Article entitled "Split Commons committee serves up 23

another 'complete Horlteks"' on Tuesday July 8 2003

12 Article entitled "MOD claimed to have identified BBC 24

source" on Wednesday July 9 2003 .

13 Column entitled "Dossier row )s a question of trust" on 25 -26

Thursday July 10 2003 .

14 Copy of Prime Minister's Official Spokesman's press 27-32

briefing at 3 45 pm Wednesday 9 July 2003 .

15 Copy of the original version of document entitled "The 33 - 36

BWC Protocol Entering- the Lndganic"

16 Copy of document produced by the replicated search, 37-41

entitled "The BNVC Protocol Entering the Endgame?"

17 Christopher Adams' record of his comersat)on with the 42

second Whitehall Official on Wednesday 9 July 2003 .

18 Christopher Adams' record of his conversation with the 43

third Whitehall Official o» Wednesday 9 July 2003 .

19 Christopher Adams' record of his. conversation with Ms 44

Pam Tearc on Wednesday 9 July 2003

20 . Copy document entitled "Centre for the Study of Human 45

Rights - Dr David Kelly" dated 19 August 2003

21 Jams Blitz' record of his conveisation with Whitehall 46

Official on Wedrnesdav 9 July 2003

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