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s senior Iraqi'
~ `INhitehall officials revea( information used in government dossier came from British intelligence's 'mole' on active service in Saddam's regime
I~ By James Bbtz and Mark Huband publu, over .he need :or war cap,ibibty nail cone, via the US ment of NT, Hussoln's WbID Although Whitehall officials Involved from the TIC Whitehall
Whitehall officials in two flonr an "unreliable" source, an before the start of the war How- yesterdry acknowledged that the soulecs said they wre not cvn-
I A Ionic),- l .aq: officer o,i a" hsr depart:nents sa,d last night the Iraqi defector with contacts vith evel, lluwnmg Street mmoated claim about a 45 r.Imute capabil- Imced it we . somebody working
~ setvire within the coe" il-ry's mth evldencP of the 45 minute capa- the Iraqi opposition moNnnnert that Mr Blair would t;ive eio- ity was based an its single within the security services
I . ,
~ at y provided British mtelhgen^.e bility had come from a senmg The neA revPlaUon came as dence to narliampht's intelligence source, they sold the JIC's deci- Mr Blair lenlarned cVnfldent
I lavt Augint with the information Iraq: offcer v,'rth a record for pro- 'Pony Blair dented claims that and security commlt'.ee, a cross- sion to distribute this informa that <hermcal anti biolog,cal
,that Iraq could fire chenncal or viding reliable data over years Downing Street had "doctored" party body of NIP. which will tron through official channels weapons would be found n7 Iraq,
biological warhead, w)thin 45 I ne information was analysed by the dossier, published last Sep- conduct an inquiry in private, made it impossible to argue that saying that the lraq Survey
li -ninntes of Saddar.l liuscrm 91v Britain's Joint IntelSgence Com tember, saying the allig,iticin was but make tts report public the dossser had been "aexed up" Group - tnade up of 1 .400 IIK, US
m, the order according to senior
In, mlttec and nnn7edlatel1 dlstrlb- "completely and lotallv untrue" intelligence sought to find a In the Commons, Mr Blair am: Austrahan officials - was
; Whitehall ofncials niCd to some CablnCt m7I1152C7S at The prime minister refused to second source for the information backed John Reld, the Commons only now, startu7g its wolk
The claim contained in thp the end of Aug, .st, a few weeks 'now to calls from the n on5elva- end was unable to do so 13ow- leader, who hall claimed "rogue
Ii gos eramenCS uossar on Ilaq's before the comp :latmn ot tire go~ l:ves and Lloeral Demorrats for e%er, the JIC s\as pre7,,ared to re7y elements" in the Intelligence ser- Assault on Blair, Page 5
w-a_,ons of mass dast-ncttcn, has ernc^-ent's WMD dossrPr an independent judicial
1 L7 qtn~.Y on a smSle rource because tile vices were briefing regainst tile Editonal Comment, Page 20
1, eceu :e the chip" , .,,~ of ssn~ .~
.5 a.. There have been assertions into the way the gon ^rnrncnl had officla: waa a ser,or figure in Nit govetmnent But 91 " Blair saw he Was war lustifiedt Discuss onhne at "
, "r:r.tster's "cuped' it :e Brt'.,s'i that mtelLgence aeout the haq: pr-sented .is intelligence assess- Huacm".";s reg:me, not a defector was ronvlnced nobody was www ft com/traqwmd

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