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Split CommOlis committe~ serves

up another `complete Horlicks'

All sides can drink as
much, or as little, of
the WMD dossier
report as they want,
says James Blitz
1,,k Stlaw ties foreign
se<retarc, reeantts deecrrbed
the 'dodgy dossr,~r' reom-
mred b) DounmP Strert oil
lraq's ss,,apons of mass
destructton a< " .t cornplete
Horheks" 'lne sdine phrase
would serve mprilly well to
d,scrtho yesteruay', long-
auarted report from the
Commons noreign affairs
select on ihe gov-
ernment's dectston to ¬ n to
war with Saddam llu,setn
For the past few wenks the
ll membetv of the cross-
party wmrntttee lea by 1)on
old Anderson, haee y,rappled
vuh one of the most nnpor-
Wut questions that has fared
a 11 " rt,sh gaoernment in
y2nts But large chunks of
their e, ruence and 7udg
monts were leaked before
pubucatton And on same lot
the must sensitises tssues -
nor ludtag the question of
,hetlivr to publish the
report at all the commtttee
failed to reach Cunsrnsus
and spill alnn ; parLS pnhtr
"d line, Donald Anderson, chairman of the Commons foreign affairs committee that deLvered a rap on the knuckles to Downmg Street, but no body blow fteters
'fhe resa6 tc trial, trctcr
da~ s teoo-t eon aunterr ~o a apolnnded tne part of the Campbcll to rheir . mcet~ng pua ;e tn the rrport to let fade, two others rrtnatn been scruttrumed o,or its
(UP ~~f iiorhcks I lion whirl, oil In mtelltqence Mattel,
r"VUr' that a-rapil, there him tlarrn ~mdt .atron But a Fast - as flip r focal rsarns - 7narnahs', " pra<edutes Ann
t^e ro\ernment the BBC wou'd rinitinue to b- ",its the Sc,riember uos,rer was poll in tire Mail oil Salida, the aovernmpnt will be a is not rnuch better for the
a ld tl.r tntelligrnr . service, do,,( tied unease" ,,atut the ' more assert,ze than an noruts to the fish far Lown under pressure over ~llvJfI foreign atfatrr, selrct cotnrntt
rnuh dunk as fruit, ar ds br,,tembcr dosarer until nmtel1rgence do cumeut tn ¬ Strcct f lie fights on as long as the 11S and UK tee For ~tans MP, hate
llttla "I the, allied WVI')s werc found m Iraq should be, and the govein- Asked uheeher thev trusted tall to tmd anv etidente on cuniplairred that parliament
Ala .tatr C,unpholl, file Veanwnrlc the i,-br it Der meut's defence ,t the oblun Mr Campbell to tell the the ¬rolmd Second, there :s must be allowed to hold hff
pr,,,,, nuntstcr's madta churl, ocrats could al ¬ ue that only trial Iraq Imported tu,nmm truth 16 per ;en of cntets no clranre of relImbe on in(, Blurt ', go~crn~~ttnl to
decL ;r^d that top BBC's ' 13 an indclo,ndfirt judicial from Africa was "vety odd" sad "Yes" Asked whether question of the uttgtns of the account When the plume
An-notes' ahepaticn had ui,qutrN rould deliver a And then tnem s the great tltep trusted the BBC to tell war while the situation in m,nster appcara before a
be, :, ludlted "untrue" The rohorera lua6ement low between MT Campbell file buth a responding b6 Iraq remamc unteble lo.nt nreeturg of all of parha
BBC m turn could (lag Heneath all the smnnut,e and tne B13C it still per tent onswcred m the 1'lus has been a brursmg ment's select committee
affrrmatne Downmt; Strert affair fnr alt the tns4tuttons chiefs this morrnnK, he could
ti:.J the sonnnrbee onh suit ioarts 1roAbcal manoeu- appeared do,t,ilockad ta,t
,are tu this scrdort attar a %rrne, the r°port ended up night - but Mr fiburs spin knows the battle wpb the tnvolved Downing rzrelit or forenen for w ordering
part, political split bring more critical than minister now, seems willing in Beer, rs one it cannot win in has come under attack trMr wbi,ther his Inquisitors are
Robin Cools, who reignud Downrtg Street had anurt- let it run into the sands trip Il r~ of the electorate the way it four the mtelh- little more than party poirtt-
Thnr~ rc tuct enough lam II that battle is about to gence'seromes The 1313C lids oal hacks

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