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16th Regional Mid-Year Convention

Last September 22-24, 2017, the National Federation of Junior Philippine Institute of
Accountants Region 10 and CARAGA (NFJPIA Region 10 and CARAGA) celebrated its Regional
Mid-year Convention at Malaybalay City, Bukidnon, with the theme, “Lanog: Resounding the
JPIAN Spirit in One Beat.” There were fifteen (15) schools participated in this prestigious event.
The convention held different academic and non-academic events which united the JPIAN spirit
and camaraderie. The Academic events composed of CUP 1-7, consultancy case and whiz kids.
Richard Gomez, an accountancy student of Bukidnon State University won the first prize for the
CUP 1 academic competition. As for the non-academic events, it consist of different activities
mainly The Search for the Ambassador and Ambassadress of Goodwill 2017, Hip-hop
Competition, Sayawit, MTV spoof, Essay Writing Contest, Mural Painting, Laro ng Lahi,
Impromptu Speaking, and Click It. The convention provided a home of unity, solidarity,
academic excellence, leadership promotion and holistic development to more than 3000 future

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