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Reading Goals

Module 4 - System 44

Teacher: Mrs. Alger

Date: 02/24/2018

To Do
Once we have completed our Module 4 reading, I would like for you to create a Google
Slideshow on the Egyptian and Maya people that we have now learned about. I would
like for you to locate and identify the lifestyles of the people and explain their way of life.

Slides Breakdown
1. Title slide, with your name.
2. Where did the people live?
3. What significant structures did the people build?
4. What kind of food did the people eat?
5. Closing slide.

Module 4 Rubric

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1

Relates Graphics Students use Student uses at Student incorporates Student has
to Text multiple (2 or more) least one images, but they do difficulty relating
appropriate graphic appropriate photo not go along with the graphics or does
photos that relate that correctly goes slides/text topic. not have any
to their reading and along with their graphics.
go along with their reading and the
slide appropriate appropriate slide.

Identifies Student lists all the The student lists all The student lists all The student cannot
important main points of the the main points, but but one of the main important
article without uses the article for points, using the information with
information having the article in reference. article for reference. accuracy.
front of him/her. S/he does not
highlight any
unimportant points.

Identifies details Student recalls Student recalls Student is able to Student cannot
several details for several details for locate most of the locate details with
each main point each main point, details when looking accuracy.
without referring to but needs to refer at the article.
the article. to the article,

Identifies facts Student accurately Student accurately Student accurately Student has
locates at least 4 locates 3 facts in locates 3 facts in the difficulty locating
facts in the article the article and gives article. Explanation is facts in an article.
and gives a clear a reasonable weak.
explanation of why explanation of why
these are facts, they are facts,
rather than rather than
opinions. opinions.

Summarization Student uses only Student uses Student summarizes Student has great
1-3 sentences to several sentences most of the article difficulty
describe clearly to accurately accurately, but has summarizing the
what the article is describe what the some slight article.
about. article is about. misunderstanding.

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