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3/01/2018 CHOONG HUI PING B14091137

Oct 2017

BMIS 32153 – Data Communication and Telecommunication Systems

Problem-Based Questions 4 (40 Marks)


1. A code scheme has HD dmin =7. How many maximum errors can this code scheme detect?
A code scheme has a Hamming distance dmin=7. This code guarantees the detection up to six
errors (d=s+1 or s=6)
[2 Marks]

2. Write the following divisor in corresponding polynomials.

a. 10111
= 1x4+1x2+x+1

b. 101101
= 1x7+1x6+1x3+1x2+1
[2 Marks]

3. Assuming even parity, for the simple-parity bit, find the parity bit of the following data units
a. 11110000
Parity bit is 0

b. 11001101
Parity bit is 1
[2 Marks]

4. Complete the simple parity-check code table for k =3, n=4.

Simple parity-check code table for k =3, n=4.
000 0000
001 0011
011 0110
111 1111

[4 Marks]

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3/01/2018 CHOONG HUI PING B14091137
Oct 2017

5. In a codeword, we add 2 redundant bits to each 4-bit dataword. Find the value of n, k and r.
n=6, k=4, r=2
[3 Marks]

6. In CRC, if dataword is 6 bits and codeword is 9 bits, how many 0’s to be appended to make the
3 0’s to be appended to make the dividend
[2 Marks]
7. Perform the exclusive OR (X-OR) on the following pairs of patterns.
a. 10001 ⊕ 10001
00000 dmin =0

b. 11100 ⊕ 00000
11100 dmin= 3

c. 10011 ⊕ 11111
01100 dmin=2
[3 Marks]

8. Perform CRC generation of codeword for this dataword x7  x4  x3  x and divisor x3  x2  1.

Assume there is no error, show the checking process at the receiver side.
[5 Marks]

9. A codeword of 10 bits has only four 0s, how many terms are in the polynomial representation of
this code? Show how you obtained the answers.
[2 Marks]

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3/01/2018 CHOONG HUI PING B14091137
Oct 2017

10. Given the dataword 1010011110 and the divisor 10111:

a. Show the generation of the codeword at the sender site (using binary division).
Binary division case

CRC checksum 1010

Codeword 10100111101010

b. Show the checking of the codeword at the receiver site (assume no error).
Receiver use binary division

Remainder 0000 as require

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3/01/2018 CHOONG HUI PING B14091137
Oct 2017

[7 Marks]

11. Apply the following operations on the corresponding polynomials

a. (x3 + x1 + x + 1) + (x4 + x1 + x + 1)

b. (x3 + x1) x (x4 + x2 + x + 1)


c. (x3 + x1 + x + 1) - (x4 + x1 + x + 1)

d. (x3 + x2 + x + 1) / (x2 + 1)
[8 Marks]

Submit your work in Edmodo in 2 weeks.

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