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ucs vxvblock Archetecture

We are going to need following tools for this:

Considering you followed the previous Introduction post, we will now add Cisco IOU/IOL image in Unetlab.

We are going to need following tools for this:

1. WinSCP
2. L2 IOL image : i86bi-linux-l2-ipbasek9-15.1g.bin
3. L3 IOL image : i86bi-linux-l3-adventerprisek9-15.4.1T.bin

Download these softwares as well as bin files


1. Install WinSCP and Start it.

File protocol: SFTP

Hostname : Address of your Unetlab VM.
Username : root
Password : unl

WinSCP is used to log into your VM and to copy files from your local machine to Unetlab VM.
2. Move both IOL files from Desktop to Unetlab VM

As shown below, Left side window is your local machine and Right side is the Unetlab VM
On left side navigate to IOL images path.
On right side navigate to /opt/unetlab/addons/iol/bin
Copy both bin files to this location in VM
3. Now we need to fix permissions for newly added bin files.
In Unetlab VM hit the following command

/opt/unetlab/wrappers/unl_wrapper -a fixpermissions
4. We need iourc file(contains license) for our bin files. So here is where python code comes into picture.

Download python code, move it into Unetlab VM’s root directory (using WinSCP) and execute it.
As you can see license number is generated starting with “be60*******”
5. Creating license file
Now create new file “iourc” under /opt/unetlab/addons/iol/bin/ path.
Do not use any file extension.
Put following text in iourc file.

(none) = be60********;

Use license number generated on your VM. In my case be60…..blah blah blah
Here “(none)” is the username of VM.
6. That is it.
You are ready to go.
Open Unetlab in browser and add a node in Lab.
Select template as Cisco IOL.
As you can see 2 bin images have appeared.
Select L3 image for router.
7. Start the node and click on Router icon to get CLI
Posted in Unetlab.
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