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TRANSILUMINATION TO — Sinusitis is the inflam m ation of the sinus space. The

PATIENTS MAXILLARY research on transillum ination’s description toward
patient with m axillar y sinusitis and frontal sinusitis
SINUSITIS AND FRONTAL in Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) policlinic at Dr.
Zainoel Abidin Hospital has been done. The research
SINUSITIS IN has an objective to deter m ine transillum ination
description toward patient with m axillar y sinusitis
Dr . ZAINOEL ABIDIN HOSPITAL and frontal sinusitis and to acces severity level. The
research is a descriptive study with cross sectional
m ethod.


Prelim inar y — And of the 71 cases 60% of patients with chronic

m axillar y sinusitis caused by bacteria. The bacteria that
— Paranasal sinuses is one of hum an organs are difficult play an im por tant role in the pathogenesis of chronic
to describe because of its highly variable in each m axillar y sinusitis are Streptococcus pneum oni,
individual. There are four pairs of paranasal sinuses, Haem ophylus influenza, Moraxella catarrhalis and
ranging from the largest, nam ely, m axillary sinus, Staphylococcus aureus.
frontal sinus, ethm oid sinuses and sinus spenoid right
and left

— Paranasal sinus can be infected by various pathogens

that will eventually lead to sinus inflam m ation
(sinusitis). Sinusitis is the m ost com m on health
problem s in society.

— Based on the anatom ic location of sinusitis can be
divided into m axillar y sinusitis, frontal sinusitis,
sinusitis ethm oid and sphenoid sinusitis. But the
m ost com m on is the m axillar y sinusitis and the
m ost rare is frontal sinusitis.
— One sim ple way that can be used in the exam ination
of m axillary and frontal sinusitis is the exam ination
of transillum ination. The results obtained are not so
specific, but transillum ination can indicate the
presence of pus that accumulates in the sinuses.

— Transillum ination is done in a dark room using a

flashlight directed into the m outh.

Research m ethods
— The general purpose of this study is to see the
picture of transillum ination in patients with
m axillar y and frontal sinusitis. And the specific — This research is a descriptive research with cross
purpose of this study is To assess the degree of sectional design. This research was conducted in
transilum ination exam ination results in patients RSUD dr. Zainoel Abidin Banda Aceh. From May
with m axillar y and frontal sinusitis. 2010 to March 2011

— The sam ples were all patients who had sinusitis

com plaints in Dr Zainoel Abidin clinic who fulfilled
the criteria. The sam pling technique used in this
study is total sam pling.

Research result — Based on the results of transillum ination

exam ination, visible dark picture on sinus sinusitis
patient room and m axillar y sinusitis frontalis, the
— The sam ples were taken based on the inclusion results of the exam ination data is found.
criteria, so that there were 52 sam ples of m axillary
sinusitis and frontal sinusitis. The results showed,
from 52 sam ples conducted exam ination, there are
45 sam ples of patients with m axillar y sinusitis and
5 sam ples of patients with frontal sinusitis.
The degree of transilumination in patients with suspected maxillary sinusitis

Degree of Maxillary Maxillary Total % Comparison of the estimated number of male and female maxillary sinusitis
severity sinusitis sinusitis and frontal sinusitis
3 3 5 8 8.2
Gender Maxillary frontal sinusitis total %
2 24 23 47 47,9 sinusitis
1 16 16 32 32,6
0 6 5 11 11,2 m ale 15 3 16 30,77
Total 49 49 98 100
fem ale 32 2 36 69,23

The degree of transilumination in patients with suspected frontal sinusitis Total 48 4 52 100
Degree of Frontal sinusitis frontal sinusitis Total %
severity D S
3 1 1 2 33,3
2 2 2 4 66,7
1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
Total 3 3 6 100

— secretions collected in the sinuses are a good

m edium for the growth and multiplication of
Discussion bacteria. Im paired absorption and air flow within
the sinus also causes the cilia to be less active and
— patients with chronic m axillar y sinusitis are caused the mucus produced by the sinus surface
by bacteria. The bacteria that play an im por tant m em brane will becom e m ore viscous and becom e
role in the pathogenesis of chronic m axillar y easier for bacteria to arise and multiply.
sinusitis are Streptococcus pneum oni,
Haem ophylus influenza, Moraxella catarrhalis and — continued inflam m ation occurs hypoxia and
Staphylococcus aureus anaerobic bacteria develop. Mucosa is increasingly
swollen and this is a chain of cycles that continue
to spin until finally mucosal changes becom e
chronic ie hyper trophy, polypoid, or the for m ation
of polyps and cysts. In these circum stances
surger y m ay be required

From the research that has been done, it can be
concluded that:

1. A dark picture on the exam ination transilum ination

in m axillar y sinusitis is 86,54% and highest degree of
severity is degree 2 (47,9%).

2. The dark picture on transilum ination exam ination on

frontal sinusitis is 9.62% and the highest degree of
severity is degree 2 (66,7%).

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