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Sensors and Actuators B 253 (2017) 723–730

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Enhanced peroxidase-like activity of CuWO4 nanoparticles for the

detection of NADH and hydrogen peroxide
K. Aneesh a,b , Chiranjeevi Srinivasa Rao vusa b , Sheela Berchmans a,b,∗
Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR), India
CSIR-Central Electrochemical Research Institute, Karaikudi 630003, Tamil Nadu, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Herein, we demonstrate for the first time the peroxidase mimicking properties of CuWO4 nanoparticles
Received 29 March 2017 (CuWO4 NPs) and a simple colorimetric method for the determination of nicotinamide adenine dinucleo-
Received in revised form 21 June 2017 tide (NADH) based on the inhibition of peroxidase-like properties of CuWO4 NPs. A one-pot hydrothermal
Accepted 26 June 2017
process was used to synthesize the CuWO4 NPs and XRD, SEM, HR-TEM and XPS were used to confirm
Available online 28 June 2017
the formation of CuWO4 NPs. The synthesized CuWO4 NPs could catalyze the oxidation of typical per-
oxidase substrate 3,3 ,5,5 -tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) by H2 O2 to produce a visible blue color reaction
with absorption maxima centered at 652 nm. The CuWO4 NPs exhibit superior kinetics over the natu-
Peroxidase mimic
ral enzyme horse radish peroxidase (HRP) with lower Km value. The CuWO4 NPs peroxidase mimicking
NADH sensor system was optimized for NADH sensing in the concentration range of 0.2–380 ␮M (R2 = 0.98) with a
Amperometry detection limit of 0.2 ␮M. Moreover, the CuWO4 NPs modified glassy carbon electrode (GCE) reduced
H2 O2 sensor H2 O2 at a lower onsite potential (−200 mV) thereby, allowing us to electrochemically sense hydrogen
peroxide with a linear range of 24.87 ␮M–3.6 mM (R2 = 0.99) and a sensitivity of 207.64 ␮A mM−1 .
© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction been reported so far, to the best of our knowledge. Nicotinamide

Adenine Dinucleotide (NADH) is one of the most important coen-
Natural peroxidase enzymes, owing to their high efficiency zymes found in human body. It can be formed in living cells through
and substrate specificity, are extensively used in disease diag- the digestion process and more than 300 dehydrogenase enzymes
nosis, food processing, medicine, waste water treatment and have been identified as NADH-dependent, maintaining the cellular
bio-sensing [1–5]. However, the expensive time-consuming sepa- growth and energy metabolism [23–25]. NADH is directly linked to
ration and purification techniques, large-scale dependency on pH, the formation of adenosine triphosphate molecules (ATP), which is
temperature, and inhibitors makes natural enzymes unfavorable regarded as the “molecular unit of currency” of intracellular energy
for practical applications. Artificial peroxidase mimics, owing to transfer and any deficiency of NADH will result in lower ATP pro-
their tunable structures and chemical compositions coupled with duction and an energy deficit cellular level. Also, since, the brain
low cost, high stability, ease of preparation and superior properties consumes one-third of energy produced in human cells, any deficit
have attracted much interest [6,7]. Peroxidase mimics have been in ATP can cause decreased mental alertness, attention deficit, pro-
successfully applied for the sensing of hydrogen peroxide [6,8], glu- longed reaction times, Alzheimer’s and dementia [26]. Low levels
cose [8], cholesterol [6], cysteine [9], melamine [10], protein [11], NADH and the resulting decrease in the ATP may cause Parkin-
dopamine [12], sulfide [13], ascorbic acid [14], mercuric ions [15], son’s disease because of the destruction of dopamine [27,28]. On
xanthine [16], acetamiprid [17], choline and acetylcholine [18], the other hand, increased concentration of NADH in the cellular
uranyl ions [19], glyphosate [20], leukemia cancer cells [21] and environment may lead to physiological effects such as anxiety,
urea [22]. However, application of a peroxidase mimicking mate- insomnia, and fatigue [29]. Therefore, the development of a pre-
rial for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) sensing has not cise and selective sensor for measuring the concentration of NADH
in the presence of interfering biomolecules is extremely important.
Several methods such as electrochemiluminescence [30], liquid
chromatography [31], photoelectrocatalysis [32] etc are available
∗ Corresponding author at: CSIR-Central Electrochemical Research Institute,
for the determination of NADH. However, these methods are often
Karaikudi, 630003, Tamil Nadu, India.
E-mail addresses:, time-consuming, lack sensitivity and are susceptible to interfer-
(S. Berchmans). ence with other substances. Herein a simple colorimetric method
0925-4005/© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
724 A. K. et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 253 (2017) 723–730

for the selective determination of NADH is reported based on the Tecnai 20 G2 (FEI make) High-Resolution Transmission electron
inhibition of peroxidase-like properties of CuWO4 NPs. microscope (HR-TEM). FT-IR results were obtained from a Bruker
Tungstate, because of its excellent catalytic and electrochem- Tensor 27, FT-IR Spectrometer. Kinetic studies, fluorescent exper-
ical characteristics has drawn wide attention. Metal tungstates iments, and UV–vis spectral measurements were performed on a
deliver good conductivity, as a result of the enhancement of the Tecan Infinite M200 pro spectrophotometer. The XPS analysis was
electrical conductivity by W atoms (10−7 –10−3 S cm−1 ) and pro- performed on a Multilab 2000 Base system with Mg/Al twin anode
vide excellent electrochemical performance [33,34]. Further, metal (300/400W) X-Ray Source. XRD patterns were obtained from a
tungstates are applied for various usages in science and technol- Bruker D8 Advance X-ray diffraction instrument using Ni-filtered
ogy such as radioactive decay of isotopes with very long half-life, Cu K␣ radiation (l = 1.54 Å).
detection of non-baryonic dark matter double beta decay, solenoid
materials for specific calorimeters, in positron emission tomogra- 3. Results and discussion
phy and as positive electrodes in lithium rechargeable batteries
[35–39]. Meanwhile, the 3d orbitals of the transition metals are 3.1. Peroxidase-like activity
responsible for some of the electronic correlation effects observed
in these materials [40]. Among tungstates, copper tungstate, a well- The peroxidase-like activities of the CuWO4 NPs were exam-
known n-type semiconductor with a bandgap of ca. 2.25–2.45 eV ined using H2 O2 and TMB substrates in acetate buffer solution
and a member of the structurally related divalent transition metal (1 mL, 0.1 M, pH = 3). The reaction was monitored on a Tecan Infi-
tungstates family, belongs to the distorted triclinic wolframite nite M200 pro spectrophotometer using the time drive mode. From
structure [41–43]. In Copper tungstate, the constituent metal the initial linear region of the kinetic curves, the steady-state reac-
atoms (Cu and W) are surrounded by six oxygen atoms. The tion rates were obtained assuming molar absorption coefficient
M–O distances within the CuO6 and WO6 octahedra fall in the of 39,000 M−1 cm−1 for TMB oxidation products at 652 nm. These
range of 0.1961–0.2450 nm and 0.1760–0.2208 nm respectively reaction rates were then fitted into the Michaelis–Menten (Eq. (1))
[41]. This compound exhibits low dimensional magnetic behavior and Lineweaver-Burk (Eq. (2)) equations to calculate the kinetic
as a result of the lightly coupled zigzag chains of copper ions. Many constants.
applications of copper tungstate such as electrode material for [S]
photoelectrolysis, photoanodes, optical fibers, solar-assisted water ␯0 = ␯max (1)
[S] + Km
splitting, laser host, scintillation detectors and sensors [44–53]
1 1 Km 1
have been reported. However, the peroxidase mimetic properties = + × (2)
of CuWO4 NPs have not been reported so far to the best of our ␯0 ␯max ␯max [S]
knowledge. Where 0 is the reaction velocity, max is the maximal reaction
velocity, [S] is the substrate concentration (H2 O2 or TMB) and Km
2. Experimental is the Michaelis-Menten constant.

2.1. Materials 3.2. Electrochemistry experiments

Hydrated sodium tungstate (Na2 WO4 .2H2 O), l-Ascorbic acid, The glassy carbon electrodes (GCE, 3.0 mm dia.) were first pol-
l-Cysteine, Glutathione, Copper (II) nitrate trihydrate, sodium ished with 0.3 and 0.05 ␮m alumina slurry and then cleaned
acetate, D(+)Glucose, acetic acid (glacial) and 3, 3 , 5, 5 - in Milli-Q water by ultrasonication. 0.5 mg of CuWO4 NPs were
tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. dispersed ultrasonically into 100 ␮L Milli-Q water to obtain a sus-
Ethanol (99.8%) and Hydrogen peroxide (30%) were purchased pension (5 mg ml−1 ). 10 ␮L of this suspension was then drop-cast
from Merck and ␤-Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, reduced on the pretreated GCE and allowed to dry at room temperature
disodium salt hydrate (NADH) and uric acid were obtained from for one hour. All the electrochemical experiments were performed
acros organics. All chemicals were of highest purity available and on an AUTOLAB PGSTAT 302N work station. A three electrode sys-
were used without further purification. Ultrapure Milli-Q water tem comprising of CuWO4 NPs modified GCE (CuWO4 NPs/GCE)
with a resistance not less than 18.6 M was used throughout the as working electrode, Ag/AgCl as reference electrode and a spiral
experiments. platinum wire as auxiliary electrode was used in all electrochemical
studies. The experimental solutions were de-aerated by bubbling
2.2. Synthesis of CuWO4 NPs nitrogen gas and were maintained under nitrogen atmosphere dur-
ing the electrochemical experiments.
The CuWO4 NPs were synthesized via chemical precipitation Fig. 1a shows the FT-IR spectra of as-prepared CuWO4 NPs.
reaction. In a typical experimental procedure, 2 mmol solutions of The peak around 3395 cm−1 is due to the stretching of O H and
Cu(NO3 )2 and Na2 WO4 were prepared separately in 25 mL of dis- bending of H O H bonds of the adsorbed water molecules on
tilled water with stirring. The Na2 WO4 solution was then added the sample surface [51,54] and the peak appearing at 1608 cm−1
drop wise into Cu(NO3 )2 solution with frequent stirring to form a is associated with ı(OH) in W OH. The bands appearing between
cream green colored precipitate. After completion of the precipita- 880 and 470 cm−1 represent the wolframite structure. The absorp-
tion reaction, the resultant product was transferred to a 100 mL tion bands appearing below 600 cm−1 represent the deformation
Teflon-lined autoclave and heated at 175 ◦ C for 24 h and then modes of W O W bridges or W O bonds in the WO4 tetrahedra
allowed to cool to room temperature. The obtained precipitate was [55]. Similarly, the stretching mode of W O bonds in junction with
then collected by centrifugation, washed with deionized water and WO4 tetrahedra appear at 890 cm−1 . Furthermore, the band with a
ethanol for several times and dried overnight. Finally, the samples maxima of 770 cm−1 is due to Cu–O stretching [56].
were calcinated at 300 ◦ C. To identify the crystal structure, phase, and lattice parameters,
the synthesized CuWO4 NPs were subjected to X-Ray Diffraction
2.3. Apparatus and characterization analysis. Fig. 1b shows the XRD pattern of the synthesized cop-
per tungstate nanoparticles. The high crystallinity of the sample
The surface morphology of the CuWO4 NPs was investigated is evident from the strong intensity peaks. Moreover, the diffrac-
using a Tescan VEGA3 scanning electron microscope (SEM) and tion peaks are in agreement with the wolframite structure of the
A. K. et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 253 (2017) 723–730 725

Fig. 1. (a) FT-IR spectrum, (b) XRD pattern of the as-prepared CuWO4 NPs.

copper tungstate (Reference code: 01-073-1823) with space group temperature respectively. As shown in Fig. S5, the catalytic activity
of P1 (2). The lattice parameters of the synthesized CuWO4 NPs of CuWO4 NPs is dependent on pH and temperature. The optimal
are a = 4.7026 Å, b = 5.8389 Å and c = 4.8784 Å with ␣ = 91.6770◦ , pH for maximum catalytic activity was observed at pH 3 and the
␤ = 92.4690◦ and ␥ = 82.8050◦ . catalytic activity continued to increase with increase in tempera-
Then, as prepared CuWO4 NPs were characterized by SEM and ture reaching maximum at 80 ◦ C. This behavior resembles many
HR-TEM for determining their morphology. As shown in Fig. S1a reported peroxidase mimicking materials [62,63] and indicates the
& 1b and Fig. 2a & b, the low and high-resolution SEM and HR- robustness of the catalyst under harsh conditions of temperature
TEM images revealed spherical morphology for CuWO4 NPs with an and pH.
average particle size of 66 nm. Simultaneously, the HRTEM images
(Fig. S1c & 1d, Fig. 2c) also showed visible lattice fringes for CuWO4
NPs with interplanar spacing of 0.296 nm, 0.210 nm, 0.186 nm, 3.4. Kinetics of the peroxidase- like property and proposed
0.225 nm, 0.251 nm, 0.243 nm, 0.171 nm, 0.201 nm, 0.155 nm and mechanism
0.579, which are in agreement with the interplanar spacing of the
(111), (−121), (130) (210), (0–21), (002), (−130), (211), (300) and The peroxidase-like properties of CuWO4 NPs were further
(010) facets of triclinic CuWO4 NPs. The dispersion of Copper, Tung- investigated by steady-state kinetic analysis (Fig. S6). The kinet-
sten, and Oxygen atoms in the catalyst was analyzed by STEM ics was measured by keeping the concentration of one of the
elemental mapping. The elemental mapping (Fig. S2) confirmed the peroxidase substrate (TMB or H2 O2 ) constant while varying the
presence of Cu, W and O atoms. In addition, the elemental map- concentration of other (Fig. S7). Michaelis–Menten curves for
ping result also revealed the homogeneous existence of Cu, W and CuWO4 NPs (Fig. S7a & 7b) were obtained from the initial kinetic
O species. curves. Lineweaver–Burk plots (double reciprocal plots) were then
XPS was used to identify the chemical state and surface com- plotted as the double reciprocal using three different concentra-
position of the catalyst. The survey spectrum of CuWO4 NPs, as tions of TMB and showed good linear relationship with parallel
shown in Fig. 3a, indicates the presence of Cu 2p, O 1s, W 4f and lines (Fig. S7c). These parallel lines are characteristic of a ping-pong
W 4d which are in good agreement with the EDAX results (Fig. mechanism similar to that of the natural horse radish peroxidase
S3). The core-level spectrum of Cu 2p (Fig. 3b) shows peaks cor- enzyme [61]. Lineweaver–Burk plots (Fig. S7c) were then plot-
responding to Cu 2p3/2 and Cu 2p1/2 . The satellite peaks in the ted as the double reciprocal and showed good linear relationship.
spectra indicated that copper exists as Cu(II)[57]. The higher bind- These results confirmed typical Michaelis–Menten model for the
ing energy of Cu 2p3/2 than that of pure CuO (933.8 eV) suggests that peroxidase reaction catalyzed by CuWO4 NPs. A comparison of
the Cu(II) species are surrounded by W-O. The core-level spectra of the kinetic parameters obtained from the Michaelis–Menten and
W 4f5/2 and 4f7/2 (Fig. 3c) with the corresponding binding energies Lineweaver–Burk plots with recent literature reports are shown
37.1 eV and 34.8 eV suggest that the tungsten in the sample exists in Table 1. The Km values are directly related to the affinity of
as W+6 [58]. The core-level spectrum of O 1s (Fig. 3d) is decon- an enzyme towards the substrates, and smaller Km values indi-
voluted into three peaks, corresponding to the surface hydroxide cated higher affinity between the enzyme and the substrates and
(O H, 531.6 eV) due to absorbed water, Cu-O groups (530.1 eV) and vice versa. The observed Km (0.385 mM) value of CuWO4 NPs with
W-O species (529.3 eV) [59]. H2 O2 substrate is found to be smaller than that of the natural horse
radish peroxidase enzyme, suggesting the higher affinity of the cat-
alyst for H2 O2 . The availability of more active sites on the CuWO4
3.3. Peroxidase-like properties of CuWO4 NPs NPs surface may be the reason for the lower Km value than the
natural horse radish peroxidase, which has only one active site per
The peroxidase can catalyze the oxidation of some organic sub- molecule. The ␯max for the CuWO4 NPs, which is the maximum
strates such as amines and phenols in presence of H2 O2 [60]. The reaction velocity when the enzyme is saturated with the substrate
peroxidase-like activities of CuWO4 NPs were investigated by the was found to be higher than HRP indicating the higher catalytic
oxidation of TMB in the presence of H2 O2 . As shown in Fig. S4, in the activity.
absence of CuWO4 NPs catalyst H2 O2 can’t oxidize TMB similar to In order to further investigate the mechanism of peroxidase-
the case reported for horseradish peroxidase enzyme [61], and with like activity, the electrochemical behavior of the CuWO4 NPs was
the addition of CuWO4 NPs catalyst, the oxidation of TMB devel- analyzed using cyclic voltammetry and amperometry. As shown
oped characteristic blue color with absorbance maxima centered at in Fig. 4a, no obvious current was observed in the blank experi-
652 nm. The dependency of external conditions on the peroxidase- ment, however, with the addition of 0.49 mM H2 O2 , the reduction
like activity of CuWO4 NPs was investigated by varying the pH and current increased steadily indicating the ability of CuWO4 NPs to
726 A. K. et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 253 (2017) 723–730

Fig. 2. (a–c) HR-TEM images of CuWO4 NPs under different resolutions (d) the corresponding SAED pattern.

Fig. 3. (a) XPS survey scan of CuWO4 NPs, (b) Core-level spectrum of Cu 2p, (c) Core-level spectrum of W, (d) O 1s core-level spectrum.
A. K. et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 253 (2017) 723–730 727

Table 1
Comparison of the kinetic parameters with recent literature value.

Catalysts Km (mM) ␯max [10−8 × Ms−1 ] References


HRP 7.08 0.12 491 14.5 [64]

TemFe A 157.19 0.08 1.28 0.97 [65]
Ni/Co LDHs 13.2 – 3.24 – [66]
Fe3 O4 MNPs 154 0.09 9.78 3.44 [61]
Cu-Ag/rGO 8.62 0.63 7.01 4.25 [67]
Nanosized CuS 1.75 0.06 23.7 76.4 [68]
Fe2 (MoO4 )3 -F 0.10 1.12 7.51 3.73 [69]
Pd-Ir cubes 340 0.13 5.1 6.5 [70]
Fluorescein 1.11 1.31 0.43 0.41 [71]
Co3 O4 @CeO2 7.09 0.14 4.33 4.13 [72]
CuWO4 NPs 0.38 0.20 472 11.3 This work

Fig. 4. a) Cyclic voltammograms obtained at the GCE/CuWO4 electrode (␸ = 3 mm) at a scan rate of 50 mVs−1 in acetate buffer solution (0.1 M, pH = 3) in the absence and in
the presence of different concentrations of H2 O2 . b) Amperometric response of the GCE/CuWO4 for the continuous additions of H2 O2 at applied potential of −0.2 V.

Scheme 1. Proposed NADH sensing mechanism using the peroxidase mimicking properties of CuWO4 NPs.

transfer electrons between electrode surface (electron donor) and rent increased steadily with a high sensitivity of 207.64 ␮A mM−1
H2 O2 (electron acceptor). The amperometric response is recorded along with each addition of H2 O2 . These results indicated that the
at an applied potential of −200 mV (Fig. 4b). The reduction cur- CuWO4 NPs fulfill the electron transfer between H2 O2 and TMB and
728 A. K. et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 253 (2017) 723–730

Fig. 5. (a) Digital images of the CuWO4 NPs system in the absence and presence of different concentrations of NADH. From left to right, the concentration of NADH are 0,
0.2, 0.38, 2, 3.8, 20, 40, 77, 100, 200, 380 and 555 ␮M, respectively, (b) UV–vis spectra of the proposed system in the presence of different concentrations of NADH, (c) Linear
calibration plot for NADH detection. The error bars indicate standard deviation for n=3.

exhibit the intrinsic peroxidase-like activity. Therefore, the pro-

posed mechanism is as follows (Scheme 1). TMB after adsorbing
on the surface of CuWO4 NPs due to the ␲–␲ stacking interaction
[73], donates a lone-pair of electrons from the amino groups to the
CuWO4 NPs, thereby increasing the electron density and mobility in
CuWO4 NPs. This process also oxidizes TMB into TMB.+ with char-
acteristic absorbance maxima at 652 nm. The electron rich catalyst
center then transfers the electrons to H2 O2 , thereby reducing it to
water [74]. Besides, the large specific surface area and small crys-
talline size of CuWO4 NPs may provide high density of catalytically
active sites that bind substrates with less steric hindrance and more
powerful redox capability because of the quantum-size effect [75].

3.5. Analytical performance of the proposed sensor

Interestingly, it was found that nicotinamide adenine dinucleo-

tide (NADH) could inhibit the peroxidase-like properties of CuWO4 Fig. 6. (a) Typical UV–vis spectra of 50 ␮g ml−1 of CuWO4 NPs in the presence of
0.24 mM TMB and 4.7 mM H2 O2 , (b) 50 ␮g ml−1 of CuWO4 NPs in the presence of
NPs. The finding above led us to develop a NADH sensor. The perfor-
0.24 mM TMB, 4.7 mM H2 O2 and 0.45 mM NADH, (c) 50 ␮g ml−1 of CuWO4 NPs in the
mance of the proposed sensor was evaluated by recording the color presence of 0.24 mM TMB, 4.7 mM H2 O2 and 0.45 mM glutathione, (d) 50 ␮g ml−1
changes of CuWO4 NPs system in the absence and presence of dif- of CuWO4 NPs in the presence of 0.24 mM TMB, 4.7 mM H2 O2 and 0.45 mM cystein,
ferent amounts of NADH. As shown in Fig. 5a, a clear visual change (e) 50 ␮g ml−1 of CuWO4 NPs in the presence of 0.24 mM TMB, 4.7 mM H2 O2 and
in the blue color is observed which could be differentiated with 0.45 mM ascorbic acid, (f) 50 ␮g ml−1 of CuWO4 NPs in the presence of 0.24 mM TMB,
4.7 mM H2 O2 and 0.45 mM uric acid, (g) 50 ␮g ml−1 of CuWO4 NPs in the presence of
the naked eyes. The catalytic conditions were then optimized for
0.24 mM TMB, 4.7 mM H2 O2 and 0.45 mM dopamine. (Inset shows the digital images
the optimal detection of NADH. The UV–vis spectra of the CuWO4 of the corresponding samples).
NPs system in the presence of different concentrations of NADH
are shown in Fig. 5b. It can be seen that the absorbance at 652 nm
decreased gradually with the increase in NADH concentration. The
NADH sensor exhibited a good linear relationship in the concentra- 3.6. Selectivity studies
tion range from 0.2 ␮M–380 ␮M with a detection limit of 0.2 ␮M.
As shown in Table.S1 (Supporting information), a comparison of the The selectivity of the proposed sensing platform was investi-
analytical parameters with recent literature reports shows that the gated with potential interfering substances including glutathione,
sensor is superior to many of the reported methods. The repeatabil- cysteine, ascorbic acid, uric acid, glucose, and dopamine. As shown
ity studies performed using five independent measurements with in Fig. 6 & Fig. S8, it is clearly seen that only NADH induces a dra-
40 ␮M NADH shows a relative standard deviation (RSD) of 3.9%, matic decrease in the peroxidase- like properties of CuWO4 NPs
showing the reliability of the proposed sensor. when compared to other interfering substances, suggesting that the
A. K. et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 253 (2017) 723–730 729

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[62] H. Liu, C. Gu, W. Xiong, M. Zhang, A sensitive hydrogen peroxide biosensor
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