CSS Orientation

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Area : Computer Systems Servicing NC II Date : June 5, 2017

Subject Teacher : Time: 7:20 – 10:35 a.m. – Grade 12

3:20 – 5:20 p.m. – Grade 11

I. Objectives:
At the end of the session, learners are expected to:
1. Respond to questions about themselves and their expectations for Senior High School
2. Work with a group by sharing one’s responses to given questions
3. Collaborate with a group to present group output.

II. Content:
I am a Senior High School Learner

III. Materials:
o Multimedia projector connected to a computer with Microsoft PowerPoint.

IV. Procedures:
A. Routine/Warm-up
 Prayer
 Greeting
 Checking of Attendance
 Review the previous lesson

B. Presenting the new lesson (2 mins)

Teacher welcomes the class and introduces himself/herself (specialization, background,

C. Establishing a purpose for the lesson (5 mins)

1. From the list below, teacher chooses one to two questions for the class to answer.
Subject teachers coordinate with each other so that there will be no/minimal
duplication of questions used in class.
a. What object best represents you?
b. What excites you about SHS?
c. What makes you nervous about SHS?
d. What age will you be 10 years from now?
i. How would you like to look like?
ii. What would you like to be doing?
iii. Where would you like to be working?
2. Teacher says : “Let’s get to know a little bit about each other today.”

D. Presenting examples
Teacher provides the sentence structure to follow based on the chosen question. For
example, for question a:

“Hello, my name is ___________. The object that best represents me is a/an

________________ because ______________________.”
For questions b and c:

“Hello, my name is _________________. I am from_______________. I am excited for

___________________. I am nervous about ___________________.“

Teacher models how to respond using the suggested sentence structure.

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1 (30 mins)

1. Learners are asked to think of their responses/expectations in Senior High
School ICT CSS NC II and write them down.
2. After they have written their responses/expectations, the teacher will ask them
share their responses/expectations.
3. Each student then share their expectations to the class.

F. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson (15 mins)

After the sharing session, the class can reflect on the answers of the group. The teacher
can ask the following questions:
a. What can students do to make sure Senior High School be a positive
b. What can teachers do to make this happen?
c. What can the school do to make this happen?

(8 mins)
a. Teacher provides a proper ending by emphasizing that SHS is a new beginning
and a proper venue to start anew as an individual, learner, and as a class, that
their similarities and differences will help the class achieve their goals.
b. Teacher can cite examples on how this can happen.

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