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1. Who is the CEO of Chesapeake Energy

AS. Robert Lawler
2. Who is the CEO of Chevron
AS. John S. Watson
3. Which company has the world's highest oil production
AS. Saudi Aramco, 12.5 MMBBLD
4. Which company has the world's second highest daily oil production?
AS. Gatzprom, 9.7MMBBLD
5. Which company has the world's third highest daily oil production?
AS. National Iranian Oil Co
6. Which company has the world's fourth highest daily oil production?
AS. ExxonMobil, 5.3 MMBBLD
7. Which company has the worlds's fifth highest daily oil production
AS. PetroChina, 4.4 MMBBLD
8. CEO of Hilcorp
AS. Jeffrey Hildebrand
9. What are 5 assumptions behind darcy flow?
AS. Reynold's number less than 1
-No-slip boundary conditions
-Single-phase flow
-No chemical ineteraction between rock and fluid
-Newtonian Fluid
10.What is the formula for effective porosity
Volume (interconnected)/Volume(total)
11.Formula for effective permeability?
12.Formula for Mobility Ratio?
13.Formula for rate during exponential decline?
14.What is an ESP? Who invented it? Where was it first successfully
AS. Electronic Submersibile Pump; Armais Arutunoff, Kansas
15.Who was the first woman SPE president, and in what year?
AS. DeAnn Craig, 1998
16.How many countries are currently in SPE?
AS. 141
17.Current SPE membership number
AS. 124,528, including more than 37,000 student members
18.In what year was SPE founded?
AS. 1957
19.In what year did SPE split from AIME (American Institute of Mining
AS. 1985
20.Who is the Current SPE President?
Jeff Spath
21.Who is the 2015 SPE President?

AS. Helge Hove Haldorsen

22.What is "The Way Ahead"

AS. The SPE young professionals magazine published 3 times a year
23.What is the highest award that you can win as an SPE member?
As. Honorary Member Award
24.What does "Segregated Flow" mean, and which factors determine the flow
As. This is when fluids are separated according to density and it becomes a
factor when the gravity dominates the flow
25.What does the term "diffuse flow" mean and which factors determine this
flow condition?
As. A well-mixed flow where the fluids don't separate according to density
26.What is formation volume factor
AS. Volume of fluid at reservoir conditions divided by volume of a fluid at
standard conditions
27.Two main types of boundary conditions that are used to represent reservoir
fluid production and injection?
1) Bottom-hole-pressure-specified
2) Production-rate-specified
28.Which log provides a good measurement of the hydrogen and hydrocarbon
in a formation?
AS. Neutron
29.What are the three elements used as the source of natural gamma rays in
sedemantary rocks?
AS. Thorium, Uranium, Potassium
30.What is the physical law that gives the pressure drop in a fluid across a
cylindrical tube, and it's assumptions?
31.Hagen Poisuelle Equation Assumptions
1) Laminar
2) Viscous flow
3) Incompressible
4) Flow traveled is longer than the diameter of the cross-sectional area
32.Define Kinematic Viscosity
AS. it's the dynamic viscosity divided by the density of the fluid
33.What is the process when the saturation of the wetting phase increases and
the saturation of the nonwetting phase decreases
AS. Imbibitation
34.Which structure in geology has the oldest beds at it's core?
AS. An anticline
35.What is the term for any geological fold that is convex up?
AS. Antiform
36.What are three types of structural traps?
AS. Anticline, fault, salt dome
37.What are the types of secondary porosity in carbonate rocks?
AS. Fenestral porosity (algal mats),, shelter porosity, intracrystalline
porosity, moldic porosity, fractured porosity
38.What is a thief zone?
AS. The term for a higher permeability layer above or beneath multiple
lower perm layers
39.Name the geologic periods in order from oldest to most recent:
AS. Precambrian, Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Mississippian,
Pennsylvanian, Permian, Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, Tertiary,
Also known as : Pizza can occupy some deep mud pits. Permian tall jaguars
can tire quickly.
40.Three stages of flow:
Late Transient
PseudoSteady State
41.Principle of Corresponding States?
Fluid properties can be related to a fluid's critical temperature and pressure.
AS. Can be used to calculate Z-factors
42.What are two fluid sampling methods?
AS. Surface and downhole
43.Standard Temp and Pressure in US
AS. 60 F, 14.7 psi
44.What fluid is commonly used in carbonate reservoir stimulation?
AS. Carbonic Acid
45.What is the primary purpose of polymer injection?
AS. Improve the sweep efficiency
46.What is the term for global rise and fall in sea level?
AS. Eustacy

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