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Local Land and Sea Breezes 2007

NAME: ________________________________ DATE: _____________

CLASS: _____________ TEACHER: ____________________________

Local Land and Sea Breezes

Printable Earth Science Assignment

Directions: Answer all questions in this assignment, placing your answers in the
spaces provided. Base your responses on your knowledge of Earth Science and on
the 2 illustrations below which show local Land and Sea Breezes.
If you need any assistance you may find the following lesson helpful: Daily
Temperature Variations for Inland and Coastal Locations - Earth Science

1. In the diagrams, what are the circular motions of air called?

Answer: ____________________________ ____________________________

2. What causes these circular motions of air to occur?

Answer: __________________________________________________________

3. Why is the warmer air rising while the colder air is sinking?
Answer: __________________________________________________________

4. Why is the land significantly warmer in the daytime when compared to the
Answer: __________________________________________________________

L. Immoor 1 2006, 2007
Local Land and Sea Breezes 2007

5. Why is the land significantly cooler at night when compared to the ocean?
Answer: __________________________________________________________

6. During the daytime, would you face towards the land or the ocean to feel a
breeze blowing on your face?

Answer: ____________________________

7. Would this daytime breeze be warm or cool?

Answer: ____________________________

8. Would you face towards the land or ocean to feel a breeze on your back at night?

Answer: ____________________________

9. Would this nighttime breeze be warm or cool?

Answer: ____________________________

10. Make a general statement concerning how large bodies of water affect the
climate of nearby coastal communities.

Answer: __________________________________________________________

This assignment was written by and the illustrations are original to: L. Immoor of Geoteach.Com
This document and all text and illustrations contained therein are
© L. Immoor of Geoteach.Com, Geolor 2006, 2007;
All Rights Reserved

Educators are welcome to use this worksheet.

No portion of this document may be reproduced without maintaining copyright information as stated.

L. Immoor 2 2006, 2007

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