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Lesson Plan Template

Date Subject Number of students Grade

2018-3-1 Math – number sense 24 KG2-1

Personal Aims (What do YOU need to work on in order grow professionally?)

I need to work on my time management skill during this lesson in order to develop it professionally.

Learning Outcomes: Materials

1- Students will be able to state the forwards
number sequence from 1-10 in Arabic. Playdough, flash cards, worksheet, Pencil, Coloring
2- Students will be able to count groups of up to 10
objects using one-to- one correspondence.
pens, 2 Bowls, Number, cards, Worksheet, Glue, white
3- Students will be able to recognize that the last board, projector, speakers, chocolates, the raindrop
number said when counting identifies ‘how numbers song, white board markers, the under water
counting game.

Lesson Introduction
Question (Blooms Taxonomy)
Whole group activity: Time 10mins

Remembering (low level):

Opening/Introduction: (Bullet points)
What will you do in order to introduce the concept to the
Can you tell me the right order of the numbers from 1-
students? 10?
• I will greet the students, and count with them
outload as I high-five them. Understanding (low level):
• In the circle time I will tell the students the Can you explain number sense to me?
learning outcome in a simple language.
(today we are going to learn how to count from 1-
Applying (low level):
10 in Arabic , we will use objects to represent
Can you use group of objects to link it to a number ?
numbers, and make sure that we all know the
number sense).
• I will explain what dose number sense means to the
children (it is knowing that the last number when
counting means how many).

Active Engagement: (Bullet points)

After you’ve modeled the concept, what activity will you
have the students perform while on the carpet to ensure
that they understand it?
• I will tell the students that we are going to count
raindrops today.
• I will play the “Rain Drop Numbers Song” on the
projector, and count with the students the
raindrops as it falls.
• Then I will ask them how many rain drops did we
see in the video?

Link: (Bullet points)

Remind the students in kid friendly language how they can
apply what they did whole group in their independent
learning centers

Numbers are important in our life, with it we can know the

amount of objects around us, I will ask the children what will
happened if there where no numbers in our life ?
I will listen to their answers, Then I will give some examples
on life.

I will explain and model what activity will each group do in

the learning centers:
The green group will go to the learning center 1
The yellow group will go to the learning center 2
The red group will go to the learning center 3
The blue group will go to the learning center 4

Learning Center Resources or Materials

Learning Center 1 Learning Center 2 Learning Center 3 Learning Center 4
Playdough Paper sheet Worksheet 2 Bowls
flash cards Pencil Pencil Number cards
colors Coloring pens Worksheet

Small Group Learning Centers: Time 20 mins

Learning Center 1 playdough activity: Learning Center 2 creating raindrops:

The students have to use the playdough to represent the The student will color the raindrops on the worksheet then
numbers on the flash cards. write the right number.

Learning Center 3 work sheet activity: Learning Center 4 the bowl of raindrops and numbers
activity :
1- The students will write their name in the paper
2- Then color the rain drops 1- The student must take a random number from the
3- Count the rain drops bowl
4- Then they will trace the right amount of rain drops 2- Stick the number on the umbrella in the worksheet
to the matching number. 3- And then take the right amount of the raindrops
from the other bowl
4- And stick it on the worksheet
5- If the student finished
6- He/she can take another random number and
repeat the activity.

Closing activity: Time: 15 mins

I will have the students sit in a circle, then I will show some of the students work to all of the students, and ask the students
to tell everyone how they used the raindrops to count the numbers in order.

Then I will play the Underwater Counting game with the students to wrap the lesson up.
Then give the students chocolates in the shape of a coin as a reward of winning the game, as I give 1 chocolate to each
student I will count with them.

I will remind them about the learning outcome :

Where we able to know the numbers order from 1-10 in Arabic?
Did we count groups of objects with its numbers?
Did you know that the last number said when counting means ‘how many’?

Assessment for Learning: How will you determine if the students understood the learning outcome? What evidence will you
show to prove this?
I will ask the students the blooms taxonomy’s questions (Can you use group of objects to link it to a number? Can you
explain number sense to me? Can you tell me the right order of the numbers from 1-10? )
and I will show some of the students work in the centers.

General Comments

I will make sure to not give the students chocolate before the lesson because it made them hyper
Recommendations / Future personal targets / Areas of focus

My personal focus for the next lesson is to improve my behavior management skill.

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