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Nombre: ___________________________________________ Hora: 1ª / 2ª / 3ª / 4ª

Venezuela (
 Menú -> desayunos
1) The first item is called ______________________.
Click on the item. You can order it “rellenada” (filled) with…
a. ____________________ o b. _________ y __________
2) The fifth item is called _________ con __________.
 Menú -> ensaladas
3) What does the salad contain?
____________________, ___________________ y _____________.
 En familia
4) Click “En familia” -> “Cajita feliz”
What does “cajita feliz” mean in English? ______________________
5) What’s the current theme of the “cajita feliz” toys? ______________________

España (
 Productos -> McBreakfast
1) Choose 2 breakfasts on the Spanish menu that McDonald’s in the USA doesn’t serve.
______________________________ and __________________________________
 Productos -> Sándwiches
2) Choose one of the hamburgers and write what it contains in Spanish:
La hamburguesa se llama ___________________
y contiene __________________, ___________________ y ____________________.
 Productos -> Complementos
3) In Spain, french fries are not called “papas fritas,” they’re called “_______________ fritas”
4) ¿Qué es “gazpacho”? (Google it) _________________________________________
 Productos -> Postres y helados
5) ¡Hay tres palabras de vocabulario! Write 3 of our vocabulary words that you see on the
dessert menu:
a. ___________________________________
b. ___________________________________
c. ___________________________________

Chile (
 Homepage
1) What is the happy meal toy? ______________________
 Nuestro menú -> Desayunos
2) What is one of the interesting breakfast items?
 Nuestro Menú -> Bebidas
3) ¿Qué hay para beber? Write 3 vocabulary terms
from the drink menú:
a. ______________________
b. ______________________
c. ______________________
 Nuestro Menú -> Papas y acompañamiento
4) A side that we don’t have on our McDonald’s menú is _______________ con queso.

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