Rattler Reader: Commander's Corner

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Volume 1, Issue 2

HHT ( Rattler), 2/3 ACR (Sabre) FRG September 2010

Rattler Reader
Commander’s Corner
What is a CARE Team? 2 From the desk of Rattler Rules of Engagement Although our role in Iraq
Spotlight On… 3 Troop Commander CPT Training, and even Iraqi has changed drastically
Jason Gallardo. cultural training which will since the Regiment was
Rattler Bulletin 3
Families and Friends of better prepare us for the here 18 months ago, we
Photo Gallery 4 Rattler- new environment we will still play an equally vital
Contact Us 4 face in Wasit Province, role in Iraq's future.
The month of September Iraq. There has been a shift
will be an exciting and with the change from
busy month for Rattler With regards to our Operation Iraqi Freedom
Troop as we transition mission in Iraq, I know to Operation New Dawn
from Kuwait to Iraq and that many of you have from a ground combat
into our mission. As of questions and perhaps focus to a civilian
the end of August, all of some confusion about capacity, logistics, and
our Troopers who will be what our Troop will face governance focus.
deploying have arrived in in the upcoming months. These support and
Kuwait ready to train up While much about the civilian capacity tasks are
and better prepare for the future of Iraq is still Rattler Troop's bread and
coming year. Our somewhat uncertain, we butter, and place us in a
mission in Kuwait will certainly continue to unique position to be able
involves vehicle training, assist with improving
counter IED training, stability within Iraq. Continued on page 4

From Your Co-leaders

A chat with FRG leaders This time we would like overseas deployment
Jodie Schwentner and to talk about the topic of gives each of us new
Lauren Rainer deployment and how it challenges.
Each newsletter we, as has now become our
reality. HHT soldiers are Lauren and I are both
FRG Leaders will be
dedicated to helping you
writing a column. We will now either in Iraq or
through this deployment
try to touch on topics that Kuwait and we at home in any way we can.
are pertinent, either are faced each day with Although we both have
because of our training how our lives may be had extensive training
or through our changing. Previously, we and are qualified to help
communications with told you that NTC was a lead you through this
members of our Troop practice round. While that deployment, we go into
was true in some sense this deployment with
different perspectives.
of the word, we want you
to remember that an Continued on page 2
Page 2 Rattler Reader

From Your Co-leaders, cont’d…

From page 1 like you, we are dedicated We wait for the phone
to getting back to you calls or IMs from our
This is Lauren’s first ASAP. Soldiers just like you do.
deployment as an Army We get frustrated when
Wife, while I have been Please update your we don’t hear from our
through multiple information with us if you husbands, just like you do.
deployments as a military have not done so. If you What we do know is that
“Several deployments spouse. This means that have left the area let us they have a mission and
ago, I started a support as an FRG we can identify know. This week, there we want them focused on
group for wives and with the whole spectrum have been several their mission so that they
coined the term „stay- of deployment feeling. So instances of an FRG can get it done safely and
at-home heroes.‟ That while the perspectives member’s contact come home.
is what each of you are! may be different the information being
All of us who stay feelings and emotions we incorrect. Also, know that Several deployments ago,
feel during deployments in the coming weeks you I started a support group
back keep our families
are most often the same. should receive a call from for wives and coined the
running and take care
a POC, or key caller. This term “stay-at-home
of the things back here Understand that we feel is another person who will heroes.” That is what each
at home so that our the same emotions that be there to help you. of you are! All of us who
Soldiers can stay you do as wives. Also, POCs have all had stay back keep our
mission-focused.” understand that the training and know how to families running and take
emotions that you feel are deal with issues. If they care of the things back
very real to all of us. That cannot, they will here at home so that our
is why we stress the immediately get a hold of Soldiers can stay mission-
importance of Battle one of us. focused.
Buddies. If you cannot get
a hold of your battle Remember, we are Remember, whether it is
buddy, know that we are volunteers and are not in your first, second, or
just a phone call or email the Army. Therefore, we seventh deployment we
away. Lauren and I both are not told the day- to- are all in this together! We
can do it!
have access to email day activities of our
almost constantly and, Soldiers. When we do get
though we have families info we pass it on to you Your Co-leaders,
and responsibilities just immediately.
Jodie and Lauren

What is a CARE Team?

You may have heard talk individuals to assist the does and doesn’t do.
of a CARE Team in an next of kin for a short time Contact
FRG meeting or around in the event of a casualty/ rattlerfrg@yahoo.com if
Fort Hood. So what is it? critically wounded soldier. you’d like to get involved
as a volunteer.
A CARE Team (CAsualty Read the insert on the
REsponse Team) is a next page of this
group of trained newsletter for specifics on
what the CARE Team
What is a CARE Team?

A CARE Team (CAsualty REsponse Team) is a group of trained individuals to assist the next of kin for a short time in
the event of a casualty/ critically wounded soldier.

What is the purpose of a CARE Team?

The CARE Team can take on many roles in assisting the families based on their immediate needs. Here are a few

 Call support
 Home care assistance
 Childcare support
 Meal support
 Transportation
 Assistance to visiting family
 Other family support

What the CARE Team does not do:

 Prepare death notices for newspaper

 Arrange donations to organizations or charity in lieu of flowers if family wants to make this arrangement
 Make funeral arrangements (which includes transportation for family, childcare arrangements for children)
 Arrange emergency financial assistance or give money to family
 Brief family on benefits or entitlements
 Serve as a grief counselor or offer any type of counseling

Since a CARE Team generally consists of 2-3 people per family, not every CARE Team member will assist with each
family. Some members are passionate about helping with the children, while others are passionate about cooking
meals and providing services for the family that don’t require them to work in the home. Whatever you prefer, there is
a place for you.
We hope that we never have to use a CARE Team, but we want to be prepared in the event that the unfortunate
occurs. We are committed to assisting and taking care of the families that are in an unthinkable situation.
Rattler Reader Page 3

Spotlight On… Julie Morrison

 Age: 42, but [my husband] Todd says I look 10 years younger!
 Hometown: All over South Carolina
 Alma maters: Marion High School; the College of Charleston; Colorado College;
and the University of South Carolina
 Occupation: Music teacher
 Current residence: Ft. Hood
 Children: 4-year-old Frances (a princess in hiking boots!)
 Pets: Nope, nope, I say again NOPE!
 Army wife since: 1988 (with a ten year break for Todd’s seminary and local church)
 Previous Army posts: Ft. Jackson, Ft. Benning and Ft. Carson
 Expectations for this FRG: Food… Oh wait, you mean deep expectations… Food,
and the fellowship that deepens and strengthens our bonds
 Favorite food: Anything Mexican
 Interests: Jesus, reading, playing with my daughter and husband, and creating
This feature introduces you to wacky bulletin boards (Yeah, I’m just wonky that way.)
a new Rattler FRG member  Favorite TV shows: “Lie to Me” and “So You Think You Can Dance” (I know I can’t
with each issue. dance, so it’s fun to watch those who CAN!)
 All-time favorite movies: “Sense and Sensibility” and the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy
 Favorite pastimes: Reading, Bible study groups, and singing with Frances

Rattler Bulletin: Upcoming Events and Notices

Join us for: A children’s Spur Ride you informed about
on 30 October; details to important Troop
 An FRG meeting at 6 come! information. Attend one of our
p.m. on 20 September in events or volunteer
the Squadron conference Other Notes: Announcements: with the Rattler Troop
room. We will have some FRG.
fun activities as well as  Look out for a call from Congratulations to the
boxes and labels for those a POC this month. This Felty family on their new
who were unable to attend FRG member will be baby!
September’s Sabre calling to check your
Squadron potluck. contact info so we can
make sure we are keeping
Rattler Troop FRG
Get Involved! wants to create an
advice column for
The Rattler FRG  Do you love babies? If
upcoming newsletters,
playgroup is still looking so, we need you! Be our
Baby Committee to be written by a
for a new leader/contact
chairperson and connect seasoned FRG
person. The group meets
with new mothers who member. Send your
Wednesdays at the
may need Rattler FRG’s concerns to
Bronco Youth Center. If help and support.
you’ve got a young child
who likes to play, why not with “Advice
step up and lead? Column” in the
subject line.
Page 4 Rattler Reader

Photo Gallery
Rattler Troop FRG
Co-leaders: Enjoy these images of the 18 August Troop BBQ at BLORA! For more,
Jodie Schwentner & visit our Facebook page, Rattler Troop FRG 2/3 ACR.
Lauren Rainer

254 681 7723


Commander’s Corner, cont’d…

From page 1 of bringing democracy to a land that has
never known such freedoms.
to advise, train, and assist our Iraqi
Brothers with the improvement of the As a reminder, Rattler will be turning in
nation. Now that the security situation has our wish list for Morale and Welfare Leave
We’re on the Web! drastically improved, these critical support Dates (R&R leave). While we cannot
Visit our Facebook page: tasks will be vital to the continued guarantee exact dates due to flights and
development of the Iraqi Security Forces balancing the mission in Iraq, we will do
Rattler Troop FRG 2/3 ACR and the local Iraqi Government. The war in our best to work towards getting everyone
Iraq has changed a great deal, but the close to the dates that they desire. Rattler
mission of our Troopers is equally, if not should be settled in to our FOB by the
more important than our past tours. end of September and we will try to post
some pictures of our missions and our
I hope that a better knowledge of the Troop once we arrive. Please check both
critical mission in Iraq helps the families the Rattler Troop Facebook and the
understand some of the reasons for the Sabre Squadron Facebook for updates
great sacrifices that come with this and pictures as we arrive and set up in
operational deployment. I want to Iraq.
personally thank each and every one of
you for your unwavering support of your Thank you again for your sacrifices and
Troopers, not only for this deployment, but support. Brave Rifles!
throughout the train-up process. Without
your love and support, our Troopers would
not be able to perform such a vital mission
CPT Jason Gallardo

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