Connection Fibonacci Moonshine

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Ing. Pier Franz Roggero, Dott. Michele Nardelli, P.A. Francesco

Di Noto


In this paper we show a possible connection between Fibonacci

numbers and a Fourier expansion


In a our recent paper (Rif.1) we examine the voice of Wikipedia

Monstrous moonshine
In mathematics, monstrous moonshine, or moonshine theory, is a term devised by
John Conway
and Simon P. Norton in 1979, used to describe the unexpected connection between the
monster group M and modular functions, in particular, the j function. It is now known
that lying behind monstrous moonshine is a certain conformal field theory having the
Monster group as symmetries.
The conjectures made by Conway and Norton were proved by Richard Borcherds in 1992
using the no-ghost theorem from string theory and the theory of vertex operator algebras
and generalized Kac–Moody algebras.

In 1978, John McKay found that the first few terms in the Fourier expansion of j(_)
(sequence A000521 in OEIS),),

j( ) = 1 +744 + 196884q + 21493760q^2 + 864299970q^3 + 20245856256q^4 +…


with and _ as the half-period

period ratio could be expressed in terms of linear combinations of
the dimensions of the irreducible representations of the Monster group M (sequence
A001379 in OEIS)) with small non
non-negative coefficients. Let = 1, 196883, 21296876,
842609326, 18538750076, 19360062527, 293553734298, ... then,

1 = r1
196884 = r1 + r2
21493760 = r1 + r2 + r3
864299970 = 2r1 + 2r2 + r3 + r4
20245856256 = 3r1 + 3r2 + r3 + 2r4 + r5
333202640600 = 5r1 + 5r2 + 2r3 + 3r4 + 2r5 + r7

(Since there are many linear relations between the rn such as , then the representation
can be in more than one way.) McKay viewed this as evidence that there is a naturally
occurring infinite-dimensional
dimensional graded representation of M, whose graded dimension is
given by the coefficients of j,, and whose lower
weight pieces decompose into irreducible
representations as above. After he informed John G. Thompson of this observation,
Thompson suggested that because the graded dimension is just the graded trace of the
identity element, the graded traces of nontrivial elements g of M on such a representation
may be interesting as well. Conway and Norton computed the lowerlower-order
order terms of such
graded traces, now known as McKay–
Thompson series Tg, and found that all of them appeared to be the expansions of
Hauptmoduln. In other words, if Gg is the subgroup of SL2(R) which fixes Tg, then the
quotient of the upper half of the complex plane by Gg is a sphere with a finite number of
points removed, and furthermore, Tg generates the field of meromorphic functions on this
Based on their computations, Conway and Norton produced a list of Hauptmoduln, and
conjectured the existence of an infinite dimensional graded representation of M, whose
graded traces Tg are the expansions of precisely the functions on their list.
But now we see Fibonacci connections

1 = r1
196884 = r1 + r2
21493760 = r1 + r2 + r3
864299970 = 2r1 + 2r2 + r 3 + r4
20245856256 = 3r1 + 3r2 + r3 + 2r4 + r5
333202640600 = 5r1 + 5r2 + 2r3 + 3r4 + 2r5 + r7

Now we can write first column also in this way:

0r1 ...

We can see, with a good evidence, that numbers in red are

Fibonacci numbers. This could be important for the Fourier

expansion and its applications in string theory, symmetries

and so on. We have find Fibonacci numbers in dome natural

phenomena connected with gravity (Ref.1) , strings Ref.2)

and other ( Ref. 3 and Ref. 4)


We can conclude that Fibonacci numbers are present in

quantum world an in macroscopic world (human level,

planets level and cosmic level), and this could be useful for

a possible future Theor Of All (TOE).


1) On some mathematical connections between the Cubic

Equation and some sectors of String Theory and Relativistic
Quantum Gravity

Michele Nardelli1,2, Francesco Di Noto, Pierfrancesco

1Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Largo S. Marcellino,
10 80138 Napoli, Italy
2 Dipartimento di Matematica ed Applicazioni “R. Caccioppoli”
Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II” – Polo delle Scienze
e delle Tecnologie Monte S. Angelo, Via Cintia (Fuorigrotta),
80126 Napoli, Italy
In this paper we have described some interesting mathematical
connections with various expressions of some sectors of String
Theory and Relativistic Quantum Gravity, principally with
the Palumbo-Nardelli model applied to the bosonic strings and the
superstrings, and some parts of the theory of the Cubic Equation.
In Appendix A, we have described the mathematical connections
with some equations concerning the possible Relativistic Theory
of Quantum Gravity. In conclusion In Appendix B, we have
described a proof of Fermat's Last Theorem for the cubic equation
case n = 3

2) Fibonacci, dimensions, strings : new interesting connections

Francesco Di Noto e Michele Nardelli1,2
1Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Largo S. Marcellino,
10 80138 Napoli, Italy
2Dipartimento di Matematica ed Applicazioni “R. Caccioppoli”
Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II” – Polo delle Scienze
e delle Tecnologie Monte S. Angelo, Via Cintia (Fuorigrotta),
80126 Napoli, Italy
In this paper we show simple but interesting connections
between Fibonacci numbers F = 1,2,3,5,8,13 and the D
numbers corresponding to space-time dimensions implicated
in string theory, with D = 2F; formula that can be the limiting
condition (or only one of limiting conditions) about the ways of
string vibrations; that can vibrate only with certain D
numbers, as 10 and 26 for heterotic strings, and not with
other. Moreover could be exists a connection between the
symmetries of algebraic Lie Group, very important in
Standard Model, and the D numbers = 2F.
If so were really, the whole our visible universe could stand
mathematically almost completely on the Fibonacci numbers,
prime numbers, natural prime numbers, and also on the
partitions of the integers p(n), implicated in gravity theory,
and also in string theory, and p-adic numbers, implicated in
string theory. Could be so a strong connection between
theoretical physics and some sectors of number theory

(Fibonacci numbers with formula D = 2F, prime numbers
(with forms 6k + 1), as natural prime numbers (with forms 6F
+ 1 with f Fibonacci numbers), p-adic numbers, and partitions
numbers; all this numbers with logarithmic curves very
diffuse in Nature

Ing. Pier Franz Roggero, Dott. Michele Nardelli, P.A. Francesco
Di Noto
In questo documento esaminiamo la sfera di Hill che indica le
dimensioni della sfera di influenza gravitazionale di un corpo
celeste rispetto alle perturbazioni di un altro corpo, di massa
maggiore, attorno al quale esso orbita.
Possiamo definirla una vera e propria sfera di protezione o di
schermo difensivo gravitazionale dove tutto ciò che è al suo
interno e quindi un 3° corpo orbita attorno al corpo minore
anche se ci fosse una forza gravitazionale maggiore esercitata
sul 3° corpo dal corpo di massa maggiore.
Inoltre con la sfera di Hill si spiegano perché la Luna è attratta
dalla Terra e non dal Sole, la formazione stessa della Luna e si
cerca di calcolare la massa del buco nero supermassiccio che si
trova al centro della nostra Galassia

4) Riepilogo delle connessioni tra Fibonacci e alcuni fenomeni

naturali o argomenti matematici
Francesco Di Noto, Michele Nardelli, Pierfrancesco Roggero
In this paper we show our papers with new connections
between Fibonacci numbers and some various physical or
natural phenomena.

In questo lavoro riepilogativo/divulgativo raccoglieremo tutti
i nostri lavori, scritti negli ultimi dieci anni, sulle possibili
connessioni tra i numeri di Fibonacci e alcuni fenomeni
naturali (fisici, chimici, astronomici, biologici, ecc.) o alcuni
argomenti matematici (statistica, numeri di Bernoulli, Mostro
Moonshine, ecc.)

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