Q7 I) With D 50000 Units, C rs20 Per Unit, Co Rs200per Order, and H 20% of rs20 Rs4/unt/year, We Have EOQ ( (2 Co D) / H)

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Q7 i) with D=50000 units, c=rs20 per unit, Co=rs200per order, and h=20% of

rs20=rs4/unt/year, we have
EOQ= ((2*Co*D)/ H)1/2
= ((2*200*50000)/4)1/2


length of order cycle =EOQ/D = 2236/50000 =16 DAYS

ii) no. of orders =6

order quantity =50000/6= 8333units

total relevant cost= ordering cost + holding cost =6*200+ 8333/2 *4=17866

total relevant cost under EOQ= (2*Co*D*h)1/2


% change in he total relevant cost =(17866-8944)/8944 *100= 99.75%

iii) with new values Co=5000 & h= 15% of 20 =3,

EOQ=((2*5000*50000)/3)1/2= 12910 units

total relevant cost = (2*5000*50000*3)1/2= rs38730

actual total relevant cost under policy in i) above = (50000/2236)*5000 +

2236/2*0.15*20= Rs 115161

loss= 115161-38730 = 76431

iv) TC(12910)= 50000*20+ 50000/12910 * 0.15*20

=RS. 1016750

TC(20000)=50000*19.50+ 50000/20000 *5000 + 20000/2*0.15*1950

TC(30000)=50000*19.25 + 500000/30000 *5000+30000/2*0.15*19.25

= 1014146


50000x + 50000/50000 * 5000 + 50000/2* 0.15x = 1014146

53750x = 1009146

x= 1009146/53750 = 18.77

thus, a unit price offer of rupees 18.77 would be justifiable as an alternative to the

proposal given in iv).

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