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In this section we have discussed different methods we used to achieve our specific objectives.
These are data collection methods and different systematic methods to solve the problems.
Data collection method

1. Primary data collection methods

We have used qualitative and quantitative data collection methods by interviewing and
observation. To do these we divided the routes for group members and collected key data for our
study. We have interviewed user by selecting from each route and in addition to this also the
interview is extended to the manager of service for employees at EiT-M main campus, Ato Zenebe
to acquire useful data for our case study.

2. Secondary data collection method

In this method we have selected required data for fulfilment of our study by reading different
researches and journals as well as different thesis papers related our study. We have used recorded
data from service manager office and human resource development office. In addition to these we
have used different soft wares to find relevant data for this study.

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