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Comfortably numb Pink Floyd, The Walt Listen and camplate the tyres “Hello, hello, hella Is there in there? Just nod if you can hear ma. Is there anyone at hame? Come on, come on now, | hear you're feeling down. Well! can ease your ‘ Get you on your faet again. Relax, relax, relax I need sere First. Just the basic facts. Can you shaw me where it hurts?" There is no , you are receding, Acdistant ship§ smoke on the harizan. You ere only caming through in waves. Your move, but | can" hear what your re saying. When | was @ , |hada fever. My hands felt just like twa balloons. Now I've got thet feeling once again, | can’t explain, you would not This 1s not how am. Ihave become comfortably numb. "OK, OK, OK Just a little pin prick. There’il be no mare, @aaaaaaaaaaanhhhhhnhh, But you may fool a little Can you stand up, stand up, stend up. | do believe it's working good. That'll keap you going for the Corne on, It’s time to ga.” There is no » you are receding. A distant ship's stroke on the horizon. You ere only caming through in waves. Your lips mave, but | can’t hear what you're saying. When | was @ child, I caught a fleeting’ glimpse Out of the comer of my eye. I turmad to look, but it was gone. I-cannat put my on it now, The child has grown, the drearr is gone. Thave become comfortably numb, Match the terms and definitions Lips ship horizon eye waves balloon feet fever pin finger lease aj temporary, quickly passing 2 prick b) a quick, incomplete look 3 rumb ¢) move/shake head up and dawn 4 nod ¢) without feating or sensation; or, indifferent 5 recede ¢) relieve, free fram discomfort 6 fleeting —_e)withdraw/retreat/move back 7alimpso —f amarkor hole made by a painted instrument Which lines mean... youtre nat feeling vary good bring you back to normal, itwell help you act normal, help you perform | saw part of something significant, but only temporarily |can't figure out what it was, what | was thinking about Who is the person talking in quetation marks? What does “pin prick” refer to? ‘What is “it” and “that” refer to in the 6” verse? What doo: “it” rofor to in the lect varse?

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