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Ho Chi Minh City University of Education

Foreign Language Center – Branch 11

222 Le Van Sy Street, District 3, HCMC – Tel: (84.8) 9312291
24 Ky Dong Street, District 3, HCMC – Tel: (84.8) 8844911
73B/563 Quang Trung Street, Go Vap District, HCMC – Tel: (84.8) 9893214


(Student’s Course Book)

Compiled and Edited by

Ta Tu Quynh
Dinh Tran Hanh Nguyen
Pham Nguyen Huy Hoang
Vu Quoc Anh Truong Son

(Internal Use Only)

TOEFL iBT 60 Writing – Student’s Course Book



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TOEFL iBT 60 Writing – Student’s Course Book








Topic sentence
(topic + controlling idea A, controlling idea B, controlling idea C, ...)
Supporting idea A
Example A
Supporting idea B
Statistic B
Supporting idea C
Reason C
Concluding sentence

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1. A paragraph has a topic sentence that states the main idea.

The topic sentence is the foundation for the paragraph. It can be at the beginning, in the middle,
or at the end, but it is usually at the beginning. The topic sentence helps the reader understand what
the paragraph is about.

2. All of the sentences in the paragraph are about the topic.

They are connected to the topic sentence. There are no unrelated or extra sentences. How do you
know whether something is connected or not? Look at the ideas (also called controlling ideas) in the
topic sentence. All other information in the paragraph must be connected to one or more of the
controlling ideas in the topic sentence.

3. The first line of a paragraph is indented.

This is easy to do. Just move the first line in about a half inch. This gap or open space in the first
line is called an indentation.

4. The last sentence, or concluding sentence, brings the paragraph to a logical

For some writers, this is one of the most difficult features of a good paragraph. The concluding
sentence usually states the main point again or summarizes the main idea of the paragraph. In addition,
it can offer a prediction or a suggestion.

Example paragraph:

Computers Can Be a Student’s Best Friend

Computers are excellent machines to help students. Before computers, students had to go to the
library to do long, boring research. Many times students would read for four or five hours before finding
something that was useful. These days, however, students can even use computers in their home to
obtain the information that they need. Some computers are very expensive. My friend bought a computer
that cost almost three thousand dollars. Computers have certainly made student’s lives much easier.


1. Does the paragraph have a Topic Sentence? If so, write it here.

Computers are excellent machines to help students.

2. What is the general topic of the paragraph?

How computers help students.

3. Are all the sentences related to the topic? If not, write the unrelated sentences here.

Some computers are very expensive.

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My friend bought a computer that cost almost three thousand dollars.

4. Is the first line indented?


5. What is the concluding sentence?

Computers have certainly made student’s lives much easier.

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At some point, most parents have to decide whether to allow their children to have pets. Some
parents believe that pets teach children a sense of responsibility because children have to learn how to
take care of pets. In addition, many parents feel that pets can be fun for the family. Pets can also help
children become more compassionate. On the other hand, some parents are afraid that their children
might hurt the animals, or that these animals might hurt the children. Cats are good pets, but I don’t
like them when they shed hair on the furniture. Often these parents do not allow their children to have
any kind of pet. Other families do not have the extra time or money that pets require. Although many
children want a pet, parents are divided on this issue for a variety of important reasons.


1. What is the main idea of the paragraph?


2. How many sentences do not relate to the main idea?


3. Draw a line under the topic sentence. (Remember, the topic sentence is the sentence that helps the
reader understand the main idea.)

4. What do you call the gap at the beginning of a paragraph?

5. Is this paragraph indented?
6. Draw two lines under the concluding sentence. How is the information in the concluding sentence
related to the information in the topic sentence?


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William Henry Harrison, the ninth President of the United States, is famous for several things. He
was the only president who studied to become a doctor although he did not finish medical school. On
March 4, 1841, he made the longest inaugural speech by any president. A few days later, he caught a
cold that developed into pneumonia. On April 4, 1841, he became the first president who died in office
after serving the shortest term of any president – less than a month. His widow was also the first First
Lady to receive a pension - $25,000. It is ironic that William Henry Harrison, who was President for
such a short time, is best known than many of the Presidents who served full terms.


1. What is the topic sentence of the paragraph?


2. What is the topic of the paragraph?


3. Are all the sentences related to the topic? If not, write the unrelated sentences here.


4. Is the first line indented?


5. Underline the concluding sentence.



First, South Carolina is an important manufacturing and farming state. One of its most important
crops is tobacco. The second reason involves American history. Many important battles of the
American Revolution took place in South Carolina. In addition, on December 20, 1860, South
Carolina became the first state to leave the United States. Four months later, the Civil War
between the North and the South began in Charleston, a seaport in this state.


1. Does the paragraph have a topic sentence? If so, write it here.


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2. What is the topic of the paragraph?


3. Are all the sentences related to the topic? If not, write the unrelated sentences here.


4. Is the first line indented?



Jim Thorpe won Olympic gold medals in 1912, but he wasn’t allowed to keep them. In the 1912
Games, Thorpe won both the pentathlon (five events) and decathlon (ten events). However, a month
later, the U.S. Olympic Committee took away his medals because Thorpe had played baseball for money.
An athlete who takes money for sports is called a professional, and at that time, professional athletes
were not allowed to take part in any Olympic Games. In 1982, the U.S. Olympic Committee reversed
this ruling. Seventy years after his achievements, Thorpe’s name was finally returned to the list of 1912
Olympic winners.


1. Does the paragraph have a topic sentence? If so, write it here.


2. What is the topic of the paragraph?


3. Are all the sentences related to the topic? If not, write the unrelated sentences here.


4. Is the first line indented?


5. What time phrases in the concluding sentence make the sentence sound like the ending of the


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Statistics show that many Americans skip breakfast, and the reasons for this do not surprise me
because I am a member of this group. I am not a ‘morning person’, so it is extremely hard for me to
wake up and then prepare breakfast. In addition, I don’t like to eat breakfast because it makes me feel
full all morning. With this uncomfortable feeling in my stomach, it is difficult for me to do my work
well. Finally, I am very concerned about my health, so I avoid the fatty kinds of breakfast foods that
Americans traditionally eat such as scrambled eggs, buttered toast, or fried sausage. Although others
may not agree with my decision, I prefer to skip breakfast.


1. Does the paragraph have a topic sentence? If so, write it here.


2. What is the topic of the paragraph?


3. Are all the sentences related to the topic? If not, write the unrelated sentences here.


4. Is the first line indented?


5. Read the concluding sentence again. Do you think the author might change his opinion about
skipping breakfast? Why?




(1) There are three reasons why I want to learn English. (2) One reason is that English has
become an international language. (3) It is now used by most international companies, including the
company where I work, for business communication. (4) Another reason why I want to learn English is
that I can travel to English-speaking countries. (5) The United States, England, Australia and many
other countries all use English as their primary language. (6) Finally, I want to learn English because I
plan to move to the US in the future. (7) I will become a manager for my company soon. (8) For all
these reasons, I am very excited about learning English.

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1. Unity
Make sure that your paragraph contains no unrelated sentence(s).

2. Variety
Use various kinds of sentence (simple, compound, complex, compound-complex) in your paragraph.

3. Emphasis
Use emphasizing techniques (formal subjects, do, inversion, passive voice, reflexive pronouns, ...) to
give the words or phrases or sentences more force.

4. Specific details
Make sure that your paragraph contains specific details to convince readers. In order to make your
paragraph detailed, use the following techniques:

 Use exact names

Lola loves her Honda.

 Use lively verbs

The garbage truck rambled (instead of went) down Front Street.

 Use descriptive words or modifiers before nouns

A chubby, six-year-old girl peeked out the dirty kitchen window.

 Use words that relate to five senses such as sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch, ...

That tiny, silver-haired woman is a karate expert. (sight)

Lola offered me a sweet, juicy orange slice. (taste)

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My parents were very strict with me when I was a child. I think that they were protective because
I was an only child. However, at that time I felt like I was in prison. I had to come straight home after
school and immediately do my homework. (1) After I finished my homework, I was allowed to watch
only one hour of television. While my friends were playing video games or watching cartoons, I was
usually doing chores around the house to help my mother. (2) This included doing some of the laundry
and ironing, mowing the lawn, and helping to prepare dinner. (3) My father was an architect and my
mother was a housewife. Looking back, I am not sorry for all the hard work, but I will probably be less
strict with my children.

1. Good supporting sentence It’s an example of why I felt I was in prison.




Swimming pools can be beautiful, but they need to be maintained everyday. First, you must check
the amount of chlorine in a swimming pool. (1) If there is not enough chlorine, the pool might begin to
grow algae. In addition, you must check the pH level, especially after a rainstorm. Certain chemicals can
be added to make sure that the pH level of the pool water is balanced. (2) If you accidentally swallow
some of these chemicals, you have to go to the doctor immediately. (3) Finally, you should remove any
leaves and small insects that are in the pool. By doing all these things, you can be sure that your pool
will last a very long time.




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1. A modern Thanksgiving is similar in many ways to the first Thanksgiving.

The first Thanksgiving took place almost four hundred years ago.
It took place in the English colony of Massachusetts.

2. In 1620, the Pilgrims arrived in Plymouth, Massachusetts.

The Pilgrims were a religious group in England.

3. The Pilgrims came to the New World.

Their religion was different from the main religion in England. (use ‘because’)

4. The Pilgrims’ first winter was very hard.

Almost half of the group died.

5. They died of hunger. They died of cold. They died of disease.

6. The Indians of Massachusetts helped them.

They did this during the next year. (put the time expression first)

7. The Indians taught the newcomers how to hunt.

The Indians taught the newcomers how to grow corn.
The Indians taught the newcomers how to survive in the New World.

8. The next winter came.

The Pilgrims had enough food.

9. They were grateful.

They had a feast to give thanks.

10. They shared food with the Indians.

They shared friendship with the Indians.
They invited the Indians to the feast. (use ‘whom’)

11. A modern Thanksgiving is similar in spirit to the first Thanksgiving.

The food is probably different.

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12. Today, Americans eat turkey.

The Pilgrims and the Indians probably ate deer.




1. A greater mistake has never been made.


2. The use of language is to conceal the thought.


3. Romulus founded Rome.


4. Romulus founded Rome.


5. When all were seated, a noise was suddenly heard outside.


6. No man has greater love than this.


7. Nelson destroyed Napoleon’s fleet.


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8. Nelson destroyed Napoleon’s fleet.


9. Nelson destroyed Napoleon’s fleet.


10. She understood her children, enjoyed housework, and worshiped her husband. (Emphasize her

11. I was impressed by compassion.


12. We were very angry when we missed our flight to Miami.


13. We should consider our budget.


14. Conditions in the small country have grown severe so refugees have risked death to escape.


15. Though she is very beautiful, she did not win the contest.



Example: The person got out of the car.

The elderly man painfully lifted himself out of the white Buick Station wagon.

The fans enjoyed the victory.

Many of the 50,000 fans stood, waved blanket, and cheered wildly when Barnes scored
the winning goal.

1. The lunch was not very good.


2. The animal ran away.


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3. An accident occurred.


4. The instructor came into the room.


5. The machine did not work.

6. The crowd grew restless.
7. I relaxed.

8. The room was cluttered.


9. The child threw the object.


10. The driver was angry.



Traveling is not only a good way for people to relax and escape the pressure of daily routines, but it
is also very educational. Traveling teaches people a lot about other cultures. Visiting other places can
also improve communication skills. Finally, traveling can make a person interested in studying at
college or university. Traveling is a good way to learn.

Sentence Question
Traveling is not only a good way for people to relax and escape the How is it educational?
pressure of daily routines, but it is also very educational.

Traveling teaches people a lot about other cultures. What does it teach?

Visiting other places can also improve communication skills. How?

Finally, traveling can make a person interested in studying at college or How?
Traveling is a good way to learn. Why?

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I. Features of a good topic sentence

A good topic sentence has the following features:

1. It controls or guides the whole paragraph.

When you read the topic sentence, you know what to expect in the paragraph.

2. A good topic sentence is not a general fact that everyone accepts as true.
Libraries have books is not a good topic sentence.

3. A good topic sentence is specific.

Tea is delicious is not a good topic sentence because it is too general. The reader does not
know what to expect in the paragraph. Green tea has many health benefits is a good topic sentence
because it is specific.

4. A good topic sentence is not too specific.

This monolingual dictionary contains more than 42,000 words limits the topic too much –
there is nothing else for the writer to say.

5. A good topic sentence often has controlling ideas – words or phrases that help
guide the flow of ideas in the paragraph.

II. Controlling ideas


Controlling ideas are words or phrases that help guide the flow of ideas in the

Here are some examples of topic sentences with controlling ideas. The controlling ideas have
been underlined.

1. The best season for kids is winter.

Explanation: Best season and kids are controlling ideas. The reader expects the paragraph to give
reasons and examples why winter is the best season for children.

2. Soccer is the world’s most popular sport.

Explanation: World’s most popular sport is the controlling idea. The reader expects the paragraph
to give a variety of information about soccer and why it is popular around the world.

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3. People from many different cultures live in Los Angeles.

Explanation: Many different cultures is the controlling idea. The reader expects the paragraph to
include information about various groups of people to make up the population of Los Angeles.

4. Many language students prefer bilingual dictionaries to monolingual dictionaries.

Explanation: Language students and prefer bilingual to monolingual are the controlling ideas. The
reader expects the paragraph to explain why this sentence is true.

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I. Read the topic sentences and underline the controlling ideas. Then explain what
information you expect to find in the paragraph.

1. The SAT contains two distinct sections that deal with two different skills.
Explanation: __________________________________________________________________________________

2. The shocking crash of a 747 jumbo jet off the coast of New York has baffled investigators.
Explanation: __________________________________________________________________________________

3. Though buying a house may seem appealing, renting an apartment has many advantages.
Explanation: __________________________________________________________________________________

4. Recent research has confirmed that eating dark green, leafy vegetables such as broccoli and
cabbage may reduce the risk of some types of cancer.
Explanation: __________________________________________________________________________________

5. Crossword puzzles are not only educational and fun but also addictive.
Explanation: __________________________________________________________________________________

II. Read the sentences in each number. Choose the best topic sentence. Underline the
controlling idea(s) in that sentence. Be prepared to explain your answers.

1. _____ Most of the girls in the class get higher grades in Spanish than the boys.
_____ Research has shown that girls are better at languages than boys.
_____ Many students like languages very much.

Explanation: __________________________________________________________________________________

2. _____ Cats are better pets than dogs for many reasons.
_____ Cats and dogs are both mammals.
_____ Cats can’t swim very well, but dogs can.

Explanation: __________________________________________________________________________________

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3. _____ Yesterday, I didn’t have lunch with my co-workers.

_____ Yesterday, I went to work late.
_____ Yesterday was the worst day of my life.

Explanation: __________________________________________________________________________________

4. _____ Some people call George Washington the Father of our country.
_____ Because of his numerous contributions to the United states, George Washington is often
called the Father of our country.
_____ George Washington became President of the United States in 1789, and he is often called
the Father of our country.

Explanation: __________________________________________________________________________________

5. _____ Many Canadians speak French, and some of them speak Chinese and Japanese.
_____ The current population of Canada is a reflection of the international background of its
citizens and immigrants.
_____ A large number of new immigrants live in the western province of British Columbia, but not
many of them speak German.

Explanation: __________________________________________________________________________________

III. Read each paragraph and write a good topic sentence for it.

1. _________________________________________________________________________________________

Some move to find better jobs or to advance their careers. Others are attracted to places with
better weather. Still others want to move to a place with less crime. Finally, may people want to move
to a place with a lower cost of living.

2. _________________________________________________________________________________________

The Romans gave garlic to their slaves for strength and to their soldiers for courage. During the
Middle Ages, some people used garlic to keep witches away. In the 18th century, it was used to cure
diseases. Even today, some people believe that eating garlic can prevent colds.

3. _________________________________________________________________________________________

Most colleges have at least one video game. These games, which costs 50 cents to play, make
hundreds of dollars per week and thousands of dollars per year! In many cases, the schools use the
money from the machines for school improvements and scholarships.

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4. _________________________________________________________________________________________

Young people tend to buy them because they want to look ‘cool’ to their friends. It’s much easier to
get a date if you drive a Corvette Stingray than if you borrow your father’s station wagon. Wealthy
people, however, enjoy sports cars because they want to show others that they have ‘status’ in their
community. I’ve never seen a doctor or a lawyer driving around in an old Volkswagen. Finally, sports
cars appeal to adventurers. These are people who like to take risks on the road. Whatever the reasons, I
think sports cars are here to stay!

5. _________________________________________________________________________________________

One is size. Dinosaurs were much, much larger than any animal we have on Earth today. Second,
the legs of most reptiles today are on the sides of their body. Dinosaurs’ legs, however, were on the
bottom of their body. In this way, dinosaurs could stand up on their back legs.

6. _________________________________________________________________________________________

First, your body will look better. Exercise is perfect for staying trim and healthy-looking, and it’s
more fun than dieting. Second, you will actually have more energy. A person who exercises will have
fewer problems walking upstairs or climbing hills. In addition, your heart will be healthier. A good,
strong heart is necessary for a long, healthy life. Finally, exercise reduces stress and keeps your mind in
shape. So, if you want to improve your overall health, exercise is an excellent method.

7. _________________________________________________________________________________________

It is without doubt one of the easiest foods to eat. You don’t need any special utensils. It doesn’t
have to be served piping hot like some foods do. In addition, with only 20 calories per cup and almost no
fat, it is both a filling and a heart-friendly snack. Furthermore, it can be an important source of natural
fiber, a substance that has been shown to be important in limiting certain types of cancer. Based on this
information, can anyone be surprised that sales of popcorn are soaring all across the country?

8. _________________________________________________________________________________________

In this method, learners form their own sound association between the foreign language word they
are trying to learn and any word in their native language. In the second stage, learners form an image
link between the target word and the native language word. For example, a Japanese learner of English
might look at the English word hatchet and connect it to the Japanese word hachi, which means ‘eight’.
In his head, the learner might remember that he can use a hatchet eight times to cut down a tree. An
English speaker learning Spanish might remember the word trigo (wheat) by using the English words
tree and go. For some people, this particular method is effective.

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9. _________________________________________________________________________________________

I was very young and it was the first time my parents let me go out in public without them. I was
excited. My friends and I had seats near the stage. We had to push through crowds of people to get to
our seats. As we sat down, the lights dimmed and the crowd grew silent. Then, in a flash of light, the
band rushed on stage. The guitars blared and the drums crashed. The music was deafening! Everyone in
the arena screamed and started to dance. My friends and I didn’t sit down all night. The next morning,
my legs ached and my throat was sore, but I didn’t care. I thought attending my first rock concert was
the most exciting grown-up thing I had ever done.

10. _________________________________________________________________________________________

For instance, climate affects the kinds of clothes we wear and even the colors we choose to wear.
Since it affects the kinds of crops we can grow successfully, it influences our eating habits. Architecture
is also affected by climate. Engineers and architects must think about climate when they make decisions
about the construction, materials, design and style of buildings. Even our choices in transportation are
determined by the climate in which we live. Climate also plays a big part in economic development. A
climate that is too hot, too cold, or too dry makes farming, industry, and transportation difficult and
slows down economic development.

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- Good supporting sentences are related to the topic sentence and its controlling ideas.
- Good supporting sentences give information that supports and explains the topic of the paragraph.
They answer questions Who? What? Where? When? Why? and How? and give details.


Good supporting sentences:

1. Explain
Ex: The family move from the village to the capital for economic reasons.

2. Describe
Ex: She lived in a lovely, three-story castle surrounded by a forest.

3. Give reasons
Ex: Larry finally quit his job because of the stressful working conditions.

4. Give facts
Ex: More than ten percents of the university’ s student population is international.

5. Give examples
Ex: Oranges and grapefruits grow in Florida.

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1. Topic Sentence: One of the best cities to visit on the east coast of the United States is
Washington D.C.


2. Topic Sentence: If you are looking for an interesting career, think about a flight attendant.


3. Topic Sentence: The person that I most respect and admire is my grandmother Carla.



1. Smoking should be banned in all public facilities.


2. Florida is home to four kinds of poisonous snakes.


3. Classrooms without windows have adverse effects on students.


4. Computer technology will one day eliminate the use of libraries.


5. Learning to play the piano is not as difficult as people think.


6. I will never forget the day my boyfriend broke up with me.


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1. The best vacation of my life was during the summer of 1996.

- -
- -

2. One of the happiest things people have in life is to have a best friend.
- -
- -

3. One of my most favorite sports is football.

- -
- -

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The concluding sentence is the last sentence of the paragraph. Its job is to bring the paragraph to
a logical conclusion.
There are many different ways to write a concluding sentence. We will look at two common ways:


Perhaps the easiest concluding sentence to write is the one that restates the main idea or
summarizes the main points of the paragraph.

Ex1: Kids and pets

At some point, most parents have to decide whether to allow their children to have pets. Some
parents believe that pets teach children a sense of responsibility because children have to learn how to
take care of pets. In addition, many parents feel that pets can be fun for the family. Pets can also help
children become more compassionate. On the other hand, some parents are afraid that their children
might hurt the animals, or that these animals might hurt the children. Cats are good pets, but I don’t
like them when they shed hair on the furniture. Often these parents do not allow their children to have
any kind of pet. Other families do not have the extra time or money that pets require. Although many
children want a pet, parents are divided on this issue for a variety of important reasons.

Concluding sentence: Although many children want a pet, parents are divided on this
issue for a variety of important reasons.
The information in this concluding sentence is very similar to that of the topic sentence: At some
point, most parents have to decide whether to allow their children to have pets. In addition, the
concluding sentence includes the phrase ‘a variety of important reasons’ because the paragraph lists
several reasons for allowing or not allowing children to have pets.

Ex2: Computers can be a student’s best friend.

Computers are excellent machines to help students. Before computers, students had to go to the
library to do long, boring research. Many times students would read for four or five hours before finding
something that was useful. These days, however, students can even use computers in their home to
obtain the information that they need. Some computers are very expensive. My friend bought a computer
that cost almost three thousand dollars. Computers have certainly made student’s lives much easier.

Concluding sentence: Computers have certainly made student’s lives much easier.
This concluding sentence also restates the idea of the topic sentence: Computers are excellent
machines to help students. The examples in the paragraph show how computers help students in their
class work, and the concluding sentence emphasizes this fact.

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Another common way to end a paragraph is to make a prediction about some aspect of the topic.

Ex3: Rules of childhood

My parents were very strict with me when I was a child. I think that they were protective because
I was an only child. However, at that time I felt like I was in prison. I had to come straight home after
school and immediately do my homework. After I finished my homework, I was allowed to watch only
one hour of television. While my friends were playing video games or watching cartoons, I was usually
doing chores around the house to help my mother. This included doing some of the laundry and ironing,
mowing the lawn, and helping to prepare dinner. My father was an architect and my mother was a
housewife. Looking back, I am not sorry for all the hard work, but I will probably be less strict with my

Concluding Sentence: Looking back, I am not sorry for all the hard work, but I will
probably be less strict with my children.
The writer connects the topic of the paragraph to a future situation related to the topic sentence:
My parents were very strict with me when I was a child.

Ex4: Maintaining your pool

Swimming pools can be beautiful, but they need to be maintained everyday. First, you must check
the amount of chlorine in a swimming pool. If there is not enough chlorine, the pool might begin to grow
algae. In addition, you must check the pH level, especially after a rainstorm. Certain chemicals can be
added to make sure that the pH level of the pool water is balanced. If you accidentally swallow some of
these chemicals, you have to go to the doctor immediately. Finally, you should remove any leaves and
small insects that are in the pool. By doing all these things, you can be sure that your pool will last a
very long time.

Concluding Sentence: By doing all these things, you can be sure that your pool will last
a very long time.
In this paragraph, the writer makes a prediction about your pool if you follow the advice in the
topic sentence: Swimming pools can be beautiful, but they need to be maintained everyday – and the
supporting sentences.

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College adjustments

When I first started going to college, I was surprised at all the studying I had to do. In high-school
I hardly ever studied, but my grades were very good. At the university, it seemed that all my professors
gave me mountains of homework every night. They all thought that their class was the most important !
I couldn’t watch TV anymore because I had to read pages and pages of information. As a result, my
nights out with my friends became limited. I went out only on Saturday nights. It was a big change from
high-school, where I went out every other night. Although I was surprised at first at the amount of work
I had to do, I managed to change my habits and become a very good university student.

Topic sentence:

Unrelated sentence(s):

Concluding sentence:

River turtles

Caring for river turtles is easier than many people think. You don’t need a lot of equipment, just a
large aquarium, some rocks, sand, and a little bit of vegetation. After you buy the equipment, arrange all
the items inside the equipment. Remember to make sure that your river turtles have an area for
swimming. If you have a large turtle, you will need to construct a small pond in your back yard. After
you have finished these simple steps, your home is ready for your new pet.

Topic sentence:

Unrelated sentence(s):

Concluding sentence:

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Different ways to cook eggs

There are four easy ways to prepare a delicious and nutritious egg. Some people believe that brown
eggs taste better than white eggs. The first and probably the easiest way is to boil an egg. Just drop the
egg into some water and wait a few minutes for the inside to cook. Another easy way is to scramble an
egg. All you need is a fork to beat the egg mixture before you put it into the hot frying pan. A third way
is to fry an egg ‘over easy’. This involves breaking the egg into the skillet without breaking the yolk.
After a few moments, take the spatula and turn the egg over to cook on the other side. Finally, poaching
an egg involves cooking the egg in a small dish that is sitting in boiling water. Break the egg into a
small metal cup that is sitting in a pan of very hot, shallow water. Poaching an egg takes only four to
five minutes.

Topic sentence:

Unrelated sentence(s):

Concluding sentence:

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For the Integrated Task, you will read a passage about an academic topic. You will have 3 minutes
to read the passage. You may take notes on the passage while you read. The passage will then be
removed and you will listen to a lecture about the same topic. While you listen, you may also take notes.
Then you will write a response to a question that asks you about the relationship between the
lecture you heard and the reading passage. Try to answer the question as completely as possible using
the information from the reading passage and the lecture. The question does not ask you to express your
personal opinion. It will be evaluated for content (accuracy and completeness), and for appropriate use of
language and sentence structure. In your response, you should show that you understand the major ideas
and important information in the passage and lecture, and their relationship You will be able to see the
reading passage again when it is time for you to write. You may use your notes to help you answer the
question. You will have 20 minutes to write your response.

Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words. You need to demonstrate your ability to
write well and to provide complete and accurate content. Remember, you can look at the passage again
when you write your response. Immediately after the reading time ends, the lecture begins.
Below is an example of the integrated task, the response with annotations that explain why the
response received its score.


First, examinees see the following reading passage on their computer screen for three minutes:

In many organizations, perhaps the best way to approach certain new projects is to assemble a
group of people into a team. Having a team of people attack a project offers several advantages.
First of all, a group of people has a wider range of knowledge, expertise, and skills than any single
individual is likely to possess. Also, because of the numbers of people involved and the greater
resources they possess, a group can work more quickly in response to the task assigned to it and
can come up with highly creative solutions to problems and issues. Sometimes these creative
solutions come about because a group is more likely to make risky decisions that an individual
might not undertake. This is because the group spreads responsibility for a decision to all the
members and thus no single individual can be held accountable if the decision turns out to be
Taking part in a group process can be very rewarding for members of the team. Team members
who have a voice in making a decision will no doubt feel better about carrying out the work that is
entailed by that decision than they might doing work that is imposed on them by others. Also, the
individual team member has a much better chance to “shine,” to get his or her contributions and
ideas not only recognized but recognized as highly significant, because a team’s overall results can
be more far-reaching and have greater impact than what might have otherwise been possible for
the person to accomplish or contribute working alone.

A narrator then says, “Now listen to part of a lecture on the topic you just read about.”

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Then examinees listen to and can take notes on the following lecture, the script of which is given below.

They view:
A picture of a male professor standing in front of a class.
They listen to:

(Professor): Now I want to tell you about what one company found when it decided that it
would turn over some of its new projects to teams of people, and make the team responsible for
planning the projects and getting the work done. After about six months, the company took a look
at how well the teams performed.
On virtually every team, some members got almost a ‘free ride’ ... . They didn’t contribute much
at all, but if their team did a good job, they nevertheless benefited from the recognition the team
got. And what about group members who worked especially well and who provided a lot of insight
on problems and issues? Well... the recognition for a job well done went to the group as a whole,
no names were named. So it won’t surprise you to learn that when the real contributors were
asked how they felt about the group process, their attitude was just the opposite of what the
reading predicts.
Another finding was that some projects just didn’t move very quickly. Why? Because it took so
long to reach consensus... . It took many, many meetings to build the agreement among group
members about how they would move the project along. On the other hand, there were other
instances where one or two people managed to become very influential over what their group did.
Sometimes when those influencers said “That will never work” about an idea the group was
developing, the idea was quickly dropped instead of being further discussed. And then there was
another occasion when a couple influencers convinced the group that a plan of theirs was ‘highly
creative’. And even though some members tried to warn the rest of the group that the project was
moving in directions that might not work, they were basically ignored by other group members.
Can you guess the ending to this story? When the project failed, the blame was placed on all the
members of the group.

The reading passage then reappears and the following directions and question appear on the screen:
They read:

You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response will be judged on the
basis of the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the
lecture and their relationship to the reading passage. Typically, an effective response will be
150 to 225 words.
They respond to:
Summarize the points made in the lecture you just heard, explaining how they
cast doubt on points made in the reading.


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The lecturer talks about research conducted by a firm that used the group system to handle their
work. He says that the theory stated in the passage was very different and somewhat inaccurate when
compared to what happened for real.
First, some members got free rides. That is, some didn’t work hard but got recognition for the
success nonetheless. This also indicates that people who worked hard was not given recognition they
should have got. In other words, they weren’t given the opportunity to shine. This directly contradicts
what the passage indicates.
Second, groups were slow in progress. The passage says that groups are more responsive than
individuals because of the number of people involved in their aggregated resources. However, the
speaker talks about how the firm found out that groups were slower than individuals in decision making.
Groups needed more time for meetings, which are necessary procedures in decision making. This was
another part where experience contradicted theory.
Third, influential people might emerge, and lead the group towards glory or failure. If the influent
people are going in the right direction there would be no problem. But in cases where they go in the
wrong direction, there is nobody that has enough influence to counter the decision made. In other words,
the group might turn into a dictatorship, with the influential party as the leader, and might be less
flexible in thinking. They might become one-sided, and thus fail to succeed.


Once you read past what seem to be the results of poor typing, this Benchmark 5 does an excellent
job of presenting the points about the contribution and recognition of group members as well as about
speed of group decisions. The final paragraph contains one noticeable error (influent), which is then
used correctly two sentences later (influential). Overall, this is a successful response and scored within
(though perhaps not at the top of) the 5 level.

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In the integrated task in the Writing section of the Next Generation iBT TOEFL test, you will
need to read an academic passage as part of the task. In this part of the integrated task, it is important
for you to be able to read an academic passage of 250-300 words and take notes on the main points of
the reading passage in a short period of time. Look at the following example of a reading passage that is
part of the integrated writing task.

Reading passage

It is common knowledge that forecasting is an attempt by meteorologists to determine what

weather will be like in the future. Hind-casting is the opposite of forecasting, an attempt to
determine what weather was like in the past. Meteorologists wish that records of weather had
been kept in full for at least a few millennia, but it has been only in the last century that
detailed records of the weather have been kept. Thus, meteorologists need to hind-cast the
weather, and they do so by using all sorts of information from other fields as diverse as
archeology, botany, geology, literature, and art. These pieces of information from other fields that
are used as a basis for drawing conclusions about what the weather must have been like at some
point in the past are called proxies.

As you read the passage, you should take notes on the topic and main points of the reading
passage. Look at these notes on the topic and main points of the reading passage.

 Topic of reading passage: hind-casting (trying to determine what weather was like in the past)
 Main points about hind-casting:
- Detailed weather records kept for less than a century.
- Proxies (information from various other fields) used to hind-cast weather

 These notes show that the topic of the reading passage is hind-casting, which means trying to
determine what the weather was like in the past. The main points about hind-casting are that detailed
weather records were kept for less than a century and that proxies, which are pieces information from
various other fields are used to hind-cast weather.

The following chart outlines the key information you should remember about dealing with the
reading passage in the integrated writing task.

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Make sure that you understand (and take notes on) the topic of the reading

Then focus on (and take notes on) the main points that are used to support
topic of the reading passage.


Read the excerpt. Then, with a partner, discuss the answers to the following questions.

Polygamy, Society, and Religion

Many people around the world believe that marriage is a union between one man and one woman.
In most societies, polygamy-when a man has more than one wife at one time-is not practiced. In fact, it
is illegal in most societies, including the United States.
Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, three of the world's major religions, do not encourage polygamy.
In fact, Christianity and Judaism strictly prohibit polygamy. It is not acceptable according to their
religious teachings.
Islam, on the other hand, does not encourage polygamy, but it does not completely prohibit it
either. In some countries where the government is run according to Islamic law, polygamy is sometimes
possible. Islam recognizes that there are cases in life when polygamy might be the best choice. For
example, if a man dies, leaving his wife and children alone, another man who is married might marry
this woman in order to give her the social support of a husband and family.

1. What is polygamy?

2. How is polygamy viewed by each of the following religions?

Christianity: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________

Judaism: _______________________________________________________________ ____________________
Islam: __________________________________________________________________ ____________________

Read the excerpt. As you read, complete the outline.

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Anthropomorphism is giving human abilities or traits to an animal or an object that is not human.
The word anthropomorphism comes from the Greek word anthropos, which means ‘human’, and from
morphi, which means ‘shape’ or ‘form’. Therefore, together the words mean ‘human form’.
Anthropomorphism is common in the literature of ancient Greece. The ancient Greeks explained
natural events, emotions, and experiences through anthropomorphism. In Greek literature, Aphrodite
was the goddess of beauty and love. Literally, she was love and beauty in the shape of a woman.
Anthropomorphism is not limited to literature, however. People in everyday life use
anthropomorphism for a number of reasons. Imagine that you have a plant sitting near your window.
Day after day you see it leaning toward the window. You think to yourself that it wants to see out the
window. The plant cannot sit, nor can it look out the window; however, in an attempt to explain why the
plant was moving toward the window, we anthropomorphize the plant. We might say that it sits and
looks out the window, reaching for the light. A scientist might tell us that plants grow in the direction
of light. By using an anthropomorphic technique, someone who is not a scientist can make sense out of
an interesting or confusing experience.
Anthropomorphism can certainly make a story more interesting. However, more importantly, it
helps people to better understand events and experiences.


Definition: ___________________________________________________________________________________

Example 1: ___________________________________________________________________________________

Example 2: ___________________________________________________________________________________


Read the passage, then complete the outline.


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School-year Vacations

It used to be that parents took their children on vacation during the summer, when school was out
of session. But today, much more often than in the past, many parents take their children on vacation
during the school year. Although these children are away from school, sometimes for several weeks,
traveling itself serves a valuable educational function.
The most important educational benefit of taking children on vacation is that traveling exposes
children to new places and cultures. It is good for children to read about distant countries, but it is even
better to take them there. What students learn by meeting the people and absorbing the culture of these
places is something they could not learn in their classrooms.
Moreover, the benefits to the children who have been away from the classroom for several weeks
traveling continue after they have returned to their classes. Students who are in school every day of the
school year can easily lose enthusiasm for their studies. But students invigorated by time away return
with heightened excitement.
The trend of students taking vacations during the school year also has benefits for teachers. When
these students return to school, their knowledge and enthusiasm contribute positively to the entire
class. Teachers can ask the children to share stories of their travels with their peers and can
incorporate what they have learned from traveling into writing and reading projects. This makes lesson
development easier for teachers because the returning students' experiences provide a ready basis for
classroom discussions and projects.

Benefits of children’s traveling:

 Benefit 1: ____________________________________________________________________________

 Benefit 2: ____________________________________________________________________________

 Benefit 3: ____________________________________________________________________________


Read the excerpt. As you read, complete the outline.

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Antarctica is important for scientific research, and it must be preserved for this purpose. Scientists
are now looking at the effects of the ozone hole that was discovered above Antarctica in 1984. They are
also trying to understand global warming. For instance, if the earth's temperature continues to increase,
the health and safety of every living thing on the planet will be affected. Astronomers are able to see
planets and stars very clearly from Antarctica. Biologists have the chance to learn more about the
animals that live in this frozen land. Other scientists study the plant life to understand how it can live
in such a harsh environment. They also study the Earth to learn more about how it was formed. There
are even psychologists who study how people behave when they live and work together in such a remote
However, when tourist groups travel to this part of the world, they take scientists away from their
research. The work that scientists do there is difficult, and some projects can be damaged by such
simple mistakes as opening the wrong door or bumping into a small piece of equipment. In addition,
tourists in Antarctica can also hurt the environment. Members of Greenpeace, one of the world's leading
environmental organizations, complain that tourists leave trash on beaches and disturb the plants and
animals. In a place as frozen as Antarctica, it can take 100 years for a plant to grow back, and tourists
taking pictures of baby penguins may not pay close attention to what their feet are stepping on. Oil
spills are another problem caused by tourism. In 1989, one cruise ship caused an oil spill that killed
many penguins and destroyed a five-year scientific project.

Main idea: Antarctica is an important resource; but it is threatened by tourism

What scientists study:

1. ___________________________________________ 5. ___________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________ 6. ___________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________ 7. ___________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________

Effects of tourism:

1. _____________________________________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________________________________


Read the excerpt. As you read, complete the outline.

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Cosmetic Surgery

Although diet and exercise are still popular ways of improving one's appearance, there are some
parts of the body that cannot change without the help of a cosmetic surgery.
In the past, American women used to spend weeks repeating words that started with the letter p
because they wanted to change the shape of their mouths. Today, a cosmetic surgeon can reshape the
nose or lips in a few hours. Rhinoplasty, the reshaping of the nose, can greatly improve a person's
appearance. People who cannot lose weight in certain areas of their bodies through diet or exercise can
use liposuction, which is the surgical removal of body fat, to make their bodies slimmer.
Surprisingly, cosmetic surgery has been used for centuries in China and India. In India, for
instance, in the sixth century, noses were actually recreated with plastic surgery and had been cut off as
a punishment. Today, cosmetic surgery is used in many countries to improve the appearance of people
who have been hurt in fires or in car accidents. Cosmetic surgery is also used to improve the appearance
of children who are born with physical problems.

1. What people have done in the past to change their appearance:


2. What people do today to change their appearance:


3. Reasons for people to have plastic surgery:


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Read the excerpt. As you read, complete the outline.

A well-known example of a different style of marriage is found among the early Mormons, a
Christian religion that began in the United States.
The group's first leader, Joseph Smith, believed that a man should be allowed to have several
wives. As the Mormon Church developed, many of the men followed Smith's teaching and married a
number of women. In 1854, one Mormon leader became a father nine times in one week when nine of
his wives all had babies.
At that time, the Mormons believed that it was a woman's duty to marry at a young age and to
raise as many children as possible. The Mormons viewed having children as a way of increasing the
number of faithful and making the church stronger.
Today, the Mormon Church, which calls itself the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints,
teaches that marriage should be a partnership between one man and one woman who will be together
not only during this life but also forever.

In the past Today

- A man should be allowed to: - Marriage is:

___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
- A woman’s duty was to: ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
- Having children was a way of:

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In the integrated task in the Writing section of the Next Generation iBT TOEFL test, you will
also be asked to listen to an academic passage as part of the task. In this part of the integrated task, it
is important for you to be able to listen to an academic passage of 1-2 minutes and take notes on the
main points of the listening passage as you listen. Look at the following example of a listening passage
that is part of the integrated writing task.

Listening passage
(Professor): Now let me talk about how hindcasting was used in one particular situation. This
situation has to do with the weather in seventeenth-century Holland. It appears, from proxies in
paintings from the time by numerous artists, that the weather in Holland in the seventeenth century
was much colder than it is today. Seventeenth-century paintings show really cold winter landscapes
with huge snow drifts and ice skaters skating on frozen canals. Since it's unusual today for snow to drift
as high as it is in the paintings and for the canals to freeze over so that skaters can skate across them
as they are in the paintings, these paintings appear to serve as proxies that demonstrate that the
weather when the paintings were created in the seventeenth century was much colder than it is today.

As you listen to the passage, you should take notes on the topic and main points of the listening
passage. Look at these notes on the topic and main points.

Topic: Paintings that are proxies showing weather in 17thcentury Holland colder than today
Details in 17th-century paintings showing colder weather:
- huge snow drifts higher than today's drifts
- skaters on canals that are not frozen today

These notes show that the topic of the listening passage is paintings that are proxies showing that
the weather in seventeenth-century Holland was colder than it is today, and the details in 17th-century
paintings that show that the weather was colder are huge snow drifts are higher than today's snow
drifts and skaters skating on canals that do not freeze today.

The following chart outlines the key information you should remember about dealing with the
listening passage in the integrated writing task.

Make sure that you understand (and take notes) on the topic of the listening
Then focus on (and take notes on) the main points that are used to support the topic
Main points
of the listening passage.

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Listen to a passage. Use the outline to take notes as you listen.

Why childhood amnesia occurs:

Possible causes:

 _____________________________________________________________________________________________

 _____________________________________________________________________________________________


Listen to a passage. Use the outline to take notes as you listen.

The Sahara in the past

1. 10,000 years ago: _____________________________________________________________________


2. 6,000 years ago: _____________________________________________________________________


3. 4,000 years ago: _____________________________________________________________________


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Listen to a passage. Use the outline to take notes as you listen.

Special subset of polysemic word

1. Definition of polysemic words: _______________________________________________________


2. Special subset of polysemic words: _______________________________________________________

3. Examples of polysemy:

a. Example 1: ____________________________________ and ___________________________________

(meaning: _________________________________________________________________ )
b. Example 2: ____________________________________________________________________________
(meaning: _________________________________________________________________ )


Listen to a passage. Use the outline to take notes as you listen.

Criticism of Mead’s research

1. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

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Read the passage. On a piece of paper, take notes on the main points of the reading passage.

Reading time: 3 minutes


Originally named after the Roman goddess of love, the planet Venus also used to be known as the
morning star and the evening star because it shines so brightly that it is visible on Earth even when
the Sun is only partially visible in the morning and the evening.
Why does Venus shine so brightly? One reason is certainly because Venus is so close to the Earth;
it is, in fact, the closest planet to Earth. However, its proximity to Earth is not the only reason that
Venus appears to shine so brightly. Another reason that Venus shines so brightly is that it is covered
with thick white clouds that reflect sunlight off of them.
For quite some, time, all that we have been able to see of Venus is the thick clouds that surround
it, and little else was known of the planet itself. Dozens of space probes were sent to Venus in the last
part of the twentieth century, and most of them were destroyed before they were able to send back
information about Venus's surface. One probe, however, did manage to transmit some messages before
it, too, failed.
From this one partially successful probe, numerous amazing facts about Venus have been learned.
The thick clouds that cover Venus, for example, are made of sulfuric acid rather than oxygen, and these
thick clouds never part to let any sunshine in at all. Most amazingly, the temperature on Venus is
extremely hot, somewhere around 900 degrees Fahrenheit.

The planet Venus

 Commonly known as: ____________________________________________________________________

 Characteristics:
o _________________________________________________________________________________________
o _________________________________________________________________________________________
o _________________________________________________________________________________________

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Listen to the passage. On a piece of paper, take notes on the main points of the listening

The planet Venus: surprising heat on Venus

 What is surprising about heat:

o ____________________________________________________________________________________________
o ____________________________________________________________________________________________

 Some possible explanations for heat:

o ____________________________________________________________________________________________
o ____________________________________________________________________________________________


Now answer the following question:

How does the information in the listening passage expand on the information presented
in the reading passage?

Preparation time: 1 minute – Response time: 20 minutes


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Read the passage. On a piece of paper, take notes on the main points of the reading passage.

Reading time: 3 minutes


The library at Alexandria was said to have been a marvel, the greatest collection of scholarship in
the ancient world. It was founded by Ptolemy I, the general that Alexander the Great installed as ruler
of the city named after himself. It was Ptolemy's son, Ptolemy II Philadelphus, who had the vision of
expanding the library to make it the largest collection imaginable.
Under Ptolemy II and those who followed, the library was expanded tremendously. Ptolemy II's
vision was to create a library with every Greek work ever written as well as with as many works from
other parts of the Western world as could be gathered together. The number of volumes, or scrolls, in
the library has been estimated at anywhere between 300,000 and 700,000.
A huge number of people were employed in preparing scrolls for the library, in as much as each
scroll to enter the library had to be copied by hand. Manuscripts were bought or borrowed ten from all
over the Western world to be copied and placed in the library (although it was rather common to copy
an original manuscript and then return the copy to the owner and keep the original for the library).
Ptolemy II often asked for manuscripts from foreign powers in return for traded goods, and manuscripts
were often demanded from citizens to pay debts to the government. In addition, any time that
manuscripts were found on trading ships in the port at Alexandria, the manuscripts were taken and
copied and added to the library. It was in these ways that so many manuscripts were collected in the
library at Alexandria.

Description of the library

 Founded by: _____________________________________________________________________

 Expanded by: _____________________________________________________________________

 Number of scrolls: _____________________________________________________________________

How scrolls obtained

 ____________________________________________________________________________________________
 ____________________________________________________________________________________________
 ____________________________________________________________________________________________
 ____________________________________________________________________________________________

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Listen to the passage. On a piece of paper, take notes on the main points of the listening

How library was destroyed

 thought to have been destroyed by Julius Caesar
o _________________________________________________________________________________________
o _________________________________________________________________________________________
o _________________________________________________________________________________________

 clues that Julius Caesar did not destroy the library:

o _________________________________________________________________________________________
o _________________________________________________________________________________________


Now answer the following question:

What further information does the listening passage provide to add to the information
presented in the reading passage?

Preparation time: 1 minute – Response time: 20 minutes


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Read the passage. On a piece of paper, take notes on the main points of the reading passage.

Reading time: 3 minutes


According to the law of unintended consequences, actions of individuals, groups, or governments

have effects, or consequences, that are unexpected, or unintended. These unexpected effects, or
unintended consequences as they are called in academic literature, are effects that are not planned when
an original action is taken, and the person or persons making the decision do not consider that these
effects may result from the action taken.
Unintended consequences may turn out to be positive or negative. Unintended consequences that
are positive may result, for example, from a decision by a city council to ban cars from Main Street in
the city. If, as a result of this decision, there is an unexpected effect that many citizens improve their
health because they need to park their cars and walk on a regular basis to get to the businesses that
line Main Street, then this is a positive effect. There can, however, also be negative consequences of this
decision by the city council to ban cars on Main Street. As a result of this decision, citizens decide that
it is too much trouble to get to the businesses on Main Street because they cannot take their cars there,
then they might decide to go to businesses elsewhere because it is easier to get there. A loss in the
number of customers visiting the businesses along Main Street would be a definitely negative effect of
the decision of the city council that was absolutely not intended by the city council when the decision
was made.


Listen to the passage. On a piece of paper, take notes on the main points of the listening


Now answer the following question:

How does the information in the listening passage add to the ideas presented in the
reading passage?

Preparation time: 1 minute – Response time: 20 minutes

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Read the passage. On a piece of paper, take notes on the main points of the reading passage.

Reading time: 3 minutes


Garlic, a member of the lily family with its distinctive odor and taste, has been used throughout
recorded history because it was considered to have beneficial properties. The earliest known record of its
use is in Sanskrit records from 3,000 B.C.
It was used as a medicine in ancient Egypt, where it was used to cure 22 different ailments. It was
also fed to the slaves who were building the pyramids because the Egyptians believed that, in addition
to keeping the slaves healthy so that they could continue to work, garlic would make the slaves stronger
so that they could work harder.
The ancient Greeks and Romans found even more uses for garlic than the Egyptians had. In
addition to using garlic to cure illnesses, as the Egyptians had, the Greeks and Romans believed that
garlic had magical powers, that it could ward off evil spells and curses. Garlic was also fed to soldiers
because it was believed to make men more courageous.
Quite a few seafaring cultures have also used garlic because they believed that it was beneficial in
helping sailors to endure long voyages. Homer used it on his Odysseys, the Vikings always carried garlic
on their long voyages in the northern seas, and Marco Polo left records showing that garlic was carried
on his voyages to the Orient.
Finally, even as late as early in the twentieth century, it was believed that garlic could fight
infections. Because of this belief, garlic juice was applied to soldiers’ wounds in World War I to keep
infections at bay and to prevent gangrene.


Listen to the passage. On a piece of paper, take notes on the main points of the listening


Answer the following question:

How does the information in the listening passage support the information presented in
the reading passage?

Preparation time: 1 minute – Response time: 20 minutes

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Read the passage. On a piece of paper, take notes on the main points of the reading passage.

Reading time: 3 minutes


Many species of Asian bamboo have rather unique flowering and seeding cycles. What makes these
cycles unique is that all the members of a species tend to flower and then seed at the same time;
something else that is unique is that these simultaneous seeding cycles generally occur at rather lengthy
intervals of perhaps fifteen to sixty years or more. This means that a particular species of Asian bamboo
may not flower and seed for many, many decades and then, when this species does flower and seed, all
of its members tend to flower at the same time and then simultaneously set tremendous quantities of
seeds before they die so that the seeds can grow into new plants.
One particular species of Chinese bamboo is a rather extreme example of the unique flowering and
seeding cycles of Asian bamboo. This species tends to flower and seed less than once a century, and,
when it does flower and seed; it does so throughout the world. This special Chinese species is known to
have flowered and seeded in the early 1700s and in the mid 1800s and then once again in the late
1960s. Its twentieth century flowering was quite well documented and showed how amazing the species’
flowering and seeding cycle is. Astoundingly, when this species of bamboo flowered and seeded in the
late 1960s, it flowered and seeded in widely divergent areas; the flowering and seeding of this species of
bamboo was noted in many parts of the world, including northern and southern Asia, North America,
South America, and Europe.


Listen to the passage. On a piece of paper, take notes on the main points of the listening


Answer the following question:

How is the information in the listening passage about the giant panda related to the
ideas in the reading passage on Asian bamboo?

Preparation time: 1 minute – Response time: 20 minutes

Page 51 of 53
TOEFL iBT 60 Writing – Student’s Course Book



Read the passage. On a piece of paper, take notes on the main points of the reading passage.

Reading time: 3 minutes


Joseph Heller's Catch-22 (1961) is one of the most acclaimed novels of the twentieth century. It is a
black comedy about life in the military during World War II. It features bombardier John Yossarian,
who is trying to survive the military's inexhaustible supply of bureaucracy and who is frantically trying
to do anything to avoid killing and being killed. Heller was able to use his own experiences in the Air
Force during World War II to create this character and the novel.
Even though Catch-22 eventually became known as a great novel, it was not originally considered
one. When it was first published in 1961, the reviews were tepid and the sales were lackluster. It was
not well received at this point at least in part because it presented such a cowardly protagonist at a
time when World War II veterans were being lauded for their selfless courage.
Within a few years of the release of the book, as an unpopular war in Southeast Asia was heating
up, Heller's Catch-22 found a new audience eager to enjoy the exploits of Heller's war-averse
protagonist. It was within the framework of this era that Catch-22 was newly discovered, newly
examined, and newly credited as one of the century's best novels.


Listen to the passage. On a piece of paper, take notes on the main points of the listening


Answer the following question:

How does the information in the listening passage add to the ideas presented in the
reading passage?

Preparation time: 1 minute – Response time: 20 minutes

Page 52 of 53


Read the passage. On a piece of paper, take notes on the main points of the reading

Reading time: 3 minutes


Hemophilia is a condition in which the blood either clots slowly or fails to clot at all. Most
people who get a little cut on a finger can put a bandage on the cut, and the cut on the finger will
heal because the blood will clot. A blood clot forms from the polymerization of protein fibers that
circulate in the blood. A number of protein factors take part in the process, and it is necessary for all
of the protein factors to function correctly for blood to clot. Hemophilia exists when any of the
factors is either missing or not functioning.
The most common kinds of hemophilia are hemophilia A (or classic hemophilia) and hemophilia
B (or Christmas hemophilia), which was named after the first person known to have contracted it.
Hemophilia A occurs when clotting factor 8 is not functioning properly; 85 percent those who suffer
from hemophilia have hemophilia type A. Hemophilia B occurs when factor 9 is not functioning
properly; almost all of the rest of those who suffer from hemophilia have hemophilia B.
Hemophilia is generally passed from mother to son, though sometimes it seems to develop
spontaneously in some women. Women carry the recessive gene but do not generally develop the
disease. A mother who carries the defective gene mayor may not pass it on to her children. If a
mother passes the defective gene to a daughter, the daughter will carry the gene but will most likely
not develop the disease. If a mother passes the defective gene to a son, then the son will most likely
develop the disease.


Listen to the passage. On a piece of paper, take notes on the main points of the listening


Answer the following question:

How is the information in the listening passage related to tile information presented
in the reading passage?

Preparation time: 1 minute – Response time: 20 minutes

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