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Rachel Keefe

Dr. R. Hauser
DIFF 510
Total Talent Portfolio

I. Status Information

a. School Description

This school district is in a rural setting in central New York. 45% of students at this

school are eligible for free lunch/ reduced price lunch (NYSED). This school district’s student

population is approximately 51% male and 49% female (NYSED). Ethnically, this school is 96%

white (NYSED). The other 4% is split evenly between black or African American, Hispanic or

Latino, Asian or Pacific Islander, and multiracial students (NYSED). This district reports 15% of

the student population as having a disability (NYSED).

The district has one consolidated mission statement: “[This District] is committed to

excellence for all students. Our mission is to graduate responsible and productive citizens who

embrace life-long learning. We work together as a team of dedicated, effective, and well-

supported professionals to provide a safe and nurturing learning environment” (2017). This

district is made up of four schools. This student attends the junior high school in this district,

which consists of sixth-, seventh-, and eighth-grade students. Between these three grades, there

are 481 students (NYSED). This student attends a variety of classes with different teachers

throughout the day. Her average general education class size is about 17. There is typically only

one teacher in the room. During her physical education class, her class size increases to 43.

There is a paraprofessional there to assist students who push in.

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b. Abilities

This student and her parents wanted her to be referred to as the pseudonym, Francis.

Francis is a 12 year-old female. Her family is made up of white, middle class, Catholics and

Protestants. Her mother and father both work full time. Her mother works in education as well as

on this school district’s board of education. Her father works in accounting in a neighboring city.

They have lived in the same house all of Francis’ life. She has attended all of her schooling in

this district as well.

Francis is the youngest of four children. She is the only female. Her brothers are ages 22,

19, and 15. Her two oldest brothers are attending college and come home to visit during school

recesses. Her 15 year-old brother attends school at the same district’s high school. Every child in

this family played sports and a musical instrument. Her older brothers have all played trumpet.

Francis commented that this was why she chose to play trumpet. She said, “We are a trumpet

family.” All of the children in Francis’ family participated in choir as well as the district’s

musicals and plays.

Each of her older brothers also played football from peewee level up through high school.

Francis plays soccer and basketball all year long. She also plays both indoor and outdoor

softball. Francis mentioned that just this year she decided to discontinue gymnastics because it

was interfering with her soccer practice. This past summer she participated in her first summer

lacrosse and conditioning camp. Francis also just finished her final year in the local Little League

baseball circuit. She proudly stated that although she sometimes had conflicts in her game

schedules, “I still made the All-Star Team Roster and they even let me pitch”. The family often

has a variety of games and practices during the week, but they plan to eat together as a family,

especially Francis’ favorite: “Friday Pizza Nights”.

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i. Course Grades

These grades were reported by Francis as her final grades in sixth grade. These grades

were verified by her parents.

Course Grade
Math A
Social Studies A
Science B+
Band A
Art A
Home & Careers A

ii. Test Scores

Her parents reported the state test scores for Francis from last year.

Subject Grade
Math 4

iii. Observations

Francis’ dedication to her extracurricular activities does not seem to impact her grades.

Francis’ father explains that it is often late when they return from games or practices in Syracuse,

Binghamton, or Rochester. Often she eats dinner, showers, and then it is time for bed. He says,

“Without even being told, [Francis] often gets her homework done on the bus to and from games.

I will hear her alarm go off at 6:00 to get ready for school and do her homework. Sometimes she

will even beat me downstairs”.

During Francis’ physical education class, she was selected as a captain for their lacrosse

scrimmaging match. She was called first to pick a colored hair tie, so she became captain of the

blue team. The other teams were yellow, white, and red. The class was set up in a tournament

style, with the gym split in half. The winners of the first two games faced off while the losers of
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the first games face off as well. Francis gathered her team and asked each of them if they had

played lacrosse before. Francis listened as each explained where they wanted to play and created

a line-up. Francis played goalie. During the game, Francis was heard shouting out encouraging

things like, “You’ve got her. Don’t worry about it”, “beat her”, “keep cradling”, and “great play”

as she watched the game unfold. As action grew close to her net, Francis would call out “got it”

and “mine” to indicate when she was in possession of the ball or going after it.

With a couple of minutes left in their first game, Francis made a save. One of her

teammates told her to run. She started running towards the other team’s net. A player from the

opposing team chopped Francis’ stick, causing her to lose the ball. The turnover led to a score.

One of the defensive players on Francis’ team apologized to her. Francis laughed and said, “It

wasn’t your fault. It was mine. You guys did what you could. We’ve got this”. She patted her on

the shoulder and smiled. Francis’ team ran the same play, dodging the girl who chopped her last

time, allowing Francis to score. Their game was tied and led to a shootout-style tiebreaker.

Francis’ teammate, Emma, asked if she would stay in goal. Francis asked if anyone else wanted

to try, but no one said anything. She grabbed her stick and walked towards her goal. In the best

of three, Francis saved two shots. The other goalie saved one. Francis later indicated that the

goalie for the other team played on the junior high lacrosse team.

c. Social/Emotional Behavior

i. Scales for Rating the Behavioral Characteristics of Superior Students


The cover of the score sheet is included on the next page.

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Francis scored above a 65% in each area. Her highest score was a 100%, under

Leadership Characteristics. Her next two highest scores were in motivation (94%) and creativity

(93%). Based on observations of Francis, she shows quality leadership characteristics. The high

scores in motivation are also evident based on observations and interviews with her parents.

Francis’ mother said, “[Francis] works hard. Although she has an obvious natural ability, she

works hard to continue to grow. We may get back from a practice, game, or even a

tournament…. She will set up for batting practice or set up her own drills. She never stops.”

ii. Observations

Based on the observation (see I.b.iii), Francis served as a leader in her physical education

class. She showed leadership qualities by asking for input and advice as well as being

encouraging and rising to a challenge. These qualities are reflected in her leadership score on the

SRBCSS. Francis was observed at a soccer tournament. This particular tournament, they played

three games, with an hour-to an hour and a half between games. This opportunity provided

insight into her social skills and interactions. During these breaks between games, many

teammates were eating lunch and visiting with their families. After finishing lunch, Francis

asked the coach for his cones and started setting up drills. Francis walked over to a teammate,

Sophie, and asked if she wanted to join. Francis and Sophie laughed as they dribbled through the

course she set up. More and more girls joined their drills. This behavior is reflected in the high

motivation score Francis received on the SRBCSS as well. Francis finished her lunch early and

decided to set up drills to warm up for the next game an hour before it started and before her

coach said anything to her. Francis explained later: “It is just fun. You get to do drills with your

friends without the whistles. The best part is being able to come up with fun ones you want to

do…plus you are all warmed up for your game and getting better”.
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d. Interests

i. Interest-A-Lyzer

The Interest-A-Lyzer is included in the following pages.

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Francis’ Interest-A-Lyzer presented a common theme: athletics. In the majority of her

questions, there are references to sports and athletics. If she were to write a book, it would be

about sports and titled, The Undefeated Goalie. If she could meet any three people, she would

meet athletes, even given the opportunity to meet people from the past. She also wrote about her

collection of gymnastics ribbons and sports medals. If going into space, 50% of her belongings

would be sports-related equipment. As she completed her list, she turned and asked, “Would I

have artificial gravity? I don’t want to get out of practice while I’m up there”. She also identified

that she often exercises and has designed her own fitness program/exercise regimen. This self-

discipline and motivation was also reflected in her observations and SRBCSS results.

e. Style Preferences

i. Learning Environment

After speaking with Francis, she described aspects of how she likes to learn. She said that

she prefers working with others, especially “when there’s enough time”. If something needs to be

done quickly, Francis prefers to work by herself in order to get it done right away. She also said

that when working with others, she prefers a smaller group of friends or people that she knows

well. Francis says, “It makes it a lot easier to work together when you know what everyone likes

to do and what they’re good at”. She went on to explain an example where she worked on a

presentation. She said there was a lot of technology involved and she liked working with groups

that were organized and had a lot of skills and ideas on how to use technology. “When people

work together and can use each other’s strengths it makes the end…thing…even better”. This

student said that physically, she prefers to work on the floor or at a table where she is able to

spread out her materials. She says that there are certain instances where she likes being able to

work by herself in order to do things her way (like homework).

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ii. Thinking Styles

The Thinking Styles Inventory Score Sheet is included below.

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Francis is in 7th grade so the 7th/8th grade female norms were used in the analysis. She

scored in the 90th percentile for legislative, hierarchic, monarchic, and oligarchic. This seems to

correspond with her highly-driven personality and goal-oriented behavior and motivations. She

scored very high on the local thinking style as well. She scored a 5.625, where the 90th percentile

for females is a 4.8. The manual describes local styles as liking “concrete problems” with “detail

work” and are often “down to earth”. This seems to fit Francis very well. Sports events have

structured environments with concrete problems and goals. As a soccer goal keeper, she often is

able to watch and analyze details in order to predict, anticipate, and improve plays.

iii. Expression

The Multiple Intelligences Inventory and its results are included on the next couple pages.
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Francis’ results show her strongest intelligences to be intrapersonal, kinesthetic, and visual.

This seems to correspond with Francis’ strength in sports. Her interpersonal intelligence allows

her to be very in touch with her own skills, ideas, values, and feelings. Her visual and kinesthetic

intelligences go together in regards to sports. She is able to visually learn plays through maps

and models and then apply and practice them physically. The introspective scores seem to

correspond with her internal motivations. Being self-aware is an asset to her as an athlete and

leader amongst her peers.

II. Student Work Products

a. Completed Works

Below is a link to a video of her practicing her front tuck for gymnastics (from August

2015). You will also see her score sheet from her YMCA National Gymnastics competition

(2014). Below that are also photos captured from her latest soccer tournament.

Francis placing 5th at YMCA National Gymnastics Competition.

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Francis’ team got silver medals at their last tournament in New Jersey.

Francis playing the field, driving towards the opposing team’s net.

Shots of Francis playing in goal.

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b. Works-in-Progress

Francis is the starting goalie for the high school junior varsity soccer team. She said that she

is hoping to get moved up to the varsity team for their sectional championships. She said that her

coach mentioned the possibility of her starting for the varsity goaltender within the next couple

of weeks because of a college visit.

Her softball team’s homepage: Francis is the only player who they place as shortstop. She plays

every position, other than pitcher.

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III. Student Goals

Francis and I talked about her plans for the future. She said, “I want to be on the US Olympic

Soccer Team”. I asked her when she wanted to go. She said, “2020 is too soon. I have to finish

high school and I need to get stronger and grow some more. I think maybe 2028 after I finish

high school and maybe some college. She was asked where wanted to go to college and what she

wanted to study. Her response: “I don’t know yet, but I at least want to play soccer. Whatever

school I go to has to have a dentist program”.

IV. Action Plan

a. Road Map to National Teams

Francis already participates in ODP (Olympic Development Program) for soccer.

Following her try-outs, Francis was one of three girls selected from New York. She attends

practices, training camps, and more through this organization. Her next camp will start over the

winter holiday break. As Francis gets older, there are a couple of organizations she can look to

join. The United States team advertises their Development Academy (

The club team that Francis would look to try-out for is Empire United (, which

is stationed out of Rochester, NY. They hold try outs every year (

development-academy). The current starting goal keeper for the Women’s United Stated team, Jane

Campbell, attended many of these style camps throughout her middle and high school years

before attending college to play Division I soccer for Stanford University


b. Division I School with Soccer and Dentistry Programs
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This season, these are the top 5 in Division I Women’s soccer.

Consistently, Stanford, University of North Carolina, UCLA, and Notre Dame are ranked

as the top soccer colleges in the United States. There typically is no premed major, so the Francis

should look at colleges with biology majors. Many pre-dental program requirements are met

through biology programs.

Of the above college listed, Stanford University advertises Stanford Predental

Association ( It is an organization that assists students on

their path to dental school. Similarly, the University of North Carolina has a MED summer

program that offers insights into the realities of attending medical or dental school

( UCLA also offers pre-dental courses to their

undergraduate students through their school of dentistry (

courses). Each of these schools has webpages linked to their athletics page. Here you can sign up
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notifications and contact them asking questions surrounding their athletic admission

requirements. Francis should start her inquiries and visits within the next three years to make

sure her names are on their mailing lists and in their systems.

Requirements for admission for the top three schools include:

 Stanford

· Application

· SAT w/ Essay or ACT w/ Writing Scores

· School Report (w/ counselor letter of recommendation)

· Official transcripts

· 2 Letters of Recommendation from teachers

· Midyear transcript (after Feb. 15th)

· Interview (Optional)

 University of North Carolina

· Application

· SAT or ACT test scores

· School Transcripts

 University of California at Los Angeles

· Official Transcripts

· Subjects described here (

· ACT w/ Writing or SAT

· Minimum GPA requirement 3.4 (out-of-state)

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c. Summary

Francis is right on track. She needs to continue to participate in these development camps

and tournaments in order to pursue her desire to make the Olympic team. However, due to the

time commitments, she will need to begin to focus solely on soccer. It is often recommended that

she look into getting an individual soccer coach or trainer in order to continue advancing her skill

outside of designated practices. She needs to continue participating in the development camps

and team tournaments. Next year, she should try out to be on Empire United’s 14U club team.

These opportunities will allow her to try out for the national U-15 team and work her way

up through the ranks. Specifically, within the couple of years, she should being to apply for the

national U-15 team. She will be able to participate in these teams while playing for her high

school and, eventually, her college career. Francis’ involvement in her school athletics and extra-

curricular activities, as well as the dedication she shows to her academics, will make her very

marketable to Division I schools with strong soccer programs.

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