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Delta Magazine Edits

1. A little more colour in Editor’s dress

2. Page 4, para. 4 line 7 change makes to make
3. Page 15 line 3 ‘the occasion marks not makes
4. Page 16 fifth line from bottom – handicraft items … not handicrafts
5. Page 17 – Para beginning: Delta sisters… put Hillary before Rhodd in line 4
6. Page 19 Delta Executive members – can it be shifted to p. 17? It is part of the Delta report.
7. Page 23 above ‘Benefits of Singing’ should be (Adapted from Mike Geary’s Nutrition Watchdog
8. Page 23 Health benefits of Singing – add ‘s’ to reduce – should read reduces stress…
9. Page 25 para.5 line 3 ‘year old neighbor who is blind’… change because her daughter… to and
whose daughter had to be …
10. Page 26 - line 7 should read … but the zeal with which she speaks …
11. Page 26 – para. 3, 1st line – colon after because:
12. Page 31 line 5 change been to being
13. Page 31 Having Fun Delta Style – please add Submitted by: Delkie Perriel
14. Page 42 Advert from SONIA please add Turner (Sonia Turner)
15. Page 43 –Valrey’s Thoughts – Please put a line or something between each thought so it does
not seem like one continuous thing.
16. CONTENT PAGE –Delete Delta Executive as a page; Delta at Fun bullet 4 should be Concerts

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