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Zach Boness

EDCI 635


Course Reflection

This course was vital to gaining a deeper understanding into what goes into created a
curriculum. Another key point that made me appreciate taking this class is, because it allowed
me to create a unit that I could use in my own classroom. This course that was beneficial in a
multitude of ways. I also gained a deeper appreciation for those who have to create
curriculums for their jobs.

When creating my curriculum I discovered there is a lot that goes into creating one.
Some of the different aspects that I used to create my curriculum entailed my curriculum
philosophy, rational, sequence, aims, goals, objectives, assessments, evaluation of the
curriculum, and different plans to implement the curriculum. I never knew how much goes into
making a curriculum.

Another key aspect that made this course beneficial is that I had just won the Century
Link Technology Grant which meant that I got my own chrome cart for my classroom. My goal
at this time was to make my whole social studies curriculum online. This was quite the
transition and this course allowed me to create a curriculum that was solely online. Since that
was blessed enough to win that grant this course was beneficial.

The first part of creating a curriculum is having a curriculum philosophy. With goals,
objectives, and a philosophy there is no direction which can make creating a curriculum
difficult. When going through creating a curriculum there was one key term that stood out to
me which was organization. One of my areas that I’m trying to improve in is being more
organized. If a person isn’t organized when creating a curriculum they will struggle.

Besides creating goals, objective and a philosophy it is important to create an

assessment that aligns with what is being taught. The reason this is important is because a
teacher wants to make sure they are assessing what is being taught overall, objectives. Then
after administering the assessment a teacher needs to time to evaluate the curriculum as a
whole to make sure it is helping teach what the educator is trying to present to the students.

The way the course was set up with creating a curriculum it was actually very beneficial.
This course was set up to create a curriculum in tiny chunks along the way. This helped me
become more organized and made this hard task less daunting in the long run. I was able to use
my final curriculum project and fully implement it into my classroom this year.

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