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Northern Nash High Date of Report: 3/10/2018


Inspiring Northern Nash Students to build a prosperous and meaningful future for themselves and their local and global communities.


-Students come first.

-Education is hope, providing choices and expanding horizons.

-Education is a shared responsibility among schools, families, and communities.

-Students need high expectations for success.

-Students learn best in a safe, nurturing environment.

-Diversity is valued when all people are treated with dignity.

-Learning is a life long journey for all.


Empowering diverse learners for global citizenship through quality education in a safe, nurturing environment.


• 1. We will increase our school's overall attendance rate from 92% to 94% by the end of the 2017-2018 school year.

Performance Measure(s)

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Performance Indicator: Students with excessive absenteeism will be placed on a daily contract.
Data Source: Powerschool Attendance Report Baseline Year: 2016-2017 academic Baseline: 0.92
Target Date: 2017-20218 Target: 0.94 Actual:

Performance Indicator: We will monitor school attendance by reviewing student attendance bi-weekly.
Data Source: Powerschool Attendance Reports Baseline Year: 2016-2017 academic year Baseline: 0.92
Target Date: 2017-2018 academic year Target: 0.94 Actual:

• 2. Effective implementation of the district instructional framework and interventions to increase student proficiency by 3%-5% points in all
state End of Course assessments by the end of 2017-2018 academic school year.
Performance Measure(s)

Performance Indicator: Administrators and other staff members will conduct weekly walkthroughs to monitor effective use of the
instructional framework, instructional time and, and strategies.
Data Source: Walkthrough Observation Tool Baseline Year: 2016-2017 Baseline: 50
Target Date: 2017-2018 Target: 80 Actual:

Performance Indicator: Biology Quarterly Benchmarks

Data Source: Schoolnet Benchmark Data Baseline Year: 2016-2017 Baseline: 58
Target Date: 2017-2018 Target: 61 Actual:

Performance Indicator: English II Quarterly benchmarks

Data Source: Schoolnet Benchmark Data Baseline Year: 2016-2017 academic year Baseline: 41
Target Date: 2017-2018 Target: 44 Actual:

Performance Indicator: Math I Quarterly Benchmarks

Data Source: Schoolnet Benchmark Data Baseline Year: 2016-2017 Baseline: 46
Target Date: 2017-2018 Target: 49 Actual:
Target Date: Target: Actual:
Target Date: Target: Actual:

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Performance Indicator: Students with a grade below 70 in any academic course will utilize remediation and intervention time to increase
the student's probability of being successful on state End of Course assessments
Data Source: Intervention Time Attendance Baseline Year: 2016-2017 Baseline: 60
Target Date: 2017-2018 Target: 85 Actual:

• 3. By the end of the 2017-2018 academic school year, Northern Nash will retain 90% of their staff and faculty while recruiting for highly
effective staff and faculty.
Performance Measure(s)

Performance Indicator: New teacher support

Data Source: Meeting Agenda/Minutes Baseline Year: 2016-2017 Baseline: 0.8
Target Date: 2017-2018 Target: 0.9 Actual:

Performance Indicator: Teacher Working Condition Survey overall rating of 95% satisfaction with the school.
Data Source: Teacher Working Condition Baseline Year: 2015-2016 Baseline: 90.8
Target Date: 2017-2018 Target: 95 Actual:

Data Review:
Needs Assessments, Accreditation Reports, Similar Feedback:

Student Outcome Data:

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2016-2017 Academic School Year

SchoolSubjectTotal TestedNumber ProficientPercentGrowth IndexNorthern Nash HighBiology764457.9Northern Nash HighEnglish II26610840.6Northern Nash
HighMath 124211246.3Northern Nash HighGrowth-7.65Northern Nash HighACT27211441.9Northern Nash HighMCR25124396.8Northern Nash
HighWorkKeys1379267.2Northern Nash High4 Year Grad27925290.3

Our Leadership Team’s progress in fully implementing Indicators and meeting Objectives:

Selected Indicators:
Curriculum and instructional alignment
A2.08 ALL teachers teach and model the metacognitive process (goals, strategies, monitoring, and modification) and specific learning strategies and
Data analysis and instructional planning
A3.01 Instructional Teams use student learning data to identify students in need of instructional support or enhancement.(5110)
A3.02 Instructional Teams track and maintain records of student learning data to determine progress toward meeting goals as indicated in students' IEPs.
A3.04 Unit pre-tests and post-tests results are reviewed by the Instructional Teams to make decisions about curriculum and instructional plans and to flag
students in need of intervention or enrichment.(5113)
A3.07 Instructional teams and teachers use fine-grained data to design for each student a learning path tailored to that student's prior learning, personal
interests, and aspirations.(5116)
Distributed leadership and collaboration
B2.03 The school has established a team structure among teachers with specific duties and time for instructional planning.(5143)

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High expectations for all staff and students
A1.04 ALL teachers assess student progress frequently using a variety of evaluation methods and make appropriate curriculum adjustments based on
A1.08 ALL teachers promote a growth mindset by attributing learning success to effort and self-regulation and insist upon and reward persistence to
Monitoring instruction in school
B3.01 The LEA/School monitors progress of the extended learning time programs and strategies being implemented, and uses data to inform
B3.05 The Leadership Team implements, monitors, and analyzes results from an early warning system at the school level using indicators (e.g.,
attendance, academic, behavior monitoring) to identify students at risk for dropping out.(5151)
Quality of professional development
C2.01 The LEA/School regularly looks at school performance data and aggregated classroom observation data and uses that data to make decisions
about school improvement and professional development needs.(5159)
Strategic planning, mission, and vision
B1.01 The LEA has an LEA Support & Improvement Team.(5135)
Student support services
A4.01 The school implements a tiered instructional system that allows teachers to deliver evidence-based instruction aligned with the individual needs of
students across all tiers.(5117)
A4.11 The school provides all students extended learning opportunities (e.g., summer bridge programs, after-school and supplemental educational
services, Saturday academies, enrichment programs).(5129)
Talent recruitment and retention
C3.01 The principal celebrates individual, team, and school successes, especially related to student learning outcomes.(5165)

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