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Math Lab
Bivariate Data in Real Life Project
Day 1

Do Now:


❏ I can construct and interpret scatter plots for bivariate measurement data
❏ I can describe patterns such as linear associations and nonlinear association
❏ I can consider how my perspective is different from other students’ perspectives

Step 1: Are you ready to use scatter plots in a project?

Equation: ____________________________ Equation:____________________________


Create a scatter plot using the data in the table:


Step 2: Background information -- your school history

1. How many schools have you attended since kindergarten? List the names of the
schools here:

2. Which of these schools are in the United States?

3. How do you think attending these schools has shaped your education? How might your
thoughts about school be different than that of someone who has attended a different
number of schools?

4. Have you thought about going to college before this year? Have you talked to anyone
about it (parents, teachers, coaches, friends)?

Math Lab
Bivariate Data in Real Life Project
Day 2

Do Now:
Draw a line of best fit for each scatter plot below. The write the equation of the line.


❏ I can construct and interpret scatter plots for bivariate measurement data
❏ I can describe patterns such as linear associations and nonlinear association
❏ I can consider how my perspective is different from other students’ perspectives

Step 3: Research -- school district information

1. Go to
and-success- how-your-school-district-compares.html?_r=0 (linked on Google
2. Search for the school districts you have attended that are in the United States
3. Write down the grade level average you see on the scatter plot in the table on the back
of this page
4. Google search for the percent of students in that district that attend college, and write
down the percent that you find in the table on the back of this page
5. Use as many rows as you need to for all of the schools you have attended in the United

School Name District Name Grade Level Average Percent of students

who go to college

Step 4: Reflection on Data

What questions does this information bring to mind for you about the education system?
Come up with at least two:

Math Lab
Bivariate Data in Real Life Project
Day 3


❏ I can construct and interpret scatter plots for bivariate measurement data
❏ I can describe patterns such as linear associations and nonlinear association
❏ I can consider how my perspective is different from other students’ perspectives

Step 5: Making a poster

You will be making posters in groups of 4. Each group will make one poster. Each group
member will bring two data points from their research yesterday.

Your group poster must show:

a. A scatter plot demonstrating average grade level vs. average college entrance (each
member of the group will plot two data points based on their research from yesterday)
b. Two questions that your scatter plot brings to mind about the education system (these
will be used for class discussion!)
c. Answer the follow questions on your poster:
i. Is this a linear or nonlinear association? (if linear, draw the line of best fit)
ii. Are there any outliers in the data? (if yes, circle them)
iii. Could you make predictions about college readiness based on grade level
according to your data?

Hints for your poster:

1. Make your x-axis Percent of high school students who attend college
2. Make your y-axis Grade level
3. Use color to make your poster “pop”!
4. Organize your poster so you have enough space to fit all of the information required

Math Lab
Bivariate Data in Real Life Project
Student Reflection

Instructions: The questions below will allow me to consider your thoughts and opinions about the
lesson covered in class. Your thoughts matter and I hope to use your feedback to improve as a teacher.
Please answer the questions below with as many details as possible.

How do you best learn, both inside and outside of school?




How did plotting your own data points and working in groups to make posters help you to learn?




How did this lesson address one of the most important issues in your class, school, or community?




What is one thing your teacher should change about this lesson next time? Why?




Thank you for sharing!


Math Lab
Bivariate Data in Real Life Project
Exit Ticket

2) Does the scatter plot show a linear or nonlinear association (circle one)? If it is linear, draw
the line of best fit on the graph above. Write the equation of the line here:

3) Explain the meaning of the slope and the y-intercept for this situation.

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