01 History of Cities and Site Planning (Hs225

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Urban design elements and Landscape
Report Outline

 What is the Topic ?

 Required information
 Length of report
 Consider the LAYOUT and Format
 Consider the graphics and Visual
 Consider the Due Date
How to Do your report?
 Do your Research plan
 organize your information
 Structure your Report
 write an outline & first draft
 re-write to improve the draft
 edit and proofread
 Don’t forget your references
What does a report include?
• Title page / Cover page
• Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Methodology and Analysis
• Results or findings
• Discussion
• Conclusion and recommendations
• References
How should your Cover look like ?

Times New Roman

 Use default Fonts like “Times new Roman font or Arial”
Sizes 18 – 16 – 14 – 12 in order.
 Number the pages of your report.

 Organize the formal layout (margins for printing and binding,

clear headings , numbering, headers and footers )
 Label all your illustrations and graphs.

 Always cite sources and page numbers when quoting statistics.

 Use single spacing and Justify for paragraphs.

 https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/r
 https://writing.wisc.edu/Handbook/
 Monash University – Honours
dissertation writing guide.
 http://www.canberra.edu.au/studysk
Urban design
Definitions. Terminology and elements
What is Urban Design ?

The discipline between

planning and

•The Art of creating

and shaping cities and
towns. It is making
connections between (Source: Myers and kitsue 2000 cited in the Swedish secretariat for future studies 2004)

people and places,

movement and urban
form, nature and the
built fabric.
What is Urban Design ?


 Urban Form refers to the physical layout , design of the city

and the way that city extends.
 Urban Fabric refers to the physical aspect of urbanism,
emphasizing building types, open space, frontages, and
 Urban Pattern refers to the way how different functions and
elements of the settlement form are distributed and mixed
together spatially.
Elements of Urban Design 1
1. Buildings
Buildings are the most pronounced elements of
urban design - they shape and articulate space by
forming the streetwalls of the city
2. Public Space
Great public spaces are the living room of the
city - the place where people come together to
enjoy the city and each other. Public spaces
make high quality life in the city possible
Elements of Urban Design 2
3. Streets
Streets are the connections between spaces and
places, as well as being spaces themselves. They
are defined by their physical dimension and
character as well as the size, scale, and character
of the buildings that line them.
4. Transport
Transport systems connect the parts of cities and
help shape them, and enable movement
throughout the city.
Elements of Urban Design 3
5. Landscape
The landscape is the green part of the city that
weaves throughout - in the form of urban parks,
street trees, plants, flowers, and water in many
The landscape helps define the character and beauty softscape
of a city and creates soft, contrasting spaces and
Green spaces in cities range from grand parks such as
Central Park in New York City and the
Washington DC Mall, to small intimate pocket Hardscape
parks like New York Highline in West Manhatten
What is Landscape?
 The word landscape comes from the
Dutch word landschap, from
-land(patch or area that comes from the
Basquish word landa meaning labored
earth) and
-the suffix -schap, corresponding to the
English suffix "-ship".
 brought over into English, of

'a picture depicting scenery on land'.

 http://www.urbandesign.org/ele
 Planning and Urban Design,
American Planning Association,
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2006
 Fort Collins Urban Design
Guidebook, Edition 1, May
2000, Fort Collins, Colorado

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