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SENSITIVITY TEST OF BACTERY of Staphylococcus aureus

TIME AND PLACE Monday, 13th March 2018

PRACTITIONER Dra. Sri Sinto Dewi

GOAL - To determine the bacterial response to antibiotics

- To Establish drug therapy for infection diseases caused by
Staphylococcus aureus
- To review the success of treatment
THEORITICAL Infections is a disease that often suffered by humans. Such as a
bacterial disease. Bacteria consists of various types, as gram
positive bacteria and gram negative bacteria. Every type of
bacteria has its own morphology, characteristics, and pathogens.
Because it has various characteristics and pathogens, so then the
bacterial response to antibiotics also variety. Some are resistant
or sensitive. So that sensitivity test is necessary to heal humans
from infectious disease caused by bacteria with the right
EQUIPMENT AND 1. Cawan petri, used to put culture media
2. Eye Ose used to pick up and scratch the bacteriaw
3. Bunsen , used to sterilize the tools with heating
4. Lighters, used to light bunsen
5. Incubator, used to grow bacteria at the right temperature
6. Tube rack, used to put the tube
7. Tube, used to put bacteria in NaCl solution
8. Steril Cotton Bud, used to wipe bacteria onto MHA media
2. Standart Mc Farland
3. NaCl
4. Antibiotic Ciprofloxasin
5. Bactery of Staphylococcus aureus
PROCEDURES 1. Prepare the tools and materials to be used
2. Wear personal protective equipment
3. Place the cultured bacteria onto the tube rack
4. Heat the eye ose using bunsen
5. Take the bacteria using eye ose and place it on a tube
containing NaCl
6. Match the bacteria in the NaCl with the Mc Farland standart
7. If turbidity has been the same, take the bacteria using sterile
cotton bud
8. Wipe bacteria on sterile cotton bud onto the surface of MHA
media. Let stand for 5 – 10 minutes
9. Place antibiotic ciprofloxasin in the middle of MHA media
that already contain bacteria
10. Insert it into the incubator for 24 hours
11. Observe the clear zone formed around the antibiotic
RESULT Staphylococcus aureus is sensitive to ciprofloxasin antibiotic
because there is a clear zone 27 cm wide
DISCUSSION Sensitivity test is a suspectibility test of a bacteria to an
- Said the bacteria is sensitive if there is a clear zone around
the antibiotic
- Said the bacteria is resistant if there is not a clear zone around
the antibiotic.
Clear zones indicate that bacteria react with the antibiotics used.
Antibiotic kill bacteria by destroying the permeability of bacterial
cell walls and changed bacterial protein synthesis. Then the
bacteria will die and will not be able to grow around the
Large of clear zone will be measured to determine the sensitivity
of bacteria.
CONCLUSION We can conclude that Staphylococcus aureus is sensitive to
ciprofloxasin antibiotic because showing a clear zone of 27 cm
wide and can be used as a treatment theraphy for bacterial
infection disease.


TIME AND PLACE Thurday , 21st January 2018


GOAL - To know and learn the technique of making blood smear

- To know the picture of blood cells after painting
THEORITICAL Blood is a red liquid found in the human body and can be used to
find out a disease or any blood disorders. One of the main
functions of blood is to transport oxygen, cells, proteins,
hormones, and other substances around the body to the organs
and tissues.
The blood smear si one of blood test used to look for
abnormalities in blood cells. The three main blood cells that the
focuses on are :
- Red cells
- White cells
- Platelets
The blood smear is a preparation for a microscope on one side
coated with a thin layer of blood, colored by staining and
examined under a microscope.
EQUIPMENT AND 1. Objek glass
2. Tissue
3. Slide rack
2. Alkohol 70%
PROCEDURES 1. Prepare the tools and materials to be used
2. Take the object glass and clean it with alcohol 70% using
3. Drop one small drop of blood into the glass object
4. Place the other object glass to the drop of blood
5. Wait until the blood is spread on the side of the sliding glass
6. Slide the slider glass to the left with a inclination angle 30 -
45°. Don’t push too hard
7. Let it dry at room temperature.
RESULT Obtained a good blood smear and not serrated at the end of the
DISCUSSION There are several things that make blood smear is said to be good
or not. The condition of the blood smear can affect the reading on
the microscope.
Characteristic of good blood smear is :
a. The preparation does not extend to the edge of the object
glass (the length is 1/2 – 2/3 the object glass)
b. On the object glass there should be a thin section for
inspection. In the section the erythrocytes do no t accumulate
and do not compose the lumps of rouleaux.
c. The edge of the object glass should not be streaked or
d. The spread of leukocytes should not be bad. Leukocytes
should not accumulate on the edges of the dosage.

CONCLUSION The blood smear is prepared in good condition because the smear
is not widened and there is a thin region on the object glass.

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