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Name : Rahman said

Reg. Number : A1C515209

Study Organization Humble Diligent Honest

Good at manage the time Good personality

A good student

Good at develop skills or Good planning in the

talent future

Soft skills Hard skills Hobby Achievement Career

A Good Student

Nowadays students are the next generation that will make big impact in our country. So,
be a good students are very important. This is the characteristics of a good students namely has
good at manage the time, good personality, good at develop skills or talent, and good planning for
the future. First, the ability what students needed is good at manage the time in daily activities.
Sometimes they has many activities for example at study, organization and in the home. The way
to manage the time use schedule for daily activities. Make planning what will they do in that day
for example in Monday they review the material what they have learned before at 5 until 6 o’clock,
then they prepare before go to school or campus, at 7 o’clock they go to school or campus until 2
a.m. and the next activities. Second, students have various characters but they must have good
personality. Good personality needed in everywhere and everytime. Students must humble,
diligent, and honest for their study. Everyone like good personality so it is very important for
students. Third, student’s skill ability and talent must increase for their career. Two kinds of skills
are soft skills and hard skills, students get hard skill in the school or campus but they don’t get soft
skills. To develop their soft skill they can join with organization for example to learn about
leadership. Sometime many students have talent or hobbies, so they must develop their talent or
hobby for another skills. The last, students must have planning for the future like study goals and
career goals. When they have it very easy to decide their achievement. Their future will be very
clear because they already decide it.
Students are the next generation hopely can be good generation for our country. The good
students are they good at manage their time with schedule of their plan, they will have good
personality everywhere and everytime, Good students for good future and good generation.

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