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Part A : Effect of Concentration on Reaction Rate

1. Five 250 ml beakers have been obtained and labelled on each of the beakers
2. Sodium thiosulphate solution and distilled water was added into each of the beaker.
3. A small ‘X’ mark have been drawn on a sheet of white paper with a marker. Beaker 1
was placed over the ‘X’ mark. 5ml of HCl solution was added into the beaker and
timer was set once the acid touches the sodium thiosulphate solution. Then, the
mixture was stirred at a constant rate throughout the reaction.
4. Timer was stopped when the ‘X’ mark under the beaker was no longer visible through
the solution. The time was recorded in a table.

Part B : Effect of Temperature and Catalyst on Reaction Rate

1. 20 test tubes have been obtained and each 5 of the test tubes was labelled with A11,
A2, B1 and B2 respectively. An oxalic acid solution, sulphuric acid solution,
manganese (II) sulphate and potassium permanganate solution was added into the test
2. The mixture in test tube B1 and B2 was stirred using a glass rod.
3. Test tubes A1 and B1 was heated in the water bath at the temperature of 30°C, 40°C,
50°C, 60°C and 70°C.
4. The temperature in test tube A1 and B1 was measured. The heating was continued
until the temperature of the test tubes are exactly same as the temperature of water
5. Solution in test tube A1 was transferred into test tube B1.
6. Timer was started once the reaction began until the solution became colourless while
Time was recorded in a table.
7. Steps 3 – 6 was repeated for test tube A2 and B2 of each water bath.

1. Define “reaction rate” by giving an appropriate example

The speed at which a chemical reaction proceeds. It is often expressed in terms of
either the concentrations (amount per unit volume) of a product that is formed in a
unit of time or the concentration of a reactant that is consumed in a unit of time.
For example, the oxidation of iron oxide or well known as rusting. Rust forms when
oxygen reacts with iron but simply putting iron and oxygen together isn't sufficient. It
occurs in moist air and in water. Water act as catalyst in the reaction of oxidation of
iron to get rusted. Rust occurs more quickly in saltwater than in pure water

2. State all factors that will influence reaction rate.

Chemical reactions proceed at different rates. The factors that affect reaction rates are:
i. surface area of a solid reactant
ii. concentration or pressure of a reactant
iii. temperature
iv. nature of the reactants
v. presence/absence of a catalyst
Post Lab Questions
1. Explain the relationship between volume of sodium thiosulphate solution and time of
reaction. State the trend of the reaction rate.

1. Explain the relationship between volume of sodium thiosulphate solution and time of
reaction. State the trend of the reaction rate.
2. Explain the effects of temperature on the reaction time and the reaction rate.
3. Name the catalyst used in the experiment. Describe the functions.

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