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pr ac tic a l
includes All 53 chapters
ta n ya of the Tan ya in one book!

Cross references
to the classic Vilna
edition of Tanya.

Daily study cycle

is indicated.

Practical lessons
are highlighted Each chapter is divided
on virtually into clear sections.
every page. New research into
Tanya’s sources is
meticulously noted.

Hebrew text completely

Completely new reset with nekudos.
translation and
commentary, based The commentary guides
on the Rebbe’s you in the practical
teachings and shiurim implementation of the
of leading Mashpi’im. Tanya’s teachings.

An astoundingly clear adaptation of Tanya,

by Rabbi Chaim Miller one of the most influential works  of Jewish
spiritual thought ever written, penned by
Chasidic Rebbe, Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi (1745-1812).

This new translation and commentary, by best-selling author Chaim Miller,

renders the text relevant for the contemporary reader with elegant simplicity.
The Practical Tanya will guide you on the path of spiritual consciousness to a
state of inner freedom and liberation.

6" x 9" ˙ 720 pages Library
of Jewish
1.718.951.6328 Classics

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